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Published By Politeknik Negeri Batam


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-178
Eka Indah Nurlaili ◽  
Fajar Budiyanto

The temporary closure of formal educational institutions in an effort to contain the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic around the world has an impact on the education sector, not except in Indonesia. The non-formal education sector, such as the Tutoring Business Agencies, also experienced a very significant impact, where the tutoring agencies had difficulty in implementing the marketing mix. So that further studies are needed so that the tutoring business agencies will survive in a pandemic condition. To obtain data, it was done through literature studies from secondary and qualitative data. The habits of students who tend to prefer face-to-face activities make online tutoring activities less responsive and still choose face-to-face learning as one way to keep up with the school curriculum. The solution so that tutoring agencies can survive is to improve product and process factors. The products include limiting the number of students in the class and the variety of online and offline learning. The process is by spraying disinfectant at each class change and providing distance between students. This needs to be done so that parents who provide the needed funds will feel safe when their children study at the desired tutoring agencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-162
Nanik Lestari ◽  
Alimul Qadri

Laporan studi ini membahas tentang efektivitas media sosial sebagai media Polibatam Press. Penelitian laporan studi ini dilakukan pada pelanggan & media sosial yang Polibatam Press gunakan yaitu Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter & WhatsApp sebagai media pemasaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui media sosial apakah yang memberikan efek terbesar bagi Polibatam Press. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan metode pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan teknik survei dan analisis dokumentasi, adapun survei dilakukan menggunakan google form dengan jumlah 17 responden yang disurvei. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Instagram adalah media sosial yang paling efektif digunakan sebagai media pemasaran Polibatam Press saat ini berdasarkan hasil survei dengan pelanggan yaitu Instagram Polibatam Press digunakan oleh 64.7%, pelanggan, diketahui oleh 82% pelanggan dan diikuti oleh 53% pelanggan serta dari hasil analisis dokumentasi Instagram dapat menjangkau 490-550 akun. Serta Instagram adalah media sosial yang mengarahkan pelanggan menggunakan jasa Polibatam Press karena banyak pelanggan yang mengetahui Instagram Polibatam Press dan menampilkan informasi yang lengkap

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-199
Antony Cang ◽  
Doni Putra Utama

This study is aimed to analyze the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility of financial performance at manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling period studied was 2014 to 2018. The independent variable in this study was Corporate Social Responsibility which was assessed based on GRI indicators, namely Environmental Disclosure. The dependent variable of this study is financial performance measured by ROA, ROE, Revenues, and Tobin's Q, and the control variables used are Size and Age. The data used in this study were obtained from the company's 2014-2018 financial statements. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique in order to obtain a sample of 97 companies. Data analysis methods used are regression and partial t test. The results of this study are that Corporate Social Responsibility effected on financial performance measured by Revenues and Tobin’s Q while Corporate Social Responsibility does not affected on financial performance measured by ROA and ROE.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151
Lidya Sartika Sianturi ◽  
Tri Handayani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi strategi pemasaran usaha tambak udang Desa Teluk Pambang dengan melihat dari aspek Strategi STP (Segmentation, Targetting, Positioning), Strategi Marketing Mix, serta Analisis SWOT. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif denga teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan, dan studi dokumentasi. Kemudian data dianalisis dengan empat komponen analisis yaitu, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Segmentasi pasar yang dilakukan adalah segmentasi geografis dengan memandang wilayah secara potensial sebagai agen, pengecer atau konsumen akhir. Selanjutnya target pasar  dilakukan secara Selective Specializaton sehingga ditetapkan target agen, pengecer maupun konsumen akhir. Kemudian posisi pasar dilakukan dengan cara benefit positioning, yaitu memberikan manfaat kepada user atau pembelinya (agen), seperti memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan udang vaname, memastikan kualitas udang baik saat dibeli. Strategi marketing mix koperasi produksi generasi mandiri telah menerapkan strategi produ: kualitas produk, strategi penetapan harga bersaing, strategi saluran distribusi, serta strategi promosi: personal selling. Strategi mix yang telah dijalankan sudah  memadai untuk menjadikan usaha budidaya tambak udang  bersaing dan bertahan dalam segala situasi ekonomi. Namun peningkatan strategi tetap disarankan mengingat perubahan dunia bisnis yang penuh dinamika dan selalu mudah mengalami perubahan. Analisis SWOT menunjukkan potensi dan keunggulan bersaing sangat memungkinkan bisnis ini untuk digeluti oleh banyak pebisnis, namun aspek hambatan dan ancaman juga perlu dipertimbangkan untuk ditemukan solusi terbaiknya. Sebaiknya peran pemerintah juga sangat diperlukan, seperti dalam aspek birokrasi, perizinan, kebijakan ekspor yang menguntungkan usaha local. Dengan demikian hambatan dapat diminimalisir sehingga usaha ini semakin berkembang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-123
Lindawati Kartika ◽  
Shindy Aprilianingsih

Persentase angkatan kerja boomers, generasi X, dan Y didominasi oleh generasi Y sebesar 51% (BPS, 2017) dari total angkatan kerja di Indonesia tahun 2015-2017, begitu juga dengan PT BNI (Persero) Tbk KCU Bogor yaitu sebesar 70% karyawan generasi Y. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengidentifikasi persepsi karyawan tentang program flexible benefit. (2) Mengidentifikasi employee engagement. (3) Menganalisis strategi meningkatkan employee engagement melalui program flexible benefit. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi meningkatkan employee engagement melalui program flexible benefit sebagai instrumen tambahan dalam mempertahankan karyawan terbaik layak untuk dilanjutkan dengan aspek dedication sebagai faktor terpenting dan alternatif strategi terpenting adalah fokus pada pengembangan karyawan, melalui empat program prioritas lainnya, yaitu BNI Learning Wallet (BLW), BINNOVA, BNI Expert Locator, dan Shared Office.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-142
Achmad Hambali ◽  
Sonja Andarini

Bisnis kuliner memiliki prospek yang bagus termasuk di bidang usaha coffee shop. Piring Seng Coffee & Co merupakan satu dari sekian banyak coffee shop yang ada di Surabaya sehingga ia dihadapkan pada situasi persaingan dan tantangan yang dinamis. Oleh karenanya, Piring Seng Coffee & Co perlu merumuskan model bisnis yang tepat dan membutuhkan strategi baru agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan pangsa pasarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model bisnis Piring Seng Coffee & Co menggunakan pendekatan Business Model Canvas yang kemudian dilakukan evaluasi berdasarkan analisis SWOT sehingga dihasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan pada elemen blok model bisnis. Deskriptif kualitatif ialah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik analisis datanya yaitu Business Model Canvas (BMC) dan analisis SWOT termasuk di dalamnya menggunakan IFAS dan EFAS. Teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi partisipatif, dan studi dokumentasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari pemilik, manajer operasional, karyawan, serta konsumen Piring Seng Coffee & Co yang dipilih secara purposive sejumlah 11 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diagram analisis SWOT arah strategi mengarah pada “Growth Oriented Strategy” yaitu mendukung strategi agresif yang kemudian hasil ini menjadi masukan untuk perbaikan Business Model Canvas. Dari implementasinya, menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan direkomendasikan pada kesembilan elemen Business Model Canvas dengan strategi yang dihasilkan menjadi masukan bagi pihak manajemen. Kata kunci: Piring Seng Coffee & Co, Model Bisnis Kanvas, SWOT, coffee shop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-130
Fandy Bestario Harlan ◽  
Yulinda Tarigan

This study aims to determine the effect of Business Administration Competition on student learning motivation, emotional intelligence and increasing competence of students' global competitiveness. The variables of this research are the BAC Competition (X1), learning motivation (Y1), emotional intelligence (Y2) and increasing competence of students' global competitiveness (Y3). This study used a quantitative approach using a sample of students in Business Administration study program who had participated in BAC competitions at both Polibatam and National levels. Data processing techniques in this study used SPSS 20 software. The population in this study were all students who participated in BAC which consisted of Secretarial competition, Meeting design competition, MC competition, Business presentation competition, Web design competition, Business data processing competition and Business plan. . The sample size of 28 students was determined by purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by means of questionnaires and observation. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis and simple linear regression. The results of this study concluded that there is an effect of the BAC Competition on each variable of learning motivation, emotional intelligence and increasing competence of students' global competitiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-171
Nur Rahmah Andayani ◽  
Fedila Machbo Zania

This research aims to determine the effect of marketing public relations and customer value on customer loyalty at Starbucks Coffee Batam City. The research variables are marketing public relation (X1), customer value (X2). The research approach uses quantitative approaches and uses descriptive statistical analysis with data processing using multiple linear regression tests with SPSS tools. The population and research sample amounted to 100 respondents. Data collection for this study uses questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The conclusion of the research are positive and significant on customer loyalty in Starbucks Coffee Batam City. Hence, maintaining customer loyalty so that customers are willing to return repeating purchases of the same product and make customers choose Starbucks Coffee products as the first choice.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-193
Lia Febria Lina ◽  
Dhiona Ayu Nani ◽  
Dian Novita

Fintech is known as one of the most important innovations unity in financial industry that is growing rapidly and increase financial inclusion, especially the expansion of access to capital for SMEs. However, research related to this is still limited. This research tries to extend TAM model in financial context by adding external variables such as financial knowledge and financial risk tolerance as driving factor millennials to invest in Fintech P2P lending. This research uses quantitative research using primary data and uses Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS- SEM) to analysis the data that has been collected. The result indicates that millennial investment intentions are influenced by perceived usefulness, and risk averse. Findings in this research proves that the users who tend to avoid risks and uncertainties can be encouraged to invest in P2P lending. In the term of technology factor, users who believe that the features in the application of P2P lending is useful and beneficial will encourage users to invest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-187
Yuni Winarti ◽  
Sumitro Sarkum ◽  
Abd. Halim

This study investigates the effect of product innovation attributes (Relative advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Trialability, and observability) on customer satisfaction and loyalty with experience as a moderator between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. This study uses quantitative methods, using the help of SPSS 23, and uses a path analysis approach to determine the relationship between variables. Based on a sample of 100 people living in the Labuhan Batu Regency area, it was found that Relative advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Trialability, and Observability had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. These results also found that the product innovation attribute was a major predictor of customer satisfaction. The results of the study reveal that loyal customers use smartphone services in accordance with and consistent with the given perceptions. In addition, the research results illustrate that customer satisfaction has a significant effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, this study also found that experience significantly moderates customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. As a practical implication in good market competition, companies need to understand the needs of customers and provide added value to customers by providing innovative products. Innovation in a product can increase customer satisfaction and make customers commit to a brand. managers need to understand customer needs by creating value accordingly. This study is the first to investigate the relationship between product innovation attributes, customer satisfaction and experience as a moderator. Future research is expected to analyze the role of experience as an independent variable in influencing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

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