Comparison of Linear Modularization Criteria Using the Relational Formalism, an Approach to Easily Identify Resolution Limit

Patricia Conde-Céspedes ◽  
Jean-François Marcotorchino ◽  
Emmanuel Viennet
J. Frank ◽  
P.-Y. Sizaret ◽  
A. Verschoor ◽  
J. Lamy

The accuracy with which the attachment site of immunolabels bound to macromolecules may be localized in electron microscopic images can be considerably improved by using single particle averaging. The example studied in this work showed that the accuracy may be better than the resolution limit imposed by negative staining (∽2nm).The structure used for this demonstration was a halfmolecule of Limulus polyphemus (LP) hemocyanin, consisting of 24 subunits grouped into four hexamers. The top view of this structure was previously studied by image averaging and correspondence analysis. It was found to vary according to the flip or flop position of the molecule, and to the stain imbalance between diagonally opposed hexamers (“rocking effect”). These findings have recently been incorporated into a model of the full 8 × 6 molecule.LP hemocyanin contains eight different polypeptides, and antibodies specific for one, LP II, were used. Uranyl acetate was used as stain. A total of 58 molecule images (29 unlabelled, 29 labelled with antl-LPII Fab) showing the top view were digitized in the microdensitometer with a sampling distance of 50μ corresponding to 6.25nm.

T. Yanaka ◽  
K. Shirota

It is significant to note field aberrations (chromatic field aberration, coma, astigmatism and blurring due to curvature of field, defined by Glaser's aberration theory relative to the Blenden Freien System) of the objective lens in connection with the following three points of view; field aberrations increase as the resolution of the axial point improves by increasing the lens excitation (k2) and decreasing the half width value (d) of the axial lens field distribution; when one or all of the imaging lenses have axial imperfections such as beam deflection in image space by the asymmetrical magnetic leakage flux, the apparent axial point has field aberrations which prevent the theoretical resolution limit from being obtained.

M. Talianker ◽  
D.G. Brandon

A new specimen preparation technique for visualizing macromolecules by conventional transmission electron microscopy has been developed. In this technique the biopolymer-molecule is embedded in a thin monocrystalline gold foil. Such embedding can be performed in the following way: the biopolymer is deposited on an epitaxially-grown thin single-crystal gold film. The molecule is then occluded by further epitaxial growth. In such an epitaxial sandwich an occluded molecule is expected to behave as a crystal-lattice defect and give rise to contrast in the electron microscope.The resolution of the method should be limited only by the precision with which the epitaxially grown gold reflects the details of the molecular structure and, in favorable cases, can approach the lattice resolution limit.In order to estimate the strength of the contrast due to the void-effect arising from occlusion of the DNA-molecule in a gold crystal some calculations were performed.

S. J. Krause ◽  
W.W. Adams ◽  
S. Kumar ◽  
T. Reilly ◽  
T. Suziki

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of polymers at routine operating voltages of 15 to 25 keV can lead to beam damage and sample image distortion due to charging. Imaging polymer samples with low accelerating voltages (0.1 to 2.0 keV), at or near the “crossover point”, can reduce beam damage, eliminate charging, and improve contrast of surface detail. However, at low voltage, beam brightness is reduced and image resolution is degraded due to chromatic aberration. A new generation of instruments has improved brightness at low voltages, but a typical SEM with a tungsten hairpin filament will have a resolution limit of about 100nm at 1keV. Recently, a new field emission gun (FEG) SEM, the Hitachi S900, was introduced with a reported resolution of 0.8nm at 30keV and 5nm at 1keV. In this research we are reporting the results of imaging coated and uncoated polymer samples at accelerating voltages between 1keV and 30keV in a tungsten hairpin SEM and in the Hitachi S900 FEG SEM.

Mircea Fotino

The use of thick specimens (0.5 μm to 5.0 μm or more) is one of the most resourceful applications of high-voltage electron microscopy in biological research. However, the energy loss experienced by the electron beam in the specimen results in chromatic aberration and thus in a deterioration of the effective resolving power. This sets a limit to the maximum usable specimen thickness when investigating structures requiring a certain resolution level.An experimental approach is here described in which the deterioration of the resolving power as a function of specimen thickness is determined. In a manner similar to the Rayleigh criterion in which two image points are considered resolved at the resolution limit when their profiles overlap such that the minimum of one coincides with the maximum of the other, the resolution attainable in thick sections can be measured by the distance from minimum to maximum (or, equivalently, from 10% to 90% maximum) of the broadened profile of a well-defined step-like object placed on the specimen.

David J. Smith

The era of atomic-resolution electron microscopy has finally arrived. In virtually all inorganic materials, including oxides, metals, semiconductors and ceramics, it is possible to image individual atomic columns in low-index zone-axis projections. A whole host of important materials’ problems involving defects and departures from nonstoichiometry on the atomic scale are waiting to be tackled by the new generation of intermediate voltage (300-400keV) electron microscopes. In this review, some existing problems and limitations associated with imaging inorganic materials are briefly discussed. The more immediate problems encountered with organic and biological materials are considered elsewhere.Microscope resolution. It is less than a decade since the state-of-the-art, commercially available TEM was a 200kV instrument with a spherical aberration coefficient of 1.2mm, and an interpretable resolution limit (ie. first zero crossover of the contrast transfer function) of 2.5A.

Vinayak P. Dravid ◽  
V. Ravikumar ◽  
Richard Plass

With the advent of coherent electron sources with cold field emission guns (cFEGs), it has become possible to utilize the coherent interference phenomenon and perform “practical” electron holography. Historically, holography was envisioned to extent the resolution limit by compensating coherent aberrations. Indeed such work has been done with reasonable success in a few laboratories around the world. However, it is the ability of electron holography to map electrical and magnetic fields which has caught considerable attention of materials science community.There has been considerable theoretical work on formation of space charge on surfaces and internal interfaces. In particular, formation and nature of space charge have important implications for the performance of numerous electroceramics which derive their useful properties from electrically active grain boundaries. Bonnell and coworkers, in their elegant STM experiments provided the direct evidence for GB space charge and its sign, while Chiang et al. used the indirect but powerful technique of x-ray microchemical profiling across GBs to infer the nature of space charge.

W.S. Putnam ◽  
C. Viney

Many sheared liquid crystalline materials (fibers, films and moldings) exhibit a fine banded microstructure when observed in the polarized light microscope. In some cases, for example Kevlar® fiber, the periodicity is close to the resolution limit of even the highest numerical aperture objectives. The periodic microstructure reflects a non-uniform alignment of the constituent molecules, and consequently is an indication that the mechanical properties will be less than optimal. Thus it is necessary to obtain quality micrographs for characterization, which in turn requires that fine detail should contribute significantly to image formation.It is textbook knowledge that the resolution achievable with a given microscope objective (numerical aperture NA) and a given wavelength of light (λ) increases as the angle of incidence of light at the specimen surface is increased. Stated in terms of the Abbe resolution criterion, resolution improves from λ/NA to λ/2NA with increasing departure from normal incidence.

A. Olsen ◽  
J.C.H. Spence ◽  
P. Petroff

Since the point resolution of the JEOL 200CX electron microscope is up = 2.6Å it is not possible to obtain a true structure image of any of the III-V or elemental semiconductors with this machine. Since the information resolution limit set by electronic instability (1) u0 = (2/πλΔ)½ = 1.4Å for Δ = 50Å, it is however possible to obtain, by choice of focus and thickness, clear lattice images both resembling (see figure 2(b)), and not resembling, the true crystal structure (see (2) for an example of a Fourier image which is structurally incorrect). The crucial difficulty in using the information between Up and u0 is the fractional accuracy with which Af and Cs must be determined, and these accuracies Δff/4Δf = (2λu2Δf)-1 and ΔCS/CS = (λ3u4Cs)-1 (for a π/4 phase change, Δff the Fourier image period) are strongly dependent on spatial frequency u. Note that ΔCs(up)/Cs ≈ 10%, independent of CS and λ. Note also that the number n of identical high contrast spurious Fourier images within the depth of field Δz = (αu)-1 (α beam divergence) decreases with increasing high voltage, since n = 2Δz/Δff = θ/α = λu/α (θ the scattering angle). Thus image matching becomes easier in semiconductors at higher voltage because there are fewer high contrast identical images in any focal series.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Deni Iriyadi

This research is a qualitative study aimed to determine the students' understanding of the concept of matter limit. The subjects were students of class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Watampone. The concept includes the definition of the limit. Data obtained using a research instrument in the form of self-assessment and then proceed with the interview subjects were selected based on the results of self-assessment has been done before. Analysis using qualitative analysis of students' understanding of the concept of the limit concept. The results of this study indicate that students' understanding of concepts some of which are not / do not understand especially regarding definitions limit. In addition students are also wrong about the resolution limit. Students who understand the concept of limit dinyakatakan them restate concepts, including examples and classify the sample to non-completion of function and limit the right results.

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