scholarly journals Identification of a Chemoreceptor for C2and C3Carboxylic Acids

2015 ◽  
Vol 81 (16) ◽  
pp. 5449-5457 ◽  
Vanina García ◽  
Jose-Antonio Reyes-Darias ◽  
David Martín-Mora ◽  
Bertrand Morel ◽  
Miguel A. Matilla ◽  

ABSTRACTChemoreceptors are at the beginnings of chemosensory signaling cascades that mediate chemotaxis. Most bacterial chemoreceptors are functionally unannotated and are characterized by a diversity in the structure of their ligand binding domains (LBDs). The data available indicate that there are two major chemoreceptor families at the functional level, namely, those that respond to amino acids or to Krebs cycle intermediates. Since pseudomonads show chemotaxis to many different compounds and possess different types of chemoreceptors, they are model organisms to establish relationships between chemoreceptor structure and function. Here, we identify PP2861 (termed McpP) ofPseudomonas putidaKT2440 as a chemoreceptor with a novel ligand profile. We show that the recombinant McpP LBD recognizes acetate, pyruvate, propionate, andl-lactate, withKD(equilibrium dissociation constant) values ranging from 34 to 107 μM. Deletion of themcpPgene resulted in a dramatic reduction in chemotaxis toward these ligands, and complementation restored a native-like phenotype, indicating that McpP is the major chemoreceptor for these compounds. McpP has a CACHE-type LBD, and we present data indicating that CACHE-containing chemoreceptors of other species also mediate taxis to C2and C3carboxylic acids. In addition, the LBD of NbaY ofPseudomonas fluorescens, an McpP homologue mediating chemotaxis to 2-nitrobenzoate, bound neither nitrobenzoates nor the McpP ligands. This work provides further insight into receptor structure-function relationships and will be helpful to annotate chemoreceptors of other bacteria.

2011 ◽  
Vol 77 (24) ◽  
pp. 8754-8764 ◽  
Karolien Bers ◽  
Baptiste Leroy ◽  
Philip Breugelmans ◽  
Pieter Albers ◽  
Rob Lavigne ◽  

ABSTRACTThe soil bacterial isolateVariovoraxsp. strain SRS16 mineralizes the phenylurea herbicide linuron. The proposed pathway initiates with hydrolysis of linuron to 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA) andN,O-dimethylhydroxylamine, followed by conversion of DCA to Krebs cycle intermediates. Differential proteomic analysis showed a linuron-dependent upregulation of several enzymes that fit into this pathway, including an amidase (LibA), a multicomponent chloroaniline dioxygenase, and enzymes associated with a modified chlorocatecholortho-cleavage pathway. Purified LibA is a monomeric linuron hydrolase of ∼55 kDa with aKmand aVmaxfor linuron of 5.8 μM and 0.16 nmol min−1, respectively. This novel member of the amidase signature family is unrelated to phenylurea-hydrolyzing enzymes from Gram-positive bacteria and lacks activity toward other tested phenylurea herbicides. Orthologues oflibAare present in all other tested linuron-degradingVariovoraxstrains with the exception ofVariovoraxstrains WDL1 and PBS-H4, suggesting divergent evolution of the linuron catabolic pathway in differentVariovoraxstrains. The organization of the linuron degradation genes identified in the draft SRS16 genome sequence indicates that gene patchwork assembly is at the origin of the pathway. Transcription analysis suggests that a catabolic intermediate, rather than linuron itself, acts as effector in activation of the pathway. Our study provides the first report on the genetic organization of a bacterial pathway for complete mineralization of a phenylurea herbicide and the first report on a linuron hydrolase in Gram-negative bacteria.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Suchita Singh ◽  
Y. S. Prakash ◽  
Allan Linneberg ◽  
Anurag Agrawal

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and asthma are all rapidly increasing globally. Substantial emerging evidence suggests that these three conditions are epidemiologically and mechanistically linked. Since the link between obesity and asthma appears to extend beyond mechanical pulmonary disadvantage, molecular understanding is necessary. Insulin resistance is a strong, independent risk factor for asthma development, but it is unknown whether a direct effect of insulin on the lung is involved. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding the effect of insulin on cellular components of the lung and highlights the molecular consequences of insulin-related metabolic signaling cascades that could adversely affect lung structure and function. Examples include airway smooth muscle proliferation and contractility and regulatory signaling networks that are associated with asthma. These aspects of insulin signaling provide mechanistic insight into the clinical evidence for the links between obesity, metabolic syndrome, and airway diseases, setting the stage for novel therapeutic avenues targeting these conditions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 81 (15) ◽  
pp. 4920-4931 ◽  
Masayoshi Sakaguchi ◽  
Satoru Shimodaira ◽  
Shin-nosuke Ishida ◽  
Miko Amemiya ◽  
Shotaro Honda ◽  

ABSTRACTTwo glucoamylase-like genes,TVN1315andTa0286, from the archaeaThermoplasma volcaniumandT. acidophilum, respectively, were expressed inEscherichia coli. The gene products, TVN1315 and Ta0286, were identified as archaeal trehalases. These trehalases belong to the CAZy database family GH15, although they have putative (α/α)6barrel catalytic domain structures similar to those of GH37 and GH65 family trehalases from other organisms. These newly identified trehalases function within a narrow range of acidic pH values (pH 3.2 to 4.0) and at high temperatures (50 to 60°C), and these enzymes displayKmvalues for trehalose higher than those observed for typical trehalases. These enzymes were inhibited by validamycin A; however, the inhibition constants (Ki) were higher than those of other trehalases. Three TVN1315 mutants, corresponding to E408Q, E571Q, and E408Q/E571Q mutations, showed reduced activity, suggesting that these two glutamic acid residues are involved in trehalase catalysis in a manner similar to that of glucoamylase. To date, TVN1315 and Ta0286 are the first archaeal trehalases to be identified, and this is the first report of the heterologous expression of GH15 family trehalases. The identification of these trehalases could extend our understanding of the relationships between the structure and function of GH15 family enzymes as well as glycoside hydrolase family enzymes; additionally, these enzymes provide insight into archaeal trehalose metabolism.

2020 ◽  
Connor D. D. Sampson ◽  
Matthew J. Stewart ◽  
Joseph A. Mindell ◽  
Christopher Mulligan

AbstractMembers of the divalent anion sodium symporter (DASS) family (SLC13 in humans) play critical roles in metabolic homeostasis, influencing many processes including fatty acid synthesis, insulin resistance, adiposity, and lifespan determination. DASS transporters catalyse the Na+-driven concentrative uptake of Krebs cycle intermediates and sulfate into cells; disrupting their function can protect against age-related metabolic diseases and can extend lifespan. An inward-facing crystal structure and an outward-facing model of a bacterial DASS family member, VcINDY from Vibrio cholerae, predict an elevator-like transport mechanism involving a large rigid body movement of the substrate binding site. How substrate binding influences the conformational state of VcINDY is currently unknown. Here, we probe the interaction between substrate binding and VcINDY conformation using a site-specific alkylation strategy to probe the solvent accessibility of several broadly distributed positions in VcINDY in the presence and absence of substrates (Na+ and succinate). Our findings reveal that accessibility to all positions tested can be modulated by the presence of substrates, with the majority becoming less accessible in the presence of Na+. Mapping these solvent accessibility changes onto the known structures of VcINDY suggests that Na+ binding drives the transporter into an as-yet-unidentified intermediate state. We also observe substantial, separable effects of Na+ and succinate binding at several amino acid positions suggesting distinct effects of the two substrates. Furthermore, analysis of a solely succinate-sensitive residue indicates that VcINDY binds its substrate with a low affinity and proceeds via an ordered process in which one or more Na+ ions must bind prior to succinate. These findings provide insight into the mechanism of VcINDY, which is currently the only structural-characterised representative of the entire DASS family.

Álvaro Ortega ◽  
Igor B. Zhulin ◽  
Tino Krell

SUMMARY Chemoreceptors in bacteria detect a variety of signals and feed this information into chemosensory pathways that represent a major mode of signal transduction. The five chemoreceptors from Escherichia coli have served as traditional models in the study of this protein family. Genome analyses revealed that many bacteria contain much larger numbers of chemoreceptors with broader sensory capabilities. Chemoreceptors differ in topology, sensing mode, cellular location, and, above all, the type of ligand binding domain (LBD). Here, we highlight LBD diversity using well-established and emerging model organisms as well as genomic surveys. Nearly a hundred different types of protein domains that are found in chemoreceptor sequences are known or predicted LBDs, but only a few of them are ubiquitous. LBDs of the same class recognize different ligands, and conversely, the same ligand can be recognized by structurally different LBDs; however, recent studies began to reveal common characteristics in signal-LBD relationships. Although signals can stimulate chemoreceptors in a variety of different ways, diverse LBDs appear to employ a universal transmembrane signaling mechanism. Current and future studies aim to establish relationships between LBD types, the nature of signals that they recognize, and the mechanisms of signal recognition and transduction.

Peter Sterling

The synaptic connections in cat retina that link photoreceptors to ganglion cells have been analyzed quantitatively. Our approach has been to prepare serial, ultrathin sections and photograph en montage at low magnification (˜2000X) in the electron microscope. Six series, 100-300 sections long, have been prepared over the last decade. They derive from different cats but always from the same region of retina, about one degree from the center of the visual axis. The material has been analyzed by reconstructing adjacent neurons in each array and then identifying systematically the synaptic connections between arrays. Most reconstructions were done manually by tracing the outlines of processes in successive sections onto acetate sheets aligned on a cartoonist's jig. The tracings were then digitized, stacked by computer, and printed with the hidden lines removed. The results have provided rather than the usual one-dimensional account of pathways, a three-dimensional account of circuits. From this has emerged insight into the functional architecture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 470-479 ◽  
Nazia Parveen ◽  
Amen Shamim ◽  
Seunghee Cho ◽  
Kyeong Kyu Kim

Background: Although most nucleotides in the genome form canonical double-stranded B-DNA, many repeated sequences transiently present as non-canonical conformations (non-B DNA) such as triplexes, quadruplexes, Z-DNA, cruciforms, and slipped/hairpins. Those noncanonical DNAs (ncDNAs) are not only associated with many genetic events such as replication, transcription, and recombination, but are also related to the genetic instability that results in the predisposition to disease. Due to the crucial roles of ncDNAs in cellular and genetic functions, various computational methods have been implemented to predict sequence motifs that generate ncDNA. Objective: Here, we review strategies for the identification of ncDNA motifs across the whole genome, which is necessary for further understanding and investigation of the structure and function of ncDNAs. Conclusion: There is a great demand for computational prediction of non-canonical DNAs that play key functional roles in gene expression and genome biology. In this study, we review the currently available computational methods for predicting the non-canonical DNAs in the genome. Current studies not only provide an insight into the computational methods for predicting the secondary structures of DNA but also increase our understanding of the roles of non-canonical DNA in the genome.

Daniel Elieh Ali Komi ◽  
Wolfgang M. Kuebler

AbstractMast cells (MCs) are critically involved in microbial defense by releasing antimicrobial peptides (such as cathelicidin LL-37 and defensins) and phagocytosis of microbes. In past years, it has become evident that in addition MCs may eliminate invading pathogens by ejection of web-like structures of DNA strands embedded with proteins known together as extracellular traps (ETs). Upon stimulation of resting MCs with various microorganisms, their products (including superantigens and toxins), or synthetic chemicals, MCs become activated and enter into a multistage process that includes disintegration of the nuclear membrane, release of chromatin into the cytoplasm, adhesion of cytoplasmic granules on the emerging DNA web, and ejection of the complex into the extracellular space. This so-called ETosis is often associated with cell death of the producing MC, and the type of stimulus potentially determines the ratio of surviving vs. killed MCs. Comparison of different microorganisms with specific elimination characteristics such as S pyogenes (eliminated by MCs only through extracellular mechanisms), S aureus (removed by phagocytosis), fungi, and parasites has revealed important aspects of MC extracellular trap (MCET) biology. Molecular studies identified that the formation of MCET depends on NADPH oxidase-generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this review, we summarize the present state-of-the-art on the biological relevance of MCETosis, and its underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms. We also provide an overview over the techniques used to study the structure and function of MCETs, including electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy using specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to detect MCET-associated proteins such as tryptase and histones, and cell-impermeant DNA dyes for labeling of extracellular DNA. Comparing the type and biofunction of further MCET decorating proteins with ETs produced by other immune cells may help provide a better insight into MCET biology in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders as well as microbial defense.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Anastasiya Börsch ◽  
Daniel J. Ham ◽  
Nitish Mittal ◽  
Lionel A. Tintignac ◽  
Eugenia Migliavacca ◽  

AbstractSarcopenia, the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function, affects 5–13% of individuals aged over 60 years. While rodents are widely-used model organisms, which aspects of sarcopenia are recapitulated in different animal models is unknown. Here we generated a time series of phenotypic measurements and RNA sequencing data in mouse gastrocnemius muscle and analyzed them alongside analogous data from rats and humans. We found that rodents recapitulate mitochondrial changes observed in human sarcopenia, while inflammatory responses are conserved at pathway but not gene level. Perturbations in the extracellular matrix are shared by rats, while mice recapitulate changes in RNA processing and autophagy. We inferred transcription regulators of early and late transcriptome changes, which could be targeted therapeutically. Our study demonstrates that phenotypic measurements, such as muscle mass, are better indicators of muscle health than chronological age and should be considered when analyzing aging-related molecular data.

2021 ◽  
Heinz Neumann ◽  
Bryan J. Wilkins

AbstractMultiple reports over the past 2 years have provided the first complete structural analyses for the essential yeast chromatin remodeler, RSC, providing elaborate molecular details for its engagement with the nucleosome. However, there still remain gaps in resolution, particularly within the many RSC subunits that harbor histone binding domains.Solving contacts at these interfaces is crucial because they are regulated by posttranslational modifications that control remodeler binding modes and function. Modifications are dynamic in nature often corresponding to transcriptional activation states and cell cycle stage, highlighting not only a need for enriched spatial resolution but also temporal understanding of remodeler engagement with the nucleosome. Our recent work sheds light on some of those gaps by exploring the binding interface between the RSC catalytic motor protein, Sth1, and the nucleosome, in the living nucleus. Using genetically encoded photo-activatable amino acids incorporated into histones of living yeast we are able to monitor the nucleosomal binding of RSC, emphasizing the regulatory roles of histone modifications in a spatiotemporal manner. We observe that RSC prefers to bind H2B SUMOylated nucleosomes in vivo and interacts with neighboring nucleosomes via H3K14ac. Additionally, we establish that RSC is constitutively bound to the nucleosome and is not ejected during mitotic chromatin compaction but alters its binding mode as it progresses through the cell cycle. Our data offer a renewed perspective on RSC mechanics under true physiological conditions.

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