Scientific Drilling
Latest Publications





Published By Copernicus Gmbh


2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 19-37
Benjamin Läuchli ◽  
Paul Christian Augustinus ◽  
Leonie Peti ◽  
Jenni Louise Hopkins

Abstract. The accurate and precise reconstruction of Quaternary climate as well as the events that punctuate it is an important driver of the study of lake sediment archives. However, until recently lake sediment-based palaeoclimate reconstructions have largely concentrated on Northern Hemisphere lake sequences due to a scarcity of continuous and high-resolution lake sediment sequences from the Southern Hemisphere, especially from the southern mid-latitudes. In this context, the deep maar lakes of the Auckland Volcanic Field of northern New Zealand are significant as several contain continuous and well-laminated sediment sequences. Onepoto Basin potentially contains the longest temporal lake sediment record from the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF), spanning from Marine Isotope Stage 6e (MIS 6e) to the early Holocene when lacustrine sedimentation was terminated by marine breach of the south-western crater tuff ring associated with post-glacial sea-level rise. The Onepoto record consists of two new, overlapping cores spanning ca. 73 m combined with archive material in a complete composite stratigraphy. Tephrochronology and 14C dating provide the fundamental chronological framework for the core, with magnetic relative palaeo-intensity variability downcore, and meteoric 10Be influx into the palaeolake to refine the chronology. The µ-XRF (micro X-ray fluorescence) downcore variability for the entirety of the lake sediment sequence has been established with measurement of a range of proxies for climate currently underway. This work will produce the first continuous record of the last 200 kyr of palaeoclimate from northern New Zealand to date.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 39-48
Jochem Kück ◽  
Marco Groh ◽  
Martin Töpfer ◽  
Andreas Jurczyk ◽  
Ulrich Harms

Abstract. We established a cable-free memory-logging system for drill-string-deployed geophysical borehole measurements. For more than 20 years, various so-called “logging while tripping” (LWT) techniques have been available in the logging service industry. However, this method has rarely been used in scientific drilling, although it enables logging in deviated and unstable boreholes, such as in lacustrine sediment drilling projects. LWT operations have a far lower risk of damage or loss of downhole logging equipment compared with the common wireline logging. For this purpose, we developed, tested, and commissioned a modular memory-logging system that does not require drill string modifications, such as special collars, and can be deployed in standard wireline core drilling diameters (HQ, bit size of 96 mm, and PQ, bit size of 123 mm). The battery-powered, autonomous sondes register the profiles of the natural GR (gamma radiation) spectrum, sonic velocity, magnetic susceptibility, electric resistivity, temperature, and borehole inclination in high quality while they are pulled out along with the drill string. As a precise depth measurement carried out in the drill rig is just as important as the actual petrophysical downhole measurements, we developed depth-measuring devices providing a high accuracy of less than 0.1 m deviation from the wireline-determined depth. Moreover, the modular structure of the system facilitates sonde deployment in online mode for wireline measurements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 59-67
Yongkoo Seol ◽  
Liang Lei ◽  
Karl Jarvis ◽  
Daniel Hill ◽  
Jeong-Hoon Choi ◽  

Abstract. The pore habits of gas hydrate in natural sediment matrices provide essential clues for understanding physical (mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, and electrical) properties of hydrate-bearing sediments, yet there are no tools that can directly visualize the pore habits of natural gas hydrate other than indirect interpretation based on core-scale or field-scale observations. A significant challenge is to obtain a mini-core from pressure cores retrieved from natural reservoirs for high-resolution micro-CT (computed tomography) scans while maintaining pressure and temperature conditions required for stability of gas hydrate during all operational steps including manipulation, cutting, transferring, sub-coring and CT scanning. We present a new set of tools for pore-scale micro-CT imaging of natural hydrate-bearing sediments while maintaining pressure and temperature control. The tests with laboratory-prepared cores and pressure cores successfully demonstrate the capability of this set of tools to subsample a mini-core from pressure cores, transfer the mini-core to an X-ray transparent core holder, and conduct micro-CT scans. Successfully obtained CT images prove the functionality of this set of tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Gerson Fauth ◽  
Mauro Daniel Rodrigues Bruno ◽  
Jorge Villegas-Martín ◽  
Jairo Francisco Savian ◽  
Rodrigo do Monte Guerra ◽  

Abstract. The Aptian–Albian interval is characterized by significant paleoclimatic, paleoceanographic, and paleogeographic changes, which in turn affected the distribution and evolution of marine ecosystems. Despite the importance of such studies, there have been few correlations between Aptian–Albian sections of the Tethys Sea and those of the South Atlantic Ocean. This interval, including the Aptian–Albian transition, is preserved in the deposits of the Riachuelo Formation (Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Brazil) located in the South Atlantic Ocean; therefore, this location was chosen for drilling four new cores. The goals of this paper are as follows: (1) to explain the drilling operation carried out in the deposits of the Riachuelo Formation and the methods used; (2) to present a brief lithostratigraphic characterization of the holes and the paleomagnetic data of core SER-03; and (3) to describe the high potential of the cores recovered for additional investigation in the future. The lithostratigraphic units of the SER-01 core consist mainly of coarse- to fine-grained sandstone, shales, marls, and mudstones; the SER-02 core was excluded due to low recovery; the SER-03 core is mainly composed of fine-grained sediments (shale, marls, and packstone) and bears some ammonite shells; the lithology of core SER-04 is mainly sandstones. Magnetic susceptibility values (χlf and χhf) and frequency-dependent susceptibility (χfd) data suggest that the section is located within the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Future studies on these cores integrating micropaleontological, paleoichnological, geochemical, stratigraphic, and paleomagnetic (e.g., relative intensity) data will allow for a better understanding of paleoceanographic and paleogeographic events related to the early evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean and how these events correlate to similar events in Tethyan sections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 49-57
H. Lizethe Pendleton ◽  
Katrina I. Twing ◽  
Shahrzad Motamedi ◽  
William J. Brazelton

Abstract. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357: “Serpentinization and Life” drilled shallow cores into the Atlantis Massif near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in October 2015 using seabed drills. Serpentinization and other geochemical processes occurring within the Atlantis Massif release hydrogen, methane, and other chemicals that can potentially fuel microorganisms through chemosynthesis. The subseafloor rock cores collected during IODP Exp. 357 are the first of their kind, meaning the analysis and interpretation of these samples required new methodologies, including a specialized approach for distinguishing endemic subsurface inhabitants from potential contaminants from various sources. Background samples of various potential contamination sources were collected during sampling: 109 samples of seawater collected before, during, and after drilling; 20 samples of greases and oils associated with the drilling equipment; and samples of the laboratory's ambient air. Despite the widespread usage of drilling lubricants and the importance of controlling contamination in drill-core samples for microbiological analyses, no studies to date have looked at DNA in drilling greases and oils. In this study, drilling lubricants were analyzed as possible sources of microbial contamination of subseafloor rock core samples by environmental sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. We find that microbial signatures from drilling lubricants are only found in low abundance in seafloor samples (at most a few percent of total sequence counts), with laboratory contaminants being a greater source of contamination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 69-82
Susumu Umino ◽  
Gregory F. Moore ◽  
Brian Boston ◽  
Rosalind Coggon ◽  
Laura Crispini ◽  

Abstract. For more than half a century, exploring a complete sequence of the oceanic crust from the seafloor through the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) and into the uppermost mantle has been one of the most challenging missions of scientific ocean drilling. Such a scientific and technological achievement would provide humankind with profound insights into the largest realm of our planet and expand our fundamental understanding of Earth's deep interior and its geodynamic behavior. The formation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges and its subsequent aging over millions of years, leading to subduction, arc volcanism, and recycling of some components into the mantle, comprise the dominant geological cycle of matter and energy on Earth. Although previous scientific ocean drilling has cored some drill holes into old (> 110 Ma) and young (< 20 Ma) ocean crust, our sampling remains relatively shallow (< 2 km into intact crust) and unrepresentative of average oceanic crust. To date, no hole penetrates more than 100 m into intact average-aged oceanic crust that records the long-term history of seawater–basalt exchange (60 to 90 Myr). In addition, the nature, extent, and evolution of the deep subseafloor biosphere within oceanic crust remains poorly unknown. To address these fundamentally significant scientific issues, an international workshop “Exploring Deep Oceanic Crust off Hawai`i” brought together 106 scientists and engineers from 16 countries that represented the entire spectrum of disciplines, including petrologists, geophysicists, geochemists, microbiologists, geodynamic modelers, and drilling/logging engineers. The aim of the workshop was to develop a full International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) proposal to drill a 2.5 km deep hole into oceanic crust on the North Arch off Hawai`i with the drilling research vessel Chikyu. This drill hole would provide samples down to cumulate gabbros of mature (∼ 80 Ma) oceanic crust formed at a half spreading rate of ∼ 3.5 cm a−1. A Moho reflection has been observed at ∼ 5.5 km below the seafloor at this site, and the workshop concluded that the proposed 2.5 km deep scientific drilling on the North Arch off Hawai`i would provide an essential “pilot hole” to inform the design of future mantle drilling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 29-41
Ulrich Harms ◽  
Ulli Raschke ◽  
Flavio S. Anselmetti ◽  
Michael Strasser ◽  
Volker Wittig ◽  

Abstract. The record of past environmental conditions and changes archived in lacustrine sediments serves as an important element in paleoenvironmental and climate research. A main barrier in accessing these archives is the undisturbed recovery of long cores from deep lakes. In this study, we have developed and tested a new, environmentally friendly coring tool and modular barge, centered around a down-the-hole hydraulic hammering of an advanced piston coring system, called the Hipercorig. Test beds for the evaluation of the performance of the system were two periglacial lakes, Mondsee and Constance, located on the northern edge of the Alpine chain. These lakes are notoriously difficult to sample beyond ∼ 10 m sediment depths due to dense glacial deposits obstructing deeper coring. Both lakes resemble many global lake systems with hard and coarse layers at depth, so the gained experience using this novel technology can be applied to other lacustrine or even marine basins. These two experimental drilling projects resulted in up to 63 m coring depth and successful coring operations in up to 204 m water depth, providing high-quality, continuous cores with 87 % recovery. Initial core description and scanning of the 63 m long core from Mondsee and two 20 and 24 m long cores from Lake Constance provided novel insights beyond the onset of deglaciation of the northern Alpine foreland dating back to ∼ 18 400 cal BP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 75-91
Teresa Jordan ◽  
Patrick Fulton ◽  
Jefferson Tester ◽  
David Bruhn ◽  
Hiroshi Asanuma ◽  

Abstract. In January 2020, a scientific borehole planning workshop sponsored by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program was convened at Cornell University in the northeastern United States. Cornell is planning to drill test wells to evaluate the potential to use geothermal heat from depths in the range of 2700–4500 m and rock temperatures of about 60 to 120 ∘C to heat its campus buildings. Cornell encourages the Earth sciences community to envision how these boreholes can also be used to advance high-priority subsurface research questions. Because nearly all scientific boreholes on the continents are targeted to examine iconic situations, there are large gaps in understanding of the “average” intraplate continental crust. Hence, there is uncommon and widely applicable value to boring and investigating a “boring” location. The workshop focused on designing projects to investigate the coupled thermal–chemical–hydrological–mechanical workings of continental crust. Connecting the practical and scientific goals of the boreholes are a set of currently unanswered questions that have a common root: the complex relationships among pore pressure, stress, and strain in a heterogeneous and discontinuous rock mass across conditions spanning from natural to human perturbations and short to long timescales. The need for data and subsurface characterization vital for decision-making around the prospective Cornell geothermal system provides opportunities for experimentation, measurement, and sampling that might lead to major advances in the understanding of hydrogeology, intraplate seismicity, and fluid/chemical cycling. Subsurface samples could also enable regional geological studies and geobiology research. Following the workshop, the U.S. Department of Energy awarded funds for a first exploratory borehole, whose proposed design and research plan rely extensively on the ICDP workshop recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 93-112
Gerilyn S. Soreghan ◽  
Laurent Beccaletto ◽  
Kathleen C. Benison ◽  
Sylvie Bourquin ◽  
Georg Feulner ◽  

Abstract. Chamberlin and Salisbury's assessment of the Permian a century ago captured the essence of the period: it is an interval of extremes yet one sufficiently recent to have affected a biosphere with near-modern complexity. The events of the Permian – the orogenic episodes, massive biospheric turnovers, both icehouse and greenhouse antitheses, and Mars-analog lithofacies – boggle the imagination and present us with great opportunities to explore Earth system behavior. The ICDP-funded workshops dubbed “Deep Dust,” held in Oklahoma (USA) in March 2019 (67 participants from nine countries) and Paris (France) in January 2020 (33 participants from eight countries), focused on clarifying the scientific drivers and key sites for coring continuous sections of Permian continental (loess, lacustrine, and associated) strata that preserve high-resolution records. Combined, the two workshops hosted a total of 91 participants representing 14 countries, with broad expertise. Discussions at Deep Dust 1.0 (USA) focused on the primary research questions of paleoclimate, paleoenvironments, and paleoecology of icehouse collapse and the run-up to the Great Dying and both the modern and Permian deep microbial biosphere. Auxiliary science topics included tectonics, induced seismicity, geothermal energy, and planetary science. Deep Dust 1.0 also addressed site selection as well as scientific approaches, logistical challenges, and broader impacts and included a mid-workshop field trip to view the Permian of Oklahoma. Deep Dust 2.0 focused specifically on honing the European target. The Anadarko Basin (Oklahoma) and Paris Basin (France) represent the most promising initial targets to capture complete or near-complete stratigraphic coverage through continental successions that serve as reference points for western and eastern equatorial Pangaea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 49-62
Chastity Aiken ◽  
Richard Wessels ◽  
Marie-Hélène Cormier ◽  
Frauke Klingelhoefer ◽  
Anne Battani ◽  

Abstract. The Haiti region – bounded by two strike-slip faults expressed both onshore and offshore – offers a unique opportunity for an amphibious drilling project. The east–west (EW)-striking, left lateral strike-slip Oriente–Septentrional fault zone and Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone bounding Haiti have similar slip rates and also define the northern and southern boundaries of the Gonâve Microplate. However, it remains unclear how these fault systems terminate at the eastern boundary of that microplate. From a plate tectonic perspective, the Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone can be expected to act as an inactive fracture zone bounding the Cayman spreading system, but, surprisingly, this fault has been quite active during the last 500 years. Overall, little is understood in terms of past and present seismic and tsunami hazards along the Oriente–Septentrional fault zone and Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone, their relative ages, maturity, lithology, and evolution – not even the origin of fluids escaping through the crust is known. Given these unknowns, the Haiti-Drill workshop was held in May 2019 to further develop an amphibious drilling project in the Haiti region on the basis of preproposals submitted in 2015 and their reviews. The workshop aimed to complete the following four tasks: (1) identify significant research questions; (2) discuss potential drilling scenarios and sites; (3) identify data, analyses, additional experts, and surveys needed; and (4) produce timelines for developing a full proposal. Two key scientific goals have been set, namely to understand the nature of young fault zones and the evolution of transpressional boundaries. Given these goals, drilling targets were then rationalized, creating a focus point for research and/or survey needs prior to drilling. Our most recent efforts are to find collaborators, analyze existing data, and to obtain sources of funding for the survey work that is needed.

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