Jurnal Teknokes
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Published By Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya


2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-72
Muhammad Jundi Al'Aziz ◽  
Bambang Guruh Irianto ◽  
Abd Kholiq

Scales Scales in the world of health are used to measure human body weight such as baby scales. Newborns are very important to be weighed because it is used as a measure of the baby's health indication ranging from 2.4 kg to 4.2 kg. The author makes a tool for this to make it easier for users to weigh with a 7 segment display on the Infant Warmer tool and external calibration. By using a loadcell sensor with a maximum capacity of 5 kg, the loadcell can detect the weight of the load where the voltage generated by the loadcell of 0.7 mV at a load of 1 kg is amplified to 0.62 V by the PSA circuit using the AD620 IC and then processed by Arudino UNO as a microcontroller. The weight results will be displayed on the 7Segment display located on the Infant Warmer tool. In the study, the measured load included a weight of 0 kg to a maximum weight of 5 kg. The measurement of the data results was carried out 5 times each by comparing the modules that had been made with the standard weight, namely (lead). The data from the measurement results of the research module shows that when the weight of the measurement at 1 kg has an error percentage of 0.08%. Measurements at a weight of 2 kg have an error percentage of 0.05%. Measurement of weight 3 kg has a presentation error of 0.01%. Measurements at a weight of 4 kg have a presentation error of 0.02%. And measurements at a weight of 5 kg have an error percentage of 0.04%. Then the data from the measurement results of the research module shows the largest error presentation of 0.08% at a weight of 1 kg. And the data from the measurement results of the research module shows the smallest error presentation of 0.01% at a weight of 3 kg. Making a research module in the form of a scale placed on an infant warmer can make it easier for the wearer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94
Triwiyanto Triwiyanto ◽  
Torib Hamzah ◽  
Sari Luthfiyah ◽  
Bedjo Utomo

The target for this community service program is a resident of Jl. Parikesit RT 05 RW 03 Dusun Picis, Balongdowo Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency. He had a work accident in one of the industries in the city of Sidoarjo in 2010 on the left wrist up to the fingers, so the doctor suggested amputation. He is actually still in his productive age (36 years old) but because of this situation, he is unable to carry out activities in the world of work and has decreased confidence in himself and avoids socializing in society. The purpose of this community partnership program (PKM) activity is to apply 3d printing technology in the manufacture of prosthetic hands for people who have transradial amputations as an effort to improve the quality of life. The implementation methods used are: a) the measurement of several physical parameters on the amputee such as the diameter of the arm circumference, the length of the amputated part, weight and height. In addition to physical parameters, we also carry out medical measurements, including obtaining information on health conditions such as blood pressure, heart health and blood glucose levels, b) designing prosthetic hands using 3D application programs and 3D printers, c) mechanical and functional testing for perform basic movements in the form of opening and closing the palms, d) monitoring and evaluation of the use of prosthetic hands. The results obtained from this activity are that the patient can use the prosthetic hand to assist with activities in carrying out daily activities. In this PKM activity, amputees have been tested, namely the movement of holding a mineral water bottle, holding a banana, peeling a banana peel and driving a two-wheeled motorized vehicle. Monitoring shows that patients need regular exercise in using prosthetic hands so that they are able to control and condition their use. In the future, several developments can be made, including in terms of control and size of the prosthetic hand so that patients can feel the benefits of a prosthetic hand that functions like a normal hand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Septian Nur Wahyu Erdyansyah ◽  
Torib Hamzah ◽  
Dyah Titisari

A manual sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to measure blood pressure, and consists of an inflatable cuff, a mercury manometer (or aneroid gauge) and an inflation ball and gauge. To assess the condition, accuracy and safety of mercury and anaeroid sphygmomanometers in use in general practice and to pilot a scheme for sphyg- momanometer maintenance within the district. Therefore, it must be calibrated periodically. Using the MPX 5050GP sensor as a positive pressure sensor. Requires a maximum pressure of 300 mmHg. This tool is also equipped with a SD Card as external storage. The display used in this module is TFT Nextion 2.8”. After conductings measurements of the three comparisons consisting of Multifunction, DPM and mercury tensimeter to 6 times, the smallest result 0 mmHg and the largest results 251.52 mmHg. While the error in mercury tensimeter’s of leak test to module and rigel is 0.56% and 0.404%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-79
Fadilla Putri Devito Nur Azizah ◽  
Bambang Guruh Irianto ◽  
Endro Yulianto

Electrocardiograph (ECG) is one of the diagnostic sciences that is often studied in modern medicine, one of which is to diagnose and treat diseases caused by the heart. Therefore, it is necessary to check the function of the ECG recorder tool, namely by carrying out the tool calibration procedure using Phantom ECG. The purpose of this research is to design a Phantom ECG for a 12 channel ECG device which includes lead I, lead II, lead III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6 and completes it with a sensitivity selector. The contribution of this research is that the tool can be used as a calibration tool for the ECG Recorder and can be used as a learning medium in the world of health. In order to create a signal that matches the original, this tool uses a heart signal formation method using a DAC type MCP4921 with an ATMEGA2560 microcontroller and for display settings using a 2.4 inch TFT Nextion Display. The MCP4921 type DAC converts the digital signal data into analog data which will then be forwarded to the resistor network circuit as a signal formation for each lead. In the measurement results, the error in measurements with sensitivity of 0.5 mV, 1.0 mV, and 2.0 mV using an ECG Recorder at BPM 30 is 0.00%, BPM 60 is 0.00%, BPM 120 is 0.00%, and BPM 180 is 0.56%. The results showed that the biggest error was found in BPM 180, which was 0.56%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Zhudiah Annisa ◽  
Priyambada Cahya Nugraha ◽  
M Ridha Makruf

Monitoring of cardiac signals is very important for patients with heart disease. The detection of the ECG signal that is carried out for twenty hours will help the doctor to diagnose heart disease. The purpose of this study was to develop a portable ECG monitoring system and cost as it is called a Holter monitor. The main design of ECG module consists of the AD8232, DS3231 RTC module, Arduino microcontroller, and SD card memory. ECG signals are collected from the body of a standard measurement based LEAD II .. To record the raw data from the ECG signal, SD card memory is used to store data for further data analysis. Calibration is performed using a phantom ECG. This is done to make the design results are in accordance with the standard ECG machine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Pandu Arsy Filonanda ◽  

Monitoring of patients is an integral part of  health-care system, both in the hospital and at home. Monitoring devices are useful to monitor a person's health. Monitoring is necessary in case of symptoms of a disease that must be acted quickly to prevent the patient's condition from worsening. One way of monitoring patients' specifications is shown by their BPM value and temperature. The purpose of this study is the design of devices on a patient's wrist that can monitor BPM and his body temperature in real time and are not affected by distance. This research contribution is a system that can provide bradycardia indicators and tachycardia for BPM while hyperthermia and hypothermia for temperature. For a monitoring device to be more practical and efficient for use, it has a device with real time monitoring and a small frame of bracelets and alerts phones and emails during abnormal conditions. The design of the device uses the SEN0203  sensors as a BPM sensor that has analog and digital outputs, as well as  MLX90614  sensors that have a digital output, and then data will be processed and shown live to oled ESP333TTGO and data sent to the blynk application on the phone aided by ESP32TTGO as a wifi module. The BPM has the smallest 0.1% error and the largest of 1.09% whereas the temperature has the smallest 0.19% and the largest of 1.63%. These results can be redeveloped on monitor patients to increase the efficiency of the remote monitoring system with alert conditions of patients at an abnormal time via mobile phones and emails.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-55
Ulil Albhi Ramadhani ◽  
I Dewa Gede Hari Wisana ◽  
Priyambada Cahya Nugraha

Patients with sleep apnea (sleep apnea) are increasing, almost more than 80% of people with this disorder are undiagnosed. Symptoms of sleep apnea are stopping breathing for more than 10 seconds. The purpose of this study was to design an apnea monitor device in order to detect symptoms of sleep apnea. The contribution in this study is a monitoring system or remote monitoring so that other people can monitor the patient's condition even though they are not accompanying him. In order to facilitate the process of monitoring and diagnosing patients, a Apnea Monitor Based on Bluetooth with Signal Display in Android with a delivery system via a bluetooth network that displays respiratory signals on Android so that patients can be treated quickly when breathing stops (apnea) . The design of this device uses a piezoelectric sensor to detect breathing which is placed on the patient's abdomen. The sensor output in the form of voltage is then conditioned on the PSA circuit. Using the ESP32 microcontroller as a signal processing which is formed by the PSA circuit and processed into a signal and respiration value. The respiration signal and value are then sent to the android device using the Bluetooth network. When a respiratory arrest is detected for more than 10 seconds, the device will turn on the indicator and buzzeer on the device and also send a warning to the Android or Roboremo application in the form of a notification "Apnea!" and a beep sound as a reminder when there is apnea in the patient so that the user can immediately take action on the patient. The test in this study there are 5 respondents who have been tested on this module by comparing the respiration rate per minute with the Patient Monitor, and the test results in this study obtained the measurement and calculation results, the lowest error value was 1.58% and the highest error value was 2.9%, the module can also transmit data well and without data loss with a distance of 10 meters in the room and 5 meters in different rooms. This module can be implemented in the patient monitoring process so that it can reduce sufferers of sleep apnea disorders. the module can also transmit data well and without data loss with a distance of 10 meters in the room and 5 meters in different rooms. This module can be implemented in the patient monitoring process so that it can reduce sufferers of sleep apnea disorders. the module can also transmit data well and without data loss with a distance of 10 meters in the room and 5 meters in different rooms. This module can be implemented in the patient monitoring process so that it can reduce sufferers of sleep apnea disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-114
Muhammad Syifaul Linnas ◽  
Sumber Sumber ◽  
Prastawa Assalim Tetraputra

    Electrocardiograph (ECG) secara rutin dilakukan oleh operator terampil yang terbiasa dengan penempatan masing-masing elektroda pada pasien. Posisi elektroda yang salah dapat menyebabkan kesalahan kritis dalam diagnosis dan perawatan penyakit jantung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendesain sebuah Portable Electrocardiograph dengan Sadapan Pada Telapak Tangan dan Kaki. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah  memudahkan orang awam dalam bidang kesehatan dalam hal penggunaan Electrocardiograph. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan  mendesain Electrocardiograph yang cukup terjangkau bagi puskesmas/pusat-pusat pelayanan medis di daerah. Agar desain ini dapat memudahkan dalam metode penggunaan alat, maka dibuatlah alat Electrocardiograph (ECG) dengan elektroda pad yang akan diletakkan pada telapak tangan dan telapak kaki yang telah di berikan tanda pada elektroda tersebut. Electrocardiograph (ECG) menggunakan desain High Pass Filter (Pasif 20dB ditambah Non Inverting Amplifier, Low Pass Filter (LPF) 40dB, dan notch filter yang akan ditampilkan pada layar monitor Personal Computer (PC). Dari hasil sadapan beberapa responden, terlihat hasil tampilan yang menyerupai/mendekati sinyal Electrocardiograph (ECG) sebenarnya. Kekurangan dari modul ini jika tidak adanya grounding yang baik dari power suply maka akan terjadi noise pada hasil sinyal yang akan ditampilkan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat di implementasikan pada Electrocardiograph (ECG) konvensional untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dalam hal penggunaan alat.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Muhammad Fuad Nurillah ◽  
Bambang Guruh Irianto ◽  
I Dewa Gede Hari Wisana

Penderita gangguan henti napas pada saat tidur (sleep apnea) semakin meningkat, hampir lebih dari 80% orang menderita gangguan ini tidak terdiagnosis. Gejala dari sleep apnea yaitu terjadinya henti napas selama lebih dari 10 detik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang alat monitor apnea agar dapat mendeteksi gejala sleep apnea. Kontribusi dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem monitoring atau pemantauan jarak jauh sehingga orang lain dapat memantau kondisi pasien meskipun tidak sedang mendampinginya. Agar dapat mempermudah proses monitoring dan pendiagnosaan pasien maka dibuatlah alat apnea monitor berbasis Internet of Things dengan dilengkapi notifikasi pada android sehingga dapat dengan cepat dilakukannya penanganan pada pasien. Perancangan alat ini menggunakan piezoelektrik sebagai sensor pendeteksi pernapasan yang diletakkan pada bagian perut pasien. Output sensor berupa tegangan kemudian dikondisikan pada rangkaian PSA. Menggunakan mikrokontroler ESP32 sebagai pemrosesan sinyal yang dibentuk oleh rangkaian PSA dan diolah menjadi nilai respirasi. Nilai respirasi kemudian dikirimkan ke perangkat android menggunakan jaringan Wi-Fi dan ditampilkan pada aplikasi Blynk. Apabila terdeteksi kejadian henti napas selama lebih dari 10 detik maka alat akan menyalakan indikator dan mengaktifkan notifikasi pada android. Penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran amplitudo sinyal respirasi dan nilai respirasi terhadap responden dan juga melakukan pengujian pengiriman jarak jauh menggunakan jaringan Wi-Fi. Hasil pengujian pada penelitian ini alat dapat mengirimkan data dengan baik dan tanpa loss data dengan jarak 5 meter dalam ruangan dan 10 meter berbeda ruangan. Alat ini dapat diimplementasikan pada proses monitoring pasien sehingga dapat mengurangi penderita gangguan sleep apnea. Patients with breathing problems during sleep (sleep apnea) are increasing, almost more than 80% of people suffering from this disorder are not diagnosed. Symptoms of sleep apnea include breathing for more than 10 seconds. The purpose of this study is to design apnea monitoring devices to detect sleep apnea symptoms. The contribution in this study is a monitoring system or remote monitoring so that others can monitor the condition of the patient even though not accompanying him. In order to simplify the process of monitoring and diagnosing patients, an apnea monitor based on the Internet of Things is made with notifications on android so that treatment can be quickly performed on patients. The design of this device uses piezoelectric as a respiratory detection sensor which is placed on the patient's abdomen. The sensor output in the form of voltage is then conditioned on the PSA circuit. Using the ESP32 microcontroller as signal processing which is formed by the PSA circuit and processed into respiration values. Respiration values ​​are then sent to the Android device using a Wi-Fi network and displayed on the Blynk app If a stop breathing event is detected for more than 10 seconds, the device will turn on the indicator and activate the notification on the android. The test results in this study the tool can send data properly and without loss data with a distance of 5 meters in a room and 10 meters in a different room. This tool can be implemented in the patient monitoring process so that it can reduce sufferers of sleep apnea disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Mirza Fissabila ◽  
Priyambada Cahya Nugraha ◽  
Muhammad Ridha Mak'ruf

Monitoring status kesehatan bayi merupakan hal yang sangat penting khususnya pada bayi yang lahir secara prematur. Pemantauan kadar saturasi oksigen pada bayi baru lahir dapat membantu mendeteksi dini kelainan-kelainan bawaan pada bayi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat dan mendisain sebuah alat yang dapat  digunakan untuk melakukan pemantauan kondisi nilai Saturasi Oksigen (SpO2) beberapa pasien sekaligus secara kontinyu dengan jarak yg cukup jauh sehingga tenaga medis tidak perlu mendatangi satu persatu baby incubator secara berkala untuk melakukan pemantauan kadar nilai Saturasi Oksigen (SpO2)  pasien di dalam baby incubator. Dimana pada pembahasan penelitian kali ini akan membuat 2 modul  alat monitoring yang dapat digunakan untuk memantau 2 bayi prematur pada baby incubator secara bersamaan menggunakan 2 sensor berbeda, yaitu pada modul 1 akan menggunakan sensor Fingertip Neonatal dan pada modul 2 akan menggunakan sensor Max 30100. Alat ini akan menampilkan nilai dan sinyal saturasi oksigen (SpO2) pada sebuah PC secara bersamaan. Pemantauan pada alat ini dilakukan secara wireless menggunakan modul Bluetooth HC-05. Berdasarkan dari hasil pengujian dan pengukuran modul yang telah di buat, pada 5 pasien berbeda dengan menggunakan pembanding pulse oxymeter pada sensor Max 30100 didapatkan nilai selisih sebesar 1% pada masing-masing hasil pasien, pada sensor fingertip neonatal juga didapatkan nilai selisih 1% pada masing-masing pasien. Pada pengujian jarak, alat ini mampu memantau kondisi 2 pasien secara bersamaan dengan jarak maksimal 3,5 meter. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan pada sistem pemantauan pada ruang NICU untuk membantu mengurangi beban kerja tenaga medis dan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pelayanan  Rumah Sakit. Monitoring the health status of babies is very important, especially for babies born prematurely. Monitoring oxygen saturation levels in newborns can help detect early congenital abnormalities in these babies. The purpose of this study is to create and design a tool that can be used to monitor the condition of Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) values ​​of several patients at once continuously with a great distance so that medical staff do not need to go one by one baby incubators periodically to monitor levels Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) value of the patient in the baby incubator. Where in the discussion of this study will make 2 monitoring tool modules that can be used to monitor 2 premature babies in a baby incubator simultaneously using 2 different sensors, namely in module 1 will use the Neonatal Fingertip sensor and in module 2 will use the Max 30100 sensor. it displays the value and oxygen saturation signal (SpO2) on a PC simultaneously. Monitoring on this device is carried out wirelessly using the Bluetooth module HC-05. Based on the test results and module measurements that have been made, in 5 different patients using a pulse oxymeter comparator on the Max 30100 sensor a difference of 1% was obtained in each patient's result, in the neonatal fingertip sensor also obtained a difference of 1% in each - each patient. In distance testing, this tool is able to monitor the condition of 2 patients simultaneously with a maximum distance of 3.5 meters. The results of this study can be implemented in a monitoring system in the NICU room to help reduce the workload of medical personnel and to improve the effectiveness of hospital services.

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