The liquidation of material things

1996 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Susanne Küchler

Thomas' paper and manuscript are ambitious. He aims at nothing less than opening up for discussion fundamental concepts which have informed archaeological writings to date. While in principal laudable and exciting, the chosen concepts – time, culture and identity – are broad, each one on its own of daunting complexity. The vastness of the project is handled by setting up an opposition at the outset between the Cartesian and modernist reading of these concepts adopted by archaeology and an anti-Cartesian and anti-modernist reading facilitated by Heidegger. At issue is less the validity of Heidegger's writings or their deployment in contemporary theory-making, a fact which the author is at pains to defend, though leaving the novice at pains guessing what his writings are actually about; at issue is whether the future of archaeology should rest on developing an anti-Cartesian theory in the first place. The mind/body dualism associated with Descartes has been the subject of much critical work, so much so that it seems at best unnecessary to have to revive Heidegger to give Cartesianism the final blow. One may further question the opposition itself; is it not Kant who is the foundation of post-Enlightenment thought, rather than Descartes, and would thus not his writings be the point of departure for any rethinking of theoretical assumptions that may have guided archaeological theory and practice? A third reservation may be voiced about the validity of the interpretative approach itself; it rests on the assumption, also known as the logocentric paradigm, which holds that a relation exists between an object or image and a narrative description of it which is ‘found’ outside the object and thus may vary according to the context in which the object is seen. The most serious criticism to this assumption is that it ignores the immediacy of understanding which allows images to play a fundamental role in social transmission. Thomas' use of Heidegger's notion of Being appears to strive towards precisely such an immediacy of understanding, yet fails to do so by leaving accounted for the materiality of images. In advocating the interpretative approach, Thomas sets out less a new direction for archaeological theory than captures post-modernist writing which dominated across disciplines for the past decade and left a whole generation of scholars trained during this period ill-equipped to deal with artefacts in more than an exemplary manner. In the late 90s, however, due to advances in cognitive psychology and our day to day experience with cyberspace, this neglect of the image, material and conceptual, and its role in transmission has become glaringly obvious and unacceptable. Critical in their inception, however, paper and manuscript are intently thought provoking, stimulating and timely in calling for a rethinking of archaeological theory to accommodate the contemporary perception of material things. In my discussion I aim to both paraphrase the main points of Thomas's paper and manuscript and to offer comments and questions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 544-556 ◽  
Bracha Hadar

This article explores the history of the exclusion/inclusion of the body in group analytic theory and practice. At the same time, it aims to promote the subject of the body in the mind of group analysts. The main thesis of the article is that sitting in a circle, face-to-face, is a radical change in the transition Foulkes made from psychoanalysis to group analysis. The implications of this transition have not been explored, and in many cases, have been denied. The article describes the vicissitudes of relating group analysis to the body from the time of Foulkes and Anthony’s work until today. The article claims that working with the body in the group demands that the conductor gives special attention to his/her own bodily sensations and feelings, while at the same time remaining cognizant of the fact that each of the participants is a person with a physical body in which their painful history is stored, and that they may be dissociated because of that embodied history. The thesis of the article is followed by a clinical example. The article ends with the conclusion that being in touch with one’s own body demands a lot of training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 267-287
Barbara Fogarasi ◽  
Andrea Dúll

While the reasons that lead to the current crisis of the heritage preservation sector in Hungary are manifold, it is worth looking into what might be done to draw attention to some issues that may help consolidate the ground of common values; the foundation, upon which a meaningful dialogue can be constructed, leading to the appreciation of and willingness to care for the historic environment by all actors. There seems to be a hidden conflict between the values of conservation experts and those of laypeople. Possessing thorough knowledge about the nature of historical and architectural values and trained to easily identify these, we are bound to focus more on people, their meanings and values. Much can be learned from pervious, human-centred architectural theory and practice, some of which are reviewed in the study, with special attention to the work of Gyula Hajnóczi. Referring to his space theory and ideas about the perception of space, we are especially grateful for his term homo aedificator suggesting that architecture satisfies material and spiritual needs universal to all human beings. Recognizing the challenges that stem from the differences between architects and non-architects, and likewise, heritage professionals and laypeople, the concepts of environmental psychology can help us show the way to universal values. We look into the method of the semantic differential scale to identify the affective meanings of built historic environments. The first steps of an empirical psychological research allow us to see into the minds and hearts of heritage professionals by assessing how they qualify the subject of their daily expertise. While these preliminary results are definitely intriguing, shedding light on how professionals tend to give meaning, our research continues with the aim to reveal the attitudes and meanings people associate with built historic heritage and find viable tools to mitigate the discrepancies between the profession and the general public.Miközben a magyarországi műemlékvédelem jelenlegi válságának számos oka lehet, érdemes figyelmet fordítanunk arra, hogy mit tehetünk azért, hogy megerősítsük a közös értékek talaját; azt az alapot, amire olyan értelmes párbeszédeket építhetünk, melyek a történeti környezet értékelése és törődése iránti hajlandósághoz vezetnek. Egyre gyakrabban üti fel a fejét az a rejtett ellentét, ami a műemlékes szakértők és a laikusok értékei között feszül. Szakértőként, átfogó ismerettel a történeti és építészeti értékekről, melyeket megtanultunk könnyen azonosítani, hasznos lehet a figyelmünket az emberekre, az ő jelentésadásaikra és értékeikre fordítanunk. Sokat okulhatunk a korábbi, ember- központú építészetelméleti és gyakorlati példákból, melyek közül néhányat tanulmányunkban átte- kintünk, kiemelve Hajnóczi Gyula munkásságát. Térelméletére és térészlelési gondolataira hivat- kozva, különösen hálásak vagyunk a homo aedificator fogalmáért, utalva arra, hogy az építészet minden emberi lény anyagi és szellemi igényeit kielégíti. Felismerve az építész–nemépítész és ehhez hasonlóan a műemlékes szakember–laikus közötti különbözőségek kihívásait, a környezetpszicholó- gia segíthet az univerzális értékek felé vezető út megtalálásában. A szemantikus differenciál módsze- rét hívjuk segítségül az épített történeti környezet érzelmi jelentésének feltárására. Empirikus kutatá- sunk első lépéseivel betekintést nyerünk a műemlékes szakemberek vélekedéseibe, pontosabban abba, hogy hogyan minősítik szakértelmük tárgyát. Bár már ezek az előzetes eredmények is – melyek rávilágítanak arra, hogy a szakemberek hogyan értelmezik a műemlékeket – érdekesek lehetnek, kuta- tásunk azzal a céllal folytatódik, hogy általánosságban feltárjuk az emberek vélekedéseit és a történeti épületeknek tulajdonított jelentéseket. Eredményeinkkel használható eszközöket kívánunk nyújtani a szakmabeliek és a laikusok közötti ellentétek feloldására.

Светлана Волкова ◽  
Svetlana Volkova

The article is devoted to the comprehension of the philosophical and methodological foundations of the theory and practice of education. The focus is on the phenomenology of the "vital world" (E. Husserl) and "being-in-the-world" (M. Heidegger). Implantation of these phenomenological ideas into the fabric of educational discourseserves the purpose of revealing the possibilities of phenomenology in the study of the educational space. The subject of the study is the everyday educational reality, as well as those meanings and meanings that have a reality in the mind of the teacher and student. Particular attention is paid to the description of multiple ways of understanding the space in which teachers and students are immersed. The method of hermeneutic phenomenology used by the author makes it possible to demonstrate the heuristic and fruitfulness of addressing the idea of a "vital world" in the analysis of educational reality.In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that for the specificity of human being lies in his "life world" (or in "being-in-the-world"), then the teacher and student can be screened from each other by their own space-time, and itself "Resettlement" of pedagogical relationships is discrete. In this regard, pedagogical interaction will become a meeting of the student and the teacher only when it finds support in the value-semantic structures that make up the life world of the students, their being-in-the-world.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-92
Susan Jones

This article explores the diversity of British literary responses to Diaghilev's project, emphasising the way in which the subject matter and methodologies of Diaghilev's modernism were sometimes unexpectedly echoed in expressions of contemporary British writing. These discussions emerge both in writing about Diaghilev's work, and, more discretely, when references to the Russian Ballet find their way into the creative writing of the period, serving to anchor the texts in a particular cultural milieu or to suggest contemporary aesthetic problems in the domain of literary aesthetics developing in the period. Figures from disparate fields, including literature, music and the visual arts, brought to their criticism of the Ballets Russes their individual perspectives on its aesthetics, helping to consolidate the sense of its importance in contributing to the inter-disciplinary flavour of modernism across the arts. In the field of literature, not only did British writers evaluate the Ballets Russes in terms of their own poetics, their relationship to experimentation in the novel and in drama, they developed an increasing sense of the company's place in dance history, its choreographic innovations offering material for wider discussions, opening up the potential for literary modernism's interest in impersonality and in the ‘unsayable’, discussions of the body, primitivism and gender.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
А. Н. Сухов

This given article reveals the topicality not only of destructive, but also of constructive, as well as hybrid conflicts. Practically it has been done for the first time. It also describes the history of the formation of both foreign and domestic social conflictology. At the same time, the chronology of the development of the latter is restored and presented objectively, in full, taking into account the contribution of those researchers who actually stood at its origins. The article deals with the essence of the socio-psychological approach to understanding conflicts. The subject of social conflictology includes the regularities of their occurrence and manifestation at various levels, spheres and conditions, including normal, complicated and extreme ones. Social conflictology includes the theory and practice of diagnosing, resolving, and resolving social conflicts. It analyzes the difficulties that occur in defining the concept, structure, dynamics, and classification of social conflicts. Therefore, it is no accident that the most important task is to create a full-fledged theory of social conflicts. Without this, it is impossible to talk about effective settlement and resolution of social conflicts. Social conflictology is an integral part of conflictology. There is still a lot of work to be done, both in theory and in application, for its complete design. At present, there is an urgent need to develop conflict-related competence not only of professionals, but also for various groups of the population.

Pyotr Ivanov

In this article, based on the study and analysis of operational-search legislation, scientific publications, law enforcement practice and the criminal situation in the field of legalization, the operationalsearch counteraction to the legalization of income received from the Commission of tax crimes is considered. The paper focuses on the stages (stages) of laundering, the existing points of view on this account, as well as on the methods of illegal withdrawal of funds abroad. The author of the article aimed to develop scientifically based proposals and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of this type of activity by the territorial bodies of internal Affairs and their divisions of economic security and anti-corruption. It is proposed to put forward and work out operational search versions within the subject of study, as well as to develop, taking into account the methods (schemes) used by criminals to launder criminal proceeds and illegally withdraw funds abroad for the purpose of their subsequent legalization, operational search measures to document their criminal actions. In addition, the author recommends constant monitoring of money laundering methods based on operational and investigative practices. The results and key conclusions formulated in this article can be used in the theory and practice of operational investigative activities of internal Affairs bodies to counteract the legalization of income received from tax crimes.

2019 ◽  
pp. 83-88
E. N. Valiev ◽  
E. N. Veysov

The importance of the subject of this study is attributable to the need of developing the theory and practice of formation of bank marketing, its features and new trends associated with this concept. Prospects for the development of banks and their ability to quickly and efficiently address new challenges presented by the market can be determined through modern forms, methods of management and creative use of financial marketing opportunities.Aim. The presented study aims to examine the specific aspects, principles, conditions, factors of emergence, and prospects for the development of bank marketing and forms of its management in modern economic conditions.Tasks. The authors identify the major trends and perspective directions in the development of bank marketing in Azerbaijan at the current stage.Methods. As its methodological and theoretical basis, this study uses a systems approach to the analysis of its subject, conceptual approaches outlined in the works of Azerbaijani, Russian, and foreign scientists in the field of bank marketing. These methods are used to determine the essence of bank marketing, present the types and organization of marketing research, and identify the characteristic traits, new forms, and directions for the development of bank marketing.Results. The study uses general scientific methods of cognition in various aspects to identify characteristic traits, trends, and new directions of bank marketing. A review of scientific publications shows that academic papers tend to focus on general conceptual approaches to the practical application of marketing. The authors believe that the issues of organization of a comprehensive bank management system, its implementation based on innovations in the promotion of banking products and services in the financial market, and substantiation of channels for their distribution among consumers are insufficiently explored. This makes the subject of this study extremely relevant due to the inevitable optimization of the organizational structure of banks through comprehensive implementation of the marketing system.Conclusions. Theoretical and practical issues of bank marketing are examined. As a result, the specific features and characteristic traits of this mechanism, conditions and factors for its emergence, and its prospects in the context of the digital economy are analyzed.

Katarzyna Czeczot

The article deals with the love of Zygmunt Krasiński to Delfina Potocka. The point of departure is the poet's definition of love as looking and reads Krasiński's relationship with his beloved in the context of two phenomena that fascinated him at the time: daguerreotype and magnetism. The invention of the daguerreotype in which the history of photography and spiritism comes together becomes a pretext for the formulation of a new concept of love and the loving subject. In the era of painting the woman was treated as a passive object of the male gaze; photography reverses this scheme of power. Love ceases to be a static relationship of the subject in love and the passive object – the beloved. The philosophy of developing photographs (and invoking phantoms) allows Krasiński - the writing subject to become like a light-sensitive material that reveals the image of the beloved.

Journal ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Emma Ford

The Anthropology A-level has achieved a great deal despite its failure to be redeveloped as a qualification. In this article I discuss what this means and why this matters for anthropology education. I show how the Anthropology A level was just one component of a much wider movement to engage new audiences with anthropology. I demonstrate how the A-level brought biological and social anthropology into schools and colleges that had never offered the subject before. The A-level diversified the community of anthropology educators and increased links between local schools, colleges and university anthropology departments. The campaign to widen access to anthropology for students, teachers and the public continues to grow, regardless of the AQA decision.

The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of the theory and practice of lifelong learning, encompassing perspectives from human resources development, adult learning, psychology, career and vocational learning, management and executive development, cultural anthropology, the humanities, and gerontology. Individual chapters address the most relevant topics on the subject, including: continuous learning as it relates to technological, economic, and organizational changes; developmental theories and research, models of lifelong learning, and the neurological bases for learning across the lifespan; examples of learning programs, tools, and technologies, with a focus on corporate programs and business education; international perspectives on lifelong learning and learning across cultures; and assessment of learning needs and outcomes.

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