Identifying attributes associated with brown bear (Ursus arctos) road-crossing and roadkill sites

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-164 ◽  
S. Find’o ◽  
M. Skuban ◽  
M. Kajba ◽  
J. Chalmers ◽  
M. Kalaš

Habitat fragmentation caused by transportation infrastructure is an issue of growing concern worldwide. We show how secondary roads may affect landscape permeability for brown bears (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758). We focused on identifying environmental variables that govern the selection of road-crossing zones by bears (crossing model). We also investigated whether variables that characterize road-crossing zones differ from those that are typical for bear–vehicle collision sites (collision model). The study area was located in north-central Slovakia. To identify road-crossing sites, we used the GPS fixes of 27 bears and identified 35 bear–vehicle collision sites from a different data set. We used mixed-effects logistic regression to model resource selection at road-crossing sites and to compare bear-crossing sites with bear-kill sites. The crossing model showed that the traffic volume with distance to forest and grassland were the most influential factors in bear selection of road-crossing sites. Results of the collision model indicated that successful road crossings by bears were located at different road sections from vehicle collisions, which differed by a traffic volume of 5000 vehicles/24 h. The outcomes of this study can facilitate improved mitigation measures on secondary roads.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 112 ◽  

The emissions of carbon dioxide generated by urban traffic is generally reflected by urban size. In order to discuss the traffic volume generated in developed buildings and road crossings in a single urban block, with the metropolitan area in Taichung, Taiwan as an example, this study calculates the mutual relationship between the carbon dioxide generated by the traffic volume and building development scale, in order to research energy consumption and relevance. In this research, the entire-day traffic volume of an important road crossing is subject to statistical analysis to obtain the prediction formula of total passenger car units in the main road crossing within 24 h. Then, the total CO2 emissions generated by the traffic volume in the entire year is calculated according to the investigation data of peak traffic hours within 16 blocks and the influential factors of the development scale of 95 buildings are counted. Finally, this research found that there is a passenger car unit of 4.72 generated in each square meter of land in the urban block every day, 0.99 in each square meter of floor area in the building and the average annual total CO2 emissions of each passenger car unit is 41.4 kgCO2/yr. In addition, the basic information of an integrated road system and traffic volume is used to present a readable urban traffic hot map, which can calculate a distribution map of passenger car units within one day in Taichung. This research unit can be used to forecast the development scale of various buildings in future urban blocks, in order to provide an effective approach to estimate the carbon dioxide generated by the traffic volume.

2003 ◽  
Vol 81 (8) ◽  
pp. 1378-1391 ◽  
Bryan Chruszcz ◽  
Anthony P Clevenger ◽  
Kari E Gunson ◽  
Michael L Gibeau

Banff National Park and surrounding lands constitute one of the most developed landscapes in the world where grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) still survive. We examine the relationships among roads, grizzly bears, and their habitat in a protected area with low road density but dominated by a major transportation corridor and highway system. We examined grizzly bears' spatial response to roads, road-crossing behaviour, crossing-location attributes, and habitat and temporal patterns of cross-road movements. Grizzly bears used areas close to roads more than expected, particularly roads with low traffic volume (low volume). Habituated bears were closer to roads than wary bears. Males were closer to low-volume roads than females but crossed roads less than females during the berry season. Bears were more likely to cross low-volume roads than high-volume roads and were more likely to cross at points with higher habitat rankings. In addition, bears were more likely to cross high-volume roads when moving from areas with low habitat values to areas with high habitat values. Efforts to prevent loss of habitat connectivity across highways should involve maintenance of high-quality grizzly bear habitat adjacent to roads and should address the effects of traffic volume on the road-crossing decisions of grizzly bears.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 52
Fatos Ukaj

<p>Nowadays, every branch of economic activities is a subject of the various influences in which they cannot have an impact. The capabilities of an enterprise to have a significant impact on business environments can be done through the creation of their own brand. Hence, this has become a tool for the identification of its products and enterprises. Enterprises have exploited brand as a means by which businesses have improved their own turnover, competitive position in the market, and winning the loyalty of their consumers. In Kosovo, there is an increasing trend of enterprises in creating a brand for their own products. Thus, this gives them a higher possibility for identification by the consumers, fosters the development of marketing policies, and provides them the opportunity to break through new markets. The scope of this paper is to determine the importance and rationale for the creation of certain brands. It was able to achieve this through a research of perception for the brands by consumers, as well as finding out grounds and influential factors during their selection of certain brands. The data acquired have proved that there are some advantages of enterprises that have a well-known brand. Also, the various factors which influence customer’s decision include physical product handling features, good experiences, packaging, warranty, etc. The data presented will help in the future for an increase in awareness on the importance of branding in the practice of enterprises. Therefore, this is with the aim of creating a good image for the products as well as enterprises.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 143 (5) ◽  
pp. 587-592 ◽  
Pieter J. Slootweg ◽  
Edward W. Odell ◽  
Daniel Baumhoer ◽  
Roman Carlos ◽  
Keith D. Hunter ◽  

A data set has been developed for the reporting of excisional biopsies and resection specimens for malignant odontogenic tumors by members of an expert panel working on behalf of the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting, an international organization established to unify and standardize reporting of cancers. Odontogenic tumors are rare, which limits evidence-based support for designing a scientifically sound data set for reporting them. Thus, the selection of reportable elements within the data set and considering them as either core or noncore is principally based on evidence from malignancies affecting other organ systems, limited case series, expert opinions, and/or anecdotal reports. Nevertheless, this data set serves as the initial step toward standardized reporting on malignant odontogenic tumors that should evolve over time as more evidence becomes available and functions as a prompt for further research to provide such evidence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 530
Amr Hassan Yassin ◽  
Hany Hamdy Hussien

Due to the exponential growth of E-Business and computing capabilities over the web for a pay-for-use groundwork, the risk factors regarding security issues also increase rapidly. As the usage increases, it becomes very difficult to identify malicious attacks since the attack patterns change. Therefore, host machines in the network must continually be monitored for intrusions since they are the final endpoint of any network. The purpose of this work is to introduce a generalized neural network model that has the ability to detect network intrusions. Two recent heuristic algorithms inspired by the behavior of natural phenomena, namely, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gravitational search (GSA) algorithms are introduced. These algorithms are combined together to train a feed forward neural network (FNN) for the purpose of utilizing the effectiveness of these algorithms to reduce the problems of getting stuck in local minima and the time-consuming convergence rate. Dimension reduction focuses on using information obtained from NSL-KDD Cup 99 data set for the selection of some features to discover the type of attacks. Detecting the network attacks and the performance of the proposed model are evaluated under different patterns of network data.

Jom’ehToloo Riazi

This paper aims to analyze a weekly magazine called Ketab-e-Jom’eh (Friday’s Book) and the reflection of Latin American’s revolutionary movements in it. Ketab-e-Jom’eh, published from July 26, 1979, to May 22, 1980, was supervised by a number of the most legendary Iranian authors and poets, such as Ahmad Shamloo1 and Gholam Hossein Saedi. I focus on the way a particular perspective on Latin American movements is constructed and perpetuated among Ketab-e-Jom’eh’s lectors. With a symbolic approach, I analyze those texts through their symbolic representation in the Iranian society, which requires me to study those symbols and their concomitant relevance in Iran. Eventually, I will use an interpretative approach to examine this magazine’s ideologically motivated articles in the broader context of the Iranian society with its particular traits. The dialectic relationship between literature and society helps us understand literature as the product of social conditions and influential factors in society. The position that I develop here echoes Louis de Bonald’s belief that “through a careful reading of any nation’s literature ‘one could tell what this people had been’” (as cited in Hall, 1979, p. 13). I employ such an expansive horizon to scrutinize the selection of literature on Latin American guerillas. I shall unfold the magazine’s ideological orientation from the angle of the context in which it is used. I aim to show that the historical context of the Iranian society at the moment gives those articles specific meanings. In pursuit of my goals, I will recontextualize the articles to determine their primary significance in the Iran of the 1970s and 1980s.

Genetika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 545-559 ◽  
Mirjana Jankulovska ◽  
Sonja Ivanovska ◽  
Ana Marjanovic-Jeromela ◽  
Snjezana Bolaric ◽  
Ljupcho Jankuloski ◽  

In this study, the use of different multivariate approaches to classify rapeseed genotypes based on quantitative traits has been presented. Tree regression analysis, PCA analysis and two-way cluster analysis were applied in order todescribe and understand the extent of genetic variability in spring rapeseed genotype by trait data. The traits which highly influenced seed and oil yield in rapeseed were successfully identified by the tree regression analysis. Principal predictor for both response variables was number of pods per plant (NP). NP and 1000 seed weight could help in the selection of high yielding genotypes. High values for both traits and oil content could lead to high oil yielding genotypes. These traits may serve as indirect selection criteria and can lead to improvement of seed and oil yield in rapeseed. Quantitative traits that explained most of the variability in the studied germplasm were classified using principal component analysis. In this data set, five PCs were identified, out of which the first three PCs explained 63% of the total variance. It helped in facilitating the choice of variables based on which the genotypes? clustering could be performed. The two-way cluster analysissimultaneously clustered genotypes and quantitative traits. The final number of clusters was determined using bootstrapping technique. This approach provided clear overview on the variability of the analyzed genotypes. The genotypes that have similar performance regarding the traits included in this study can be easily detected on the heatmap. Genotypes grouped in the clusters 1 and 8 had high values for seed and oil yield, and relatively short vegetative growth duration period and those in cluster 9, combined moderate to low values for vegetative growth duration and moderate to high seed and oil yield. These genotypes should be further exploited and implemented in the rapeseed breeding program. The combined application of these multivariate methods can assist in deciding how, and based on which traits to select the genotypes, especially in early generations, at the beginning of a breeding program.

Jerry S. Ogden

The Forensic Engineering Analysis Of Bicycle-Vehicle Incidents Presents Its Own Unique Set Of Challenges. Often, The Forensic Engineer Is Faced With A Limited Data Set For Determining Vehicle Impact Speed From The Physical Evidence Produced By A Bicycle Collision With An Automobile, Which May Not Be Of Issue For A Vehicle-To-Vehicle Collision At Similar Speeds. This Paper Analyzes A Collision Between A Light Duty Pickup Pulling A Tandem Axle Utility Trailer And A Bicycle Ridden By A Minor Child. There Were Allegations That The Pickup Was Traveling At A High Speed Above The Speed Limit, As Well As Passing Another Vehicle At The Time Of The Incident. In Order To Accurately And Dependably Determine The Speed Of The Ford F350 Pickup Involved In This Incident Event, This Forensic Engineer Elected To Recreate The Vehicle Locked Wheel Skidding Evidence That Was Produced During The Incident Event And Photographically Recorded By Police Investigators. The Dynamic Skid Testing Technique, Test Equipment, And General Test Procedures Used To Accurately Determine Vehicle Speeds For This Incident Event, And How It Can Be Applied To Similar Collision Events Are Discussed In This Paper

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