Jurnal Ilmiah Cakrawarti
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Published By Universitas Mahendradatta


2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
I Wayan Sedia

Di tengah keterbatasan anggaran, Kepala Desa Taro pada tahun 2019 telah banyak menorehkan keberhasilan dalam pengabdiannya kepada masyarakat di Desa Taro. Seperti, melalui program infrastruktur jalan dapat mengurangi pengangguran dan kemiskinan, program administrasi kependudukan secara online, program pembangunan desa wisata yang memperoleh juara harapan nasional, penghargaan Kalpataru dan Program Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) meraih juara pertama di provinsi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi atau observasi oleh peneliti, wawancara peneliti dengan responden, dokumentasi yaitu dengan mengumpulkan tulisan-tulisan, foto-foto lokasi penelitian dan studi pustaka khususnya yang ada pada literatur di Lembaga Negeri Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif yang menekankan pada makna fenomena yang muncul dengan analisis isi. Analisis ini menekankan pentingnya pesan dalam komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi, untuk memahami komunikasi politik yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Desa Taro. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, Kepala Desa Taro dalam kepemimpinannya menggunakan strategi komunikasi politik melalui implementasi visi dan misi pemerintah desa Taro dengan program kerja. Kolaborasi yang telah dilakukan dengan instansi pemerintah, adat istiadat, kelompok masyarakat, dan media massa serta penggunaan simbol. Fungsi komunikasi politik dilakukan dengan menyediakan informasi yang membentuk jaringan dan memberikan solusi. Implikasi dari komunikasi politik kepala desa dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kemajuan desa talas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
I Nyoman Artayasa

Leadership Style In Organization is to know how to lead a group or organization.It can also know the influence of leadership styles used by a leader in dealing with certain situations and conditions. There are a wide range of lead styles. All of these leadership styles each have their own traits and that's what makes a leader able to lead his or her group in his or her own way that will surely aim just like a leader in general who wants to influence people to take actions that benefit the organization and itself to achieve certain goals. Whatever form his leadership style will affect the way people work as individuals or as a group.In reality leaders can influence the spirit and excitement of work, security, quality of working life and especially the level of achievement of an organization

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Ni Wayan Sutiani

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi memperoleh informasi mengenai kendala proses belajar mengajar online di rumah akibat adanya pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus eksploratori dan pendekatan penelitiannya menggunakan metode studi kasus kualitatif yang digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kendala dan konsekuensi pandemi COVID-19 pada kegiatan belajar mengajar di Universitas Mahendradatta. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 6 (enam) responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, orang tua dan dosen. Untuk keperluan kerahasiaan, responden diberi inisial R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 dan R6. Wawancara semi-terstruktur dilakukan dan daftar pertanyaan yang dikumpulkan untuk wawancara dikembangkan berdasarkan literatur terkait. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa di berbagai perguruan tinggi negeri / swasta di Bali. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat beberapa kendala yang dialami siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar secara online yaitu penambahan biaya kuota internet yang meningkat hingga tiga kali lipat dari tarif biasanya, kemudian kendala sinyal internet mengakibatkan kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi kurang efektif karena tersendat-sendatnya sinyal yang terkadang dapat memutus percakapan begitu saja, atau percakapan menjadi kurang jelas yang mengakibatkan salah komunikasi. Ada juga yang belum paham bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi tersebut, lalu kecanggihan atau type masing-masing hp atau laptop yang berbeda, yang menyebabkan perangkat elektronik tersebut terasa lebih berat pada memory atau ramnya. kemudian pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung baterai lebih cepat habis, macet dan panas. Kemudian yang paling berbahaya adalah kesehatan mata yang bertahan lama di depan ponsel atau komputer atau laptop anda, akibat paparan radiasi yang tinggi dari layar atau LCD. Para orang tua juga mengeluhkan bahwa dengan belajar dari rumah, pengeluaran semakin meningkat, dan biaya UKT harus dibayar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-65
Ni Luh Ketut Sukarniti

The Mesbes Bangke tradition or shredding corpses in Bali. For those of you who are the first to hear or see how this tradition is being held, it will certainly make you amazed, because indeed the bodies of people who died (bangke) or corpses were torn apart by residents and only in Banjar Buruan, Tampaksiring, Gianyar Regency, Bali. So it is understandable for residents who do not know and are still unfamiliar with this tradition, of course it will seem strange and terrible. And of course there will be questions from you, Is there really a tradition of tearing corpses? Although this is a tradition that is certainly inherited from the ancestors, but this is an extreme tradition and is impossible for humans to carry out, is it possible that this can be carried out? The answer to all these questions is yes, this tradition can be said to be extreme, unique, rare and also activities that are not commonly carried out, let alone become a tradition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-59
I Made Arka ◽  
Anak Agung Ngurah Agung Wira Bima Wikrama

Manipol USDEK adalah Manisfesto Politik dari Presiden Soekarno atas keadaan Bangsa Indonesia yang terjadi pada 5 Juli 1959 terkait pertanggunjawaban presiden yang isinya yaitu: 1) Undang - Undang Dasar 1945, 2) Sosialisme Indonesia, 3) Demokrasi Terpimpin, 4) Ekonomi Terpimpin, 5) Kepribadian Bangsa Indonesia. Manipol USDEK dapat dikaitkan dalam situasi pendidikan pada jaman reformasi untuk mendapatkan jalan keluar permasalah bangsa dalam memajukan rakyat Indonesia menjadi masyarakat yang cerdas, berbudi pekerti, dan mempunyai karakter nasionalisme dalam membangun Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Dalam perjalanan Bangsa Indonesia yang dari negara terjajah sampai menjadi negara berkembang dan menuju negara maju perlu diulas kembali maksud dan tujuan dari pertanggungjawaban Presiden Soekarno agar masyarakat tahu sejarah bangsa Indonesia dalam menjalankan roda kepemerintahan. Pada jaman reformasi ini perkembangan teknologi sangat pesat maka perlu diselaraskan antara konsep yang disiapkan dan konsep tindaklajut keadaan perkembangan situasi bangsa agar jangan masyarakat hanya terpaku dalam kejadian masa lalu yang mengakibatkan bangsa ini menjadi paranoid terhadap perkembangan jaman. Maka hanya melalui pendidikan rakyat Indonesia bisa membangun bangsa ini lebih baik dan bisa bersaing di kancah internasional jika pendidikan yang tepat dapat diberikan kepada generasi penerus bangsa

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Yosep Gede Sutmasa

No matter how good the formulation of a public policy is, if it fails to be implemented then the policy is useless. Policy implementation is one of the determinant sequences in the entire public policy process, because it is directly related to the performance of a policy, the realization of goals and results (outputs and outcomes). Therefore, ensuring the effectiveness of public policy implementation is very important, that is, first of all by properly and correctly understanding the entire process of public policy, especially the factors that influence policy implementation. Some of the influencing factors are: size and policy objectives, resources, characteristics of implementing agents, attitudes / tendencies (disposition) of operators, communication, economic, social and political environment, whether the problems are easy or not, the ability of policies to structure implementation appropriately. Second, oversee the implementation of public policies with full responsibility through monitoring, evaluation and reward.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
I Wayan Sutrisna

The paradigm of village development is changing rapidly, so it needs the village government apparatus that can really adjust to the changing situation. The current government is paying very serious attention in efforts to reduce poverty in the village. This is done because with sustainable village development will provide benefits to improve the economy of the community, thereby impacting on improving the welfare of the community. Community participation in the development process is the main key to successful development implementation because it places the community as the driving force or as the subject of development not just as an object. Development with a participatory approach makes the community feel responsible for every process and results of development. The priority of village development has now been directed towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). BPD as a "parliamentary" institution in the village has a strategic position in creating the democratization process as well as being the spearhead of successful development. BPD must maximize its role in realizing participatory development patterns by designing development that is really the will of the community. This paper aims to examine the implementation of the functions of the Village Consultative Agency (BPD) in realizing the Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study uses a literacy study approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Emma Ratna Sari Moedy

This short speech when President Jokowi received the first vaccination gave birth to a large discourse regarding the involvement of all parties in one problem, regardless of racial and group interests. The interactions that occur touch the global realm because they are reported through media networks to the realm of small groups through social media applications. Interaction through the media reaches the old, young and millennial groups to prove that vaccination is only one way to ensure that everyone gets alternative health solutions during a pandemic in addition to the habits implemented in health protocols, namely washing hands, wearing masks and keeping your distance. Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population must ensure that the vaccines in circulation are halal- certified. Mental readiness is important to understand and implement through continuous and continuous mitigation or prevention. The community must understand and learn from disaster management in other countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Ida Bagus Made Satya Wira Dananjaya

Agama memiliki Ketahanan terhadap arus peradaban yang pada era Renaisans melahirkan Ilmu pengetahuan modern seturut dengan teknologi dan sistem birokrasi instrumental. Meminjam gagasan perkembangan berikutnya, meminjam gagasan Lyotard bahwa masyrakat telah terkomputasi dimana sistem-sitem sosial bahkan budaya kini lebih terlembaga, terprogram, tersistematisasi, sekaligus tergantung dengan teknologisasi. Seluruh kehidupan bergantung pada alat yang kita miliki, namun demikian dalam ketergantungan itu agama tetap memiliki peranan dalam kehidupan sosial. Eksistensi agama memberi gambaran bahwa betapa manusia merasa Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi tidak menjawab seluru persoalaan kemanusiaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-84
I Ketut Kasna

Inequality and poverty, especially in rural areas, are one of the challenges of the Indonesian nation. Compared to cities, the proportion of poor people due to the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic is much higher in rural areas. Especially in remote villages, rural areas or underdeveloped areas, the conditions are much more apprehensive. Therefore, rural development is a priority. Large amounts of Village Funds are distributed and continue to increase every year for empowering the local economy, creating access to local transportation and fulfilling basic infrastructure as well as financing due to the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic. To tackle poverty due to the Covid-19 pandemic in rural areas and overcome inequality between villages and villages and cities, the government has established a strategy of "building from the fringes of the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic" according to the Nawacita agenda. The government believes that rural-based development is very important because it can strengthen the foundations of the country's economy and accelerate poverty eradication due to the dilemma facing the  Covid- 19 pandemic and reduce disparities between regions. The importance of the village is also recognized by non-government organizations. One of them is community exploration and services for welfare (Kompak), a partnership between the Indonesian and Australian governments. In a policy analysis report entitled: "VILLAGE FUNDING AND POVERTY TREATMENT DUE TO THE COVID-19 DILEMMA DUE TO PINDEMY": the expert team from the compact stated that the village had a strategic position as a basis for change.  Inequality and poverty, especially in rural areas, are one of the challenges of the Indonesian nation. Compared to cities, the proportion of poor people due to the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic is much higher in rural areas. Especially in remote villages, rural areas or underdeveloped areas, the conditions are much more apprehensive. Therefore, rural development is a priority. Large amounts of Village Funds are distributed and continue to increase every year for empowering the local economy, creating access to local transportation and fulfilling basic infrastructure as well as financing due to the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic. To tackle poverty due to the Covid-19 pandemic in rural areas and overcome inequality between villages and villages and cities, the government has established a strategy of "building from the fringes of the dilemma facing the Covid-19 pandemic" according to the Nawacita agenda. The government believes that rural-based development is very important because it can strengthen the foundations of the country's economy and accelerate poverty eradication due to the dilemma facing the  Covid- 19 pandemic and reduce disparities between regions. JURNAL CAKRAWARTI, VOL. 04 NO. 01 FEB-JUL 2021 I Ketut Kasna 67    The importance of the village is also recognized by non-government organizations. One of them is community exploration and services for welfare (Kompak), a partnership between the Indonesian and Australian governments. In a policy analysis report entitled: "VILLAGE FUNDING AND POVERTY TREATMENT DUE TO THE COVID-19 DILEMMA DUE TO PINDEMY": the expert team from the compact stated that the village had a strategic position as a basis for change.

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