The Last Refuge and Forced Migration of a Taiwanese Indigenous People during the Japanese Colonization of Taiwan – An Ethnohistory

Steven Andrew Martin ◽  
David Blundell
José Manuel Moreno Vega

Os centros de mineração foram destinos comuns para a migração indígena durante o período colonial devido à alta demanda de mão de obra indígena que para lá se deslocava principalmente pela quase inexistência de indígenas sedentários nas regiões mineradoras. Uma revisão da bibliografia recente de vários estudiosos sobre os padrões de migração indígena em centros de mineração aborda tópicos afins, como migração forçada, deslocamento e cativeiro, relacionados à violência. Conhecimentos acerca temas do papel das mulheres nesse tipo de processos também constituem problemas das pesquisas relacionadas. As diferentes abordagens adotadas por especialistas neste tópico e, portanto, um conjunto de descobertas diferentes, também devem ser consideradas. Palavras-chave: Paisagens. Mineração. Cativeiro. Deslocamento. Migração. Abstract: mining centers were common places for indigenous migration during the colonial period, because of the high demand on foreign indigenous labor, mainly due to the low sedentary indigenous population in the mining regions. A literature review on the recent work of several borderlands scholars on indigenous migration patterns into mining centers sheds new light on related topics, such as forced migration, displacement and captivity, which relate to violence. It also sheds knowledge on topics such as women’s roles in these type of processes. One thing to consider are the different approaches taken by experts on this topic, and thus, the different set of findings. Keywords: Landscapes. Mining. Captivity. Displacement. Migration.

Angela Calcaterra

“Indian Removal” refers to the forced migration of Indigenous communities from their homelands in what is currently the United States. It is often connected to a particular era (the 1820s and 1830s), federal policy (the Indian Removal Act), or event (the singular Trail of Tears). Yet dispossession from ancestral lands has been persistent and pervasive and is an ongoing, lived reality for many Indigenous people. From the first moments of their arrival in what they would call the Americas, Europeans expelled Native Americans and confiscated their lands for themselves. Natives lost not only land but also familial bonds, historical information, sites of religious significance, and ecological knowledge. Beginning with the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, in which the United States acquired a vast territory west of the Mississippi, federal efforts to compel Indians to exchange land holdings in the east for lands west of the Mississippi intensified. This practice developed into a political program of ethnic cleansing during the 1820s and 1830s, particularly under the presidency of Andrew Jackson. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 targeted the large southeastern nations (Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles), but since those nations were forced into western territories its effects spread immediately across the Mississippi to tribes such as the Osages. Removal of western tribes onto reservations continued into the 20th century. Many lesser-known communities in the north, such as the Delawares, experienced multiple removals over centuries. The Delaware Tribe currently resides within the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, a forced positioning that has made it difficult for the Delawares to gain federal recognition. Today, the erasure of Indigenous presences and histories from the United States’ national consciousness contributes to public sentiment supporting ongoing forms of removal. Racist sports mascots, stereotypes in film and television, and societal ignorance of specific Native histories and cultures perpetuate the political and cultural marginalization of Indigenous people. It is thus important to recognize the “removal period” as one of immense suffering for the more well-known tribal nations, while also acknowledging removal’s deeper history and ongoing effects. Equally important, Indigenous communities and individuals have always protested and countered the many forms of removal with their own writings, media, cultural practices, and legal and political actions. As it documents scholarship and creative work on Indian Removal, this bibliography also attends to what Anishinaabe author Gerald Vizenor has termed “Native survivance . . . an active sense of presence over absence, deracination, oblivion.” It highlights the voices and presences of Indigenous authors, scholars, and activists who work to reclaim the past and reimagine the future.

Diane Frome Loeb ◽  
Kathy Redbird

Abstract Purpose: In this article, we describe the existing literacy research with school-age children who are indigenous. The lack of data for this group of children requires speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to use expert opinion from indigenous and non-indigenous people to develop culturally sensitive methods for fostering literacy skills. Method: We describe two available curricula developed by indigenous people that are available, which use authentic materials and embed indigenous stories into the learning environment: The Indian Reading Series and the Northwest Native American Reading Curriculum. We also discuss the importance of using cooperative learning, multisensory instruction, and increased holistic emphasis to create a more culturally sensitive implementation of services. We provide an example of a literacy-based language facilitation that was developed for an indigenous tribe in Kansas. Conclusion: SLPs can provide services to indigenous children that foster literacy skills through storytelling using authentic materials as well as activities and methods that are consistent with the client's values and beliefs.

Crisis ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 251-261 ◽  
Joanne N. Luke ◽  
Ian P. Anderson ◽  
Graham J. Gee ◽  
Reg Thorpe ◽  
Kevin G. Rowley ◽  

Background: There has been increasing attention over the last decade on the issue of indigenous youth suicide. A number of studies have documented the high prevalence of suicide behavior and mortality in Australia and internationally. However, no studies have focused on documenting the correlates of suicide behavior for indigenous youth in Australia. Aims: To examine the prevalence of suicide ideation and attempt and the associated factors for a community 1 The term ”community” refers specifically to Koori people affiliated with the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service. cohort of Koori 2 The term ”Koori” refers to indigenous people from the south-eastern region of Australia, including Melbourne. The term ”Aboriginal” has been used when referring to indigenous people from Australia. The term ”indigenous” has been used throughout this article when referring to the first people of a nation within an international context. (Aboriginal) youth. Method: Data were obtained from the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) Young People’s Project (YPP), a community initiated cross-sectional data set. In 1997/1998, self-reported data were collected for 172 Koori youth aged 12–26 years living in Melbourne, Australia. The data were analyzed to assess the prevalence of current suicide ideation and lifetime suicide attempt. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to identify closely associated social, emotional, behavioral, and cultural variables at baseline and Cox regression modeling was then used to identify associations between PCA components and suicide ideation and attempt. Results: Ideation and attempt were reported at 23.3% and 24.4%, respectively. PCA yielded five components: (1) emotional distress, (2) social distress A, (3) social distress B, (4) cultural connection, (5) behavioral. All were positively and independently associated with suicide ideation and attempt, while cultural connection showed a negative association. Conclusions: Suicide ideation and attempt were common in this cross-section of indigenous youth with an unfavorable profile for the emotional, social, cultural, and behavioral factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  

The settlement of criminal offenses with mild motives can be carried out by reasoning penal mediation called the restorative justice approach, which focuses on the direct participation of perpetrators, victims and the community. The research that use in this study is sociological legal research (social legal research). The concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of a mildly criminal case for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak, was carried out with the intermediary of the headman. Headman as customary village heads and as government administrators have an important role in creating peace efforts in resolving disputes that occur in the community, one of which is through the settlement of criminal cases by reasoning penal mediation with the concept of restorative justice. The constraints of the concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of mildly criminal cases for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak are: a) The absence of a special law mediation of regulation, b) Lack of facilities and infrastructure in mediating, c) Lack of mediator skills for village head to reconcile the parties to the dispute, d) There are differences of opinion among law enforcement officials about the concept of restorative justice through penal mediation

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Paiz Hassan ◽  
Mohd Anuar Ramli

Majority of the indigenous people who are the original inhabitants in Malaysia inhibit the remote area of tropical forest which is rich in natural resources. Their lives are separated from the outside community due to several factors such as geography, low literacy, negative perceptions of the surrounding community, and the closed-door attitude of the indigenous people. Consistent preaching activities have changed the faith of the indigenous people from animism orientation towards believing in the Oneness of God. The practice of Islam as a way of life in the lives of indigenous peoples is found to be difficult to practice because the fiqh approach presented to them does not celebrate their local condition. In this regard, this study will examine the socio-cultural isolation of indigenous peoples and their impact on the interpretation of Islamic law. To achieve this objective, the researchers have applied the library research method by referring to the literatures related to the discussion of Islamic scholars in various disciplines of fiqh and usūl al-fiqh. The research found that there is rukhsah and taysir approach given to isolated people as well as with local background to facilitate the religious affairs of the indigenous people. Abstrak Majoriti masyarakat Orang Asli yang merupakan penduduk asal di semenanjung Malaysia mendiami kawasan pedalaman di hutan hujan tropika yang kaya dengan khazanah alam. Kehidupan mereka terasing daripada masyarakat luar disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti geografi, kadar literasi yang rendah, pandangan negatif masyarakat sekitar dan sikap tertutup masyarakat Orang Asli. Gerakan dakwah yang dijalankan secara konsisten telah membawa perubahan kepercayaan sebahagian masyarakat Orang Asli daripada berorientasikan animisme kepada mempercayai Tuhan yang Esa. Pengamalan Islam sebagai cara hidup dalam kehidupan masyarakat Orang Asli didapati agak sukar untuk dipraktikkan lantaran pendekatan fiqh yang disampaikan kepada mereka tidak meraikan suasana setempat mereka. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini akan meneliti keadaan isolasi sosio-budaya masyarakat Orang Asli dan kesannya terhadap pentafsiran hukum Islam. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, pengkaji menggunakan kajian kepustakaan sepenuhnya dengan menelusuri literatur berkaitan dengan perbincangan sarjana Islam dalam pelbagai disiplin ilmu fiqh dan usul fiqh. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat rukhsah dan pendekatan taysir diberikan kepada mereka yang hidup terasing serta berlatar belakang budaya setempat bagi memudahkan urusan keagamaan masyarakat Orang Asli.

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