The Maine Rx Prescription Drug Plan and the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine: The Case of the Missing Link[age]

2003 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-30
Brannon P. Denning

In the 2002 Term, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) v. Concannon, in which PhRMA, the plaintiff-appellant, will argue that the State of Maine's program to supply low-cost prescription drugs to its citizens (the Maine Rx Program) violates the dormant Commerce Clause doctrine. After the Program became law in 2000, PhRMA sought and obtained an injunction from a federal district court preventing the law from going into effect. Shortly thereafter, the First Circuit unanimously reversed the district court and lifted the injunction. In June 2002, the Supreme Court granted certiorari.This Article argues that the Maine Rx Program violates the dormant Commerce Clause doctrine because it links a facially nondiscriminatory tax with a subsidy in a way that, in combination, burdens out-of-state drug sellers. The Supreme Court has found similar programs to be invalid in past cases, most recently in the 1994 case West Lynn Creamery, Inc. v. Healy.

Howard P. Chudacoff

This chapter discusses the case of Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma v. National Collegiate Athletic Association. Arguments in the case focused on whether the NCAA was acting illegally under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 by monopolizing all college football television contracts. In September 1982, Judge Juan Burciaga of the Federal District Court for Western Oklahoma decided in favor of the plaintiffs, concluding that the NCAA was a “classic cartel. ... exercising almost absolute control over the supply of college football which is made available to the networks, to television advertisers, and ultimately to the viewing public.” The judge concluded that the NCAA violated antitrust law by acting in restraint of trade in three ways: fixing prices of telecasts; creating boycotts of networks excluded from its contracts and threatening boycotts of its own members that might engage in alternative television contracts; and placing an artificial limit on televised college football. The NCAA took the case to the Supreme Court. However, on June 27, 1984, the Supreme Court upheld verdicts of the District and Appeals Courts.

1935 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 418-432
Roy L. Miller

Although many of our states have exhibited unsettled political conditions in recent months, North Dakota has passed through a unique experience in having four different governors occupy the executive office in six and one-half months. Twice during this period, the supreme court of the state has been requested to determine the right of the governor to hold office, and in each instance it has elevated the lieutenant-governor to the office. The first occasion resulted from the conviction of Governor William Langer of a felony after a trial in the federal district court, and the second involved the constitutional qualifications of Governor Thomas H. Moodie, elected last November.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bambang Sugeng Ariadi ◽  
Trisadini P. Usanti ◽  
Johan Wahyudi

In order to application of judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost is to reduce accumulation of cases in the Supreme Court especially at the level of Cassation. Along with the increasing number of incoming cases, and was sentenced in the District Court and Court of Appeal, the amount of the proposed decision legal remedy of Cassation to the Supreme Court also increased and began to be a serious problem. For that we need to do some research on role of Judiciary in Legal action restrictions in order to reduce the accumulation of civil cases. Penerapan asas peradilan yang sederhana, cepat dan biaya ringan bertujuan untuk mengurangi penumpukkan perkara di Mahkamah Agung, terutama pada tingkat Kasasi. Seiring dengan makin meningkatnya jumlah perkara yang masuk, dan diputus di PN dan PT, jumlah putusan yang diajukan upaya hukum Kasasi ke MA juga semakin meningkat dan mulai menjadi masalah serius. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan suatu penelitian tentang Peran Lembaga Peradilan dalam Pembatasan Upaya Hukum dalam rangka mengurangi penumpukkan perkara perdata.

Yuridika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Bambang Sugeng Ariadi S ◽  
Johan Wahyudi ◽  
Razky Akbar

The most important thing for any regulation judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost is to reduce the accumulation of cases in the Supreme Court. That is because, line with the increasing increasing number of incoming cases, and also that successfully terminated in the District Court and Court of Appeal, then the incoming number of decisions in the Supreme Court also increased and began to be a serious problem. In this regard, People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) seriously consider this and responded by provisions, that is TAP MPR No. VIII/MPR/2000 about of the Annual Report of State High Institutions at the Annual Session of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia in 2000 which one substance recommend that the Supreme Court immediately resolve pending lawsuits by increasing the number and quality of decisions and that the Supreme Court makes the rules o restrict the entry of cassation cases. Following up on the existence of the MPR decrees, he Supreme Court has issued several provisions n order to limit legal action in order to realize judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost, either in the form of the Supreme Court Rules (Perma) nor Supreme Court Circular Letter (Sema). This article is useful for know and understand how much has been the implementation judicial principle is simple, fast and low cost, in order to reduce the buildup of civil cases. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
Susanto Susanto ◽  
Muhamad Iqbal ◽  
Wawan Supriyatna

Based on the Decree of the Secretary of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 305/SEK/SK/VII/2018, the Supreme Court has chosen 17 District Courts, 6 State Administrative Courts and 9 Religious Courts as the Pilot Project Court for the e-court Application. On this basis, the sample of the court taken by the author is the District Court and Religious Court which is located in Tangerang Raya. The author will focus on the effectiveness and efficiency with regard to the role of the e-court system in the administrative system of the district and religious courts in Tangerang Raya. The large amount of time and files involved are considered far from the principles of fast, simple and low cost trial. It is hoped that time and cost efficiency problems can be resolved with E-court. To prove the test of the effective role of e-court in realizing fast, simple and low cost judiciary from the segmentation of district and religious courts in Tangerang Raya, the E-court system in state and religious courts in the Greater Tangerang area in segmentation creates efficiency in the case administration service process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Irma Garwan

Execution of civil case decision at the normative and implementative levels often causes juridical, sociological, and philosophical problems. The juridical problems may arise since the norms that regulate execution are often too short, simple, and not detailed; this could also cause problems at the implementative level. On top of that, the problems may be caused by a non-executable legally-binding decision (inkracht van gewijs de zaak). The objectives of the study are to investigate the ideal implementation of execution for the winning party to be in accordance with the provisions in Article 2 para. (4) and Article 4 para. (2) of Law No. 48/2009 concerning Judicial Power. The study employs a juridical, normative, and historical approach, as well as an in-concreto law discovery method. The study involved secondary data acquired from the review of relevant legal literatures. The data were analyzed and presented qualitatively. The results reveal that the principles of simple, fast, and low-cost judiciary is actualized if, in practice, the District Court Chief does not have to wait for the High Court Chief’s approval. Therefore, the Supreme Court shall prepare personnel (who have been appointed as Civil Servants) as the instruments to carry out the execution of legally-binding decisions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-352
Devina Puspita Sari

The photocopy acceptable in the court if it matched with the original letter and the strength of that photocopy is the same as the original letter. However, sometimes the original letter has been lost so that it cannot be shown at trial. This paper discusses whether a photocopy that cannot be matched with the original letter can be accepted in the civil procedural law and if it can be accepted how the strength of it, then the discussion will look at the judge’s consideration in two cases related to the issue. The results of discussions are that photocopies that cannot be matched with the original letter can be accepted as evidence if the photocopy matches or is strengthened with other evidence, as the jurisprudence of Decision Nr. 112 K/Pdt/1996 and Decision Nr. 410 K/pdt/2004. The jurisprudence has been followed by similar cases, which is the Decision of the Central Jakarta District Court Nr. 164/Pdt.G/2004/PN.Jkt.Pst jo. Decision of The Jakarta High Court Nr. 234/Pdt/2005/PT.DKI jo. Decision of The Supreme Court Nr. 1498 K/Pdt/2006 which in this case a photocopy can be accepted because it is strengthened by the recognition of the opposing party and The Pontianak District Court Nr.52/Pdt.G/2003/PN.Ptk which received a photocopy because it was strengthened with  witness testimony. The photocopy has a free power of proof (depends on the judge’s assessment). The use and assessment of the strength of the photocopy cannot be independent, but must be linked to other valid evidence. Abstrak Fotokopi surat dapat diterima dalam persidangan apabila dapat dicocokkan dengan aslinya, dan kekuatan pembuktiannya sama seperti surat aslinya. Tulisan ini membahas, dalam hal surat aslinya tidak dapat ditunjukkan di persidangan, apakah fotokopi surat dapat diterima dalam pembuktian hukum acara perdata, dan, apabila dapat diterima, bagaimanakah kekuatan pembuktiannya. Artikel ini menunjukkan, fotokopi surat yang tidak dapat dicocokkan dengan aslinya dapat diterima sebagai alat bukti surat jika bersesuaian atau dikuatkan dengan alat bukti lain, sebagaimana Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 112 K/Pdt/1996 dan Putusan Nomor 410 K/pdt/2004 yang telah menjadi yurisprudensi. Yurisprudensi ini telah diikuti dalam perkara serupa, yaitu dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat Nomor 164/Pdt.G/2004/PN.Jkt.Pst jo. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta Nomor 234/Pdt/2005/PT.DKI jo. Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1498 K/Pdt/2006, di mana dalam perkara ini fotokopi surat dapat diterima karena dikuatkan dengan pengakuan pihak lawan. Demikian juga dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Pontianak Nomor 52/Pdt.G/2003/PN.Ptk, yang menerima fotokopi surat yang tidak dapat dicocokkan dengan aslinya karena dikuatkan dengan alat bukti keterangan saksi. Dengan demikian, fotokopi surat memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang bebas, artinya diserahkan kepada penilaian hakim. Penggunaan dan penilaian kekuatan pembuktian fotokopi tersebut tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tetapi harus dikaitkan dengan alat bukti lainnya yang sah.  

Never Trump ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 197-220
Robert P. Saldin ◽  
Steven M. Teles

This chapter explores the creation of Checks and Balances, a new group of conservative legal critics of the Trump administration. From his racist attack on the federal district judge ruling on the Trump University case and suspicions that he would appoint his own sister to the Supreme Court, to his threats to revise libel law so as to silence his rivals and his nearly total lack of constitutional discussion, Donald Trump was almost no prominent conservative lawyer's first choice. Once he dispatched all his Republican rivals, however, conservative lawyers were in a quandary. The death of Antonin Scalia, the most celebrated conservative jurist of his generation and a leader of the conservative legal movement, put the future of the Supreme Court squarely on the ballot. Once the character of Trump's governance became clear, Checks and Balances emerged to criticize the administration's legal conduct.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zaiyatul Akmar

The internal PKS main conflict occurred in 2016 involving party cadres as well as members of the DPR RI in the 2014-2019 period, namely Fahri Hamzah with PKS Leaders. The conflict between Fahri Hamzah and the PKS Leader is not an individualistic conflict but also a factional one. Conflicts that occur due to dismissal carried out by PKS Leaders to Fahri Hamzah is driven by the fact that the PKS leaders do not comply with the party leadership and violate the party's AD / ART( basic rules). The results of this study are the conflicts that occurred between Fahri Hamzah and PKS Leaders not only concerning the existence of factions in PKS but also the struggle for power of political office in the party. So in this case PKS failed in managing internal conflict and also failed to mediate to reach a consensus. The legal approach to sue fahri Hamzah, but was then won by Fahri Hamzah in the South Jakarta District Court, DKI Jakarta Court, and the Supreme Court, has shown us that there is a serious problem in PKS internal consolidation.  

Iwan Rois ◽  
Ratna Herawati

This study aims to analyze the need to establish a special election court which has the authority to solve various election law cases in order to realize elections with integrity; and analyzing the formulation of election special justice in order to realize the integrity of the election. The research method used is the method of normative legal research and the implementation of this research collects data from various sources in order to get an answer to the issues that have been formulated. The results of the study shows that  the purpose of the need for the formation of special judicial elections; First, to meet the growing demands of increasingly complex justice in society and more election law enforcement so as to realize the integrity of the elections; Second, To handle the election law cases quickly and simply so as to obey the integrity of the election. Formulation; First, the election special justice to be able to work quickly and simply in handling election law cases, domiciled at the central and provincial level, then entering the District Court or the High Court; Secondly, the Guidelines for the election special judicial law shall be based on Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 Year 2017 on Procedures for the Settlement of Administrative Offenses of the General Elections in the Supreme Court. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perlunya membentuk peradilan khusus pemilu yang mempunyai kewenangan menyelesaikan berbagai perkara hukum pemilu agar terwujud pemilu yang berintegritas; dan menganalisis formulasi pembentukan peradilan khusus pemilu dalam rangka mewujudkan integritas pemilu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian hukum normatif dan pelaksanaan dari penelitian ini mengumpulkan bahan hukum dari berbagai sumber guna mendapatkan suatu jawaban atas pokok-pokok permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuan perlunya pembentukan peradilan khusus pemilu; Pertama, Untuk memenuhi tuntutan perkembangan akan keadilan yang semakin kompleks dalam masyarakat dan lebih penegakan hukum pemilu sehingga mewujudkan integritas pemilu; Kedua, Untuk menangani perkara hukum pemilu dengan cepat dan sederhana sehingga mewudkan integritas pemilu. Formulasi; Pertama, Peradilan khusus pemilu agar bisa bekerja cepat dan sederhana dalam menangani perkara hukum pemilu, berkedudukan di tingkat pusat dan provinsi, selanjutnya masuk pada Pengadilan Negeri atau Pengadilan Tinggi; Kedua, Pedoman beracara pada peradilan khusus pemilu berdasarkan pada Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Administratif Pemilihan Umum Di Mahkamah Agung.

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