Journal of Hadith Studies
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Published By Islamicate Institute

2598-4802, 2598-4810

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-69
Ahmad Riyadi

Permasalahan hukuman mati bagi pelaku murtad merupakan permasalahan yang masih hangat untuk dijadikan pembahasan. Para pemikir dan cendikiawan kontemporer melihat hukuman ini sebagai bentuk pengebirian atas hak individu berupa kebebasan memilih atau mengganti agama ataupun kepercayaan yang diyakininya. Ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an pun dikemukakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa Islam memberikan kebebasan mutlak tanpa syarat kepada setiap orang dalam memilih atau mengganti agama dan keyakinannya. Demikian pula halnya dengan hadits-hadits Nabi dalam pandangan mereka yang memberi gambaran bahwa pada prakteknya, Nabi sangat memberi kelonggaran bagi setiap Muslim untuk keluar masuk agama Islam. Oleh karena itu para cendikiawan modern menganggap bahwa hukuman mati bagi pelaku murtad hanyalah produk pemikiran Fuqoha yang tidak lepas dari kepentingan politik. Dalam hal ini, hadits-hadits yang dijadikan sebagai landasan normatif untuk melegitimasi hukuman mati tidak diterima oleh mereka karena bertentangan dengan substansi dari pesan Al-Qur’an. salah seorang dari mereka yang sangat konsen dalam membicarakan kebebasan adalah Jamal Al-Banna. Cendikiwan berkebangsaan mesir, melalui komentar-komentar sinisnya terhadap Fuqoha menolak hukuman mati bagi pelaku murtad. Menurutnya hukuman tersebut sama sekali tak berlandaskan dalil, baik dari Al-Qur’an maupun hadits dan bahkan dari praktek para sahabat. Dengan metode anilitis kritis, tulisan ini mencoba menganalisa dalil-dalil yang ia gunakan dalam menolak hukuman mati atau dalil-dalil yang ia tolak bekenaan dengan permasalahn tersebut. Dari hasil analisa, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Al-Qur’an dan Hadis yang shahih tidak akan pernah bertentangan. Sekiranya terkesan bertentangan, maka sesungguhnya kitalah yang belum bisa menggabungkan keduanya. Itulah yang terjadi pada metode pendalilan Jamal yang berusaha mempertentangkan antara Al-Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi. Hadits-hadits yang ia gunakan untuk menolak hukuman mati bagin pelaku murtad justru malah bermakna sebaliknya. Demikian hadits-hadits yang ia tolak, tak sedikitpun bergeming dengan metode kritik haditsnya yang sangat lemah

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Dadi Herdiansah

One of the information spread about the arrival of the Mahdi priest was that he led the war troops by carrying a black banner from the east. This information comes from several histories in several hadith books. Pro contra has occurred in response to this history. The Muslim groups who believe in the truth of this black banner tradition have flocked from all corners of the world to the Middle East conflict area which is believed and believed there is a group of mujahids carrying black banner as mentioned by the hadith. Even in the conflict area there was mutual claim between the factions that their faction was mentioned by the hadith carrying its black banner, so that even from one another, civil war was not inevitable in some places. But what is the origin of the hadith? This note is the adoptive writer to criticize the hadith by issuing all of his paths with the takhrīj al-hadīth method, Jarh wa ta'dīl and ‘Ilalu al-hadīth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Azkiya Khikmatiar

Double Movement theory initiated by Fazlurrahman is a theory that is basically used to understand the Qur'an. Through this theory Rahman invites interpreters to understand the Qur'an by not releasing the historical context in which the Qur'an is revealed, to then unearthed the general idea so that it can be confronted with the contemporary context. In this paper the author tries to apply the theory to understand the hadith about tasyabbuh. The result of the application of the theory is: the hadith about tsyabbuh arises where the number of Muslim community is still limited, so to maintain its existence required identity politics; if confronted with the present reality of the number of Muslims who have spread throughout the world, then the hadith is no longer relevant to be applied literally

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Wildan Taufik

Sebagai sekte Islam awal, Khawarij selain sebagai gerakan pemberontakan fisik, seiring waktu mereka bertransformasi diri menjadi gerakan intelektual. Produk intelektual yang dihasilkan di antaranya diktum la hukm illa lillah. Tersirat dari frase ini, mereka mengutamakan al-Qur’an sebagai pandangan keagamaan dan berpandangan minor terhadap sunnah Nabi. Oleh karena itu, beberapa ulama menyebutkan Khawarij berpandangan ingkar Sunnah. Klaim qur’aniyyin, disematkan kepada mereka karena berpandangan hitam-putih terhadap diskursus keagamaan. Pembahasan berikut merupakan telusur historis-analisis terhadap genealogi Khawarij dan pandangan keagamaannya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Sitti Aisyah M

Every living thing that exists on this earth has the right to live, be it animals, plants, even more human beings who have the role of God's khalifah. Related to this, the Qur'an and Hadith have explained about the importance of the maintenance of the soul, reason, religion, property and descent. It is well known that abortion is a form of crime, because it eliminates the chance of life for a person, but it sometimes becomes the choice of some people, especially women in order to keep their life alive. Abortion is a classic issue that continues to be a conversation to the present day, so according to researchers it is important to be studied further. The problem formulation in this research are: 1) How is abortion viewed from the point of view of hermeneutics Abou Kahled el-Fadl? 2) What is the law of abortion based on the Prophet's hadith? This type of research is a literature using hermeneutics approach in understanding the hadith about the prohibition of abortion. The estimation of the findings of this study is that the abortion referred to by the hadith is an act of abortion done when the fetus has been given the soul / blowing of the soul and the cleric agrees on its prohibition and the abortionist is fined equal to freeing the slave. Although the reason for the implementation of abortion for each woman is different, but of course it has an effect on his psychology, because the choice of abortion is a very dilemma for a woman.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Aaviy Lailaa Kholily

The reproduce generation Hadist textually contains orders to have many offspring, butcan that Hadist still be applied to the contemporary context in order for exploding population causing many problems such as a quality of education, health, employment, public orderetc. This ultimately prompted the government to make family planning programs to anticipate the rate of population growth. The goverment claimed the the exploding population make the burden of the state will be more and more. In this study, researchers will attempt to study the reproduce generatuon Hadist depend on Gadamer hermeneutical perceptions, namely: First the reader or reviewer must be aware that the reader has its own horizon. Second, the readers have prejudice and hipotesa before reviewing, have assumptions as well. but the assumption must accept to be criticized and even modified according to the text content. Third, called the hermeneutic circle, which combines the horizon of the text with the horizon of the reader because certainly every text naturally has horizon when the text was born. Fourth, the application of the values ​​of the texts studied in the present context. The formulation of the issues raised in this study are: How the application of Gadamer's hermeneutical theory in understanding the Hadist. From this formulation of the problem the researchers found several things in between are: First, the message contained that hadith Rasulullah eager to have a lot of people on the Day of Judgment so that he will be proud of the number of Muslims. Secondly, we must still be applied in the present context because the goal is the number of Muslims in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Ulummudin Ulummudin

Tulisan ini mengkaji hadis larangan terhadap wanita pergi tanpa mahram menggunakan hermeneutika Gracia. Pembacaan tekstual melalui tiga fungsi penafsiran diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: analisis fungsi historis hadis ini berkaitan dengan haji dan peperangan. Fungsi makna membolehkan wanita pergi tanpa mahram dengan asumsi perubahan konteks. Fungsi implikasi dari hadis ini adalah wanita mampu berperan lebih di masyarakat tidak terikat hanya pada ranah domestik. Sementara itu, untuk pembacaan non tekstual, gagasan utama hadis ini adalah perlindungan yang bertujuan untuk keamanan dan keselamatan. Dengan demikian, dalam konteks ini konsep mahram pun bergeser menjadi pihak keamanan yang dapat dimintai pertolongan. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Ahmad Fauzi

This paper examines the Siwak Hadith. As is known there are many traditions that explain the virtues of siwak. Siwak is a thing that is very favored by the prophet Muhammad. At that time siwak became the main tool for oral cleansers. And the tools used are roots or branches of arak plants. Classical scholars have the same understanding of the tools for whistle, that is as practiced at the time of the Prophet Muhammad saw. Over time, oral cleaning devices were found and produced in various forms. Even siwak wood can be extracted and become a base for toothpaste. Related to this, the question that can be asked is can the siwak wood be replaced with other tools that have the same function as the purpose of the siwak service. Whether using these tools is considered to have carried out the Prophet's Sunnah. This study tries to contextualize the understanding of the Siwak Hadith according to the current situation. The approach used is Fazlur Rahman's hermeneutic approach. Through situational interpretation and using historical analysis it is hoped that the principles of religious teachings that Salih li Kulli Zaman wa Makan (relevant at all times and places) can be realized. Through this study, the authors conclude that modern oral cleaning tools such as toothpaste, sprey mouthwash and the like can replace siwak and have the same laws in religion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Raudatul Himmatil Mardiyati

The background of this researchwas by the fact that the role of youth in national development was still low becauseMuslims youth seemslike losing their way, experiencing stagnation of creativity, getting out of their natural rotation, and losing their role models in their lives.At this time many of the Muslims youth are ensnared by the globalization virus that eliminates the extraordinary youth figure throughout the history of Islam. Even that disseminated artists who are product of  temporal world. The impact of losing role modelsis can be imitating bad Western culture.Start from hedonism, wasting money, dating. This research find the results if want to build the people and seek the return of the glory of Islam, Muslim youth will take that role. Youth's active role as a moral force is realized by developing ethical and moral aspects in acting on every dimension of youth life, strengthening faith and piety and mental-spiritual endurance, and increasing legal awareness. One day  glory ofislam was an accumulative work between generations, the triumph of Muslims will never stand only with the blood of one young man, not only with the tears of a young man, not only with the idea of one young man, therefore what is needed by Muslims in the future was not a young man, but a youth union and movement that initiates the unity of Muslims

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-69
M Saifuddin Ihya

Air merupakan salah satu sumberdaya yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan mengingat keberadaan air dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup adalah sebuah keniscayaan sebab mustahil ada kehidupan tanpa air karena semua mahluk hidup, baik manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan, membutuhkan air. Penting bagi  manusia untuk tetap selalu melestarikan dan menjaga agar air yang digunakan, agar tetap terjaga kelestariannya dengan melakukan pengelolaan air yang baik. Air merupakan sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh semua mahluk hidup, termasuk manusia. Islam sebagai agama rahmatan lil ‘alamin menetapkan adanya kepemilikan bersama terhadap benda-benda yang bersifat dharuri (yang sangat dibutuhkan) bagi semua manusia. oleh karena itu, Islam mengeluarkan segala sesuatu yang keberadaan dan kemanfaatannya tidak bergantung usaha-usaha khusus dari ruang lingkup kepemilikan individu, sehingga kepemilikannya bersifat bersama, salah satunya adalah air.

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