The characteristics making Internet communication challenge traditional models of regulation – What every international jurist should know about the Internet

2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-69 ◽  
Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
2008 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Alan Sondheim

The Internet Text is an extended analysis of the environment of Internet communication, an extended meditation on the psychology and philosophy of Net exchange. As such, it is concerned primarily with virtual or electronic subjectivity – the simultaneous presence and absence of the user, the sorts of libidinal projections that result, the nature of flamewars, and the ontological or epistemological issues that underlie these processes. Internet Text begins with a brief, almost corrosive, account of the subject – an account based on the concepts of Address, Protocol, and Recognition. This section “reduces” virtual subjectivity to packets of information, Internet sputterings, and an ontology of the self based on Otherness – your recognition of me is responsible for my Net-presence. The reduction then begins to break down through a series of further texts detailing the nature of this presence; a nature which is both sexualized/gendered, and absenting, the result of an imaginary site. Eventually, it has become clear that everything revolves around issues of the virtual subject, who is only virtual on the Net, but who has a very real body elsewhere. So Internet Text has evolved more and more in a meditation on this subject – a subject which will perhaps be one of the dominant modes of being within the next millennium. Finally, it should be noted that there are no conclusions to be drawn in Internet Text, no series of protocol statements or declarations creating any sort of ultimate defining or explanatory position. The entire history of philosophy mitigates against this; instead, I side with the Schlegels, with Nietzsche, Bataille, Jabes, and others, for whom the fragment is crucial to an understanding of contemporary life... It is dedicated to Michael Current and Clara Hielo.

N.I. Pushina ◽  
N.I. Leonov ◽  
N.V. Makhankova ◽  
E.A. Shirokikh

This article aims to identify the causes of conflicts in communication upsetting the balance of interethnic relations, mutual understanding, interaction between representatives of different countries and peoples and to develop mechanisms for overcoming them in the discourse of political Internet, which occupies a special place in the Internet communication and enables politicians having access to the Internet to speak to the public. The article presents a typology of communicative failures, identifies what makes a communication conflict (situational factors, contextual factors; productive and receptive factors; ritualization of live speech communication, violation of ethical norms, leveling pragmatic speech characteristics, incorrect linear speech organization; reticence; shifting from one topic to another, etc.). Theoretical and methodological bases of the research are ontological and anthropocentric approaches: a person is recognized as a "measure of all things", he perceives the world through self-awareness in this world, and language, as a means of communication, acts as the main constitutive characteristics of thinking, speaking, and creating the reality person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Т.В. Аникина ◽  
О.Ф. Родин

Communication in the Internet is an important characteristic of modern culture. The Internet has a significant impact on the vocabulary development. Due to this process new words known as neologisms appear in the Internet communication. Neologisms penetrate actively into any language, as such words react quicklier to all changes in the society life and in the language. The given article deals with the derivational models of German-language neologisms. The study showed that the main ways to form German neologisms are affixation, compounding, abbreviation, borrowing, blends and semantic derivation

Temida ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Rajko Macura ◽  
Slavoljub Vujovic ◽  
Djuro Mikic

The emergence and spread of Internet communication has led to changes in social relationships, abuse of the Internet and maladaptive behavior. Among the authors who have studied the impact of these changes there is no consensus, and the results of their research are often contradictory. Some authors conclude that Internet communication strengthens networks of its users, while others believe that such communication leads to reduced participation in real social life. In a number of people, excessive use of the Internet adversely affects the mental health and social life and can lead to obsession at the expense of other aspects of life and creating addiction. The greatest risk of negative impacts of online communication is among children and young people. This paper is meant to indicate, the good sides as well as the negative consequences of excessive and non-functional Internet use

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Наталія Акімова

У статті аналізуються особливості розуміння інтернет-новин. Для цього використані методи аналізу та синтезу; описового, лінгвокультурного та концептуальнного аналізу тексту, дескриптивної інтроспекції та моделювання, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контекстне спостереження. Автор акцентує, що у процесі дослідження розуміння новин у інтернеті варто враховувати їх специфічні характеристики. Виокремлено, що на відміну від друкованих новин інтернет-новинам властиві такі риси: відсутність цензури, жорсткої залежності від формату видання, гіпертекстовість, інтерактивність, електронна форма, що дозволяє спростити процес друку, зекономити час, колективне авторство, можливість архівування та електронного пошуку, можливість постійного доступу з будьякої точки світу, мультимедійність, необмежений тираж та низька собівартість, уривчастість (не можна відкрити декілька сторінок в одному вікні). Ці нові переважно технічні можливості створюють потенціал реалізації низки комунікативних феноменів, зокрема персоналізації, нехтування мовними нормами, спрощення, широкого використання жаргону, термінів, що призводить до формування специфічного мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин. Для мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин типовим є використання дієслів у третій формі множини, часто не називаючи суб’єкта дії або називаючи лише формально: через метонімію (наприклад: «влада») або за допомогою онімів без референтів. Такий мовленнєвий етикет інтернетновин значно ускладнює розуміння їх змісту, крім того за допомогою незрозумілих формулювань читачам нав’язують певні цінності, установки та орієнтири. Психологічні особливості впливу мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин на процес розуміння репрезентовані у моделі розуміння такого тексту, що запропонована у цій статті (на прикладі новинного анонсу з сайту «РосБизнесКонсалтинг»). Література References  Akіmova, N. (2014). Internet-kommunikatsiya: psikholingvisticheskiy analiz: Monografiya [Internet-communication: Psycholinguistic Analysis]. Saarbryúkken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Akіmova, N. Movlennevі devіacіyi u movі ukraїns'kih іnternet-ZMІ: tendencіja movy epokhy chy zasіb manіpuliuvannia [Speech deviation in the language of Ukrainian online media: the tendency of epoch’s language or means of manipulation]. Retrieved from Akіmova, N. (2016). Frahmentarnist’ novynnoyi internet-komunikatsiyi yak faktor, shcho uskladnyuye yiyi rozuminnya [Fragmentation of the Internet news communication as a factor that complicates its understanding]. Psykholinhvistyka, 20(2), 12-20. Batmanova, S. (2004). Setevyye SMI: faktory efektivnosti [Network mass media: factors of effectiveness]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Voronezh. BTSRYA – Kuznetsov, S.A. (Eds.). (2009) Bol'shoj tolkovyi slovar' russkogo jazyka [Big Dictionary of Russian]. S.-Petersburg: Norint. Dvoynina Ye. (2010). Rechevaya manipulyatsiya v internet-diskurse (na materiale russko- i angloyazychnykh novostnykh saytov) [Speech manipulation in Internet discourse (on the basis of Russian and English-language news sites)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saratov. Il'ina I. Problemy izucheniya i vospriyatiya giperteksta v mul'timediynoy srede internet [Problems of studying and perception of hypertext in the multimedia environment of the Internet]. Retrieved from Karamysheva R. (2009). Rehistrovo-zhanrovi kharakterystyky povidomlen’ pro stykhiyni lykha na ukrayinomovnykh ta anhlomovnykh internet-saytakh [The register and genre characteristics of reports of natural disasters in Ukrainian and English web sites]. Linhvistychni Studiyi, 18, 167–173. Koval'chukova M. (2009). Novostnoy anons v seti internet kak rechevoy zhanr diskursa SMI [News announcement in the Internet as a speech genre of the discourse of the media]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Izhevsk. Kolomiyets’ S., Kulyezniova S. (2012). Zhanrovo-styliova dominanta v perekladi tekstiv internet-dyskursu [Genre-style dominant in the translation of texts of Internet discourse]. Funktsyonalnaya Lyngvistika, 3, 176-284. Kulakova V. (2007). Internet v sisteme sredstv massovoy informatsii Tadzhikistana [Internet in the system of mass media of Tajikistan]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Dushanbe. Filatova, O. G. (2004) Internet kak mass-media [Internet as a mass media]. Aktual'nye Problemy Teorii Kommunikatsii, 232-240. Sources RBK – RosBiznesKonsalting – novosti, akcii, kursy valjut, pogoda, dollar, evro [RosBusinessConsulting – News, Stocks, Exchange rate, weather, dollar, euro]. Retrieved from  

1999 ◽  
Vol 07 (02) ◽  
pp. 155-177 ◽  

The aim of this study is, based on intensive comparative case studies, to analyze structure and process of entrepreneurial networks in the internet communication era. We then imply general insights on entrepreneurial networks, some of which suggest solutions to urgent problems concerning industry restructuring in Japan. Although during the long-term recession in Japan the value of entrepreneurship has been widely recognized, the number of business startups, however, has not readily increased, in spite of various efforts by many public institutions at developing support programs. On the other hand, it has been observed recently that some internet-based entrepreneurial networks have emerged spontaneously, which let business startups help each other and acquire Internet potential. This paper begins with proposing a conceptual typology for positioning various entrepreneurial networks on it. We then analyze two cases intensively by examining their emergence process and characteristics, guided by the conceptual framework. One is an internet-based entrepreneurial network to help business startups in Japan while the other is a non-internet-based entrepreneurial network that has been in the United States for fifteen years. We conducted participated observation in the former case for two years while we carried out interviews and material-based research for the latter. Finally, we derive general insights on entrepreneurial networks from the case studies. The major findings of this study are as follows: (1) Network polarity, loose and tight, is determined by two primary variable, i.e., expectations and membership. (2) Inter-personal networks can provide the infrastructure of inter-firm networks. Especially loose inter-personal networks tend to generate cooperative and tight inter-firm network, because a wide variety of members naturally enjoy opportunities to encounter potential business partners there. (3) We find different aims in inter-personal networks and inter-firm networks. The former is primarily for mutual aiding while the latter is for dealing with businesses. (4) The internet communications can simultaneously make networks both looser and tighter. (5) Loose inter-personal networks facilitated by the internet communication should have power to reorganize old industry structure in Japan by creating new business and new business relationship if the government support it with minimum intervention and maximum understanding.

Olena Ilienko ◽  
Liudmyla Shumeiko

The rapid spread of Internet communication nowadays has changed the conditions under which political communication takes place, although its purpose remains the same – influence for the sake of power. The article analyzes and summarizes the directions and trends in the study of political discourse, which is the context of political utterance, utterance itself and its perception. It is noted that the Internet has proved to be a new effective way of informing, persuading, arguing and manipulating the mass consciousness, accelerating the process of providing information and changing its format, including for manipulative purposes. It is revealed that the Internet has formed new genres and forms of political communication, providing an opportunity to get feedback from the political message and creating the appearance of direct communication between politicians and the public. The study of political discourse by researchers today is multi-vector: in a purely linguistic direction (the language of political statements); in linguistic and pragmatic direction (how the functions of political discourse are realized); anthropocentric (political personality); sociolinguistic (society’s reaction to the political activities of the subjects) and others. As the field of politics is constantly changing, responding to global, socio-political, economic circumstances, its analysis, including by linguists, provides and will always provide new material for further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-162
Angelina I. Matyashevskaya ◽  

Considering effective communication, linguists traditionally focus on the type of the addressee and the conditions of their interaction with the addresser. The paper analyzes some transformations of oral genres on the Internet, including public discussions on the role of Orthodox faith in modern life, the functions of the religion in the spiritual and moral education of the contemporary society and its relation to the scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. The analysis of video materials shows that their main addressee is the youth audience. Thus, it determines the methods of argumentation chosen in public Internet communication. The YouTube program “I Don’t Believe in God: Talking to an Atheist” has guests of all ages and professions: clergy, scientists and popularizers of science, politicians, journalists, interpreters, doctors, artists, movie critics and bloggers. The speakers are obviously oriented toward the predicted audience, complicates philosophical issues are discussed using real-life examples and involving both logical and emotional arguments. The article also focuses on the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the conversation. Notably, a lively exchange of opinion boosts the Internet users’ attention and encourages the multidimensional interpretation of the views. A variety of perspectives sparks the youth interest in the discussed issues, facilitates critical thinking, inspires viewers to search for the truth themselves and to form sound judgments on religious faith and atheism. The results of the research may be used to improve students’ public speaking skills.

Svetlana Kalganova ◽  

The thematic arrangement as a structural element of Internet discourse has been noted several times by researchers. The aim of this article was to analyse the forms of the thematic maintenance of discourse in the conditions of public internet communication. The study was run in the framework of a discursive approach. The basis is represented by news publications on Facebook, and online comments to them. The discourse was analysed via a structure-composite method. The findings allowed two forms of thematic maintenance of discourse in the Internet to be defined: in spiral order, and in chain order. Spiralling discourse occurs when the event being described is localised in time and its circumstances become the thematic core around which the conversation revolves, both in journalistic Internet publications and in the commentaries to them. However, this is practically a conversation about nothing: the introduction of new topics is aimed at keeping the audience interested in the underlying event, but clarifies nothing about the circumstances of the case. This form of discussion maintenance was extensively exemplified through the ‘Skripal case’. Its indicators are a lack of information regarding the main event, thematic incompleteness, repetition, the struggle of meanings, thematic diversity, introducing new themes. The second form of discourse maintenance, namely in chain order, was described through the example of the coronavirus topic. In this case, the topic development reflects the spread of the disease across the planet. The linguistic indicators of this form of discourse are indications of time, space and morbidity. The analysis of discourse maintenance forms in public internet communication enables the revelation of some laws in the arrangement of such seemingly sporadic speech constructs as online comments.

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