Solid-state refuse methanogenic fermentation: control and promotion by water addition

1990 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-26 ◽  
G.B. Kasali ◽  
E. Senior ◽  
Irene A. Watson-Craik
2008 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 66 ◽  
María Cristina García

<p>Los compuestos lignocelulósicos tienen alto contenido de material fermentable, son renovables, abundantes y su combustión presenta una emisión neta de CO2 cercana a cero, por lo que se consideran una buena alternativa ante los problemas de seguridad energética, inestabilidad de precios y contaminación asociados con los combustibles derivados del petróleo. El acceso a los componentes fermentables (pectina, hemicelulosa y celulosa) por hongos y/o enzimas constituye la principal limitante de la tecnología de fermentación; de superarse, la producción de bioetanol y biodiesel, podría alcanzar condiciones de competitividad frente a los hidrocarburos. A fin de incrementar disponibilidad de compuestos fermentables se evaluaron tres métodos de pre-tratamiento del bagazo de remolacha, tanto fresco como deshidratado: cal apagada, amoniaco y sacarificación con fermentación simultánea; estos sustratos fueron enriquecidos con ultrapectinasa y celulasa para hidrolizar los polisacáridos, luego de lo cual se sometieron a fermentación en estado sólido con el hongo <em>Umbelopsis isabellina </em>con el fin de obtener lípidos. El tratamiento que reportó los mejores resultados fue el de sacarificación con fermentación simultánea que obtuvo 6% de lípidos por gramo de materia seca inicial. </p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Biodiesel production via solid state fermentation of lignocelulitic compounds derived from beet husk </strong></p><p>Lignocelulitic compounds have a high content of fermentable material, are renewable and have a net CO2 emission close to 0 and as such a good alternative towards energy security, unstable prices and contamination from fossil fuels. Access to fermentable components, by fungi or enzymes is the main limitation to fermentation technology and only then biofuels like ethanol or biodiesel could achieve competitive conditions against oil derivatives. To increase the availability of fermentable compounds, the efficiency of three methods of lipid extraction was studies from beet bagasse, either fresh or dehydrated: lime, ammonia, and sacharification with simultaneous fermentation. Substrates were enriched with ultrapectinase and cellulase for polisacharides hydrolyses, after wich were fermented in solid state with the fungi <em>Umbelopsis isabellina </em>for lipid accumulation. Best treatment was sacharification with simultaneous fermentation yielding a 6% lipid per gram of initial dry matter. More research on fermentation control, separation and microbial biomass is needed and taking into account variables such as temperature, pH, water activity, redox potential, particle size and C/N ratio. </p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 31-35 ◽  
Dhan Bahadur Karki ◽  
Ganga Prasad Kharel

Effects of solid versus semi-solid fermentations on the chemical and organoleptic qualities of finger millet Jand were studied. Millet was fermented under solid and semi-solid states by using defined fermentation starter and the Jand was subjected to chemical and sensory analyses. Results indicated that except on moisture and alcohol contents, semi-solid fermentation reflected a significant effect (p<0.05) on the chemical characteristics of millet Jand. TSS, acidity and ester contents increased substantially in semi-solid fermentation as compared to solid-state one. Millet fermented with 50% water addition had more than 2-folds higher total acidity than that of solid-state fermented and every 50% increase in water addition nearly doubled the fixed acidity of the products. No remarkable improvement on the chemical and sensory quality of millet Jand was found by using semi-solid state fermentation. J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 6 (31-35), 2010 DOI:

T. J. Magee ◽  
J. Peng ◽  
J. Bean

Cadmium telluride has become increasingly important in a number of technological applications, particularly in the area of laser-optical components and solid state devices, Microstructural characterizations of the material have in the past been somewhat limited because of the lack of suitable sample preparation and thinning techniques. Utilizing a modified jet thinning apparatus and a potassium dichromate-sulfuric acid thinning solution, a procedure has now been developed for obtaining thin contamination-free samples for TEM examination.

Kenneth M. Richter ◽  
John A. Schilling

The structural unit of solid state collagen complexes has been reported by Porter and Vanamee via EM and by Cowan, North and Randall via x-ray diffraction to be an ellipsoidal unit of 210-270 A. length by 50-100 A. diameter. It subsequently was independently demonstrated by us in dog tendon, dermis, and induced complexes. Its detailed morphologic, dimensional and molecular weight (MW) aspects have now been determined. It is pear-shaped in long profile with m diameters of 57 and 108 A. and m length of 263 A. (Fig. 1, tendon, KMnO4 fixation, Na-tungstate; Fig. 2a, schematic of unit in long, C, and x-sectional profiles of its thin, xB, and bulbous, xA portions; Fig. 2b, tendon essentially unmodified by ether and 0.4 N NaOH treatment, Na-tungstate). The unit consists of a uniquely coild cable, c, of ṁ 22.9 A. diameter and length of 2580-3316 A. The cable consists of three 2nd-strands, s, each of m 10.6 A.

Linda C. Sawyer

Recent liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) research has sought to define structure-property relationships of these complex new materials. The two major types of LCPs, thermotropic and lyotropic LCPs, both exhibit effects of process history on the microstructure frozen into the solid state. The high mechanical anisotropy of the molecules favors formation of complex structures. Microscopy has been used to develop an understanding of these microstructures and to describe them in a fundamental structural model. Preparation methods used include microtomy, etching, fracture and sonication for study by optical and electron microscopy techniques, which have been described for polymers. The model accounts for the macrostructures and microstructures observed in highly oriented fibers and films.Rod-like liquid crystalline polymers produce oriented materials because they have extended chain structures in the solid state. These polymers have found application as high modulus fibers and films with unique properties due to the formation of ordered solutions (lyotropic) or melts (thermotropic) which transform easily into highly oriented, extended chain structures in the solid state.

L. A. Bendersky ◽  
W. J. Boettinger

Rapid solidification produces a wide variety of sub-micron scale microstructure. Generally, the microstructure depends on the imposed melt undercooling and heat extraction rate. The microstructure can vary strongly not only due to processing parameters changes but also during the process itself, as a result of recalescence. Hence, careful examination of different locations in rapidly solidified products should be performed. Additionally, post-solidification solid-state reactions can alter the microstructure.The objective of the present work is to demonstrate the strong microstructural changes in different regions of melt-spun ribbon for three different alloys. The locations of the analyzed structures were near the wheel side (W) and near the center (C) of the ribbons. The TEM specimens were prepared by selective electropolishing or ion milling.

Shaul Barkan

Cooling down solid state detecors, with other different way then liquid Nitrogen, is a goal of many vendors and customers since the invention of these detectors. THe disadvantage of the common way of liquid Nitrogen is first the inavailibility of the LN in many uses (like space military and any other applications that are not done inside a well organize Laboratory). The use of LN also considers as a Labor consumer in addition to the big dewar that has to be added to any detector for storing the LN, the boiling of the LN, may cause microphonics problesm and the refiling of the dewar in many Labs is a complicated process due to inconvenience location of the microscope.In this paper I will show a spectra result of 10mm2 SiLi detector for microanalysis use, cooled by peltier cooler. The peltier cooler has the advantage of non-microphonics and non-labor needed (like adding LN to the dewar).

Martin Peckerar ◽  
Anastasios Tousimis

Solid state x-ray sensing systems have been used for many years in conjunction with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Such systems conveniently provide users with elemental area maps and quantitative chemical analyses of samples. Improvements on these tools are currently sought in the following areas: sensitivity at longer and shorter x-ray wavelengths and minimization of noise-broadening of spectral lines. In this paper, we review basic limitations and recent advances in each of these areas. Throughout the review, we emphasize the systems nature of the problem. That is. limitations exist not only in the sensor elements but also in the preamplifier/amplifier chain and in the interfaces between these components.Solid state x-ray sensors usually function by way of incident photons creating electron-hole pairs in semiconductor material. This radiation-produced mobile charge is swept into external circuitry by electric fields in the semiconductor bulk.

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