Avifaunal use of an artificial waterpoint in the Strzelecki Desert during an extended dry period

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Simon B. Z. Gorta ◽  
Reece D. Pedler ◽  
Richard T. Kingsford ◽  
Corey T. Callaghan
2013 ◽  
Vol 84 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-359
Masato NAKAMURA ◽  
Kei-ichi NAKAJIMA ◽  

This study presents the results of effect of a combination of bismuth subnitrate teat canal sealant (Boviseal® -Bimeda® Animal Health, Ireland) and the antibiotic Ampicillin & Cloxacillin (Bovaclox® DC-Norbrook Laboratories Ltd-UK) when used during the dry period on occurrence of mastitis 100 days post-calving. The objectives of this study were: to determine the effect of Boviseal® teat canal sealant in combination with Bovaclox® DC in control of dairy cow mastitis 100 days after calving; to determine bacterial pathogens causing mastitis in the selected farms and to determine risk factors for occurrence of dairy mastitis in the selected farms. This controlled field trial was carried out in two Kenyan dairy farms: Chemusian Farm in Nakuru County and Gicheha Farm in Kiambu County. 156 dairy cows were used in the study. Healthy cows with no history of mastitis in their current lactation were recruited. They were randomly placed into either of the two study groups: the control and the test group. The Control group received Bovaclox® DC while the Test group received the Bovaclox® DC followed by Boviseal®. The cows were followed during the entire dry period and 100 days post-calving monitoring for mastitis occurrence. Cows in the control group were more susceptible to mastitis 100 days post-calving compared to cows in the treatment group (P<0.001, RR=4.4, OR=17.7). Of the bacterial pathogens, coagulase negative Staphylococci (CNS) were the most common pathogens isolated from mastitic milk at 34.6 % followed by Micrococcus spp. (9.0%). Other bacteria isolated were Streptococcus agalactiae (3.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (1.9%); Escherichia coli (0.6%) and various bacterial mixtures. Results of logistic regressions at P≤0.05 showed that farm, position of the quarter, type of barn floor and type of treatment were significantly associated with occurrence of mastitis. Cows in Gicheha farm whose barn floor was earthen, those cows in the control group and hindquarters were risk factors for mastitis (RR=1.5, 4.4 and 1.18 respectively). The results of this study showed that Bovaclox® DC + Boviseal® teat canal sealant combination applied during the dry period is more effective in controlling bovine mastitis 100 days post-calving compared to the use of Bovaclox® DC alone. The study thus recommends the use of Bovaclox® DC + Boviseal® dry cow combination for control of bovine mastitis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 00256
Murat Baimishev ◽  
Sergey Eremin ◽  
Kirill Plemyashov ◽  
Hamidulla Baimishev ◽  
Igor Konopeltsev ◽  

The purpose of the research is to determine the etiopathogenesis of reproductive dysfunction in highly productive cows. For this, one group of cows was formed on the principle of paranalogs in the amount of 37 animals inseminated in the first sexual hunt after calving, followed by taking blood samples from them using the Monovet system, considering the duration of pregnancy. During the start-up period, blood was taken 1–4 days before calving and on the first day after calving. A total of 253 blood samples were examined. Subsequently, depending on the effectiveness of insemination, animals were divided into two groups. The first group included inseminated cows after the first insemination (20 animals), the second group included 17 unfertilized cows after the first insemination. Subsequently, blood was taken from animals considering the course of childbirth and the postpartum period. Blood counts were studied according to generally accepted methods using certified equipment. The study found that at an early stage of pregnancy, cows have a significant difference in lipid metabolism and in their peroxidation, in the state of antioxidant systems compared to unstable animals. In the process of pregnancy development in cows, there is a decrease in the level of total lipids and their class, and the accumulation of products of transoxidation of lipids is reduced. In animals with retention of the placenta, a low lipid metabolism and a higher level of peroxidation were established already in the dry period. After calving, this difference increases. The obtained data can be used to develop an algorithm for the prevention of postpartum complications in cows by using substances with antioxidant properties.

2021 ◽  
Maria Isabel Arce ◽  
Mia M. Bengtsson ◽  
Daniel von Schiller ◽  
Dominik Zak ◽  
Jana Täumer ◽  

AbstractDroughts are recognized to impact global biogeochemical cycles. However, the implication of desiccation on in-stream carbon (C) cycling is not well understood yet. We subjected sediments from a lowland, organic rich intermittent stream to experimental desiccation over a 9-week-period to investigate temporal changes in microbial functional traits in relation to their redox requirements, carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC). Concurrently, the implications of rewetting by simulated short rainfalls (4 and 21 mm) on gaseous C fluxes were tested. Early desiccation triggered dynamic fluxes of CO2 and CH4 with peak values of 383 and 30 mg C m−2 h−1 (mean ± SD), respectively, likely in response to enhanced aerobic mineralization and accelerated evasion. At longer desiccation, CH4 dropped abruptly, likely because of reduced abundance of anaerobic microbial traits. The CO2 fluxes ceased later, suggesting aerobic activity was constrained only by extended desiccation over time. We found that rainfall boosted fluxes of CO2, which were modulated by rainfall size and the preceding desiccation time. Desiccation also reduced the amount of WSOC and the proportion of labile compounds leaching from sediment. It remains questionable to which extent changes of the sediment C pool are influenced by respiration processes, microbial C uptake and cell lysis due to drying-rewetting cycles. We highlight that the severity of the dry period, which is controlled by its duration and the presence of precipitation events, needs detailed consideration to estimate the impact of intermittent flow on global riverine C fluxes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_4) ◽  
pp. 293-294
Murat Baymishev ◽  
Sergey Eremin ◽  
Kirill Plemyashov ◽  
Khamidulla Baymishev ◽  
Igor Konopel’tsev ◽  

Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the etiopathogenesis of reproductive dysfunction in highly productive cows. Studies were conducted on cows of black-motley breed, aged 3–5 lactations, with a live weight of 480–520 kg. Cows were divided into two groups. The first group included 20 cows effective inseminated after the first insemination. The second group included 17 cows that did not fertilize after the first insemination. Blood samples (n = 253) were taken from 4–7; 14–17; 24–34; 35–50; 88–95; 195–210 days of pregnancy; during the beginning of dry period (DP); 1–4 days before calving and on the first day after calving. The content of total serum lipids in pregnant animals was 15.8% higher compared to unfertilized animals. In non-pregnant cows, a decrease in free cholesterol (by 28.65%), especially in its ether-bound fraction (14.91%), indicates a lower synthetic function of the liver, which is confirmed by the low serum levels of vitamins A and E (a difference of 11.3 and 23.65%). The DP was characterized by a significant increase in the products of lipid peroxidation - malondialdehyde by 12–17%, diene and triene conjugates - by 10–15 and 8–15%, respectively, and 1–4 days before calving in cows, which subsequently had a pathological calving, in particular - retention of placenta (5 cows), were characterized by an increased content in the blood plasma of lipid peroxidation products. Thus, the difference in the number of dienes, trienes, and malondialdehyde products was 14.0, 12.0, and 23.5%, compared with animals without obstetric pathology. On the first day after calving, this difference increased even more. Cows with retention of placenta had a significantly higher level of lipid peroxidation products and were characterized by a predominance of oxidized products over the antiradical thiol disulfide and ascorbate systems restored in the antioxidant balance.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Rayonil Carneiro ◽  
Gilberto Fisch ◽  
Theomar Neves ◽  
Rosa Santos ◽  
Carlos Santos ◽  

This study investigated the erosion of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) over the central Amazon using a high-resolution model of large-eddy simulation (LES) named PArallel Les Model (PALM) and observational data from Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) project 2014/5. This data set was collected during four intense observation periods (IOPs) in the dry and rainy seasons in the years 2014 (considered a typical year) and 2015, during which an El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event predominated and provoked an intense dry season. The outputs from the PALM simulations represented reasonably well the NBL erosion, and the results showed that it has different characteristics between the seasons. During the rainy season, the IOPs exhibited slow surface heating and less intense convection, which resulted in a longer erosion period, typically about 3 h after sunrise (that occurs at 06:00 local time). In contrast, dry IOPs showed more intensive surface warming with stronger convection, resulting in faster NBL erosion, about 2 h after sunrise. A conceptual model was derived to investigate the complete erosion during sunrise hours when there is a very shallow mixed layer formed close to the surface and a stable layer above. The kinematic heat flux for heating this layer during the erosion period showed that for the rainy season, the energy emitted from the surface and the entrainment was not enough to fully heat the NBL layer and erode it. Approximately 30% of additional energy was used in the system, which could come from the release of energy from biomass. The dry period of 2014 showed stronger heating, but it was also not enough, requiring approximately 6% of additional energy. However, for the 2015 dry period, which was under the influence of the ENSO event, it was shown that the released surface fluxes were sufficient to fully heat the layer. The erosion time of the NBL probably influenced the development of the convective boundary layer (CBL), wherein greater vertical development was observed in the dry season IOPs (~1500 m), while the rainy season IOPs had a shallower layer (~1200 m).

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
A. Boustan ◽  
V. Vahedi ◽  
M. Abdi Farab ◽  
H. Karami ◽  
R. Seyedsharifi ◽  

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