scholarly journals Studies on magnesium in ruminant nutrition

1967 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 631-642 ◽  
A. C. Field

1. The excretions of magnesium, calcium, potassium and faecal dry matter (DM) by sheep grazing the same pasture have been determined at intervals throughout two grazing seasons. Two groups of four wethers, 2 and 7 years old, were used. Collections of faeces were total and of urine only partial; creatinine was used as an indicator of urine volume.2.The overall mean outputs of DM in the faeces of the young and old sheep were 509 and 387 g/day respectively.3. The values for the percentage digestibility of herbage DM ranges from 81.1 in spring to 63.2 in winter. The overall means for the estimated intake of DM by the young and old sheep were 1859 and 1405 g/day respectively and the difference was highly significant (P < 0.001).4. The mean values for overall excretion of Mg by the young and old sheep were respectively 0.452 and 0.292 g/day in the urine and 2.70 and 2.21 g/day in the faeces. For all sheep there was a highly significant rectilinear relationship between the amount in urine and in faeces, but there were significant differences between the regression coefficients for the individual sheep.5. The values for the excretion of Ca in urine and faeces were significantly higher for the young than for the old sheep; the respective means were 0.385 and 0.306 g/day for urinary Ca and 13.02 and 10.8 g/day for faecal Ca.6.The mean values for the excretion of K by the young and old sheep were respectively 28.2 and 29.1 g/day in the urine and 7.1 and 3.9 g/day in the faeces, the latter differences being highly significant.7.High values for the total excretion of Mg, Ca and K occurred in June and low values in winter.8. Intakes of Mg, Ca and K by the sheep have been calculated from the information on intake of DM and chemical composition of the cut herbage and compared with total excretion in urine and faeces. Good agreement between the two sets of values was obtained for Mg, but not for either Ca or K. The possible causes of these findings have been discussed and it was concluded that the sheep selected herbage with concentrations of Ca and K different from those in the samples of cut herbage.

1977 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 320-332 ◽  
A. R. Aedo ◽  
M. Nuñez ◽  
B.-M. Landgren ◽  
S. Z. Cekan ◽  
E. Diczfalusy

ABSTRACT Circadian variations of the plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone, pregnenolone and testosterone were investigated by radioimmunoassay in 10 normally menstruating women during the periovulatory period. In seven of the subjects it was also possible to estimate androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone levels. Blood was withdrawn continuously over a period of 48 h at a rate of 4 ml/h by means of a non-thrombogenic pump. The circadian rhythm was studied during 13 3-hour sampling periods (39 h) which were identical in all subjects. Dehydroepiandrosterone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone and pregnenolone showed a marked circadian rhythm with highest mean levels in the morning between 06.00 and 09.00 h and lowest mean levels during the night between 21.00 and 24.00 h. The peak levels of individual subjects coincided completely with the highest mean levels in the case of dehydroepiandrosterone, in 9 out of 10 cases with regard to 17-hydroxypregnenolone and in 8 of 10 cases as far as pregnenolone levels were concerned. The lowest individual levels were more dispersed around the means than were the individual peaks. The difference between the highest (morning hours: 06.00–09.00) and lowest (evening hours: 21.00–24.00) geometeric mean values was 404% for 17-hydroxypregnenolone, 163 % for dehydroepiandrosterone and 71 % for pregnenolone. The mean testosterone levels also exhibited an elevation between 06.00 and 09.00 h which was significant (P < 0.05). However, the individual peak values were scattered from 21.00 h of the first day to 18.00 h of the second day. The mean concentrations of androstenedione showed a significant increase between 06.00 and 18.00 h. The individual peaks were widely dispersed. Hence a uniform circadian rhythm correlated to the levels of the Δl5-steroids mentioned above could not be demonstrated in the case of testosterone and androstenedione. An analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between sampling periods as far as dihydrotestosterone levels were concerned. The extent and regularity of the circadian variation in the plasma levels of the Δl5-steroids studied makes it mandatory to standardize very carefully the exact time of blood withdrawal in any longitudinal study. In view of the sharp changes in the plasma levels during the morning hours, it is suggested that sampling during the afternoon period may provide more constant values.

1963 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-348 ◽  
I. H. Bath ◽  
J. A. F. Rook

1. A study was made of the effects of feeding regimen and the composition of the diet on the ruminal production of V.f.a.'S in cattle.2. The day-to-day variations in the pattern of rumen fermentation in cows given a diet of hay and concentrates indicated that within-cow differences in the molar proportions of the acids from diet to diet are of significance if they exceed about 3% (of the mean value) for acetic acid, about 10% for propionic and butyric acids, and about 25% for valeric acid. The results emphasized also the important differences to be found between cows given the same diet.3. A change in the frequency of feeding from once to four times daily at a constant daily drymatter intake had little effect on the daily mean values for pH, concentration of total V.f.a.'S, or the molar percentages of the individual acids, but almost invariably decreased the range of values observed between feeding.4. With diets of hay and of hay and concentrates an increase in daily dry-matter intake was associated with a fall in pH and an increase in the concentration of total V.f.a.'S; with the diet of hay and concentrates there was a considerable decrease in the molar percentage of acetic acid and a corresponding increase in N-butyric, but there was little change in the molar percentages of the acids with the diet of hay.

1975 ◽  
Vol 85 (3) ◽  
pp. 403-407 ◽  
R. W. Benjamin ◽  
A. A. Degen ◽  
A. Breighet ◽  
M. Chen ◽  
N. H. Tadmor

SUMMARYTwo experiments were made to measure the dry-matter intake of grazing sheep. Three groups of five ewes grazed three plots of young barley. The mean daily drymatter intake per ewe from each group was estimated from the water turnover which was measured by the tritium dilution technique. The mean intake was also estimated by the double sampling technique for measuring standing crops. The mean estimate of one technique was within the standard deviation of the mean estimate of the other. The difference between the mean estimates from each technique did not exceed 18 %. It is concluded that water turnover could be useful for the measurement of the intakes of animals grazing green pastures.

2004 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-137 ◽  
S.D. Gurney ◽  
D.S.L. Lawrence

Seasonal variations in the stable isotopic composition of snow and meltwater were investigated in a sub-arctic, mountainous, but non-glacial, catchment at Okstindan in northern Norway based on analyses of δ18O and δD. Samples were collected during four field periods (August 1998; April 1999; June 1999 and August 1999) at three sites lying on an altitudinal transect (740–970 m a.s.l.). Snowpack data display an increase in the mean values of δ18O (increasing from a mean value of −13.51 to −11.49‰ between April and August), as well as a decrease in variability through the melt period. Comparison with a regional meteoric water line indicates that the slope of the δ18O–δD line for the snowpacks decreases over the same period, dropping from 7.49 to approximately 6.2.This change points to the role of evaporation in snowpack ablation and is confirmed by the vertical profile of deuterium excess. Snowpack seepage data, although limited, also suggest reduced values of δD, as might be associated with local evaporation during meltwater generation. In general, meltwaters were depleted in δ18O relative to the source snowpack at the peak of the melt (June), but later in the year (August) the difference between the two was not statistically significant. The diurnal pattern of isotopic composition indicates that the most depleted meltwaters coincide with the peak in temperature and, hence, meltwater production.

1969 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 579-585
K. Schollberg ◽  
E. Seiler ◽  
J. Holtorff

ABSTRACT The urinary excretion of testosterone and epitestosterone by women in late pregnancy has been studied. The mean values of 22 normal women in pregnancy mens X are 12.9 ± 9.2 μg/24 h in the case of testosterone and 16.1 ± 16.2 μg/24 h in the case of epitestosterone. Both values do not differ significantly from those of non-pregnant females. The excretion values of mothers bearing a male foetus (17.3 ± 8.9 μg/24 h) are higher than those of mothers with a female foetus (6.4 ± 4.8 μg/24 h). The difference is statistically significant with P = 0.01.

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 482-486 ◽  
Marili Doro Andrade Deonizio ◽  
Gilson Blitzkow Sydney ◽  
Antonio Batista ◽  
Roberto Pontarolo ◽  
Paulo Ricardo Bittencourt Guimarães ◽  

This study evaluated the influence of apical patency, root filling removal technique and cleaning of the apical foramen, concerning the amount of debris extruded during root canal retreatment. Forty mandibular incisors were randomly assigned to 4 groups - GIM (n=10), GIIM (n=10), GIPT (n=10) and GIIPT (n=10), which were named according to leaving (I) or not (II) apical patency during canal preparation and filling removal technique (manual - M or ProTaper system - PT). After filling material removal, each specimen of each group had the apical foramen cleaned by sizes 15, 20 and 25 instruments, generating 12 subgroups: GIM15, GIM20, GIM25, GIIM15, GIIM20, GIIM25, GIPT15, GIPT20, GIPT25, GIIPT15, GIIPT20 and GIIPT25. Extruded filling debris was collected by a Milipore filtration system, an HV-durapore, 0.45 µm pore filter with a 25 mm diameter. The filters were weighed before and after the collection on an analytical scale (10–5 g), and the difference was calculated. The mean weight of extruded filling debris was analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman ANOVA tests (α=0.05). The mean values found in the groups (in mg) were: GIM (0.95±0.94), GIIM (0.47±0.62), GIPT (0.30±0.31) and GIIPT (0.32±0.44). There was no statistically significant difference among any of the groups or subgroups (p>0.05). ProTaper provided the smallest amount of extruded filling material, regardless of presence or absence of apical patency, followed by manual technique, without and with apical patency. Additional amounts of debris were collected during cleaning of the apical foramen, regardless of the instrument, presence/absence of patency or root filling removal technique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 3780-3784
P.Vani ◽  
Sharan B Singh M ◽  

Introduction: Cigarette smoking is a prime risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Chronic smoking results in autonomic dysfunction leading to increased cardiovascular risk in smokers. The present study was planned to study the effect of smoking on the Cardiovascular Autonomic Functions among smokers. Materials and Methods: Fifty male subjects who were in the age group of 25 to 45 years. They were grouped into 25 smokers and 25 non-smokers. The participant subjects were selected among the staff members, residents and the patients from the routine OPD in SVIMS. Prior to study, they were informed about the procedure and the purpose of the study tests and written consents were obtained from them. The Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Tests were assessed by using a POLYGRAPH which was available in the department. Results and Conclusion: After applying the ‘t’-test for the difference between the two sample means, it was observed that there was a highly significant difference between the mean values of the BMI(i.e.p<0.01) and the para-sympathetic function tests among the smokers and the non – smokers(i.e.p<0.00). The Resting Heart Rate had significantly increased and the Deep breathing difference, the postural tachycardial index (Response to standing) and the Valsalva Ratio had significantly decreased in the smokers as compared to those in the non – smokers. After applying the ‘t’-test for the difference between the two sample means, it was observed that there was no significant difference between the mean values of the Postural hypotension test (i.e. p>0.05) and that there was a highly significant difference between the mean values of the Sustained handgrip test in the smokers and the non – smokers (i.e. p<0.00). KEY WORDS: Cardiovascular autonomic function tests, Smoking, Resting heart rate.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1041-1048 ◽  
Mehmet Bekir Unal ◽  
Kemal Gokkus ◽  
Evrim Sirin ◽  
Eren Cansü

Objective: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the availability of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LACN) autograft for acute or delayed repair of segmented digital nerve injuries. Patients and Methods: 13 digital nerve defects of 11 patients; treated with interposition of LACN graft that harvested from ipsilateral extremity were included in the study. Mean follow up period was 35, 7 months. The mean time from injury to grafting is 53, 3 days. The results of the mean 2PDT and SWMT values of injured /uninjured finger at the end of follow up period were evaluated with Paired T test. The correlation between the defect length and the difference of 2PDT, SWMT values between the uninjured and injured finger at the end of follow up period; were evaluated with Pearson - correlation analysis. Results: The mean value of our 2PDT and SWMT results are ~5,923, ~3, 52, respectively in which can be interpreted between the normal and diminished light touch. The defect length and difference percentage of SWMT values is positively and significantly correlated statistically. Mean length of interposed nerve grafts was 18.5 mm. The age of the patient and the mean values of 2PDT and SWMT with the difference % of 2PDT and % of SWMT are not statistically correlated. Conclusion: Based on results regarding sensory regaining at recipient side and negligible sensory deficit at harvesting side, we suggest that lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve might be a valuable graft option for digital nerve defects.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 457-462 ◽  
Lucélia Donatti ◽  
Edith Fanta

The Antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi (Boulenger, 1902) occurs from benthic to pelagic habitats, in seasonally and daily varied photic conditions that induce retinomotor movements. Fish were experimentally kept under constant darkness or light, and 12Light/12Dark for seven days. The retinomotor movement of the pigment epithelium was established through the pigment index, while that of the cones was calculated as the length of the myoid. The retinomotor movement of the pigment epithelium in T.newnesi,revealed that the adaptation to constant light occurred in the one hour of exposure, remaining constant for the next seven days. However, the adaptation to constant darkness, was slower. The difference between the mean values of the pigment indices in the time intervals of sampling was significant in the first hours of the experiment, and only after six hours they were not significant any more. The myoid of cones became elongated in darkness and contracted in light. In the experiments where T.newnesiwas exposed initially to 12 hours light followed by 12 hours darkness 12 was evidenced that the speed and intensity of the retinomotor movements was higher when darkness changed into light, than when light changed into darkness.

1997 ◽  
Vol 41 (10) ◽  
pp. 2196-2200 ◽  
L J Lee ◽  
B Hafkin ◽  
I D Lee ◽  
J Hoh ◽  
R Dix

The effects of food and sucralfate on the pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin following the administration of a single 500-mg oral dose were investigated in a randomized, three-way crossover study with young healthy subjects (12 males and 12 females). Levofloxacin was administered under three conditions: fasting, fed (immediately after a standardized high-fat breakfast), and fasting with sucralfate given 2 h following the administration of levofloxacin. The concentrations of levofloxacin in plasma and urine were determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. By noncompartmental methods, the maximum concentration of drug in serum (Cmax), the time to Cmax (Tmax), the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), half-life (t1/2), clearance (CL/F), renal clearance (CLR), and cumulative amount of levofloxacin in urine (Ae) were estimated. The individual profiles of the drug concentration in plasma showed little difference among the three treatments. The only consistent effect of the coadministration of levofloxacin with a high-fat meal for most subjects was that levofloxacin absorption was delayed and Cmax was slightly reduced (Tmax, 1.0 and 2.0 h for fasting and fed conditions, respectively [P = 0.002]; Cmax, 5.9 +/- 1.3 and 5.1 +/- 0.9 microg/ml [90% confidence interval = 0.79 to 0.94] for fasting and fed conditions, respectively). Sucralfate, which was administered 2 h after the administration of levofloxacin, appeared to have no effect on levofloxacin's disposition compared with that under the fasting condition. Mean values of Cmax and AUC from time zero to infinity were 6.7 +/- 3.2 microg/ml and 47.9 +/- 8.4 microg x h/ml, respectively, following the administration of sucralfate compared to values of 5.9 +/- 1.3 microg/ml and 50.5 +/- 8.1 microg x h/ml, respectively, under fasting conditions. The mean t1/2, CL/F, CLR, and Ae values were similar among all three treatment groups. In conclusion, the absorption of levofloxacin was slightly delayed by food, although the overall bioavailability of levofloxacin following a high-fat meal was not altered. Finally, sucralfate did not alter the disposition of levofloxacin when sucralfate was given 2 h after the administration of the antibacterial agent, thus preventing a potential drug-drug interaction.

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