What Crocodile Dundee Never Told Us

1991 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-12
Vicki A. Reed

Many of the same issues that confront American speech-language pathologists are present in Australia. Where differences exist, they reflect the history of the country and the profession and the population size. As I indicated at the beginning, these differences are mostly surface ones. At the deep structure, the quality of Australian speech-language pathologists compares favorably to that of American clinicians, and the professional association is committed to high standards of professional preparation and practice. In light of these significant similarities, perhaps speech-language pathologists can look forward to the day when professional associations across oceans find a mechanism for readily acknowledging international colleagues’ competencies. As the insightful Mr. Crocodile Dundee might say, "There’s more than one way to skin a wombat and still have everything be ridgy-didge, mate. Fair dinkum."

2011 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-14
Michael J. Leahy ◽  
Vilia M. Tarvydas ◽  
Brian N. Phillips

The purpose of this white paper is to re-visit the call for unification of the professional associations representing rehabilitation counseling. The current status and issues associated with the multiple associations representing the discipline will be briefly reviewed. A brief history of collaborative efforts between these organizations, salient issues and trends, and observations about the critical need to unify our national professional associations will be included and discussed. Finally, a set of specific actionable steps will be recommended to move the discipline to unify and establish one professional association that represents all rehabilitation counselors both nationally and internationally.

1991 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 857-872 ◽  
Huw V. Bowen

The historical verdict on the General Court of the East India Company has often been an unfavourable one. The Court, the ultimate sovereign body within the company, has invariably been described in terms similar to those which used to be applied to the eighteenth-century house of commons: it has been seen as a corrupt, disorderly, and disreputable political institution. Macaulay set the general tone in 1840 when he painted a typically vivid picture of proceedings at the General Court in the mid-eighteenth century. ‘The meetings’, he wrote, ‘were large, stormy, even riotous, the debates indecently virulent. All the turbulence of a Westminster election, all the trickery and corruption of a Grampound election, disgraced the proceedings of this assembly on questions of the most solemn importance’. This unflattering and somewhat impressionistic sketch has occasionally received uncritical acceptance from modern-day historians, and indeed it may be endorsed by contemporary observations of particular events at the Court. In 1767, for example, a first-time visitor to the Court room at India House in Leadenhall Street was appalled by what he saw, and he came away with the impression that this was ‘the most riotous assembly I ever saw’. And yet, on numerous other occasions commentators were full of praise for the good order and high standards of oratory at the Court. This has prompted two of the leading modern authorities on the history of the company in Britain to comment favourably on the quality of debate at India House during the eighteenth and early-nineteenth century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 414-424
Rochelle Cohen-Schneider ◽  
Melodie T. Chan ◽  
Denise M. McCall ◽  
Allison M. Tedesco ◽  
Ann P. Abramson

Background Speech-language pathologists make clinical decisions informed by evidence-based theory and “beliefs, values and emotional experiences” ( Hinckley, 2005 , p. 265). These subjective processes, while not extensively studied, underlie the workings of the therapeutic relationship and contribute to treatment outcomes. While speech-language pathologists do not routinely pay attention to subjective experiences of the therapeutic encounter, social workers do. Thus, the field of social work makes an invaluable contribution to the knowledge and skills of speech-language pathologists. Purpose This clinical focus article focuses on the clinician's contribution to the therapeutic relationship by surfacing elements of the underlying subjective processes. Method Vignettes were gathered from clinicians in two community aphasia programs informed by the principles of the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. Results and Discussion By reflecting on and sharing aspects of clinical encounters, clinicians reveal subjective processing occurring beneath the surface. The vignettes shed light on the following clinical behaviors: listening to the client's “whole self,” having considerations around self-disclosure, dealing with biases, recognizing and surfacing clients' identities, and fostering hope. Speech-language pathologists are given little instruction on the importance of the therapeutic relationship, how to conceptualize this relationship, and how to balance this relationship with professionalism. Interprofessional collaboration with social workers provides a rich opportunity to learn ways to form and utilize the benefits of a strong therapeutic relationship while maintaining high standards of ethical behavior. Conclusion This clinical focus article provides speech-language pathologists with the “nuts and bolts” for considering elements of the therapeutic relationship. This is an area that is gaining traction in the field of speech-language pathology and warrants further investigation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 154 (8) ◽  
pp. 294-304 ◽  
György Miklós Buzás

After a short overview of the history of probiotics, the author presents the development of human intestinal microflora based on the newest genetic data and the microbiological features of main probiotics. The indications of probiotic administration have been defined and extended in recent years. The author reviews significant results of probiotic treatment in some gastrointestinal diseases based on meta-analytical data. Probiotics are useful in preventing and treating diarrhoea caused by antibiotics and Clostridium difficile caused diarrhoea. In the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, preparations containing certain Lactobacillus,Bifidobacterium strains or Saccaromyces boulardii could enhance by 5–10% the rate of successful eradication and reduce the incidence and severity of the side effects. Some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and thus the quality of life can be improved by probiotics. Their beneficial effect in ulcerative colitis was proven, while in Crohn’s disease has not yet been defined. The use of probiotics is not included in guidelines, with the exception of the Maastricht IV/Florence consensus. For each disease it is advisable to use probiotics containing strains only with proven beneficial effect. The efficiency of preparations containing mixed strains has not yet been properly investigated. The author reviews the rare but potentially serious side effects of probiotics. In Hungary, there are many probiotic preparations available which can be purchased in pharmacies without prescription: their use is more empirical than evidence-based. The European Food Safety Authority has recently rejected claims for probiotics to be classed as medicines given the lack of convincing evidence on the effects of probiotics on human health and well-being. Clearly, further research is needed to collect evidence which could be incorporated into the international guidelines. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 294–304.

Jack Zipes

This book explores the legacy of the Brothers Grimm in Europe and North America, from the nineteenth century to the present. The book reveals how the Grimms came to play a pivotal and unusual role in the evolution of Western folklore and in the history of the most significant cultural genre in the world—the fairy tale. Folklorists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm sought to discover and preserve a rich abundance of stories emanating from an oral tradition, and encouraged friends, colleagues, and strangers to gather and share these tales. As a result, hundreds of thousands of wonderful folk and fairy tales poured into books throughout Europe and have kept coming. The book looks at the transformation of the Grimms' tales into children's literature, the Americanization of the tales, the “Grimm” aspects of contemporary tales, and the tales' utopian impulses. It shows that the Grimms were not the first scholars to turn their attention to folk tales, but were vital in expanding readership and setting the high standards for folk-tale collecting that continue through the current era. The book concludes with a look at contemporary adaptations of the tales and raises questions about authenticity, target audience, and consumerism. The book examines the lasting universal influence of two brothers and their collected tales on today's storytelling world.

Stephen Verderber

The interdisciplinary field of person-environment relations has, from its origins, addressed the transactional relationship between human behavior and the built environment. This body of knowledge has been based upon qualitative and quantitative assessment of phenomena in the “real world.” This knowledge base has been instrumental in advancing the quality of real, physical environments globally at various scales of inquiry and with myriad user/client constituencies. By contrast, scant attention has been devoted to using simulation as a means to examine and represent person-environment transactions and how what is learned can be applied. The present discussion posits that press-competency theory, with related aspects drawn from functionalist-evolutionary theory, can together function to help us learn of how the medium of film can yield further insights to person-environment (P-E) transactions in the real world. Sampling, combined with extemporary behavior setting analysis, provide the basis for this analysis of healthcare settings as expressed throughout the history of cinema. This method can be of significant aid in examining P-E transactions across diverse historical periods, building types and places, healthcare and otherwise, otherwise logistically, geographically, or temporally unattainable in real time and space.

Джээнбүбү Бегеева

Аннотация. В статье анализируется качество переводов рассказов В.Шукшина, осуществленных в середине 70-х годов С. Наматбаевым. Переводоведческий анализ вывил многочисленные стилевые расхождения между оригиналом и переводом. При переводе одного из лучших рассказов Шукшина «Чудик» искажения стиля не передали психологические тонкости рассказа. При переводе рассказа «Дядя Ермолай» философский аспект рассказа выпал, так как переводчик исказил жанровую специфику. Перевод рассказа «Два письма» оказался более качественным по сравнению с предыдущими. Переводчик рассказа «Два письма» сумел приблизиться к оригиналу, расшифровать его основную тональность, воспроизвести атмосферу напряженных поисков истины героем рассказа Николаем Иванычем. Этот перевод оказался более качественно выполненным по сравнению с предыдущим рассказом «Дядя Ермолай». Причину переводческого успеха можно объяснить, прежде всего, доступностью содержания рассказа, да и сам герой не столь сложная и глубокая личность, как повествователь в рассказе о дяде Ермолае. В целом, переводы С.Наматбаева являются своеобраз- ным этапом в переводческом деле. В настоящее время необходимо более полное и глубокое восприятие творчества В.Шукшина и создания новых адекватных переводов. Ключевые слова: качество переводов, стилевые расхождения, психологические тонкости, философский аспект, этапом. Аннотация. Макалада В.Шукшиндин аңгемелеринин кыргыз тилине которуудагы сапаты каралат, котормолор 1970-жылдары котормочу С.Наматбаев аркылуу жаралган. Котормонун сапатына талдоо жүргүзгөндө көпчүлүк каталар табылган, алардын эң олуттуусу стилдердин айырмасы, негизги чыгарма менен котормонун ортосунда. Мисалы, “Чудик” деген аңгеменин психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү жоголуп кеткен. “Ермолай байке” деген аңгемеде жанрдын туура эмес берилишинен жазуучунун негизги ою жоголуп кеткен. “Эки кат” деген аңгеме беркилерге караганда сапаттуу которулган. Котормочу " Эки кат" деген аңгемени оригиналга жакындатып которгон. Башкы каарман Николай Иванычтын изденүүлөрүн, ойлорун, чындыкты табууга аракеттерин Шукшинден кем эмес окуучуларга жеткирген. Котормочунун жетишкендиги аңгеменин түшүнүктүү мазмуну менен түшүндүрсө болот, жана Николай Ивановичтин жөнөкөйлүгү менен. С.Наматбаевдын котормолору каталарына карабастан котормочулук иште алдыга жылуу болгон. Бирок, азыркы заманда сапаттуу котормо жаратууда мезгил келди. Түйүндүү сөздөр: которуудагы сапаты, стилдердин айырмасы, психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү, негизги ою жоголуп. Annotation. The quality of translation of the Shukshins stories is analyzed in the Middle 70- years. By S.Namatbaev. The translation analysis had idenh hed numerous style discrepancies between the original and the translation. The psychological feature of the compasihion were not be hansfered by the translation one the bestand famous story by. V.Shukshin due to distorhion of the style. By the translation of the story “The uncle Ermolai” had full a phisichal aspect of the story, because the translator had distorted the genre specifics. The translation of the stories “Two letters” was wade more qualitative comparated with another stories. Generally, the Namatbaevs translation are a sui generis stage in the translatiobs. We need currently more total and profound perception of the creation by V.Shukshin. The create of the new adeavate translation is the main task. The head of the theory and history of Russian literature department. V. Shukshin’s stories and problems of translation them into Kyrgyz language. This article is analysed the quality of translation of V. Shukshin’s stories, which were written in 70 th with S. Namatbaev. Translation analyse deduced many stylistic variations between translated version and original. There is a misrepresentation, was not transmitted psychological subtleties of the story in translation of one of the best V. Shuk- shin’s story “Wierdo”. Metaphysical dimension is disappeared in translation of the story “Uncle Ermolai”, since translator destort the genre specificity. The translation of the story “Two letters” has been more qualitative in comparison with previous translations. In common, S. Namatbaev’s translation is a genius stage in translation. It needs more full and deep comprehension of S. Shukshin’s work and to establish new suitable translation. Key words: Quality of translation, stylistic variation, psychological subtleties, metaphysical dimension, stage.

L.V. Vetchinnikova ◽  
A.F. Titov ◽  

The article reports on the application of the best known principles for mapping natural populations of curly (Karelian) birch Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti – one of the most appealing representatives of the forest tree flora. Relying on the synthesis and analysis of the published data amassed over nearly 100 years and the data from own full-scale studies done in the past few decades almost throughout the area where curly birch has grown naturally, it is concluded that its range outlined in the middle of the 20th century and since then hardly revised is outdated. The key factors and reasons necessitating its revision are specified. Herewith it is suggested that the range is delineated using the population approach, and the key element will be the critical population size below which the population is no longer viable in the long term. This approach implies that the boundaries of the taxon range depend on the boundaries of local populations (rather than the locations of individual trees or small clumps of trees), the size of which should not be lower than the critical value, which is supposed to be around 100–500 trees for curly birch. A schematic map of the curly birch range delineated using this approach is provided. We specially address the problem of determining the minimum population size to secure genetic diversity maintenance. The advantages of the population approach to delineating the distribution range of curly birch with regard to its biological features are highlighted. The authors argue that it enables a more accurate delineation of the range; shows the natural evolutionary history of the taxon (although it is not yet officially recognized as a species) and its range; can be relatively easily updated (e.g. depending on the scope of reintroduction); should be taken into account when working on the strategy of conservation and other actions designed to maintain and regenerate this unique representative of the forest tree flora.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
Humberto Guanche Garcell ◽  
Juan José Pisonero Socias ◽  
Gilberto Pardo Gómez

Background: During the last 30 years an antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) was implemented in a facility with periods of weakness. We aim to describe the history of the sustainability failure in the local ASP. Methods: A historical review was conducted using original data from the facility library and papers published. An analysis of factors related to the failure was conducted based on the Doyle approach. Results: The first ASP was implemented from 1989 to 1996 based on the international experiences and contributes to the improvement in the quality of prescription, reduction of 52% in cost and in the incidence of nosocomial infection. The second program restarts in 2008 and decline in 2015, while the third program was guided by the Pan-American Health Organization from 2019. This program, in progress, is more comprehensive than previous ones and introduced as a novel measure the monitoring of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery. The factors related to the sustainability were considered including the availability of antimicrobials, the leader´s support, safety culture, and infrastructure. Conclusions: The history behind thirty years of experiences in antimicrobial stewardship programs has allowed us to identify the gaps that require proactive strategies and actions to achieve sustainability and continuous quality improvement.

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