scholarly journals Famine, exchange networks and the village community. A comparative analysis of the subsistence crises of the 1740s and the 1840s in Flanders

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-186 ◽  

ABSTRACTThis article focuses on local agency in two near-famines in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Flanders. Our comparative analysis of the food crises of 1740 and 1845–1847 in Flanders exposes the local mechanisms of coping and protection, both in an informal and a formal way. The main thesis is that the impact of hunger crises in peasant societies is directly related to the level of stress absorption within the local village community. Our findings contradict the traditional vision of a more-or-less straightforward shift in famine crisis management from rural, local and informal to urban, supra-local and formal. The success of surmounting a food crisis has always had local roots.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-55
Dhimas Setyo Nugroho

ABSTRAK Masyarakat Dusun Nglepen pada awalnya adalah masyarakat pedesaan yang mayoritas menggantungkan mata pencaharian sebagai petani. Setelah bencana gempa bumi 5,9 skala richter yang menimbulkan kerusakan parah pada Sabtu 27 Mei 2006, Dusun Nglepen direlokasi ke wilayah lain, dibangun dengan bangunan rumah tahan gempa berbentuk kubah (dome). Keunikan desain rumah dome justru menjadi daya tarik desa wisata yang sangat diminati. Disisi lain, peralihan sosio-kultural masyarakat Dusun Nglepen menjadi masyarakat pariwisata sangat menarik untuk diamati. Artikel ini menyajikan gambaran tantangan dalam pengembangan Community Based Tourism Dusun Nglepen yang dikaji berdasarkan teori partisipasi masyarakat melalui analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi partisipasi warga, maka semakin tinggi dampaknya tehadap masyarakat. Dampak yang ditemukan cenderung bernilai positif bagi masyarkat baik secara ekonomi maupun sosial budaya. Selanjutnya dampak positif yang dirasakan masyarakat cenderung mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Kata kunci : Community-Based Tourism, Desa Wisata, Partisipasi Masyarakat ABSTRACT In the beginning, the community of the village dwellers that worked as a farmer. After the disastrous earthquake of a 5.9 magnitude earthquake that caused severe damage on Saturday, May 27, 2006, the village relocated to other areas, houses constructed with earthquake resistant with the shape of a dome (dome). The uniqueness of the design of the House, thus becoming an attraction. On the other hand, the transition of social-cultural into tourism community is very interesting to observe. This article presents an overview of the challenges in the development of community-based tourism, based on the theory of community participation through a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the higher the participation of citizens, then the higher the impact on the community. The impact positive for society, both economically, socially and culturally. In addition, the positive impact affected the level of community participation in tourism development. Key words : Community-Based Tourism, Tourism Village, Community Participation

1982 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53 ◽  
Hartmut Lehmann

Any discussion of the relationship between Pietism and nationalism must start from a consideration of the two major works in this field: Koppel S. Pinson's Pietism as a Factor in the Rise of German Nationalism, published in 1934, and Gerhard Kaiser's Pietismus und Patriotismus im literarischen Deutschland, published in 1961. Both studies are valuable and lasting contributions to the topic. After presenting the main thesis of both works I will comment on the premises and conclusions of both works and then focus on aspects not mentioned by Pinson and Kaiser, especially the impact of Protestant revivalism on German nationalism in the middle of the nineteenth century.

1972 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-328 ◽  
Clive Dewey

To a degree exceptional even in that age of historical recovery and sociological discovery, awareness of the village community was a creation of the later nineteenth century. With due allowance for the contribution of the German historical school, it was—within the English-speaking world—an Anglo-Indian creation. In England, save for a handful of ‘survivals’, the village community was a purely historical phenomenon, studied by historians; but in India it was an omnipresent reality, utilized by revenue officials in assessing and collecting the land revenue. From the efforts of these groups—historians and revenue officials—to comprehend substantially similar institutions two intellectual traditions derived. Originating in complete independence of one another, both traditions converged in the third quarter of the nineteenth century for a brief, intense, period of cross-fertilization—only to separate as totally again. What made their convergence possible was the rising popularity of evolution and ‘comparative method’—which insisted on the essential identity of the defunct English village community and the living Indian village, separate in space and time, but co-existent in the same phase of social evolution. Then disillusion with unilinear evolutionary schemes and the exhaustion of comparative method—its apparent inability to produce any fresh discovery—drove them apart.

Aethiopica ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 184-205
Giovanna Trento

Colonial concubinage in Ethiopia during the Italian occupation (1936–1941) has not been deeply studied yet. This article explores the peculiarities of the so-called madamato – that was banned under Fascism in 1937 but developed despite the racist legislation – by firstly comparing its practices in Ethiopia with that which took place from the late Nineteenth century in Eritrea. Indeed, on the Eritrean case a small body of significant literature already exists. In addition, by relying on both written and oral sources, this article highlights the relevance of local agency, the influence of “traditional” customs and religion, and the role played by Ethiopian women in the impact of and the shape taken by colonial concubinage in Ethiopia. It also points out some continuity between the colonial and post-colonial periods (in terms of social behaviors) and the complex roles played in local societies by Ethiopian-Italians and Eritrean-Italians (including the offspring of relationships based on concubinage). Furthermore, this article highlights that gender relations in the region during Italian rule were also affected by the fact that Italian colonialism in the Horn of Africa influenced to some extent the construction of Italian national identity and self-representation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Ni Wayan Ari Sudiartini ◽  
Putu Ari Mulyani ◽  
Yenni Rahman

The purpose of this study is to understand the tourism development strategies in the Indigenous Village of Asak Karangasem, which analyzes the impact of tourism development through cultural traditions on the economy of the community and describes the tourism development strategies that will be carried out and can find out aspects that need to be considered in tourism development so that it can affect the economy of the village community. This study uses the SWOT analysis method where by using this analysis we can find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist around the Asak Karangasem Indigenous Village. From the results of this study it can be proven that the tourism development strategy is able to have an impact on the economy of the surrounding community.

Angga Ali Putra ◽  
Fermanto Lianto

The problem of population density has become a fairly common problem in big cities. The effects that can arise from population problems include the appearance of slums, the decline in environmental quality, and the impact on psychological conditions in the form of stress. One method that can solve the problem due to population density is the construction of supporting facilities. Housing can be adequate and improve its quality because of the availability of supporting facilities in a residential group. This is because supporting facilities can facilitate direct contact between individuals, where several individuals can communicate. The existence of public facilities can also facilitate recreational activities such as sports that can reduce the impact of stress. So it takes place for people who want to gather, treats stress, loneliness, and alienation, not only as a place to escape but also to relax, be entertained, and also get peace in it. The Sports and Recreation Facility at Duri Kepa is a project created so that the community, especially the Duri Kepa residents, have a place to relax, unwind, and be free to express themselves as manifested in sports and recreation activities. The design methodology used is canonical design, a design approach based on various aspects such as the geometrical aspects of objects, proportional systems, modules, and mass order, all of which lead to rule as the basis of design. This project seeks to meet the physical and social needs of the village community easily reached from the first place and second place. This project will be a place for community social interaction. Keywords: Canonic Design; Recreation; Sport; Stress; Supporting Facilities  AbstrakMasalah kepadatan penduduk sudah menjadi masalah yang cukup lazim di kota besar. Efek yang dapat ditimbulkan dari masalah kependudukan, antara lain munculnya kawasan kumuh, turunya kualitas lingkungan dan dampak terhadap kondisi psikologis berupa stress. Salah satu metode yang dapat memecahkan masalah akibat padatnya penduduk yaitu pembangunan fasilitas pendukung. Suatu perumahan dapat menjadi efektif dan meningkat kualitasnya karena ketersediaan fasilitas pendukung di suatu kelompok hunian. Hal ini dikarenakan fasilitas pendukung dapat memfasilitasi kontak langsung antar individual, dimana beberapa individual dapat melakukan komunikasi. Kemudian adanya fasilitas umum juga dapat memfasilitasi kegiatan rekreasional seperti olahraga yang dapat mengurangi dampak stress. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu tempat bagi orang yang ingin berkumpul, mengobati stress,kesepian dan keterasingan, tidak hanya dijadikan tempat untuk melarikan diri, tetapi dimana orang akan bersantai, terhibur dan juga mendapatkan ketenangan didalamnya. Fasilitas Olahraga dan Rekreasi di Duri Kepa adalah sebuah proyek yang dibuat  agar  masyarakat  khususnya  warga  Duri Kepa memiliki tempat untuk bersantai, melepas bosan, dan bebas untuk berekspresi di dalamnya yang diwujudkan dalam aktivitas berolahraga dan berekreasi. Metode desain yang digunakan adalah desain kanonis yaitu perancangan berdasarkan berbagai aspek tertentu seperti sistem proporsi, aspek geometrika objek, tatanan massa, modul yang mengarah kepada keteraturan. Proyek ini  berusaha  untuk  memenuhi kebutuhan fisik maupun sosial masyarakat kelurahannya dengan mudah di  jangkau dari  first place maupun second  place. Project  ini  akan  menjadi  tempat  yang  mewadahi  interaksi sosial masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 312-321
Noeke Chrispur Madiarsih ◽  
Diah Widiawati ◽  
Arif Dwi Hartanto

The objectives of this study are: 1) to find out how the impact of the POKMAS program on village community empowerment; and 2) to find out what are the factors that hamper the effectiveness of POKMAS in an effort to realize the empowerment of rural communities. Based on the combination of Cluster Analysis and Root Cause Anaysis methods, the POKMAS program has proven to have implications for the empowerment of rural communities as indicated through three things, namely: 1) an increase in income especially the poor; 2) the community is able to arrange village development planning and implementation; and 3) the community is able to take responsibility. However, the implementation of the program still leaves four problems, namely: 1) the limited amount of grant funds is adjusted to the needs of the village; 2) low participation of the poor and women; 3) the interests of individuals or small groups are still more dominant; and 4) limited administrative capacity. Overall, the POKMAS program has proven to have achieved village independence so it is important to hand over development to the village. This finding can be a proliferation of empowerment models that are based on the transfer of village authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 24
Blasius Manggu ◽  
Sabinus Beni

In an effort to improve the welfare of the community as a non-governmental organization and see the potential it has, as well as the needs of the community, the presence of "SETANGA LESTARI" BUMDES in Sebente Village Teriak District is the government's support in the effort to empower rural communities for a better life. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) in efforts to improve the local economy, knowing what the problems and obstacles faced by the Village-Owned Enterprises, in Sebente Village, Teriak District, Bengkayang Regency. Descriptive qualitative research, with various stages including finding literature that is in accordance with the problem and the topic in accordance with the object to be studied, field observations, permission to related parties to complete the instrument until the completion stage, the data is analyzed, and the next stage the data is reduced, then validated so that research is perfect. The results of the study concluded that the BUMDES had not yet had a positive impact on improving the welfare of the village community, as there were still some people in the preprosperous category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-164
Muksin M

The concept of village development has changed since the passing of Law number 06 of 2014. These changes have had a major impact on the concept of village development ranging from broader authority granted to village governments to the authority of village financial management. All these authorities have demands and responsibilities to the village government to strive for the welfare of the village community. The welfare of the village community becomes mandatory after the enactment of Law number 06 of 2014 concerning the Village, implicitly or explicitly giving clear instructions and making guidelines to the village government to maximize all efforts in realizing the welfare of the village community either through physical infrastructure development or human resource development. Because the village is a miniature of the Republic of Indonesia,the benchmark of the success and the progress of Indonesiaare reflectedby the smallest entity in the scale of village government. The impact of development in the village will be directly felt by the village community as a whole and indirectly affect the progress of the Republic of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-24
RR. Cahyowati ◽  
Rodliyah Rodliyah ◽  
Risnain Risnain

The number of child marriage in Indonesia is the second highest after Cambodia for the ASEAN region. Child marriage needs serious attention because it results in the loss of girls' rights, such as education, play, protection, security, and others, including the impact on health. The problem faced in NTB is the high number of child marriages, which are in the 10th National ranking. The purpose of this counseling is to provide knowledge to the community in Bentek Village regarding the Role of the Krama Desa Council in preventing child marriage in North Lombok Regency. As a result, the Krama Desa Assembly in Bentek Village consists of 9 administrators with an operational cost in 2020 of Rp. 20,000,000, -, cases filed by the community in Bentek Village are resolved in "Berugak", so that not too many community problems enter the realm of the police. The Krama Desa Council is one of the village-scale local authorities that has the task and function of fostering village community harmony, maintaining peace and handling disputes in the village with a customary law approach based on cultural norms and local wisdom values.

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