Jurnal Sustainable Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Industri Terapan
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Published By Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

2615-6334, 2087-5347

Alena Uperiati ◽  
Martaleli Bettiza ◽  
Atika Puspasari

Ketidakseimbangan antara jumlah mahasiswa yang masuk dan keluar menyebabkan penumpukan jumlah mahasiwa, dimana mahasiswa masuk dalam jumlah besar namun jumlah yang lulus tepat waktu jumlahnya jauh lebih kecil. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan guna untuk mengklasifikasikan kelulusan mahasiswa mengunakan metode fuzzy c-means dan k-means. Perbandingan metode fuzzy c-means dan k-means digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil klasifikasi yang tepat dan akurat. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan pada fuzzy c-means, parameter terbaik yang mengahasilkan hasil klasifikasi yang mendekati akurat adalah nilai pangkat (w) 3, maksimum iterasi 50 dan nilai error 0.01 didapatkan nilai akurasi sebesar 81.91%. Sedangkan pada pengujian tingkat akurasi metode k-means didapatkan nilai tingkat akurasi sebesar 63 %. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa metode fuzzy c-means lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan metode k-means dalam klasifikasi kelulusan mahasiswa

Eko Prayetno ◽  
Tonny Suhendra ◽  

Salah satu pencemaran yang terjadi yaitu limbah minyak. Limbah minyak bisa menyebabkan kerusakan ekosistem laut, seperti makhluk hidup yang berada di wilayah pencemaran.  Pada umumnya  pencemaran  minyak  tidak  ditangani  secara  langsung, sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan secara berkelanjutan.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi limbah minyak dan memisahkan antara minyak dan air dengan cara penyaringan. Penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan perangkat Arduino uno untuk input photodioda, kontrol pada relay untuk mengaktikan pompa dan LED sebagai indikator pompa. Hasil pengujian keseluruhan dihitung dengan angka rata-rata. Jumlah minyak 1000 ml dibutuhkan dengan rata-rata waktu selama 11,8 menit, dengan total rata-rata pemisahan keseluruhan sebanyak 1142 ml, terdiri dari rata-rata 742 ml minyak dan 400 ml air. Pengujian dengan jumlah minyak 1500 ml dibutuhkan dengan rata-rata  waktu  selama 19,2  menit, dengan total  rata-rata pemisahan keseluruhan  sebanyak 1660 ml, terdiri dari rata-rata 1260 ml minyak dan 400 ml air. Pengujian dengan jumlah minyak 2000 ml dibutuhkan dengan rata-rata waktu selama 23 menit, dengan total rata-rata pemisahan keseluruhan   sebanyak 2164 ml, terdiri dari rata-rata 1740 ml minyak dan 444 ml air. Pengujian dengan jumlah minyak 2500 ml dibutuhkan dengan rata -rata waktu selama 32,6 menit, dengan total rata-rata pemisahan keseluruhan  sebanyak 2812 ml, terdiri dari rata-rata 2214 ml minyak dan 598 ml air.

Rusfa ◽  
Deny Nusyirwan ◽  
Eko Prayetno ◽  
Bagas ◽  
Prasetya Perwira Putra Perdana

The sale of fish is one of the main roles that is very important, in addition to getting the optimal price, the sale of fish is also very supportive of the economy of the region, especially the coast. In the sale of fish today still need a technological development in the field of calculation. The amount of fish and consumer demand makes fish sellers or fishermen unable to properly control the results of their sales, starting from service and pricing, calculation errors that cause prices to be not optimal, causing losses. Therefore, a solution is needed that can overcome these problems. TOTOKAN (Fish Pond Shop) is an innovation to prevent errors in the calculation of the selling price of fish using Arduino Uno-based RFID and LCD as its monitor. TOTAKAN is designed with an RFID system that has been programmed by ARDUINO UNO R3 which is a source of microproseor from all systems, while the 4x4 keypad serves as a calculation of the number of fish purchases as well as the overall price, and a 16x2 LCD serves to display the price and the number of copies. TOTAKAN is able to be the main solution for the regional economy, especially coastal areas. In addition to simple, this innovation can also create efficiency over time, so that the seller does not need to control the maximum sales results.

Sapta Nugraha ◽  
Rifki Triaditiya Putra ◽  
Rozeff Pramana ◽  
Hollanda Arief Kusuma ◽  
Tonny Suhendra ◽  

The quality and quantity standards of drinking water are tasteless and not cloudy. This study aimed to design the monitoring of water acidity and turbidity using a microcontroller based on the Internet of Things. The system device uses a pH sensor and a turbidity sensor to measure the water's edge and turbidity. The results show that the water acidity and turbidity monitor has been successfully designed using OLED and GSM displayed on the Thingspeak platform. This display shows the results of testing the pH value with an average accuracy level of 96.34% and the turbidity sensor 97.33%. The monitoring data transmission results using the GSM network to the Thingspeak platform were 95.83% in the first test and 90.97% in the second test.

Tonny Suhendra ◽  
Deny Nusyirwan ◽  
Eko Prayetno ◽  
M. Hafiz Alfahmi ◽  
Prasetya Perwira Putra Perdana ◽  

Kepulauan Riau Province (KEPRI) which the border of the international gate is a strategic location for conducting trade activities with neighboring countries. With the vast ocean covering the land, most of the people in the KEPRI province occupy coastal areas with the profession as fishermen. The economy of the fishing community is highly dependent on the amount obtained from fishing. The large operational costs of fishing, such as fuel and selling of catches that cannot improve the family's economy and buy the need to go to sea because they still use fishing gear that is operated manually are sources of poverty in fishing communities. Base on these backgrounds, a technological innovation called smart net puller is proposed. The innovation is a result of a user-based approach that uses the Engineering Design Process approach from Stanford Design School with the Design Thinking approach. The observation was carried out in the fishing community called Kampung Bugis to find the main problem. Researchers integrate directly with fishermen. The next stage is to find an idea that is a solution to the main problem and assembling a prototype. The prototype of innovation is still simple and easy to change. The last stage of the process is the testing phase of the test. The test aims to determine the performance of the prototype and get input to improve innovation if needed later. Intelligent net pulling prototype uses Arduino Uno microcontroller technology and several supporting devices such as stepper motor. Usability testing of the physical prototypes to kelong fishermen provides information about the convenience and benefits of smart net towing.

Desmira ◽  
Didik Aribowo ◽  
Rozeff Pramana

Pada proses pembuburan kertas merupakan suatu proses penghancuran lembaran menjadi buburan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) Mengetahui proses sensor dalam pembuburan kertas di Paper Machine (PM) dibagian rewinder. 2) Mengetahui hasil kekentalan pada pembuburan kertas dengan sensor yang disetting nilai Set-pointnya. 3) Menganalisa hasil penggunaan sensor yang digunakan pada proses pembuburan kertas di Paper Machine (PM) dibagian rewinder.  Adapun intruksi-intruksi yang diberikan pada mesin agar bekerja dalam proses pembuburan kertas yang disebut sebagai system logic control pada DCS untuk memberikan perintah dan mengeksekusi mesin dan actuator bekerja.  Metode pembahasan digunakan yaitu research and development . Hasil yang diperoleh me-nyesuaikan kekentalan pada proses pembuburan kertas dengan set point 4% sehingga kertas yang dibentuk akan sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan dan menghasilkan kertas yang baik, melalui alat  berupa consistency transmitter yang dipasang di tangki tempat buburan kertas. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan  jika nilai set point kurang dari 4% maka hasil akan kurang baik sedangkan dengan set point yaitu 4% maka hasil akan baik.  

Putri ayu Andira ◽  
Eka Suswaini ◽  
Muhammad Radzi Rathomi

PLN (Persero) merupakan BUMN yang menangani aspek kelistrikan dan merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan penyedia listrik yang ada di Indonesia. Dalam sistem pendistribusian daya listrik, tidak seluruhnya dapat disalurkan kepada konsumen, karena akan hilang dalam bentuk rugi-rugi energi hal ini tidak dapat dihidari namun dapat diminimalkan yaitu dengan cara memasang kapasitor bank. Kualitas daya dalam sistem tenaga merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan harus diperhatikan untuk menjaga stabilitas dan continuitas sistem tenaga listrik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan guna untuk mengurangi rugi energi dan biaya pemasangan kapasitor bank seminimal mungkin dengan melakukan optimasi penempatan kapsitor bank menggunakan motode Algoritma Genetika. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, parameter terbaik yang dapat menghasilkan hasil penepatan kapasitor bank yang optimal adalah jumlah generasi 250 dengan nilai fitness rata-rata 4.98E-11, nilai kombinasi Pc dan Pm adalah 0.5 dan 0.4 dengan nilai fitness rata-rata 4.95E-11, dan jumlah kromosom 60 dengan nilai fitness 4.97E-11.Dari hasil penelitian ini Algoritma Genetika mendekati hasil optimum yaitu terjadi penghematan mencapai Rp. 9,892,815,215 atau sekitar  27% dengan penepatan 6 kapasitor bank yang berbeda-beda.

Rino Harco

Fan motors assy in the air conditioning system of the vehicle are one component that works to blow air into the vehicle room, and also serves to increase the air pressure volume that will be flowed in the vehicle room. In the assembly process of the motor motor assy the XXX model is by using a pressing method to combine the motor blower with the impeller, in the impeller pressing process, the reject product occurs which is crack in the impeller hole during the pressing process. This happens because the dimensions of the impeller are not standard, namely the dimensions of the hole in the impeller has experienced a shift deviation of 0.15 mm from the standard tolerance ┴ 0.1 mm. At 0.15 mm shift deviation, it is found that the slope of 1° has the potential to crack in the impeller hole during the pressing process, because the material on the impeller PPGF-20, is unable to withstand the twisting force of 1.388 KN when pressing process.

Eko Prayetno ◽  
Anton Hekso Yunianto ◽  
Indah Fatiroh ◽  
Rayandra Asyhar

Plastic garbage is one of the elements that causes the pollution and especially pollution in the sea. The amount of rubbish in the waters has indeed become one of the problems which has not been resolved. It comes from the activities of human who throw garbage into the sea, the lack of mutual cooperation activities and public awareness in disposing of garbage in its place. The aims of this research are to make a suction tool and trash collector to help the community in collecting marine trash on the surface of the sea, so the community does not need to manually collect or clean up trash in the port area or residents homes near coastal. In this study, the researcher used LDR sensor to respond the presence of garbage, DC motors to move the garbage nets, relay modules as the regulators of the life of the pump, and limit switches to turn off and turn on the DC motors, and also GSM900 Modules as notification tools which is to send a Short Message Service (SMS) to the user that the garbage is full and ready to be picked up. The result of the study was obtained that the device are able to take waste with an average weight every hour, 0.3 kg and the maximum weight that can be lifted nets 0.5 kg and minimum weight around 0.1 kg. with the most type of waste in the form of plastic waste , organic waste and other household waste in small size.

Suryaman ◽  
Eka Suswaini ◽  
Muhamad Radzi Rathomi

Increasing the crossing of vehicles from Tanjung Uban to Telaga Punggur or vice versa, it is necessary to optimize the selection vehicles partition and determine which vehicles will take precedence in order to achieve accuracy in terms of optimal vehicle load, therefore it takes an algorithm that can produce vehicles based on vahicles placement. This research will try to use genetic algorithm in optimizing Roro vehicles partition. The result of the experiment shows the result in Test then the best fitness result is in the 4th parameter with the number of chromosomes = 5, pc = 0.8, pm = 0.01, 0.05 and is in the 50th generation and the resulting fitness value is 0.5.

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