The detection of imidazoles including histidine and some of its derivatives in biological fluids

1969 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-10 ◽  
Arthur E. Pasieka ◽  
M. E. Thomas

A staining method for the detection of imidazoles including histidine and histidine-containing compounds is described. It is based on the treatment of developed high-voltage paper electrograms or paper chromatograms with bromophenol blue. The electrogram or chromatogram after drying is fixed in n-butanol, complexed with mercuric chloride, and subsequently stained with 0.2% bromophenol blue in 95% ethanol. The electrogram or chromatogram is washed while still damp with tap water until the background is clear. None of the other 20 known amino acids including tyrosine, such as are found in the synthetic mixture M150, reacted in the above staining procedure. Purines also react with the described reagent due to their imidazole configuration.

K. Chien ◽  
R. L. Van de Velde ◽  
R.C. Heusser ◽  
H. Shiroishi ◽  
A.H. Cohen

The Nail-Patella Syndrome (NPS) is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease in which about 60% of the patients have glomerular abnormalities. Phosphotungstic acid (PTA) has been used successfully to demonstrate the specific collagen fibrils of NPS within the glomerular basement membrane and/or mesangial matrix in ultra-thin sections. However, in our laboratory we had difficulty staining Eponate 12 sections with PTA. A modified staining procedure which makes use of the microwave has been developed as follows:1. Glutaraldehyde/osmium fixed kidney specimens were embedded in Eponate 12 and ultra-thin sections collected on Gilder 400 mesh copper grids. Grids were stained using a RTV 700 silicone rubber staining pad. This pad contains shallow, round wells (5mm in diameter and 2mm deep) with slots in the center bottom of each well. By bending the pad, the rim of a grid can be inserted into the slot. On release, the grids adhere securely to the wall of the slot.2. 10% aqueous phosphotungstic acid was dropped into the staining wells around each grid. The staining pad was then placed in a moisture chamber consisting of a pre-heated Petri dish containing wetted filter paper and placed in Pelco 3400 laboratory microwave oven for 110 seconds at 80% power. A Tripour beaker containing 200ml room temperature tap water was placed in the microwave oven as a heat sink.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 084-090 ◽  
Pinki Pandey ◽  
Alok Dixit ◽  
Aparna Tanwar ◽  
Anuradha Sharma ◽  
Sanjeev Mittal

ABSTRACT Introduction: Our study presents a new deparaffinizing and hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) staining method that involves the use of easily available, nontoxic and eco-friendly liquid diluted dish washing soap (DWS) by completely eliminating expensive and hazardous xylene and alcohol from deparaffinizing and rehydration prior to staining, staining and from dehydration prior to mounting. The aim was to evaluate and compare the quality of liquid DWS treated xylene and alcohol free (XAF) sections with that of the conventional H and E sections. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 paraffin embedded tissue blocks from different tissues were included. From each tissue block, one section was stained with conventional H and E (normal sections) and the other with XAF H and E (soapy sections) staining method. Slides were scored using five parameters: Nuclear, cytoplasmic, clarity, uniformity, and crispness of staining. Z-test was used for statistical analysis. Results: Soapy sections scored better for cytoplasmic (90%) and crisp staining (95%) with a statistically significant difference. Whereas for uniformity of staining, normal sections (88%) scored over soapy sections (72%) (Z = 2.82, P < 0.05). For nuclear (90%) and clarity of staining (90%) total scored favored soapy sections, but the difference was not statistically significant. About 84% normal sections stained adequately for diagnosis when compared with 86% in soapy sections (Z = 0.396, P > 0.05). Conclusion: Liquid DWS is a safe and efficient alternative to xylene and alcohol in deparaffinization and routine H and E staining procedure. We are documenting this project that can be used as a model for other histology laboratories.

E. N. Albert

Silver tetraphenylporphine sulfonate (Ag-TPPS) was synthesized in this laboratory and used as an electron dense stain for elastic tissue (Fig 1). The procedures for the synthesis of tetraphenylporphine sulfonate and the staining method for mature elastic tissue have been described previously.The fine structure of developing elastic tissue was observed in fetal and new born rat aorta using tetraphenylporphine sulfonate, phosphotungstic acid, uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The newly forming elastica consisted of two morphologically distinct components. These were a central amorphous and a peripheral fibrous. The ratio of the central amorphous and the peripheral fibrillar portion changed in favor of the former with increasing age.It was also observed that the staining properties of the two components were entirely different. The peripheral fibrous component stained with uranyl acetate and/or lead citrate while the central amorphous portion demonstrated no affinity for these stains. On the other hand, the central amorphous portion of developing elastic fibers stained vigorously with silver tetraphenylporphine sulfonate, while the fibrillar part did not (compare figs 2, 3, 4). Based upon the above observations it is proposed that developing elastica consists of two components that are morphologically and chemically different.

1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 107-112 ◽  
A. M. Shaban ◽  
G. E. El-Taweel ◽  
G. H. Ali

In the present study, the effect of UV radiation on the inactivation of a range of microorganisms was studied. Each organism was seeded into sterile tap water and exposed to UV in batch experiments with changing turbidities. In addition, the effect of UV on microbial communities in river Nile water was examined. It was found that 1min contact time (0.5L/min flow rate) was effective against vegetative cells levels almost reaching zero (except with Staphylococcus aureus). On the other hand, spore-forming bacteria, Candida albicans and coliphage were more resistant to UV. This contact time caused coenobia cells in single form with Scenedesmus obliquus while for Microcystis aeruginosa colonies broke into smaller groups. Exposure of Nile water microbial communities to UV showed that yeasts and Aeromonas survived better than the other organisms while in the phytoplankton partial fragmentation occurred in some algal groups. The protective effect of turbidity differed between organisms, with increased contact time under conditions of stable turbidity having no effect on the organisms. At 20 NTU the UV radiation had no effect on the morphological characters of algal cells. In reactivation experiments, it is clear that photoreactivation, and not dark repair, takes place with bacterial cells. Only coliphage had no photoreactivation and dark repair responses although with coliphage and host, both reactivation processes worked well. Moreover, the irradiated algae regained their normal shape after 3 days in suitable media and enough light.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 2335
Gabriella Pinto ◽  
Sabrina De Pascale ◽  
Maria Aponte ◽  
Andrea Scaloni ◽  
Francesco Addeo ◽  

Plant polyphenols have beneficial antioxidant effects on human health; practices aimed at preserving their content in foods and/or reusing food by-products are encouraged. The impact of the traditional practice of the water curing procedure of chestnuts, which prevents insect/mould damage during storage, was studied to assess the release of polyphenols from the fruit. Metabolites extracted from pericarp and integument tissues or released in the medium from the water curing process were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and electrospray-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry (ESI-qTOF-MS). This identified: (i) condensed and hydrolyzable tannins made of (epi)catechin (procyanidins) and acid ellagic units in pericarp tissues; (ii) polyphenols made of gallocatechin and catechin units condensed with gallate (prodelphinidins) in integument counterparts; (iii) metabolites resembling those reported above in the wastewater from the chestnut curing process. Comparative experiments were also performed on aqueous media recovered from fruits treated with processes involving: (i) tap water; (ii) tap water containing an antifungal Lb. pentosus strain; (iii) wastewater from a previous curing treatment. These analyses indicated that the former treatment determines a 6–7-fold higher release of polyphenols in the curing water with respect to the other ones. This event has a negative impact on the luster of treated fruits but qualifies the corresponding wastes as a source of antioxidants. Such a phenomenon does not occur in wastewater from the other curing processes, where the release of polyphenols was reduced, thus preserving the chestnut’s appearance. Polyphenol profiling measurements demonstrated that bacterial presence in water hampered the release of pericarp metabolites. This study provides a rationale to traditional processing practices on fruit appearance and qualifies the corresponding wastes as a source of bioactive compounds for other nutraceutical applications.

Amino Acids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Grażyna Gałęzowska ◽  
Joanna Ratajczyk ◽  
Lidia Wolska

AbstractThe quantitation and qualification of amino acids are most commonly used in clinical and epidemiological studies, and provide an excellent way of monitoring compounds in human fluids which have not been monitored previously, to prevent some diseases. Because of this, it is not surprising that scientific interest in evaluating these compounds has resurfaced in recent years and has precipitated the development of a multitude of new analytical techniques. This review considers recent developments in HPLC analytics on the basis of publications from the last few years. It helps to update and systematize knowledge in this area. Particular attention is paid to the progress of analytical methods, pointing out the advantages and drawbacks of the various techniques used for the preparation, separation and determination of amino acids. Depending on the type of sample, the preparation conditions for HPLC analysis change. For this reason, the review has focused on three types of samples, namely urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Despite time-consuming sample preparation before HPLC analysis, an additional derivatization technique should be used, depending on the detection technique used. There are proposals for columns that are specially modified for amino acid separation without derivatization, but the limit of detection of the substance is less beneficial. In view of the fact that amino acid analyses have been performed for years and new solutions may generate increased costs, it may turn out that older proposals are much more advantageous.

1948 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 853-859
R. F. A. Altman

Abstract As numerous investigators have shown, some of the nonrubber components of Hevea latex have a decided accelerating action on the process of vulcanization. A survey of the literature on this subject points to the validity of certain general facts. 1. Among the nonrubber components of latex which have been investigated, certain nitrogenous bases appear to be most important for accelerating the rate of vulcanization. 2. These nitrogen bases apparently occur partly naturally in fresh latex, and partly as the result of putrefaction, heating, and other decomposition processes. 3. The nitrogen bases naturally present in fresh latex at later stages have been identified by Altman to be trigonelline, stachhydrine, betonicine, choline, methylamine, trimethylamine, and ammonia. These bases are markedly active in vulcanization, as will be seen in the section on experimental results. 4. The nitrogenous substances formed by the decomposition processes have only partly been identified, on the one hand as tetra- and pentamethylene diamine and some amino acids, on the other hand as alkaloids, proline, diamino acids, etc. 5. It has been generally accepted that these nitrogenous substances are derived from the proteins of the latex. 6. Decomposition appears to be connected with the formation of a considerable amount of acids. 7. The production of volatile nitrogen bases as a rule accompanies the decomposition processes. These volatile products have not been identified. 8. The active nitrogen bases, either already formed or derived from complex nitrogenous substances, seem to be soluble in water but only slightly soluble in acetone.

1967 ◽  
Vol 45 (11) ◽  
pp. 2137-2153 ◽  
A. Fuchs ◽  
R. Rohringer ◽  
D. J. Samborski

Wheat leaves infected with stem rust, especially those of susceptible plants, contained more phenylalanine and tyrosine than healthy leaves. The utilization of phenylalanine was increased in both the susceptible and resistant reaction, but the utilization of tyrosine was increased only in the susceptible reaction. No evidence of interconversion of these amino acids was obtained.In n-butanol extracts, which contained glycosides, many constituents were labelled after feeding of L-phenylalanine-U-14C. Most of the n-butanol extractives from resistant-reacting leaves contained more label than those from susceptible-reacting leaves or from healthy leaves. However, one of the n-butanol extractives from susceptible-reacting leaves was 5–10 times as active as that isolated from the other tissues.With L-phenylalanine-U-14C and ferulate-U-14C as precursors, more activity was recovered in insoluble than in soluble esters (of ferulate and p-coumarate). With L-tyrosine-U-14C as precursor, the reverse was observed. After infection, the proportion of label in insoluble esters increased more in resistant leaves than it did in susceptible leaves, regardless of the precursor used.A major portion of the activity from these precursors was recovered in the insoluble residue that contained protein and other polymers. In the experiment with L-phenylalanine-U-14C, this residue was fractionated into protein and non-hydrolyzable material. Susceptible-reacting leaves contained equal amounts of activity in these fractions, while resistant-reacting leaves incorporated 2.5 times as much activity into the non-hydrolyzable material as into protein.

1957 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-331 ◽  
W. A. Prowse ◽  
G. R. Bainbridge

A high voltage pulse lasting 0.35 microsecond is applied to a pair of delay lines, so that two pulses can be picked up from adjustable points of connection on the lines. One is applied to an irradiating gap and the other to a longer test gap, the gaps being so arranged that only mid-gap irradiation occurs. The sparking probability, P, of the test gap is used to indicate the presence of ionizing radiation. Variations of P with the time interval between the two pulses are recorded. They indicate that ionizing radiation is emitted in repeated short flashes. Photographic observations support this view.

1976 ◽  
Vol 154 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-48 ◽  
J D Young ◽  
J C Ellory ◽  
E M Tucker

1. Uptake rates for 23 amino acids were measured for both normal (high-GSH) and GSH-deficient (low-GSH) erythrocytes from Finnish Landrace sheep. 2. Compared with high-GSH cells, low-GSH cells had a markedly diminished permeability to D-alanine, L-alanine, α-amino-n-butyrate, valine, cysteine, serine, threonine, asparagine, lysine and ornithine. Smaller differences were observed for glycine and proline, whereas uptake of the other amino acids was not significantly different in the two cell types.

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