scholarly journals Efficacy of Vaccination of Calves against Hemorrhagic Septicemia with a Live aroA Derivative of Pasteurella multocida B:2 by Two Different Routes of Administration

2005 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 1475-1481 ◽  
J. Christopher Hodgson ◽  
Anna Finucane ◽  
Mark P. Dagleish ◽  
Saeed Ataei ◽  
Roger Parton ◽  

ABSTRACT Two groups of four calves each were immunized either intramuscularly (i.m. vaccinated) or intranasally (i.n. vaccinated) at 2 and 6 weeks of age with ca. 109 CFU of a derivative of P. multocida serotype B:2 strain 85020 containing a deletion in the aroA gene (strain JRMT12). Both groups of calves and three unvaccinated control calves were challenged subcutaneously at 8 weeks of age with ca. 107 CFU of the wild-type 85020 strain. The first and second vaccinations caused a significant pyrexia and increase in the mean demeanor score (P < 0.05) in i.m. but not i.n. vaccinated calves. Serum agglutinating activity against whole cells of P. multocida strain 85020 and immunoglobulin G antibody concentrations increased after the second vaccination in i.m. but not in i.n. vaccinated animals, and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Concentrations of serum amyloid A (SAA) increased significantly 3 h after both the primary (P < 0.05) and booster (P < 0.001) i.m. vaccinations, but not in i.n. vaccinated calves. All four i.m. vaccinated calves were solidly immune to challenge with wild-type P. multocida B:2. However, the mean rectal temperatures, demeanor scores, and serum SAA concentrations of i.n. vaccinated and control calves increased significantly (P < 0.01). Three i.n. vaccinated and two control calves were killed for humane reasons within 14 h postchallenge, and postmortem examination revealed pathological lesions consistent with hemorrhagic septicemia. These data showed that the aroA mutant strain, given i.m. as two doses 4 weeks apart, acted as an effective live-attenuated vaccine strain to protect calves against challenge with the virulent parent strain.

2007 ◽  
Vol 75 (12) ◽  
pp. 5837-5844 ◽  
Mark P. Dagleish ◽  
J. Christopher Hodgson ◽  
Saeed Ataei ◽  
Anna Finucane ◽  
Jeanie Finlayson ◽  

ABSTRACT Three groups of five calves, namely, V1, V2, and V3, were immunized intramuscularly at 4 and 8 weeks of age with ca. 109, 108, and 107 CFU, respectively, of a derivative of Pasteurella multocida B:2 wild-type strain 85020 containing a deletion in the aroA gene (strain JRMT12). The first and second vaccinations resulted in significantly (P < 0.01) higher rectal temperature responses in groups V1 and V2 than in group V3. Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG titers did not increase in any group until after the second vaccination and were then significantly higher in groups V1 and V2 than in group V3 (P = 0.001 for both IgM and IgG). All vaccinated groups and three unvaccinated challenge control calves (group CC) were injected subcutaneously at 10 weeks of age with ca. 107 CFU of strain 85020. Vaccinated calves survived the challenge, but two CC animals developed clinical disease and were killed for humane reasons. After challenge, mean serum amyloid A concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the CC group than in the vaccinated groups. Postmortem examination revealed that calves in the CC group showed the most extensive range of bacteriologically positive tissues and gross and histopathological lesions. Overall, a clear dose-dependent response was present, with those receiving a higher vaccine dose being less affected clinically, bacteriologically, and pathologically by the wild-type challenge. The V2 treatment appeared to give the best combination of high immune response, protection, and safety.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-199
Chamak Nahar Shampa ◽  
Suma Akter ◽  
Sukumar Saha ◽  
Md Hadiuzzaman ◽  
Azhar Ul Alam ◽  

The present study was conducted to determine the immune response induced in indigenous chicken produced against BAU-FC and DLS-FC vaccines with their efficacy study against Pasteurella multocida. A total of forty (40) chickens were selected and divided into Group A (15), Group B (15) and Group C (10). Group A and B were vaccinated with BAU-FCV and DLS-FCV, respectively at the dose rate of 0.5 ml through SC at six weeks of age followed by boostering at 10 weeks of age while Group C was kept as unvaccinated control. Sera samples were collected after primary and booster vaccination and antibody titre was determined by Passive hemagglutination (PHA) test. The mean PHA titres recorded at 4 weeks after primary vaccination was 51.20 ± 7.84 in birds of group A and 38.40 ± 6.40 in birds of Group B. After booster vaccination, mean PHA titer was found 140.80 ± 31.35 at 16 weeks of age in case of BAU-FC vaccinated group and 115.20 ± 12.80 in case of DLS-FC vaccinated group. The mean PHA titer was 204.80 ± 31.35 and 179.20 ± 31.35 at 19 weeks of age in birds of BAU-FC and DLS-FC vaccinated group, respectively. Birds of all groups were challenged with virulent P. multocida at 17 weeks of age. It was observed that vaccinated chickens showed maximal resistance (100%) following challenge with virulent whereas unvaccinated control birds failed to resist the challenge infection. It can be assumed from the findings of present research work that both BAU-FCV and DLS-FCV are able to protect indigenous chicken from the outbreak of avian pasteurellosis and BAU-FV vaccine showed relatively higher immuno-protective titre than that of DLS-FC vaccine.Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.5(2): 193-199, August 2018

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-105
M. T. Islam ◽  
M. H. Ali ◽  
A. Chandra ◽  
S. Saha ◽  
M. A. Islam

An experiment was conducted to determine the effective dose of formalin killed (FK) fowl cholera (FC) vaccines prepared with virulent avian Pasteurella multocida (PM 38) serotype 1 (X-73) collected from the laboratory of the Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, BAU, Mymensingh. To determine the effective dose of vaccine, 7 weeks old 30 pigeons were immunized and each group consists of 5 birds. The groups are represented by A, B, C, D, E and F. The birds belonging to groups (A-E) were vaccinated with different doses of vaccine, after two weeks of first, second immunization and challenge experiment, blood was collected from all vaccinated birds, and serum was analyzed to determine antibody titer against P. multocida by passive hemagglutination test (PHA). The PHA titer after two weeks of first vaccination were 16±3.92, 17.6±3.92, 25.6±3.92, 32±8.76, 35.2±7.84 of group A,B,C,D and E, respectively at the dose of 0.2ml (0.26×108 CFU)/birds, 0.4ml (0.5×108 CFU)/birds, 0.8 ml (1.04×108 CFU)/birds, 1ml (1.3×108 CFU)/birds, respectively. The PHA titer of prevaccination and control birds was <4. The PHA titer after 2 weeks of second vaccination or boostering were 32±8.76, 35.2±7.84, 44.8±7.84, 57.6±18.66, 70.4±15.68, of group A,B,C,D and E, respectively. After 2 weeks of challenge infection, the mean PHA titer were 44.8±7.84, 51.2±7.84, 70.4±15.68, 102.4±15.68 and 140.8±31.34 of group A,B,C,D and E, respectively. In this experiment, the antibody titer of the vaccinated pigeons with 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1ml per bird via intramuscular route were higher than that of the pigeons vaccinated with 0.4ml/bird, 0.6ml/bird, 0.8ml/bird and 1ml/bird were satisfactory in terms of protective potential against P. multocida. For prevention and control of avian pasteurellosis 0.4ml to o.6ml (0.52×108 CFU to 0.78×108 CFU)/birds of vaccine may be used instead of 1ml (1.3×108 CFU)/birds for better immunization of pigeon against fowl cholera infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 902 (1) ◽  
pp. 012037
P H Hamid ◽  
S Prastowo ◽  
W S Nugroho ◽  
R Widayanti

Abstract Livestock can sustain expected levels of productivity if the disease is controlled successfully. Rabbit coccidiosis is the major disease-causing high mortality and morbidity. Since no vaccine is available, the eradication is primarily based on careful management combined with medication in feed or water. Chemical coccidiostat is not only raising antibiotic resistance. It also adds environmental contamination since antibiotic is secreted onto land and water. In this report, we attenuate Eimeria piriformis and used it as the vaccine candidate for New Zealand rabbits in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 90% of rabbits immunized with live attenuated E. piriformis showed no severe signs when challenged with wild type containing 5 x 105 oocyst. The use of live-attenuated E. piriformis is promising as coccidiosis prevention and control program. The strategy would reduce the continuous usage of chemoprophylactic substances in rabbit husbandry and therefore contribute in reducing environmental contamination of antibiotics

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 117

Newborn lambs of a sheep flock in Greece showed clinical signs of bronchopneumonia with high perinatal mortality. All different therapeutic protocols that were applied were ineffective. Clinical examination of 4 lambs confirmed that the animals exposed signs of bronchopneumonia and contagious ecthyma. Haematological parameters of all the 4 lambs were within normal limits, while gross pathologic findings were compatible with bronchopneumonia. Lung and scab specimens were taken from all 4 animals for microbiological examination. Orf virus was isolated from all scab specimens, while lung specimens were found negative. In contrast, all lung specimens yielded colonies of Pasteurella multocida, Manheimia haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. All the remaining pregnant ewes of the flock were vaccinated against orf virus with a commercial live attenuated vaccine. It resulted in diminishment of bronchopneumonia cases in the newborn lambs. In conclusion, it is supported that the lambs in the present flock were immune-suppressed due to orf infection and therefore exposed secondary bronchopneumonia.

1979 ◽  
Vol 42 (04) ◽  
pp. 1073-1114 ◽  

SummaryIn collaborative experiments in 199 laboratories, nine commercial thromboplastins, four thromboplastins held by the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBS & C), London and the British Comparative Thromboplastin were tested on fresh normal and coumarin plasmas, and on three series of freeze-dried plasmas. One of these was made from coumarin plasmas and the other two were prepared from normal plasmas; in each series, one plasma was normal and the other two represented different degrees of coumarin defect.Each thromboplastin was calibrated against NIBS&C rabbit brain 70/178, from the slope of the line joining the origin to the point of intersection of the mean ratios of coumarin/normal prothrombin times when the ratios obtained with the two thromboplastins on the same fresh plasmas were plotted against each other. From previous evidence, the slopes were calculated which would have been obtained against the NIBS&C “research standard” thromboplastin 67/40, and termed the “calibration constant” of each thromboplastin. Values obtained from the freeze-dried coumarin plasmas gave generally similar results to those from fresh plasmas for all thromboplastins, whereas values from the artificial plasmas agreed with those from fresh plasmas only when similar thromboplastins were being compared.Taking into account the slopes of the calibration lines and the variation between laboratories, precision in obtaining a patient’s prothrombin time was similar for all thromboplastins.

1986 ◽  
Vol 55 (01) ◽  
pp. 108-111 ◽  
M Köhler ◽  
P Hellstern ◽  
C Miyashita ◽  
G von Blohn ◽  
E Wenzel

SummaryThis study was performed to evaluate the influence of different routes of administration on the efficacy of DDAVP treatment. Ten healthy volunteers received DDAVP intranasally (i.n.), subcutaneously (s.c.) and intravenously (i.v.) in a randomized cross-over trial. Factor XII and high molecular weight (HMW)-kininogen levels increased only slightly after DDAVP administration. The mean increase of factor VIII: C was 3.1 (i. v.), 2.3 (s. c.), and 1.3 (i.n.) - fold over baseline. Ristocetin cofactor (von Willebrand factor antigen) increased 3.1 (2.5), 2.0 (2.3) and 1.2 (1.2) - fold over baseline mean values after i.v., s.c. and i.n. DDAVP, respectively. The half-disappearance time of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF) after DDAVP ranged from five (factor VIII: C) to eight hours (vWF). The mean increase of fibrinolytic activity was more pronounced after i.v. DDAVP. The antidiuretic effect was moderate with no apparent differences between the routes of application. This study provides further evidence that both i.v. and s.c. DDAVP administration result in an appropriate and reliable stimulation of haemostasis. An additional advantage of s. c. administration is its suitability for home treatment.

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIII (II) ◽  
pp. 230-250 ◽  
Eileen E. Hill

ABSTRACT A method for the fractionation of the urinary 17-ketogenic steroids with no oxygen grouping at C11 and those oxygenated at C11, is applied to the clinical problems of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In normal children the mean ratio of the non-oxygenated to oxygenated steroids is 0.24. In childrern with congenital adrenal hyperplasia the ratio is 2.3. The reason for this difference in ratio is discussed. The changes in ratio found under stimulation of the adrenal gland with exogenous or endogenous corticotrophin and the suppression with cortisone therapy are studied. This test can be applied to isolated samples of urine, a major advantage in paediatric practice, and can be carried out in routine laboratories. It is found to be reliable in the diagnosis and sensitive in the control of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Renu Agarwal ◽  
SK Gupta ◽  
Sushma Srivastava ◽  
Rohit Saxena

Introduction: Ocimum basilicum (OB), a herb known for its antihypertensive, anticholinesterase and antioxidant properties was investigated for possible intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering effects in rabbits with ocular hypertension (OHT). Methods: The IOP lowering effect of a single drop of OB extract (OBE) was evaluated in oculonormotensive rabbits using three concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1% w/v). The concentration showing maximum IOP reduction was further evaluated in rabbits with water-loading and steroid-induced OHT. Results: IOP lowering effect of OBE 0.5% in oculonormotensive rabbit eyes was significantly greater compared to OBE 0.25% (p<0.05) but was comparable (p>0.05) to OBE 1%. Therefore, 0.5% concentration was selected for further evaluation. Pretreatment with OBE (0.5%) caused significantly lower increase in IOP after water loading amounting to 23.39% above baseline as compared to 54.00% in control eye, 15 minutes post water loading. At 60 minutes, post water loading, mean IOP rise was 95.12% and 63.58% in control and test eyes, respectively. Significant difference between the mean IOP of two eyes persisted during the 2nd hr. In rabbits with steroid induced OHT, OBE 0.5% produced a mean IOP reduction of 24.73% at the end of first hr and the mean peak IOP reduction of 31.63% was observed at the end of 2 hr. A significant difference between the IOP of test and control eyes persisted from 1 to 6 hr. Conclusions: Ocimum basilicum seed extract showed significant IOP lowering effect in rabbits with water loading and steroid induced OHT, however, its utility as an effective antiglaucoma medication needs further investigations.

2019 ◽  
Ibrahim Arman

<p>This study aimed at investigating the Effectiveness of Mantle of the Expert in creative thinking Skills among the 7<sup>th</sup> Graders. The study conducted on a sample of 7<sup>th</sup> Graders at Kober Secondary Boys School and Upper Kober Elementary Girls School. The study sample consisted of (100) students split into two groups (experimental and control). The researcher adopting the Torrance test for creative thinking the verbal image "A" by examining the tests used in the Ristow study (1988), Edwards and Baldov (1987) study, and designing a teacher book for the (engineering and measurement) unit according to the integration between the strategies of the mantle of the expert and role playing.</p> <p>This study adopted quasi-experimental design. It included two groups (experimental and controlled) in two branches (males and females) for each group. The controlled group was taught by using the traditional method whereas the experimental group by the mantle of the expert. The data analyzed using (ANCOVA) test to measure the differences in the development of creative thinking between the control and experimental groups.</p> <p>The Conclusions showed that there are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the creative thinking test due to the way, gender and interaction between them.</p> <p>Based on the Conclusions of the study, the researcher recommends the need to use the mantles of the expert in the teaching of mathematics.</p>

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