On the Right Track: Maximizing Educational Opportunities for Usatf Coaching Education

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-63
Lawrence W. Judge ◽  
Kimberly J. Bodey ◽  
David Bellar ◽  
Christine Brooks ◽  
Terry Crawford

In recent years, large scale sport organizations and national governing bodies have produced coaching education programs to prepare coaches to teach and mentor athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine: a) track & field coaches’ familiarity with the National Standards for Sport Coaches, b) the alignment of United States Track & Field (USATF) Developmental, Level I, and Level II coaching education programs with the National Standards for Sport Coaches, and c) the alignment of USATF Developmental, Level I, and Level II coaching education programs with coaches’ perceived needs for subject matter training. A 39-item survey was administered during a USATF certification course to measure coaches’ familiarity and perceptions. The results showed the vast majority of coaches (75.2%) were not familiar with the National Standards. At the time of assessment, the Developmental, Level I, and Level II courses were partially aligned with 25 of 40 standards at the Level 1, Level 3, or Level 5 accreditation levels. The courses were not aligned with 15 of 40 standards at any accreditation level. The majority of deficiencies existed in Domain 2: Safety and Injury Prevention, Domain 7: Organization and Administration, and Domain 8: Evaluation. While the USATF coaching education curriculum is partially aligned with many, but not all, of the national standards, the curriculum appears to contain subject matter training that coaches perceived as needed. Curricular revisions, including future directions of the USATF coaching education program, such as new courses and innovative use of technology, are presented.

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Judith L. Smith ◽  
Dina M. Hayduk

This paper follows a coaching education program at a four-year institution from its inception to NCACE accreditation in 2005 and looks forward to reaccreditation and examines how the program changed to meet the National Standards of Sport Coaches. Along with curriculum changes, the major of the students selecting the coaching program has also changed. Lastly, the attainment of this national accreditation certification has influenced this coaching education program in terms of benefits, challenges, accountability and marketability.

2007 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 302-316 ◽  
Karl Erickson ◽  
Jean Côté ◽  
Jessica Fraser-Thomas

What experiences are needed to become a high-performance coach? The present study addressed this question through structured retrospective quantitative interviews with 10 team- and 9 individual-sport coaches at the Canadian interuniversity-sport level. Minimum amounts of certain experiences were deemed necessary but not sufficient to become a high-performance coach (e.g., playing the sport they now coach and interaction with a mentor coach for all coaches, leadership opportunities as athletes for team-sport coaches only). Although coaches reported varying amounts of these necessary experiences, general stages of high-performance coach development were traced. Findings serve to identify and support potential high-performance coaches and increase the effectiveness of formal coaching-education programs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Resma Ulfah ◽  
Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah ◽  
R. Siti Pupu Fauziyah

Upaya pendidikan dalam pembentukan karater disiplin salah satunya yaitu dengan menggunakan metode reward dan punishment. Masih jarang lembaga pendidikan yang menggabungkan antara metode reward dan punishment dalam satu wadah. Namun Pondok Pesantren Moderm merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam yang mampu menggabungkan dua metode tersebut dalam satu wadah dan menjadikannya budaya disetiap pondok pesantern modern. seperti yang diterapkan di Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang. Pondok pesantren ini menerapkan metode reward dan punishment dalam mendisiplinkan santri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memahami reward dan punishment dalam pembentukan karakter disiplin santri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian etnografi digunakan untuk meneliti nilai budaya yang alamiah. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan; wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan; analisis model Spradley, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display/penyajian data dan verifikasi. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunkanan triangulasi sumber dan menggunakan bahan referensi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang menggabungkan konsep pembelajaran salafi dan umum, yaitu dengan mempelajari kitab-kitab tradisional dan sekolah madrasah; (2) upaya pesantren dalam membentuk karakter disiplin santri yaitu dengan memerapkan kegiatan sehari-hari yang edukatif dan metode reward dan punishment; (3) reward yang diberikan kepada santri berupa materi dan non materi. Reward berupa materi diberikan setiap satu semester; dan(4) punishment yang diberikan memiliki tingkatan yaitu tigkat I, tingkat II, tingkat III dan tingkat istimewa. Reward dan punishment diberikan oleh pengurus pesantren dan HISADA sebagai tangan kanan pengurus.Kata kunci: karakter disiplin santri, pondok pesantren modern, reward dan punishment.REWARD AND PUNISHMENT IN THE FORMATION OF DISCIPLINE CHARACTERS SANTRIAbstractEducation efforts in the formation of one discipline character is by using reward and punishment methods. It is rare for educational institutions that combine reward and punishment methods in one container. But Pondok Pesantren Moderm is an Islamic educational institution that is able to combine the two methods in one container and make it a culture in every modern pesantern hut. as applied in Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang. Pondok Pesantren this method of reward and punishment in disciplining santri. The purpose of this research is to understand reward and punishment in the formation of santri characters. This study used qualitative methods with ethnographic research used to examine the natural cultural values. Technique of collecting data is done by using; interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using; Spradley model analysis, data collection, data reduction, display / data presentation and verification. The validity check of data uses source triangulation and uses reference material. The results of this study show: (1) Modern Boarding School Daarul Uluum Bantarkemang combining the concept of salafi and general learning, that is by studying the traditional books and madrasah schools; (2) the effort of pesantren in shaping the character of discipline of santri that is by applying educative everyday activities and reward and punishment method; (3) rewards given to students in the form of material and non-material. Reward of material is given every semester; and (4) the punishment given has a level of level I, level II, level III and preferential level. Reward and punishment given by boarding school and HISADA as the right hand caretaker.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-37
Kristen Dieffenbach

In 2006 the updated standards for coaching education programs concerning the eight NASPE coach knowledge area domains (National Standards for Sport Coaches, 2006) were released. Despite these standards and an increased awareness regarding the importance of area-specific knowledge (Nash & Collins, 2006), the culture of sport often requires little to no formalized science-based training for coaches. U.S. coaches typically enter the profession through volunteer or assistant coach type experiences with little to no formal training. While hands-on experience is important, it leaves many coaches with training knowledge gaps. In an effort to meet the needs of aspiring coaches and to increase the professionalism and the qualifications of coaches working with athletes, many U.S. sport national governing bodies (NGB’s) offer coaching certification programs. However, little is known about how to best disseminate information in a manner that will meet both the needs and learning styles of practicing coaches. This study focuses on the learning preferences, habits and attitudes of one NGB group – USA Cycling licensed coaches.

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Donna Duffy ◽  
Brian Loy

Despite the apparent positive impact that coaching education programs have on the attitudes and behaviors of volunteer youth sport coaches, few programs exist to actually educate these coaches (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001; Gould et al., 1990). The organizations that coordinate youth sport leagues have an obligation to train these volunteer coaches, but few coaches receive training and if they do receive training, it is often lacking in specific developmental areas. There are also often differences between the coaching education programs that do exist and what volunteer coaches actually want to learn and need to learn.

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-612
Zamsir Zamsir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model tes dan analisis prestasi belajar siswa yang dapat dipakai untuk melakukan identifikasi level kemampuan dan menyusun profil pencapaian kompetensi siswa, khususnya di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan model yang dikembangkan menyangkut dua hal, yaitu: (1) prosedur dan langkah-langkah penyusunan tes serta teknik identifikasi level kemampuan siswa, dan (2) pelaporan hasil tes. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan cara menempat-kan posisi aspek-aspek kemampuan yang diujikan dan kemampuan (ability) siswa ke dalam level-level kemampuan tertentu. Level kemampuan terdiri dari 4 level, yaitu: Level I, Level II, Level III, dan Level IV. Level I meru-pakan level terendah dan Level IV merupakan level tertinggi. Hasil peneliti-an berupa produk model tes dan analisis prestasi belajar siswa yang memili-ki dua komponen, yaitu: (1) manual prosedur dan langkah-langkah penyu-sunan tes serta teknik identifikasi level kemampuan siswa, dan (2) format pelaporan hasil tes. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data pada uji coba diperluas disimpulkan bahwa: (1) persentase posisi level aspek-aspek kemampuan pada semua level untuk ketiga paket tes yang diujikan memenuhi kurva normal, yakni sebanyak 21,2% Level I; 28,2% Level II; 34,1% Level III, dan 16,5% Level IV. (2) Hasil identifikasi level kemampuan siswa menun-jukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mempunyai kemampuan pada Level I dan Level II, yakni sebanyak 70,17%. Siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan pada Level III dan Level IV hanya 29,,83%. Proporsi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan pada Level I, Level II, Level III, dan Level IV adalah 0,3: 0,4: 02: 0,1.Kata kunci: model, tes, penilaian, kompetensi______________________________________________________________A TEST MODEL AND AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Abstract This study aims to find out a model of a test and an analysis of stu-dents’ achievement that can be applied to identify the ability levels and to construct the profiles of the students’ competence attainment, especially in elementary schools. This research is research and development (R&D. The model to be developed deals with two aspects, i.e: (1) the procedure and steps in designing the test and techniques to identify students’ ability levels, and (2) the test result reporting. The identification is conducted by classify-ing the positions of the tested ability aspects and the students’ ability into ability levels. The ability is classified into 4 levels, i.e. Level I, Level II, Le-vel III, and Level IV. Level I is the lowest level and Level IV is the highest level. The research product is in the form of a model of a test and an analy-sis of students’ achievement with two components, i.e.: (1) a manual con-sisting of the procedure and steps to construct a test and techniques to identify the levels of students’ ability, and (2) a format of test result report-ing. Based on the results of the analysis of the data from the large-scale tryout, it can be concluded as follows. (1) The percentages of the level po-sition of the ability aspects in all levels for the three administered test pack-ages show normal curve, namely 21,2% for Level I, 28,2% for Level II, 34,1% for Level III, and 16,5% for Level IV. (2) The results of the identi-fication of the student ability levels show that most students (70,17%) have the ability in Level I and Level II. There are only 29,83% of the students who have the ability in Level III and Level IV. The proportion of the stu-dents who have the ability in Level I, Level II, Level III, and Level IV is 0,3: 0.4: 0,2: 0,1.Keywords: model, test, assesment, competence

2018 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Andrew Jackson

One scenario put forward by researchers, political commentators and journalists for the collapse of North Korea has been a People’s Power (or popular) rebellion. This paper analyses why no popular rebellion has occurred in the DPRK under Kim Jong Un. It challenges the assumption that popular rebellion would happen because of widespread anger caused by a greater awareness of superior economic conditions outside the DPRK. Using Jack Goldstone’s theoretical expla-nations for the outbreak of popular rebellion, and comparisons with the 1989 Romanian and 2010–11 Tunisian transitions, this paper argues that marketi-zation has led to a loosening of state ideological control and to an influx of infor-mation about conditions in the outside world. However, unlike the Tunisian transitions—in which a new information context shaped by social media, the Al-Jazeera network and an experience of protest helped create a sense of pan-Arab solidarity amongst Tunisians resisting their government—there has been no similar ideology unifying North Koreans against their regime. There is evidence of discontent in market unrest in the DPRK, although protests between 2011 and the present have mostly been in defense of the right of people to support themselves through private trade. North Koreans believe this right has been guaranteed, or at least tacitly condoned, by the Kim Jong Un government. There has not been any large-scale explosion of popular anger because the state has not attempted to crush market activities outright under Kim Jong Un. There are other reasons why no popular rebellion has occurred in the North. Unlike Tunisia, the DPRK lacks a dissident political elite capable of leading an opposition movement, and unlike Romania, the DPRK authorities have shown some flexibility in their anti-dissent strategies, taking a more tolerant approach to protests against economic issues. Reduced levels of violence during periods of unrest and an effective system of information control may have helped restrict the expansion of unrest beyond rural areas.

Marisa Abrajano ◽  
Zoltan L. Hajnal

This book provides an authoritative assessment of how immigration is reshaping American politics. Using an array of data and analysis, it shows that fears about immigration fundamentally influence white Americans' core political identities, policy preferences, and electoral choices, and that these concerns are at the heart of a large-scale defection of whites from the Democratic to the Republican Party. The book demonstrates that this political backlash has disquieting implications for the future of race relations in America. White Americans' concerns about Latinos and immigration have led to support for policies that are less generous and more punitive and that conflict with the preferences of much of the immigrant population. America's growing racial and ethnic diversity is leading to a greater racial divide in politics. As whites move to the right of the political spectrum, racial and ethnic minorities generally support the left. Racial divisions in partisanship and voting, as the book indicates, now outweigh divisions by class, age, gender, and other demographic measures. The book raises critical questions and concerns about how political beliefs and future elections will change the fate of America's immigrants and minorities, and their relationship with the rest of the nation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 33
Vereno Brugiatelli

Man's ethical fulfilment often faces objective obstacles in the deprivation of rights. The negation of the recognition of certain fundamental rights, or worse, the radical misrecognition of man, which translates into different forms of violence, often artfully disguised both on an individual and collective level, produces devastating consequences in the private life of a person upsetting all forms of positive self-esteem. The recognition of human qualities, accompanied by the right to express and extend them, is an integral part of the ethical life of each individual and, at the same time, constitutes a fundamental moment in the construction of a responsible civilized community. In this dissertation, I aim to analyse the connection between ethical life and human rights in order to draw attention to the repercussions that the recognition and misrecognition of liberty produce with regard to man's ethical fulfilment. From this perspective, I intend to highlight the importance of the existence of favourable juridical and institutional conditions to ensure ethical fulfilment. At this level, I will underline that the deprivation of capabilities is often the main cause of the profound sense of discontent affecting individuals in their desperate attempt to realise a type of existence which corresponds to their ambitions.

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