Using Others’ Words

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-156 ◽  
Julie A. Hengst ◽  
Simone R. Frame ◽  
Tiffany Neuman-Stritzel ◽  
Rachel Gannaway

Reported speech, wherein one quotes or paraphrases the speech of another, has been studied extensively as a set of linguistic and discourse practices. Researchers agree that reported speech is pervasive, found across languages, and used in diverse contexts. However, to date, there have been no studies of the use of reported speech among individuals with aphasia. Grounded in an interactional sociolinguistic perspective, the study presented here documents and analyzes the use of reported speech by 7 adults with mild to moderately severe aphasia and their routine communication partners. Each of the 7 pairs was videotaped in 4 everyday activities at home or around the community, yielding over 27 hr of conversational interaction for analysis. A coding scheme was developed that identified 5 types of explicitly marked reported speech: direct, indirect, projected, indexed, and undecided. Analysis of the data documented reported speech as a common discourse practice used successfully by the individuals with aphasia and their communication partners. All participants produced reported speech at least once, and across all observations the target pairs produced 400 reported speech episodes (RSEs), 149 by individuals with aphasia and 251 by their communication partners. For all participants, direct and indirect forms were the most prevalent (70% of RSEs). Situated discourse analysis of specific episodes of reported speech used by 3 of the pairs provides detailed portraits of the diverse interactional, referential, social, and discourse functions of reported speech and explores ways that the pairs used reported speech to successfully frame talk despite their ongoing management of aphasia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 261
Saadia Fatima ◽  
Muhammad Uzair

The research in hand has the objectives to analyse how ideologies are expressed through discourse practices in Western media; how a discourse practice and a linguistic strategy in terms of lexical choices are employed in portraying ideologies in media about Pakistan. Grounded on the theoretical framework of Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach of critical discourse analysis and model of Ideology which is the most appropriate to study media discourse, the data will be analysed qualitatively. The method of the current research is critical discourse analysis. The research revolves around the Pakistani socio-political events in Western media from the perspective of a global issue that is a war on terrorism. The research has objectives to investigate what and how Western media has used lexical choices to depict a certain ideology about Pakistan to the world. 

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Elya Munfarida

Discourse analysis has been a study that attracts many intelectuals of various disciplines to discuss about, generating the emergence of theories of their own perspectives. Many criticisms for the theories also show that intelectuals are more interested in this field leading to make discourse analysis as a multidisciplinary study. Based on this ground, Norman Fairclough seeks to reconstruct discourse theory as a criticism to the existing theories, which tends to be side-emphasis and partial on the basis of their own discipline. Combining three traditions, i.e. linguistic, interpretative, and sociological traditions, he offers a discourse model integrating three dimensions: text, discourse practice, and social practice. Each dimension has its area, process, and analysis model, in which all of them dialectically connect to one another. In addition, Fairclough also formulates another important concept, namely intertextuality, which affirms the interrelation of various texts and discourses to a text. This concept will also create ideological effect of structuration and restructuration of the prevalent discourse order. When power and ideology embed in a discourse, intertextuality will function as a mechanism for maintaining and changing the domination relation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 259-286 ◽  
Heather B. Carroll

AbstractBefore accepting claims of the function of linguistic stylization, it is imperative that we are certain of what we are examining. Mikhail Bakhtin's widely cited definition that stylization is an “artistic representation of another's linguistic style” (1986:362) leaves unclear what counts as “artistic,” making identifying stylizations simultaneously intuitively obvious and empirically illusive. Drawing from 270 hours of data from a radio program, the current study uses interactional discourse and acoustic analyses to compare one disc jockey's exaggerations of ethnically salient accents (stylizations) with his mundane use of reported speech. The analyses demonstrate that in both types of talk he uses a similar bundle of interactional and acoustic resources to design his talk as belonging to someone else. The link between reported and stylized speech places stylizations in an analytical category distinct from that of crossing and its issues of language ownership. The pertinent questions are those of speaker responsibility. (Crossing, stylization, reported speech, discourse analysis, acoustic analysis)*

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (20_suppl) ◽  
pp. 59-65 ◽  
Hetty Rooth ◽  
Ulla Forinder ◽  
Maja Söderbäck ◽  
Eija Viitasara ◽  
Katarina Piuva

Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse discourses of parenting training in official inquires in Sweden that explicitly deal with the bringing up of children and parental education and how the representations of the problems and their solutions affect parental subject positions in the early welfare state and at the onset of the 21st century. Method: We carried out a discourse analysis of two public inquiries of 1947 and 2008, drawing on theories about governmentality and power regimes. Tools from political discourse analysis were used to investigate the objectives of political discourse practices. Results: Both inquiries referred to a context of change and new life demands as a problem. Concerning suggestions for solutions, there were discrepancies in parents’ estimated need of expert knowledge and in descriptions of parental capacity. In a discourse of trust and doubt, the parents in 1947 were positioned as trusted welfare partners and secure raisers of future generations, and in 2008, as doubted adults, feared to be faltering in their child-rearing tasks. Conclusions: The analysis revealed how governmental problem descriptions, reasoning about causes and suggestions of solutions influenced parents’ subject positions in a discourse of trust and doubt, and made way for governmental interventions with universal parenting training in the 21st century.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-166
Elvi Susanti

Abstract This research is linked with Twitter, as one of social media services on the Internet that are extremely popular in the world, including in Indonesia. This research is important because Twitter is effective in quickly and accurately delivering messages. In fact, everyone can act as a 'reporter' and form quick opinions through this social media. This research is aimed to investigate the emergence of the roots of hegemony based on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, identity, and transformation of national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. Moreover, the research is to discuss the social media's discourse practice that influences media workers in producing news, and to see how it implicates the research on the study of discourse analysis. By using the Fairclough theory, especially on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, and identity, the researcher attempts to explore how the roots of hegemony emerge in the national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. The researcher also offers a new function to complete the approach of Fairclough in text analysis on social media: transformation – which is an attempt to see the change in roles of news participants and amateur readers as 'reporters' and participate in forming opinions. Abstrak Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan twitter, sebagai salah satu media sosial di internet yang sangat populer di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Penelitian ini penting karena twitter efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan cepat dan akurat. Faktanya, semua orang dapat bertindak sebagai "reporter" dan membuat opini yang cepat melalui sosial media tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kemunculan dari akar hagemoni berdasarkan analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan representasi, hubungan, identitas, dan transformasi isu-isu nasional yang menjadi topik yang sedang tren di twitter. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga untuk mendiskusikan praktik wacana media sosial  yang mempengaruhi pekerja media dalam membuat berita, dan untuk melihat bagaimana hal tersebut melibatkan penelitian dalam studi analisis wacana. Dengan menggunakan teori Fairclough, khususnya pada analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan penafsiran, hubungan, identitas, peneliti berupaya untuk menyelidiki bagaimana akar hegemoni muncul yang menjadi topik tren di twitter. Peneliti juga menawarkan sebuah fungsi baru untuk melengkapi pendekatan Fairlclough dalam analisis teks pada sosial media: transformasi - yang merupakan usaha untuk melihat perubahan peran pembuat berita dan pembaca awam sebagai 'reporter' dan berpartisipasi dalam membentuk opini. How to Cite : Susanti, E. (2015). Hegemony of The Social Media Twitter About National Issues in Indonesia and Its Implications to the Discourse Analysis Subject in Colleges. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(2), 153-166. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i2.3180. Permalink/DOI:

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-125
Michelle E. E. Bauer ◽  
Audrey R. Giles

Fathers’ perspectives on masculinity can influence their perspectives on their children’s outdoor risky play. This study makes a novel contribution to bridging a gap in knowledge that exists between the fields of sexuality, family dynamics, and child injury prevention by exploring single, stay-at-home, and gay fathers’ perspectives on masculinity and the influence that these have on their perspectives of their 4- to 12-year-old children’s outdoor risky play practices. Through the use of semistructured interviews and critical discourse analysis, three discourses were identified: Masculinity and fatherhood are being redefined, fathers play an important role in their children’s experiences of outdoor risky play, and fathers should enforce limits during their children’s outdoor risky play.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-161 ◽  
Mariza Georgalou

Abstract The phenomenon of brain drain migration from Greece, also known as Greek neomigration, has acquired an astoundingly massive character due to the ongoing economic crisis in the country. Considering that a migrant’s identity is defined by a physical move from one place to another, this paper aims at exploring the discourse practices of place-making by Greek neomigrants, focusing on the role of social media in this endeavour. Drawing on discourse analysis (Myers 2010; Aguirre and Graham Davies 2015), identity construction theories (Blommaert 2005; Benwell and Stokoe 2006), environmental psychology (Proshansky, Fabian and Kaminoff 1983) and discourse-centred online ethnography (Androutsopoulos 2008), this study presents and discusses empirical data from a Greek neomigrant settled in the UK, who writes about his migration experience on his blog as well as on his Twitter and Facebook accounts. The analysis demonstrates that the Greek neomigrant place identity construction can be realized through a complex of linguistic and discourse strategies, including comparison and evaluation, construction of in-groups and out-groups, language and script alternations, entextualisation of other voices, and visual connotations. It is shown that, for migrants, social media constitute significant outlets for place-making, constructing place identity and asserting (or eschewing) belonging. In so doing, it also brings to the surface crucial social, cultural and psychological aspects of the current Greek neomigration phenomenon and confirms the potential of social media discourses to heighten awareness of neomigrants’ dis/integrating processes, placing discourse analysis at the service of global mobility phenomena.

2020 ◽  
pp. 205789112091200
Christine B Tenorio ◽  
Patrik K Meyer ◽  
Achmad Nurmandi

Rodrigo Duterte won the Philippines’ 2016 presidential elections thanks to a well-orchestrated campaign and his populist appeal among Filipinos. Soon after he assumed the presidency, he surprised and upset most of his domestic and western international audiences by pragmatically rejecting the pro-Western approach followed by the previous Aquino administration and adopting a China-friendly one. Adopting Critical Discourse Analysis, this research reveals President Duterte’s bicephalous leadership: populist in domestic policies, and pragmatic but unpopular in foreign relations. To qualitatively describe the dichotomy between the populist and pragmatic nature of Duterte’s leadership, this article surveys the Philippines’ mainstream media from 2016 to 2019. Furthermore, this analysis shows that Duterte is using a defensive neorealist approach in building Philippines-China relations and that Filipinos are willing to consider China as a constructive partner for their country.

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 619-629 ◽  
Mercedes Amparo Muñetón Ayala ◽  
María José Rodrigo López

This study longitudinally examined the production of pointing in four Spanish 1-year-old and four Spanish 2-year-old children in interactive situations with their mothers at home over the course of one year. Three aspects were analyzed: a) the functions of the pointing gesture, their accurate comprehension by the interlocutor (mother or child), and their order of emergence in the child; b) whether or not there were differences in the production of pointing according to who initiated the interaction; and c) whether maternal and child speech were related to maternal and child pointing production. The results showed that the pointing function of showing is the most frequent for both children and mothers from groups 1 and 2, and the first to emerge followed by the informing, requesting object, requesting action, and requesting cooperation functions. The accuracy with which these intentions were comprehended was found to be very high for both mother and child. Pointing production was greater when the speaker initiated the interaction than when the other person did, indicating that gestures follow the turn-taking system. Finally, the production of pointing to showing in children and mothers was found to be related to maternal and child speech, while pointing to request cooperation triggered the process of joint activity between mother and child.

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