scholarly journals Improvement of bearing capacity of clay that is stabilized with bamboo charcoal powder

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012101
S Alam ◽  
F Fahriani ◽  
Y Apriyanti

Abstract A building construction must be built on the soil with good bearing capacity. Increasing of bearing capacity of the soil can be done by adding material of soil stabilizer. Bamboo charcoal powder was used in this study as a stabilizer for clay. The percentage of the addition of bamboo charcoal powder to clay soil in this study was 5%, 10%, and 15%. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was carried out on original clay and stabilized clay to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. The results of this study as showed an increase in the CBR value of each percentage of the addition of bamboo charcoal powder. The highest CBR value was the addition of 15% bamboo charcoal powder with an increase in the CBR value of the original clay by 82.87%. The increase in the CBR value of the soil indicates that there is an increase in the bearing capacity of the clay due to the addition of bamboo charcoal powder

2017 ◽  
Danang S. Raharja ◽  
Sigit P. Hadiwardoyo ◽  
Wiwik Rahayu ◽  
Nasuhi Zain

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-146
Yayuk Apriyanti ◽  
Ovin Sahara ◽  
Aisah Fitri ◽  
Ferra Fahriani

Clay soil is the basic part of a building construction, but such type of soil has the stability problems, hence it needs to be stabilized to increase its bearing capacity. Some natural materials in Bangka Belitung Province have not been optimally utilized, e.g. coconut shells and bamboo, which can be used as stabilization materials. In this article, we compare the dry density of clay soil mixed with coconut shell charcoal powder to clay soil mixed with bamboo charcoal powder. The percentage of stabilizing material used is 5%, 10% and 15% of the dry soil weight. Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) standard including the low plasticity inorganic clay (CL) group and following the standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Classification (AASHTO) including the A-6 soil group. The compaction test result show that the dry density of the clay soil increases with the addition of stabilization agent using either coconut shell charcoal powder or bamboo charcoal powder. The results were almost the same where the difference was only about 0.001 (gr / cm3) for the stabilizer mixture of 5% and 10% as well as the difference of 0.002% (gr / cm3) for the stabilizer mixture of 15%. The increase in soil dry density indicates that the bearing capacity of clay soil increases with the increase in the percentage of stabilizing material

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.36) ◽  
pp. 424 ◽  
Maxwel Joseph Henri Nainggolan ◽  
Wiwik Rahayu ◽  
Puspita Lisdiyanti

In recent years, utilization of biotechnology in geotechnical field has rapidly grown. One of the biotechnologies being utilized is urease enzyme, a stabilization material by bio-cementation method studied in this research.  Urease enzyme is manually mixed with additional 10% of clay soil to clay shale. The objective of mixing it is to increase the bearing capacity of the clay shale. Consolidated undrained triaxial test was performed for testing the soil strength performance for samples that had undergone curing for 2, 4, and 6 weeks. The results indicated that the sample stiffens, proved by the increase of shear strength from consolidated undrained triaxial test. The shear strength value produced by the variation of the urease enzyme mixture + 10% the clay is higher than that of without the original clay shale.  

10.17158/516 ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Ruben M. Ruiz ◽  
Renan P. Limjuco ◽  
Ebony Joseph B. Dolino ◽  
Michelle T. Llaban ◽  
Jeric N. Maratas ◽  

<p>The necessity of improving the engineering properties of soil has been recognized; therefore, it is very important to find ways to enhance the weak soil, and using plastic waste is one promising way of doing it. The primary objective of this study is to compare the bearing capacity of the two types of soil (Clay and Item-201) in different concentrations of plastics, namely, at 0%, 0.5%, and 1%. Primarily, this investigation aimed to compare the California bearing ratio (CBR) of the two types of soil each with three concentrations of plastic. This study made use of the experimental design, specifically posttest design only to determine the effectiveness of using recycled waste plastic as soil bearing capacity enhancer. Findings revealed that in terms of the type of soil, there is a significant difference in California bearing ratio between clay and Item 201 (p-value &lt; 0.05). On the other hand, the California bearing ratio of the soil samples in various concentrations are not the same. As with the interaction between the type of soil and the waste plastic, a two-way ANOVA reveals that there is significant interaction between them that might have influenced California bearing ratio in the soil (p-value &lt; 0.05).</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Engineering, soil, waste plastic, soil bearing capacity enhancer, California bearing ratio, experimental, ANOVA, Davao City, Philippines.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 195 ◽  
pp. 03005
Ferry Fatnanta ◽  
Andarsin Ongko

Peat is a kind of soil with a very low bearing capacity and high compressibility. Generally, a building construction on peat is done by using a wooden pile foundation. However, the length of the wooden piles is sometimes limited and causes the friction strength between the soil and wooden piles to became suboptimal. In order to enhance the bearing capacity of the foundation, the cross-sectional area of the foundation needs to be enlarged. One of the solutions for this problem is through helical piles. There are two methods to determine the helical pile`s bearing capacity, i.e. individual bearing and cylindrical shear methods. In this paper, bearing capacity prediction was discussed. A foundation load test was thoroughly done by a constant rate of penetration. This test consisted of compression and tension tests. The result was analyzed by individual bearing and cylindrical shear methods and next compared to each other. The result of the analysis has shown that the individual bearing method was more suitable in predicting helical piles’ bearing capacity since it produced the lowest error rate, with a magnitude of 21,31%.

2011 ◽  
Vol 250-253 ◽  
pp. 2662-2666
Zhi Hai Qin ◽  
Tong Dong Li

In the civil engineering construction, with the building load of building construction or adding storeys, foundation pit dewatering, embankment filling , over time, the pore water stress that is borne by pore water in the foundation decreases gradually, the effective stress that is borne by particle increases gradually, the foundation bearing capacity increases gradually, we use different methods to derive the variation law in the theoretical solution, and carry on the comparison, then get the same conclusion. By using theory to solve the frequently encountered problems during civil engineering construction, including the problems of building construction or adding storeys, foundation pit dewatering, embankment filling, it provides theory basis for both economical and safe civil engineering construction .

Expansive soil is a problematic soil which found in wide part of the world that has a high degree of sensitivity, nature of expansion and shrink behavior during water adding and removing this caused insufficient bearing capacity, excessive differential settlement and instability on excavation and embankment forming those conditions accelerate damage of building structure, road highway and dam. Attempt to undertake construction in such type of soil result will be bearing capacity failure, settlement problem. One of the well-known application of Lime and fly ash were improve Atterberg limits, compaction characteristics, bearing capacity and prevention of swelling problem of expansive clay that is why the main reason to select lime and fly ash in this project, both are good binding material to increase the cohesion force and shear strength of soil and assured to established rigid pavements and foundations. The mixing proportion of lime, fly ash and combination of lime and fly ash are (0%, 2 %, 4 % ), (10%, 15% ,20% ), (2 %+10 %, 2 % +15 %, 2 % +20 %) and (4 %+10 %, 4 % + 15 % , 4 %+ 20 %) with expansive soil respectively and then explored how much it modify the characteristics of soil like maximum dry density moisture content, consistency limits, FSI, UCS and CBR value which compare to untreated soil. Lime and fly ash treated soil carried out various tests Such as Moisture content test, consistency limit, compaction test, Unconfined Compression swelling index test and California bearing ratio test then after justify weather the bearing capacity of soil is good or not . Classification of soil was determined by conducting plasticity index and swelling index tests. Effect of lime and fly ash on soil index properties were assessed by conducting Atterberg limits test, strength of soil were assessed by conducting compaction test, UCS tests and CBR test and swelling properties were checked by conducting swelling index test. Expansive clay soil were mixed with lime, fly ash and combination of lime - fly ash by replacement process of soil and then cured for 7, 14 and 28 days.

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-36
Volodymyr Sedin ◽  
Vladyslav Kovba ◽  
Yurii Volnianskyi ◽  
Kateryna Bikus

A full-scale experiment was conducted to study the operation of a multi-helix screw pile under static pressing and pulling load in dusty clay soil. Based on the full-scale test of a multi-helix screw pile under static loading in dusty clay soil, numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of the base of the multi-helix screw pile was performed. Multi-helix screw piles are actively used all over the world, and have also become widespread in Ukraine. Foundations made of multi-helix screw piles are often used for industrial construction as well as the foundations of low-rise buildings and structures. Despite the growing demand for the use of multi-helix screw piles in modern construction, there is no official document calculating the features of their design and bearing capacity of a multi-helix screw pile. This poses a number of new tasks for engineers and geotechnical: a) development of new modern calculation methods; b) development and use of modern normative documents and recommendations for the calculation of foundations from multi-helix screw piles in various soil conditions; с) use of computer-aided design systems for calculation of complex geotechnical tasks; d) development of calculation models that will take into account nonlinear models of deformation of materials and soil base. Foundations made of multi-helix screw piles are a promising direction in the field of foundation construction due to the reduction of the duration of the foundation and its economic. This requires the development of regulations with recommendations for the calculation and use of multi-helix screw piles in the field of foundation construction, development of modern calculation models for the calculation of bearing capacity and settling of multi-helix screw piles in different geological conditions. Based on the results of the field study of the work of multi-helix screw piles in clay soils, numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of the base of the multi-turn pile was performed, and their results were compared.

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