scholarly journals Who is Best at Mediating a Social Conflict? Comparing Robots, Screens and Humans

Daniel Druckman ◽  
Lin Adrian ◽  
Malene Flensborg Damholdt ◽  
Michael Filzmoser ◽  
Sabine T. Koszegi ◽  

AbstractThe impacts of various mediation platforms on negotiation outcomes and perceptions are compared in this article. The mediator platforms contrasted were a (teleoperated) Telenoid robot, a human, and a computer screen. All of these platforms used the same script for process diagnosis, analysis, and advice on how to resolve an impasse in a simulated high-tech company de-merger negotiation. A fourth experimental condition consisted of a no-mediation control. More agreements and more integrative agreements were attained by the robotic platform than by the other types of mediator platforms and the control. Mediation via the Telenoid robot also produced more non-structured agreements, which consisted of decisions made outside of the scenario options. Negotiators in this condition had more positive perceptions of the mediation experience, were more satisfied with the outcome, and thought that the mediator’s advice was more useful. Indirect analyses showed that the outcomes mediated the effects of the conditions on perceived satisfaction. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of responses to novelty, which include creative and divergent modes of thinking.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Nguyen Duy Dung

Characteristics of the industrial revolution 4.0 is the wide application of high-tech achievements, especially information technology, digitalization, artificial intelligence, network connections for management to create sudden changes in socio-economic development of many countries. Therefore, to reach the high-tech time, many magazines in Vietnam have changed dramatically, striving to reach the international scientific journal system of ISI, Scopus. The publication of international standard scientific journal will meet the demand of publishing research results of local scientists, on the other hand contribute to strengthening exchange, cooperation, international integration in science and technology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Gede Basuyoga Prabhawita ◽  
Rahayu Supanggah

<p><span>“Desak Terdesak” merupakan sebuah film fiksi pendek yang berangkat dari isu tentang kurangnya “penghargaan” <span>terhadap perempuan Bali. Karya ini mengangkat posisi serta status perempuan Bali dalam hukum adat yang<br /><span>selalu berada di bawah kekuasaan laki-laki. Hal tersebut berkaitan erat dan didasari oleh keyakinan mayoritas <span>penduduk Bali, sistem kekerabatan patrilineal, sistem wangsa dan petuah-petuah orang tua. Dalam film fiksi <span>pendek ini pengkarya berusaha menghadirkan konflik sosial yang lebih tajam dengan menggabungkan <span>permasalahan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, tekanan ekonomi, dan ketidakberdayaan melawan hukum <span>adat yang membuat posisi perempuan Bali bernama Desak semakin terdesak. Sejak kecil perempuan Bali<br /><span>dididik untuk mandiri, bekerja keras dan bukan mahkluk lemah yang harus dilindungi. Orang tua mengajarkan <span>untuk selalu menjunjung tinggi martabat dan siap berkorban demi nama baik keluarga. Perempuan Bali telah <span>diberikan persamaan hak dalam memperoleh pendidikan, pekerjaan dan mengutarakan pendapat, namun <span>disisi lain mereka tetap diikat oleh berbagai sistem yang berlaku di Bali. “Desak Terdesak” berdurasi 20 menit, <span>menggunakan pendekatan Realis medan Hollywood Klasik sebagai bentuk karya dengan plot linier yang<br /><span>sesuai aksi peristiwa. Dialog dalam film ini menggunakan bahasa Bali dialek Singaraja untuk memperkuat <span>setting dan penokohan yang dibangun dalam cerita. Beberapa sumber pustaka seperti Filsafat Timur, Sebuah <span>Pengantar Hinduisme dan Buddhisme, Perempuan Bali, Hukum Adat Bali, Hak Waris Perempuan Bali dan <span>Kesalahpahaman Kasta digunakan sebagai rujukan dalam menciptakan karya ini. Film yang diilhami dari <span>kisah nyata ini memberikan sedikit pengetahuan, informasi, pemahaman kepada pembaca serta penonton<br /><span>terkait posisi perempuan dalam hukum dan pergaulan adat masyarakat Bali yang menganut sistem kekerabatan <span>patrilineal.<br /><span><strong>Kata kunci: </strong><span>film, perempuan, Bali, budaya, sistem, bentuk.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p><p><span><span><span><em>“Desak Terdesak” is a film of short fiction based on the issues of the lack of “appreciation” towards Balinese </em><span><em>women. This work tells about the position and status of Balinese women in the custom that they are always </em><span><em>under the men’s power. It is closely related to and based on the most Balinese belief, the patrilineal kinship </em><span><em>system, </em><span>wangsa <span><em>system, and the parental teachings. In the short fiction film, the creator tries to present the </em><span><em>sharper social conflict by combining the problems of domestic violance, economic depression, and the</em><br /><span><em>helpnessness against customary law that makes Balinese women namely Desak is more distressed. Sinceyoung, </em><span><em>Balinese women have been educated to be independent, working hard, and not to be a poor being that must</em><br /><span><em>be protected. Parents teach to always uphold dignity and to be ready to sacrifice in the name of family’s </em><span><em>reputation. Balinese women have been given similar rights in getting education, employment and proposing </em><span><em>opinion, on the other hand, they are tied by various systems held in Bali. “Desak Terdesak” has 20 minutes </em><span><em>duration using Realism and Classical Hollywood approach as a form of work with linear plots corresponding to </em><span><em>the action of events. Dialogue in the film uses Balinese language with Singaraja dialect to strengthen setting</em><br /><span><em>and characterization built in the story. Library sources like Eastern Philosophy, An Introductory To Hinduism </em><span><em>AndBuddhism, Balinese Women, Balinese Custom, Hereditary Right Of Balinese Women And Misconceptions Of Caste is used as a reference in creating this work. The film that has been inspired by a real story</em><br /><span><em>provides little knowledge,informations, the reader as well as the audience understanding related to the women </em><span><em>position in law and in customary intercommunication of Balinese community that follow patrilineal kinship</em><br /><span><em>system.</em><br /><span><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><span><em>film, woman, Bali, culture, system, form.</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></span></span><br /></span></span></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Quan-Hoang Vuong

<em>Background</em>. Over the past 15 years or so, in Vietnam, a phenomenon has steadily grown more and more widespread: the forming of co-located patients communities. Poor patients choose to live together, seeking/lending supports from/to one another. Despite the undeniable existence of these communities, little is researched or known about how co-located patients perceive the value of what they receive as cluster members, or how they assess their future connection to the communities they are living in. <br /><em>Materials and Methods.</em> The study employs multiple logistic regressions method to investigate relationships between factors such as perceived satisfaction from community-provided financial means, reported health improvements, along with patients’ shortand longer-term commitments to these communities. <br /><em>Results</em>. The results suggest meaningful empirical relationships: 1) between, on one hand, gender, perceived values and sustainability of patients communities, financial stress faced by patients and the financial benefits they received from the community, and, on the other hand, their propensity to stay connected to it; and 2) between economic conditions, length of stay with a community, general level of satisfaction, health improvements on one hand and long-term commitment to these communities on the other hand. <br /><em>Conclusions</em>. Patients who choose to stick to co-location clusters do so for an economic reason: finding means to fight their financial hardship. This may suggest a degree of complication higher than one would have thought in dealing with poor patients from a social point of view. Concretely, the majority of the public only focuses on charity programs and in-king donations, while ignoring the more sustainable – and, at the same time, more complicated – alternative which is to create suitable income-generating jobs for patient. In addition, patients are not only those who seek to ask for supports but can potentially be the donors contributing to the sustainability of those voluntary communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 442-453
Sadhna Dash

As organisations deal with the evolving nature of the new normal, the role of the human resources (HR) is getting redefined to meet the ongoing needs of its workforce. Designing employee–HR experiences in an uncertain and ambiguous work world emerges as one of the top challenges for HR leaders. On the one hand, employee well-being initiatives like employee mentoring, virtual mindfulness workshops, health tips and free consulting and counselling services are becoming the norm. On the other hand, the HR function is itself being re-crafted for the emergent workplace. Technology plays a pivotal role, fuelling the need for scaling HR activities to provide next-gen employee experiences. As the war for high-tech talent increases, organisations are re-crafting an all new HR playbook to differentiate themselves as preferred employers. Within the transforming work and workplace context, the worker continues to be in the eye of the storm and demands both attention and action.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 1550003 ◽  

Little is known about how transfer processes are shaped by the underlying industry and its technical regimes. In our analysis, we differentiate between Science and Technology-modes of learning which incorporate the latest developments in research, and a more practice-oriented mode based on industry-specific knowledge. We test whether Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), that provide technology transfer to firms, follow one or the other mode in correspondence to their customer's needs. Our analysis is based on 67 Russian RTOs transferring technology either to low-tech or high-tech manufacturing firms. For high-tech manufacturing, the use of patents and the intake of scientists are vital for successful technology transfer. Own basic research is positively correlated only with transfer to low-tech manufacturing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (12) ◽  
pp. 1609-1631 ◽  
Varda Wasserman ◽  
Michal Frenkel

How does the multiplicity of surveilling gazes affect the experience of employees subjected to a matrix of domination in organisations? Building on a case study of ultra-religious Jewish women in Israeli high-tech organisations, the article demonstrates how the intersectionality of gender and religiosity exposed them to a matrix of contradicting visibility regimes – managerial, peers, and religious community. By displaying their compliance with each visibility regime, they were constructed as hyper-subjugated employees, but simultaneously were able to use (in)visibility as a resource. Specifically, by manoeuvring between the various gazes and playing one visibility regime against the other, they challenged some of the organisational and religious norms that served to marginalise them, yet upheld their status as worthy members of both institutions. Juxtaposing theoretical insights from organisational surveillance and gender studies, the article reveals the role of multiple surveilling gazes in both the reproduction of minorities’ marginalisation, and their ability to mobilise it to maintain their collective identities.

Subject China-Russia cooperation. Significance Beijing and Moscow are compensating for deteriorating ties with Washington by building -- or at least declaring -- close political and economic relations with each other. Chinese exporters of production and consumer goods are replacing Western companies that are curtailing activities due to Western sanctions and Moscow’s countersanctions. However, neither Beijing nor Moscow sees the other as a true substitute for normal relations with Washington. Impacts China and Russia will more actively use the renminbi and ruble as settlement currencies. Russia will preserve its position as China’s key supplier of oil and will significantly expand deliveries of natural gas. Russia will press for closer ties in high-tech industries; China will be wary, fearing this might prompt new US sanctions. The epicentre of Russia’s foreign economic ties will shift further from the EU to China. Greater economic interaction with Russia will help China cement its relations with other former Soviet countries.

2003 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-210 ◽  
Willem Doise

Human rights are defined as normative social representations embedded in institutional juridical definitions. Research findings show that human rights can be studied as normative social representations implying a degree of common understanding across cultures together with organized differences within and between cultures. Important factors in modulating individual positioning in the realm of human rights are experiences of social conflict and injustice, beliefs about the efficiency of various social actors to have rights enforced and attitudes of liberalism or collectivism. On the other hand, an ethnocentric use of human rights is well documented and has been experimentally studied. Generally, concerns about these rights expressed by citizens of Western countries become much stronger when non-Western countries are involved, whereas violations of these rights in their own country are often not severely condemned.

PMLA ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 380-391 ◽  
James E. Robinson

Two comic ideas inform the artistry of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The traditions of festival and ritual help to explain the one idea of celebrating man's quest for renewal in communion with nature and divinity; the traditions of Roman comedy and rhetoric help to explain the other, the idea of understanding man's folly in his quest for order in society. Shakespeare creates two contexts, finite society with its mores and laws, and nature with its transcendent gods, and then assimilates the two in the action and language of the play. The action combines a dialectical sequence based on social conflict and a symbolic sequence based on magic and myth. The language ranges between debate and song, argument and incantation. The gods of nature become both measure and mirror of the absurdity of human love, and the result is both satiric and celebrative: folly is understood as folly and celebrated as myth. Shakespeare's amusement at the artist's power through language to comprehend the relation of nature and experience and translate the comprehension into comic myth is apparent throughout. Bottom's wedding to Titania is summary of the comprehension and the play-within-a-play is a burlesque of the power.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-145
Patricia Mayes ◽  
Mary Clinkenbeard

We report on a case study involving two participants: One participant has a communication disability and uses a high-tech, electronic device to speak, and the other is nondisabled. Their interaction differs from typical, everyday conversation because some linguistic resources are unavailable in aided speech, resulting in frequent repair sequences and slower progression. The analysis shows that when the aided speaker initiates an extended telling, the recipient uses questions to do repair-related actions as well as actions that could progress the story. Thus, this context affords the opportunity to investigate how the recipient’s projections interact with intersubjectivity and progressivity.

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