The emotional deficits associated with the Dark Triad traits: Cognitive empathy, affective empathy, and alexithymia

2013 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 532-537 ◽  
Peter K. Jonason ◽  
Laura Krause
Ольга Саннікова

Запропонована стаття ґрунтується на досвіді багатьох років роботи автора над проблемою індивідуальних відмінностей осіб, які відрізняються індивідуально-психологічними особливостями емоційності. Розглядаються особливості деяких небажаних соціальних проявів, що відносяться до нарцисичних тенденцій, до крайніх (субклінічних) варіантів «норми». «Вільний індивідуалізм», що став популярним останні роки у суспільстві, не тільки призводить до порушень спілкування, порушень міжособистісних відносин, впливає на успішність діяльності, а й сприяє розвитку особистісної організації як нарцисичної. Саме тому актуальним стає теоретико-методологічне обґрунтування проблеми нарцисизма, вивчення його психологічних виявів, індивідуальних варіацій ознак цього феномена. Підґрунтям для пошуку індивідуально-типових особливостей нарцисизма нами обрано емоційність, яка розглядається як стійка схильність до переживання емоцій певної якості (знак і модальність домінуючих емоцій). Мета статті – виклад та обговорення результатів дослідження індивідуально-психологічних особливостей неклінічного нарцисизма в осіб, котрі різняться за емоційністю. Виявлена наявність від’ємних значущих зв’язків між емоційною модальністю «Радість» і більшістю показників нарцисизма; у той же час модальності «Гнів» «Страх», «Печаль» корелюють із показниками нарцисизма переважно додатно. Розглянуті профілі нарцисизма осіб, що різняться за емоційністю (стійке домінування однієї з емоційних модальностей); вивчені «психологічні портрети» осіб, які схильні до нарцисичних тенденцій, і його специфіка в представників мономодальних типів емоційності; встановлені відмінності в структурі й проявах нарцисизма між представниками різних типів емоційності. Підтверджено припущення про те, що індивідуальна своєрідність нарцисичних рис у межах психічної норми, варіативність їх індивідуальних композицій (якісно-кількісна комбінація компонентів нарцисизма) зумовлені ступенем домінування певної емоційної модальності. Література Гордієнко,І.О. (2017). Самоприйняття та нарцисизм: співвідношення показників. Матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції молодих учених та студентів «Проблеми сучасної психології особистості» (м. Одеса, 25-26 травня 2017). (Випуск 8, с.62–67 ). Одеса : ВМВ. Егорова, М.С., & Ситникова, М.А. (2014). Тёмная триада. Психологические исследования, 7(10). Залуцкая, Н.М. (2003). Индекс функционирования Self-системы (на основе теста оценки нарцисизма). Санкт Петербург : НИПНИ им. В.М.Бехтерева. Клепикова, Н.М. (2011). Операциональное определение нарцисизма в пределах психической нормы. (Автореф. дис. канд. психол. наук). Хабаровск. Корнилова, Т.В., Корнилов, С.А., Чумакова, М.А., & Талмач, М.С. (2015). Методика диагностики личностных черт «Темной триады»: апробация опросника «Темная дюжина». Психологический журнал, 36(2), 99–112 . Издательский дом ВЭШ Меленчук, Н.І. (2015). Нарцисичні прояви авантюрності. Наука і освіта, 10, 91–97. Одеса: ПНЦ НАПН України. Меленчук, Н.І., & Бєлєнцова, О.В. (2019). Нарцисизм як предиктор авантюрності особистості. Матеріали Всеукраїнської наук.-практ. конф. «Проблеми сучасної психології особистості. Ресурси та чинники психологічного благополуччя особистості» (м. Одеса, 21 березня 2019 р). (с. 113–120.) Одеса : ВМВ. Модель структуры личности HEXACO. Режим доступа: Небылицын, В.Д. (2000). Проблемы психологии индивидуальности. А.В. Брушлинский и Т.Н. Ушакова. (Ред.).Москва : Московский психолого-социальный институт. Воронеж : Изд-во НПО «МОДЭК». Ольшанникова,А.Е. (1978). К психодиагностике эмоциональности. Проблемы общей, возрастной и педагогической психологии. В.В. Давыдов (Ред.). 93–105 . Москва : «Педагогика» Рейковский, Януш (1979). 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PeerJ ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e8120 ◽  
Raquel Gómez-Leal ◽  
Alberto Megías-Robles ◽  
María José Gutiérrez-Cobo ◽  
Rosario Cabello ◽  
Enrique G. Fernández-Abascal ◽  

The Dark Triad (DT) is composed of three closely related personality traits: psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism. These traits have been linked to emotional deficits. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the DT traits, including sub-dimensions, and depressive symptoms in order to identify those factors most strongly associated with the development of depression in individuals scoring high on DT. For these purposes, a total of 791 adults (M = 35.76 years; 24.91% males) completed a questionnaire battery including DT traits and depression measures. A positive significant correlation was found between psychopathy and Machiavellianism traits (total score and all sub-dimensions) and depressive symptoms. For narcissism, the direction of the correlation was dependent on the sub-dimension assessed. A model explaining 26.2% of the depressive symptoms scores was composed of the callous affect and criminal tendencies sub-dimensions of psychopathy, cynical view of human nature, which is a sub-dimension of Machiavellianism, and entitlement and self-sufficiency, which are sub-dimensions of narcissism. In addition, some of the relationships found between DT sub-dimensions and depressive symptoms appeared to depend on gender. Our results could have implications for detection and intervention programs aimed at decreasing the negative emotional consequences suffered by individuals with high DT scores. Limitations and future lines of research are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 34 (12) ◽  
pp. 2419-2437 ◽  
Christie Hartman ◽  
Tina Hageman ◽  
James Herbert Williams ◽  
Jason St. Mary ◽  
Frank R. Ascione

We explored the relation between empathy, callous–unemotional (CU) traits, and animal abuse in a sample of 290 seven- to twelve-year-old children whose mothers were exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV). The sample comprises mostly Latino and White participants, and 55% of the children’s mothers were born outside the United States (primarily Mexico). To our knowledge, among studies examining child-perpetrated animal abuse, this study is the first to examine empathy levels and one of only a few to examine CU traits. When comparing Griffith Empathy Measure (empathy) and Inventory of Callous–Unemotional Traits (callous–unemotional [CU] traits) scores with those from studies of White schoolchildren, our sample scored lower on affective empathy, higher on cognitive empathy, and lower for overall CU scores as well as Callous and Unemotional subscales. Of 290 children, 47 (16.2%) harmed an animal at least once according to either mother or child report. There were no significant sex or age differences between Abuse and No Abuse groups. The Abuse group scored significantly higher on affective empathy, CU, and Callousness/Unemotional subscales, and significantly lower on cognitive empathy. However, in regression analyses that controlled for income, only lower cognitive empathy and higher CU significantly predicted having abused an animal. In summary, low cognitive empathy (but not affective empathy) and CU traits may serve as reliable predictors of child animal abuse. However, replication of these results is necessary. A larger sample with a high percentage of Latino children whose mothers were exposed to IPV, along with a non-exposed comparison group, would be ideal.

Sergeja Slapničar ◽  
Mina Ličen ◽  
Frank G. H. Hartmann ◽  
Anka Slana Ozimič ◽  
Grega Repovš

Research shows that management accountants’ role to support business unit managers’ decision-making may cause them to succumb to managers’ pressures to misreport. Using electroencephalographic (EEG) evidence, Eskenazi, Hartmann and Rietdijk (2016) demonstrate the role of automatic emotional mimicry, which drives misreporting when managers’ personal interest is at stake, but not when BU interest is at stake. In this study, we aim to replicate this finding using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which enables us to separate affective from cognitive empathy. Thirty accounting professionals completed an emotion observation task during which empathy-related brain activity was recorded. We then explored accountants’ inclination to misreport using empathy-invoking accounting scenarios. We find that the inclination to misreport correlates with activation of cognitive empathy regions, but only for scenarios in which accountants misreport to serve business unit’s interests, rather than managers’ personal interests. We find no evidence for a role of affective empathy.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 3136
Suhhee Yoo ◽  
Mincheol Whang

Empathy can bring different benefits depending on what kind of emotions people empathize with. For example, empathy with negative emotions can raise donations to charity while empathy with positive emotions can increase participation during remote education. However, few studies have focused on the physiological differences depending on what kind of emotions people empathize with. Furthermore, co-viewer can influence the elicitation of different levels of empathy, but this has been less discussed. Therefore, this study investigated vagal response differences according to each empathy factor level elicited by different emotions and co-viewer. Fifty-nine participants were asked to watch 4 videos and to evaluate subjective valence, arousal scores, and undertake an empathy questionnaire, which included cognitive, affective and identification empathy. Half of the participants watched the videos alone and the other half watched the videos with a co-viewer. Valence and arousal scores were categorized into three levels to figure out what kind of emotions they empathized with. Empathy level (high vs. low) was determined based on the self-report scores. Two-way MANOVA revealed an interaction effect of empathy level and emotions. High affective empathy level is associated with higher vagal response regardless of what kind of emotions they empathized with. However, vagal response differences in other empathy factor level showed a different pattern depending on what kind of emotions that participant empathized with. A high cognitive empathy level showed lower vagal responses when participants felt negative or positive valence. High identification level also showed increased cognitive burden when participants empathized with negative and neutral valence. The results implied that emotions and types of empathy should be considered when measuring empathic responses using vagal tone. Two-way MANOVA revealed empathic response differences between co-viewer condition and emotion. Participants with a co-viewer felt higher vagal responses and self-reporting empathy scores only when participants empathized with arousal. This implied that the effect of a co-viewer may impact on empathic responses only when participants felt higher emotional intensity.

Iván Suazo ◽  
María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes ◽  
María del Mar Molero Jurado ◽  
África Martos Martínez ◽  
María del Mar Simón Márquez ◽  

Humanization of nursing is related to certain social and moral variables. Moral sensitivity, empathy, and prosocial behavior help understand a situation and make decisions that benefit the patient. The objective of this study is to find out how these variables are related, and define the differences in moral sensitivity, empathy, and prosocial behavior in humanization of nursing. We also analyzed the mediating role of empathy in the relationship between moral sensitivity and prosocial behavior. The sample was made up of 330 Spanish nurses aged 22 to 56, who completed the HUMAS Scale and adapted versions of the Basic Empathy Scale, the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire, and the Prosocial Behavior Scale. Descriptive analyses, bivariate correlations and multiple mediation models were calculated. The results found significantly different mean scores between all the groups in responsibility and moral strength, cognitive empathy, and prosocial behavior, and in moral burden, the differences were in the high-humanization-score group compared to the low-score group. Furthermore, the mediation models showed the mediating effect of cognitive empathy between the responsibility, strength, and moral burden factors on prosocial behavior, but not of affective empathy. The study concluded that humanization in nursing is closely related to moral sensitivity, cognitive empathy, and prosocial behavior. This facilitates a helping, caring, and understanding attitude toward patient needs, but without the affective flooding that affective empathy can lead to.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-47 ◽  
Maja Djikic ◽  
Keith Oatley ◽  
Mihnea C. Moldoveanu

The potential of literature to increase empathy was investigated in an experiment. Participants (N = 100, 69 women) completed a package of questionnaires that measured lifelong exposure to fiction and nonfiction, personality traits, and affective and cognitive empathy. They read either an essay or a short story that were equivalent in length and complexity, were tested again for cognitive and affective empathy, and were finally given a non-self-report measure of empathy. Participants who read a short story who were also low in Openness experienced significant increases in self-reported cognitive empathy (p .05). No increases in affective empathy were found. Participants who were frequent fiction-readers had higher scores on the non-self-report measure of empathy. Our results suggest a role for fictional literature in facilitating development of empathy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 372-392 ◽  
Gaurav Manohar Marathe ◽  
Tanusree Dutta ◽  
Sayantan Kundu

Purpose The study aims to examine whether management education can successfully cultivate the competency of empathy that is needed in future corporate leaders to promote sustainability initiatives catering to diverse stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach The research highlights the impact of management education on cognitive and affective empathy by analysing the interpersonal reflectivity scores of entering students enrolled in a two-year, full-time MBA programme and the scores of the same students at graduation. Findings The findings show that management education has a positive impact on cognitive empathy, while it reduces affective empathy and general empathy. Further, findings show that the management curriculum brings cognitive and affective empathy to an equilibrium level that is needed for a competitive business environment. Research limitations/implications The research focussed only on the change in empathy of the participants (students) during management education and not during actual corporate work. Practical implications The research infers that current management education creates future executives with higher cognitive empathy. It argues that they would care more about the sustainability of the business in terms of profit or access to capital rather than care and concern for all the stakeholders, society and the environment. A new paradigm in management education also needs to be focussed around inculcating how to empathise affectively. Originality/value The study presents an empirical analysis suggesting that management education is opening the mind but not the heart. It raises a significant concern that higher management curriculum is not developing future executives who can lead the sustainability initiatives.

Jacinto Martínez ◽  
Antonio J. Rodríguez-Hidalgo ◽  
Izabela Zych

Although bullying and cyberbullying have been widely studied in diverse geographical areas, the number of studies in isolated regions, located in rainforests such as the Peruvian Amazonia, is low. Most research has been conducted in wealthy, Western countries, although disadvantaged areas are usually the most affected by various problems. Thus, the aims of this study were to validate bullying and cyberbullying measurement instruments among adolescents in the Peruvian Amazonia, to determine the prevalence rates of bullying and cyberbullying among this population, and to examine how bullying and cyberbullying relate to self-esteem, empathy, and social skills. The sample included 607 students from the region of Loreto (Peruvian Amazonia) who completed self-report questionnaires. Both questionnaires used in the sample were found to have good psychometric properties. Results showed that bullying and cyberbullying are prevalent among teenagers in the Amazonia. Low self-esteem and high affective empathy predicted bullying victimization. Being a bully was related to high assertiveness. Being a bully-victim was related to low self-esteem and low assertiveness. Cybervictims showed higher cognitive empathy. Cyberbullies showed higher affective empathy in comparison to uninvolved adolescents. Having low self-esteem and higher affective empathy were related to being a cyberbully/victim. This study provides a validated questionnaire that can be used for research and practice in the Amazonia. Based on the current results, tailored anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying interventions with components focused on self-esteem, empathy, and social skills should be implemented in Peruvian secondary schools.

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