Conjuring with Coca and the INCA: The Andeanization of Lima’s Afro-Peruvian Ritual Specialists, 1580-1690

2006 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-80
Leo J. Garofalo

African diasporic communities throughout the Americas played important roles in creating colonial societies, providing both a population base and ways to organize everyday life as evidenced in subsistence activities, housing, language, religion, and artistic expression. In the Andes, Afro-Peruvian ritual specialists provide an example of black participation in forging a place in colonial society during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They earned both respect and fear, status and stigma, for their ability to solve a variety of problems and illnesses believed to be caused by the malice of other people or by supernatural forces. These ritualists also show how people of African descent helped invent widely-employed strategies to bridge cultures and link heterogeneous colonial populations in Andean cities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-58

AbstractThis article analyses the organisation of the Army of the Andes, created in Mendoza between 1814 and 1817 with the aim of reconquering Chile from the royalists. The first section studies the role of José de San Martín as an informal arbiter in Bernardo O'Higgins’ dispute with José Miguel Carrera. The aim is to explain why San Martín decided to support O'Higgins, and the immediate consequences of this alliance. The second section addresses the main characteristics of the Army of the Andes and the process of militarisation experienced by the local inhabitants. Everyday life in Mendoza became inseparable from the needs of the revolutionary army. The paper then considers the so-called guerra de zapa and the participation of irregular agents. The involvement of spies and guerrilla officers in the revolution increased as warfare intensified. The final section analyses the crossing of the cordillera by the insurgents and the revolutionary triumph of 12 February 1817 at Chacabuco.

Steve Zeitlin

This book explores the poetry of everyday life and relates it to folklore, with the objective of helping the reader to maximize their capacity for artistic expression. It asks how we can tap into the poetics of things we often take for granted, from the stories we tell to the people we love, or the sports and games we play. It considers how poems serve us in daily life, as well as the ways poems are used in crisis situations: to serve people with AIDS, or as a form of healing and remembrance after 9/11. The book also looks at the tales and metaphors of scientists as a kind of poetry that enables us to better understand the universe around us. It includes a section dedicated to art in the human life cycle and explains the author's own conception of “the human unit of time.” Lastly, the book suggests ways to tap in to the artfulness and artistry of our own lives and how to find audiences for your work, to share your vision with the world.

2020 ◽  
pp. 290-306
Christine Walker

The book concludes in the 1760s, the era when most of the scholarship on Jamaica begins. It uses a unique set of letters written by a Euro-African woman, Mary Rose, to her former paramour and patron, Rose Fuller, to frame a moment of violence and change in the colony. Between 1760 and 1761, enslaved people launched a massive uprising called Tacky’s Revolt on the island. Tacky’s Revolt challenged slaveholder hegemony and threatened British power in Jamaica. Rose occupied a liminal position in colonial society during this moment of crisis. She was a free woman of European and African descent of middling wealth who commanded enslaved people and worked as a rancher to earn additional income. Yet, her authority was fragile and dependent on Fuller’s support. Rose thus foregrounds the precarious position occupied by free and freed women with African ancestry at a moment when some local officials, together with imperial authorities, determined that white solidary was the solution to extinguishing slave insurgencies. The local government sought to limit the material wealth held by free people of Euro-African descent. Yet, this population continued to grow, adding to the diverse group of women who remained deeply invested in slaveholding.

Ольга Николаевна Филиппова

Статья посвящена творчеству советского живописца, народного художника, академика АХ СССР Семена Афанасьевича Чуйкова. В фокусе внимания автора живописные произведения художника, посвященные Индии. В отличие от наиболее изученных работ о Киргизии, ее людях и природе, индийская тема представляет еще много возможностей для изучения средств художественной выразительности и развития творческого метода С.А. Чуйкова. В результате анализа произведений разных лет в контексте биографии и мировоззрения художника автор статьи выявляет черты живописно-пластической структуры картин, особенности образов и колорита. Особое внимание уделено поэтизации образов простых людей Индии, их быта, а также мотивам женщины и матери, перекличке тем материнства и равноправия, демократизму художника. Отмечены характерные решения в композиции, пластике, а также стремление художника к большой форме, к монументальному обобщенному образу. The article is devoted to the work of the Soviet painter Semyon Chuikov, peoples artist, academician of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. The author focuses on paintings by the artist dedicated to India. Unlike the most studied works on Kyrgyzstan, its people and nature, the Indian theme still has plenty of opportunities to explore the means of artistic expression and the development of a creative method of S.A. Chuikov. As a result of the analysis of works of different years in the context of the artists biography and worldview, the author of the article reveals the features of the picturesque-plastic structure of paintings, especially images and color. Particular attention is paid to the images of Indian people , their everyday life, as well as the motives of woman and mother, the parallelism of topics of motherhood and equality, and the democratism of the artist. Characteristic decisions in composition, plastic, as well as the artists desire for a large form, for a monumental generalized image are noted.

Alfredo Gómez Alcorta ◽  
Germán Morong Reyes ◽  
Francisco Ocaranza Bosio

ResumenEste trabajo explora el significado y alcance de las revisitas realizadas en los Andes durante el periodo de las reformas borbónicas (S. XVIII), centrándose en los Andes Meridionales (Tarata y Tarapacá). Presentamos algunos fragmentos de revisitas y sus particularidades, la naturaleza de su contenido y las coyunturas que las impulsaron. Se enfatiza el lazo existente entre las visitas y revisitas con los fenómenos de condicionamiento y modelación de la sociedad indígena. En tal sentido, exploramos el significado e importancia que les otorgara el Estado Colonial a visitas y revisitas –para la fijación de las tasas y retasas– y también el rol particular de estas últimas como dispositivos normativo-textuales en la construcción de una sociedad colonial normada. Nuestra propuesta consiste en sugerir que las revisitas constituyen una fuente ineludible para aproximarnos a la comprensión de un aspecto sustancial de la tensión social del último siglo de dominio colonial, como también en instrumentos textuales cuyos enunciados performan una realidad étnica a partir de los intereses de la fiscalidad imperial hispana.Palabras clave: Etnohistoria, Historia colonial, Fiscalidad hispana, Revisitas, Ayllos, Documentos burocráticosRevisiting indians: power configurations, silencing and ethnicities in delayed colonial documents (18th century)AbstractThis paper explores the meaning and scope of the revisits conducted in the Andes during the period of the Bourbon reforms (18th Century), focusing on the Southern Andes (Tarata and Tarapaca). We present some fragments of revisits and their particularities, the nature of their contents and the joints that boosted them. It emphasizes the link between visits and revisits and the phenomena of conditioning and modeling the Indian society. In this regard,we explore the meaning and significance given by the Colonial State to visits and revisits, for fixing rates and rerates, and the particular role of the latter as normative textual devices in the building of a colonial society. We propose that revisits are a good way to approach the understanding of a substantial aspect of social tension in the last century of colonial domain, as well as the textual instruments whose statements inform an ethnic reality from the interests of the Spanish imperial taxation.Keywords: ethnohistory; colonial history; Spanish taxation; revisits; Ayllos;bureaucratic documents.As revisitas de indios: configurações de poder, silenciamentos e etnias em documentos coloniais delongados (s. XVIII)ResumoEste trabalho explora o significado e alcance das revisitas efetuadas nos Andes durante o período das reformas Bourbônicas (S. XVIII), com foco nos Andes Meridionais (Tarata e Tarapacá). Apresentamos alguns fragmentos de revisitas e suas particularidades, a natureza do seu conteúdo e as conjunturas que as impulsionaram. Enfatiza-se a ligação entre as visitas e revisitas com os fenômenos de condicionamento e modelagem da sociedade indígena. A este respeito, se explora o significado e importância que lhes outorga o Estado Colonial a visitas e revisitas –para a fixação de taxas e retaxas- e também o papel particular destas últimas como dispositivos normativo-textuais na construção de uma sociedade colonial regulada. Nossa proposta é propor que as revisitas constituam-se numa fonte iniludível para aproximarmos a compreensão de um aspecto substancial da tensão social no último século do domínio colonial, como também em instrumentos textuais cujas declarações constroem uma realidade étnica a partir dos interesses da tributação imperial espanhola.Palavras-chave: Etno-história; história colonial; Tributação Hispana; Revisitas; Ayllus; Documentos burocráticos

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 84
Zachary Isrow

<p class="FirstParaofSectionTextStyle" align="left"><span class="DroppedCaseChar"><span>Art is a creative phenomenon which changes constantly, not just insofar as it is being created continually, but also in the very meaning of ‘art.’ Finding a suitable definition of art is no easy task and it has been the subject of much inquiry throughout artistic expression. This paper suggests a crucial distinction between ‘art forms’ and ‘forms of art’ is necessary in order to better understand art. The latter of these corresponds to that which we would typically call art such as painting, singing, etc. The former corresponds to the form out of which these take shape, movement, speech, etc. With this distinction set out, it becomes clearer that art and the aesthetic is rooted in the properties of the ‘thing’ such as the color, shape, and the texture, rather than the product of creation itself. Thus, the future of art will bring a new aesthetic in which these properties become recognized as art and as such there will be an aesthetic of everyday life.</span></span></p>

Rafael Chambouleyron ◽  
Pablo Ibáñez-Bonillo

The region known as the Amazon represents approximately forty percent of the territory of the South American continent. Today, it spreads through the territory of eight countries and one European overseas territory. In the colonial period, this vast area, which stretched from the piedmont of the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean, was an essential space for European imperial conflict in the Americas. The Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and French struggled for the possession of the region from the 16th century onward. However, the history of this vast region begins much earlier. A multiplicity of ethnically and linguistically distinct peoples occupied this territory, and their social, political, and economic arrangements were crucial for European conquest and colonization. Many of these peoples were directly affected by the arrival and settlement of the Europeans, especially by disease and wars. Others integrated into colonial society through religious missions, voluntary settlement, and forced labor. The Indian labor force was crucial for the development of the colonial economy in the Amazon. However, European dominion over this territory was limited to the banks of the main rivers, and most of the Amazonian lands remained indigenous.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S367) ◽  
pp. 245-254
A. César González-Garca

AbstractWhen we talk about Astronomy, we normally do not take into account that we are using a cultural specific way of understanding the sky. Astronomers, either professional, amateur or just lovers of the sky nowadays tend to approach the sky from the point of view of modern science. There, we approach the sky as something that needs to be explored, understood and explained.However, this vision was not always like that, or even in other cultures is/was completely different. For centuries, the human being has comprehended the sky, its changes and constancies, as part of their world, as part of the environment, as part of their everyday life.In this paper, I review a few of these different ways of approaching the sky in several cultures, from the Near East to Rome or the Andes and how we can use them today for education, outreach and heritage management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 329-352
Roniere Silva Menezes

Resumo: Este trabalho tem como intuito discutir o papel das quadras populares presentes no livro Sagarana, de Guimarães Rosa, e refletir a respeito das canções do álbum Remanso de rio largo, de Celso Adolfo. O CD foi criado a partir de cantigas e narrativas do livro. No âmbito literário e musical, os textos ligam-se à vida cotidiana, à memória coletiva, ao imaginário popular, a experiências partilhadas. Revelam, em sua simplicidade, a sabedoria, a sutileza e a força lírica que embasam a expressão artística sertaneja. Ideias de herança, inacabamento e reinvenção contribuem para pensarmos nas criações que transitam entre a prosa, o verso e a canção, ultrapassando limiares específicos dos gêneros artístico-literários.Palavras-chave: Guimarães Rosa; Celso Adolfo; Sagarana; literatura; música.Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the role of the popular quatrains in the book Sagarana, by Guimarães Rosa, and reflect on the songs from the album Remanso de rio largo, by Celso Adolfo. The CD was based on ditties and narratives from the book. In the literary and musical context, the texts connect to everyday life, to collective memory, to the popular imaginary, to shared experiences. They reveal, in their simplicity, the wisdom, the subtlety and the lyrical force that underpin the artistic expression from the countryside. Ideas of inheritance, incompleteness, and reinvention contribute to a thought on the creations that move among prose, verse and song, overcoming specific thresholds of artistic-literary genres.Keywords: Guimarães Rosa; Celso Adolfo; Sagarana; literature; music.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
Ketevan Mamiseishvili

In this paper, I will illustrate the changing nature and complexity of faculty employment in college and university settings. I will use existing higher education research to describe changes in faculty demographics, the escalating demands placed on faculty in the work setting, and challenges that confront professors seeking tenure or administrative advancement. Boyer’s (1990) framework for bringing traditionally marginalized and neglected functions of teaching, service, and community engagement into scholarship is examined as a model for balancing not only teaching, research, and service, but also work with everyday life.

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