The Archaeology of Qhapaq Ñan (Inca Royal Road)

Manuel Perales

This is an advance summary of a forthcoming article in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Please check back later for the full article. Throughout history, trails, paths, and roads have been fundamental components for the development of human societies, particularly in the case of those that achieved complex forms of organization. In this sense, many ancient states implemented road systems that facilitated the flow of people and goods throughout their domains, at the same time that they strengthened control over conquered populations and sustained the structure of the government apparatus. In the case of Tawantinsuyu, the powerful state built by the Incas, rulers ordered the construction of a vast and sophisticated network of roads that extended from southern Colombia to the central region of Chile and the Argentinian northwest, running through territories currently belonging to Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Although the entire network is known today as Qhapaq Ñan, this term originally referred only to the major axis of the system, represented by the great royal road that connected Cusco, the Inca capital, with Quito and the northern border of the empire. Due to the advanced technology used in their design and construction, Inca roads garnered the admiration of the earliest Europeans in the Andes, who praised the level of organization and administration of communications handled by the state, as well as the integral infrastructure of the whole road system. Features of the system that were especially praised by the Spanish were bridges, storehouses, and facilities known as tambos, which were frequently used as inns for travelers during Spanish rule. Later, these references made 19th-century explorers and 20th-century researchers of different nationalities turn their attention to the study of Qhapaq Ñan. Since the 1990s, these studies have shown a marked increase and are being carried out from different disciplinary fields, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches. After the inclusion of the Qhapaq Ñan in the UNESCO World Heritage List, modern populations from the different localities associated with the Inca roads are increasingly claiming a role in research, conservation, and cultural management projects carried out by governments, institutions, and academics in their respective countries. This has opened an important debate on the processes of cultural heritage declarations, at the same time that it has highlighted the importance of the Qhapaq Ñan as a powerful element of cultural vindication and as a device with great potential for the promotion of Andean integration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (Especial) ◽  
pp. 105
Dante Choque-Caseres

In Latin America, based on the recognition of Indigenous Peoples, the identification of gaps or disparities between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous population has emerged as a new research interest. To this end, capturing Indigenous identity is key to conducting certain analyses. However, the social contexts where the identity of Indigenous persons are (re)produced has been significantly altered. These changes are generated by the assimilation or integration of Indigenous communities into dominant national cultures. Within this context, limitations emerge in the use of this category, since Indigenous identity has a political and legal component related to the needs of the government. Therefore, critical thought on the use of Indigenous identity is necessary in an epistemological and methodological approach to research. This article argues that research about Indigenous Peoples should evaluate how Indigenous identity is included, for it is socially co-produced through the interaction of the State and its institutions. Thus, it would not necessarily constitute an explicative variable. By analyzing the discourse about Aymara Indigenous communities that has emerged in the northern border of Chile, this paper seeks to expose the logic used to define identity. Therefore, I conclude that the process of self-identification arises in supposed Indigenous people, built and/or reinforced by institutions, which should be reviewed from a decolonizing perspective and included in comparative research.

Francesco Maria Mancini ◽  
Tanja Glusac

Experiential Learning and Integrated Learning Environments in Architecture is a pedagogic project based on action learning (Revans, 1980) that challenges the traditional design studio teaching approach to Architectural/Urban Design and builds on Dewey (1939) and Kolb (1984) theories of experiential learning. An innovative model of teaching Urban Design to Master of Architecture students has been trailed for the first time in 2018, when the studio was set in the City of Bayswater, and has been refined over the course of 2019 in two separate study periods – Study Period 1 (Rome/Milan Study Tour) and Semester 2. This model provides students with an opportunity to collaboratively learn from and re-design the existing urban environments by immersing themselves in the very context they are studying. The proximity of the classroom to the urban setting presented an opportunity for students to draw comparisons and analysis between national and international examples and that of the surrounding urban milieu. Additionally, advanced technology supportive of distributed learning environment and intense collaboration with industry such as Hassell, Element and The Office of the Government Architect (OGA), coupled with opportunities to visit various practices, provided deeper insights and an all rounded approach to learning and engaging with architecture. Keywords: experiential learning; collaborative learning environments; architecture, urban design

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-115 ◽  
Dieter Stiers ◽  
Ruth Dassonneville

AbstractGovernment cohesiveness is known to moderate retrospective voting. While previous work on this topic has focused on characteristics of the government, we build on the literature on clarity of responsibility and the literature on valence to argue that the extent to which government and opposition are ideologically distinct also moderates retrospective voting. Two alternative expectations follow from these two theoretical perspectives. While the clarity of responsibility framework leads to the expectation that a larger difference between government and opposition will strengthen retrospective voting, the valence literature presumes that retrospective voting is stronger when ideological differences are small. Using the data of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) project, we find evidence that is in line with the clarity of responsibility framework: the higher the degree of ideological polarization between government and opposition, the larger the effect of retrospective performance evaluations on the vote.

Politics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-89 ◽  
Mathew YH Wong

This study examines support for redistribution in the developed economy of Hong Kong from three theoretical perspectives: self-interest, ideology, and social affinity. The analysis uses a between-subjects randomized vignette experiment to explore the interplay between welfare and politics; in particular, it addresses whether people express opposition to a welfare policy to convey political discontent even if they otherwise support the policy. Drawing on a survey of university students (N = 1245), the study finds that self-interest and ideology, and specifically perceptions of social mobility and individual responsibility, are strong predictors of support for redistribution. The vignette experiment provides evidence that politics indeed spills over into support for welfare policies. Respondents expressed less support for public housing if cued that the policy was associated with the government and were already dissatisfied with political leadership. The findings have implications for research on political support for redistribution and welfare policies.

Subject The business climate in Russia. Significance Russia's hydrocarbon resources and large consumer market have to date attracted the bulk of foreign direct investment (FDI). The government actively promotes foreign investment to fund production and bring in advanced technology. Low economic growth and Western sanctions -- current and possible -- discourage both foreign and domestic investment. A legal battle around the Baring Vostok investment company and the arrest of founder Michael Calvey further dented investor confidence this year. Impacts Russia's geography makes inclusion in global production value chains a challenge, except in locations near East Asian markets. Plans for government spending on transport infrastructure could reduce logistics costs and stimulate FDI inflows into Russia's far east. More stringent data handling and protection rules will discourage foreign investment in the IT sector.

Fajar Nur Alam ◽  
Farida Sarimaya

This article entitled “Widjojonomics to Habibienomics: Different views of Economic thoughts of Widjojo Nitisastro and B.J Habibie towards Indonesian Economy in the New Order.” The main issues raised in this study is how differing ideas of B.J Habibie and Nitisastro Widjojo about Indonesian economy in the New Order era in 1971-1999. The method used in this bachelor thesis research is historical method, which is conducted in following steps: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography, while the technique used is literature study. Based on the study, several conclusions can be drawn. The government of New Order started its governance with economic crisis. To solve it, therefore stabilization and rehabilitation of national economy is needed. Widjojo Nitisastro and B. J. have different background both in terms of their youth life and education. That is what influences the characters and ways of their thinking. Economic principal of Widjojo Nitisastro, which often called as Widjojonomics, exemplifies that modernization of economic system that covers market, fiscal and foreign debt is expected to give birth to a trickle-down effect, which assumes that if the policy is intended to provide benefits for the rich, the poor would also be impacted through the employment expansion, income distribution and market expansion.  Economic principal of B.J Habibie, which often called as Habibienomics, is a system of economy that should be developed though the seizure of advanced technology to catch up with developed countries. Indonesia should not only be a state that can only produce goods that have comparative advantages. Instead, Indonesia should also have added value and competitive advantage.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 95
Саша Петковић ◽  
Борис Новарлић

Резиме: Напредак Републике Српске у погледу креирања производа и услуга из домена напредне технологије још увијек није постигнут. Неповољна привредна структура Републике Српске посљедњих година, огледа се у доминантном учешћу трговине на мало и велико у нефинансијском пословном сектору. У овој емпиријској студији испитује се могућност успостављања мечмејкинг програма којим се утиче на динамичну комерцијализацију иновација. Циљ рада јесте да се укаже на занемарљиво малу подршку државе коју мала, технолошки напредна предузећа из Републике Српске имају у односу на европска предузећа. Приједлогом теоријског модела подршке иновативних малих предузећа у функцији технолошког раста и комерцијализације иновација, између осталих мјера, промовишу се мечмејкинг програми као једна од могућих стратегија изласка из кризе предузећа из Републике Српске. Истраживање за потребе овог рада, спроведено је до средине јануара 2013. године, на територији 5 градова и 10 општина Републике Српске, на узорку од 118 малих предузећа и предузетничких радњи. Анализом резултата истраживања и тестирањем истраживачких хипотеза, уочено је да у Републици Српској још увијек није створен јак механизам, који би подстакао афирмацију тражења адекватног пословног партнера у иностранству, с циљем планирања, развоја и дистрибуције производа из домена напредне технологије на инострано тржиште.Summary: Progress of the Repulic of Srpska regarding the design of products and services in the field of advanced technology has not been reached yet. Unfavorable economic structure of the Repulic of Srpska in recent years, reflected in the dominant share of the retail and wholesale of non-financial sector. This empirical study examines the possibility of establishing Matchmaking Programme which affects the dynamic innovation commercialization, which represents one possible step in the revitalization of the economy of the Repulic of Srpska. The aim of this paper is to show the negligible support from the government that small, technologically advanced companies in the Repulic of Srpska have in relation to European companies. Proposed theoretical model of support innovative small companies in function of technological growth and commercialization innovation, among other measures, promotes Matchmaking Programmes as one possible output strategy from the crisis of companies from Republic of Srpska. Research for need of this paper was conducted in the period till mid-January 2013 on the territories of five cities and 10 municipalities of the Republic of Srpska, on a sample of 118 small enterprises and entrepreneurial business. By analysis of the research results and testing research hypotheses, it was observed that Republic of Srpska has not created a strong mechanism yet, to encourage the promotion of seeking adequate business partners abroad with the aim of planning, development and products distribution in the field of advanced technologies to the international market.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Yaron Katz

<p><em>The main concern of this research is the conflict between technology and society. It concentrates on the in the Israeli society, which is split in half: on the one hand it is in the information era, with highly advanced technology sector, while on the other hand it is still considered a developing country in terms of social development among large segments of society. The dual structure of the economy means that despite being known as the “Start-Up Nation”, Israel has one of the highest poverty rates with the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. The research argues that the problem is the dual structure: the nation is leading the world in technological development, but the services provided to its citizens are limited to the extent that poverty is high. The research further claims that the solution is technology: the technological advantage of Israel promoted its economy, which has grown more rapidly than most other advanced economies, after the government made a strategic decision to promote technology by providing financial support for in research and development. The rise in social and sectorial media allows the poorest parts of society—the Ultra-Orthodox and the Israeli-Arabs—to adopt technology and benefit from the leading role of the country in technological development and global competition. This means that while technology created the problem of dual structure—it also allows the segments of society that are considered poor and underdeveloped to use advanced media services within their communities.</em></p>

Edy Prihantoro ◽  
Didin Mukodim ◽  
Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella ◽  
Astiyani Lestari

When the Covid-19 pandemic begins to spread in Indonesian society, the government must limit the space for people to stay indoors. The government has done everything from closing schools and public facilities to implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in order to break the chain of spreading the Covid-19 virus. Then the Indonesian people reminded each other to stay indoors. Until the hashtag #dirumahaja appeared on Twitter social media. Due to the limited space for people to leave the house, especially when buying food, people choose to take advantage of advanced technology by buying food online using the GoFood Feature Gojek application. The purpose of this study was to determine how much the effectiveness of the GoFood features in the Gojek application on the ease with which people order food when #dirumahaja is implemented. The research method used is descriptive method with a quantitative approach and has a total of 244 respondents. Collecting data using a questionnaire technique or distributing questionnaires. The theory used in this research is the Technology Acceptance Model. The results of this study are that there is an effect of the Go-food feature in the Gojek application on the ease with which people order food when the #dirumahaja Program is implemented. The ease of features in the Gojek application turns out to make it easier for people who need food through the Gojek application during the Pandemic.

A government policy is a scheme launched by the governing body of a nation for the welfare of a particular section of the society or the entire public in general. The impact of such a policy can hence only be determined by the response from its target group. The evaluation of these schemes is often challenging, due to the inability of the government body or organization to collect unfiltered and unbiased feedback from the entire population. The aforementioned task may require a large amount of effort, considerable time and in-depth knowledge of advanced technology. However, with the advent of the information era, it is possible to analyze the sentiments of the public using negligible resources. The internet is rich in freely available unused and unstructured data that can be exploited efficiently for various purposes. One such application is opinion mining which allows the user to extract data from social media websites and categorize it into pre-defined classes. This paper is an attempt to assess one of the most important and current government initiatives- “Digital India”, through public sentiments. Digital India is a program launched by the Prime Minister of India to transform the country into a technologically advanced and digitally connected nation. This research work corroborates the use of swarm intelligence or nature-inspired algorithms for feature subset selection during opinion mining, as it results in a substantial reduction in the number of features (and consequently a lesser computation time for model training) and increase in the classification accuracy of the model. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze public opinion on “Digital India” campaign to ascertain the success (or failure) of the mission, while at the same time, determine the most suited model for automated evaluation of any government policy in the future

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