The State Plan

1964 ◽  
pp. 246-282
Konstantin Katzarov
Fábio Araujo De Souza

O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo analisar as metas referentes ao financiamento da educação nos Planos Estaduais de Educação (PEEs) e de que maneira estas poderão trazer novos recursos para que as demais possam ser cumpridas. Concluiu-se que os governos estaduais poderiam contribuir para o aumento de recursos na educação pública através de seus PEEs e, com isso, colaborar para o país alcançar a meta 20 do Plano Nacional de Educação; porém, a maioria construiu um plano com meta e estratégias que dificilmente trarão aumento significativo de recursos para a educação pública do país.Palavras-chave: Plano Estadual de Educação; Produto Interno Bruto; Financiamento da educação.The present article has as main objective to analyze the goals relating to the financing of education in the State Plans of Education, and in what way they might bring new resources to the other goals of the Plans can be fulfilled. It was concluded that the state governments could contribute to the increase of resources in public education through their PEEs and it could collaborate for the country to achieve the goal of 20 PNE, however most built a Plan with a goal and strategies that hardly bring a significant increase of resources for public education in the country.Key-words: The State plan of Education; Gross Domestic Product; the Financing of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 114
Maria Dilnéia Espíndola Fernandes ◽  
Beatriz Hiromi Miura

O trabalho apresenta a remuneração docente da rede estadual de ensino do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul no contexto de implantação da Lei n. 11.738/2008. A lei entrou em vigor no estado somente em 2011. Trabalhou-se com a legislação de âmbitos federal e estadual, documentos da esfera do estado, do movimento sindical docente e da imprensa local. O grau de organização do movimento sindical docente e suas ações para a implantação do Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional (PSPN) e demais direitos docentes instituídos pela Lei n. 11.738/2008 foram efeitos positivos para a composição remuneratória docente no período analisado. Destaca-se que a equivalência remuneratória com os demais profissionais, bem como a jornada de trabalho docente, uma das metas do Plano Estadual de Educação, em alinhamento com o Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024, apartir de 2016, foi atingida pelos docentes da rede estadual de ensino de Mato Grosso do Sul. Ainda assim, tanto o PSPN quanto a jornada de trabalho de 1/3 sem a presença de educandos estão se dando de forma escalonada até2021. Aconjuntura de restrição de gastos públicos, iniciada em 2017, coloca novos desafios ao movimento sindical docente, cujos efeitos podem retardar ainda mais os direitos instituídos pela Lei n. 11.738/2008.Palavras chave: Política educacional. Movimento sindical docente. Piso Salarial Nacional Profissional. Teachers’ pay: the effects of the union’s efforts towards the implementation of the national professional minimum wageABSTRACTThe paper discusses the remuneration of state schoolteachers in Mato Grosso do Sul, within the context of the implementation of Law No. 11.738/2008. The law has been effective in the state since 2011. The study included federal and state legislation, as well as documents related to the state, the teachers’ Union and the local press. The organization of the teachers’ Union and its actions to implement the National Professional Minimum Wage (PSPN) and other teachers’ rights established by Law n. 11.738/2008 were positive effects for the composition of the teachers’ remuneration during the period under analysis. The equity with other professionals, regarding teachers’ pay and daily working hours, which was one of the targets of the State Plan of Education, in alignment with the National Plan of Education 2014-2024, was achieved by the state schoolteachers in Mato Grosso do Sul in 2016. Still, both the PSPN and the teachers’ daily working hours of 1/3 without the presence of the students will be gradually implemented until 2021. The situation of public expenditure constraints, started in 2017, poses further challenges to the teachers’ Union. Their effects will probably postpone the rights established by law No. 11.738/2008 a little longer.Keywords: Education policy. Teachers’ Union. National Professional Minimum Wage.Remuneración docente: efectos de la lucha sindical en la implantación de la base salarial nacional profesionalRESUMENEl trabajo presenta la remuneración docente de la red estadual de enseñanza del estado de Mato Grosso do Sul en el contexto de implementación de la Ley 11.738/2008. La ley otorgará en el estado solamente en 2011. Se trabajó con la legislación de ámbitos federal y estadual, documentos de la esfera del estado, del movimiento sindical docente y de la prensa local. El grado de organización del movimiento sindical docente y sus acciones para la implementación de la Base Salarial Nacional (PSPN) y otros derechos docentes establecidos por la Ley 11.738/2008 tuvieron efectos positivos para la composición salarial docente en el período analizado. Se señala que la equivalencia salarial con otras profesiones, así como la jornada laboral docente, una de las metas del Plan Estadual de Educación, en concomitancia con el Plan Nacional de Educación 2014-2024, a partir del 2016, fue alcanzado por los docentes de la red estadual de enseñanza de Mato Grosso do Sul. Aún así, tanto el PSPN como la jornada laboral de 1/3 sin la presencia de educandos se están dando de forma escalonada hasta 2021. La conjuntura de restricción de gastos públicos, iniciada en 2017, coloca nuevos desafíos al movimiento sindical docente, cuyos efectos pueden retardar aún los derechos establecidos por la Ley 11.738/2008.Palabras clave: Política educativa. Movimiento Sindical Docente. Piso Salarial Profesional Nacional.

1985 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 277-290 ◽  
Carl E. Walter

In 1979 when debate over economic reform gained momentum, the future role of China's banking system became a major topic. Having fallen into obscurity during its merger of 1970–77 with the Ministry of Finance, the newly independent People's Bank of China became an aggressive advocate of reform. With its aim directed at the Ministry of Finance as well as local party “barons,” the bank's advocates called for an end to the Sovietinspired “Big Budget, Small Bank” financial system and to local Party interference in the bank's operations. Under this system, of which the 1956 credit reforms were a crucial part, the People's Bank had two principal functions. First, by carefully auditing the financial operations of all state enterprises, the bank was to ensure their adherence to the state plan. Bank credit was meant to compel enterprise management adherence to the state plans. The second function was a quantitative control of the nation's money supply. Bank supervision of enterprise finances was meant to be one way to this objective. But from its first efforts in 1955 to implement such micro-financial controls over the economy, the People's Bank encountered strong opposition from enterprise management, local bureaus of finance, the Ministry of Finance, and the Party apparatus. As a result, its supervisory function began to atrophy, leaving the bank to pursue control over the money supply. This it did primarily through reliance on its savings operations which, in contrast to enterprise supervision, enjoyed the strong support of the Party apparatus. By the height of the Cultural Revolution Party leftists saw the bank as a perfect object for bureaucratic “simplification.” Aside from its savings operations, its credit and even financial planning functions had become vestigal. Consequently, in 1970 the headquarters of the bank was dissolved and local bank branches merged with the budgetary system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 413-422 ◽  
Mick Lennon MACHADO ◽  
Cristine Garcia GABRIEL ◽  
Claudia SOAR ◽  
Janaina das NEVES ◽  
Juliana Theodora Cunha de OLIVEIRA

ABSTRACT Objective To identify potentialities and limitations for the execution of a State Plan for Food and Nutrition Security. Methods This is a qualitative research, using as a case the State Plan of Food and Nutrition Security of the state of Santa Catarina. The data were collected from an interview with eight key informants nominated by the executive secretaries of the Food and Nutrition Security Council and the Inter-Sectoral Food and the state Nutrition Security Board. The analysis took place through the Collective Subject Discourse method. Results The main potentialities were the quality of the plan and the structuring of the National System of Food and Nutrition Security in the state. The main limitations were related to the financial resources, to political interests and to the structure of the Management Chamber. Conclusion It is hoped that this study may support strategies that strengthen potentialities and minimize the limitations identified in the case studied, as well as in similar state contexts, contributing to the qualification of the Plans and consequent execution of the Food and Nutrition Security Policy.

1985 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-227
M. M. Gimadeev

At a meeting of the Politburo-Central Committee of the CPSU on November 15, 1984, when considering the drafts of the State Plan for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR and the State Budget of the USSR for 1985, the importance of specifying ways of solving economic and social problems for the last, final year of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan was emphasized.

1983 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 665-688 ◽  
Y. Y. Kueh

In the terminology of Chinese planning the “state plan” (“guojia jihua”) embraces both the central and provincial plans, while the “local plan” (“difang jihua”) refers exclusively to the one for the xian (county) and its administrative equivalent, namely the provincial municipality. This distinction is seldom made in relevant western studies. The prevalent practice is to regard provincial and local planning as synonymous, in contrast to central planning. As a result, the xian as a separate planning authority has scarcely received any attention, except for some sporadic references made in connection with studies on local, especially rural, industries.

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