Automated grading and tutoring of SQL statements to improve student learning

Carsten Kleiner ◽  
Christopher Tebbe ◽  
Felix Heine
2008 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-11 ◽  
Carolyn S. Potts ◽  
Sarah M. Ginsberg

Abstract In recent years, colleges and universities across the country have been called upon to increase the quality of education provided and to improve student retention rates. In response to this challenge, many faculty are exploring alternatives to the traditional “lecture-centered” approach of higher education in an attempt to increase student learning and satisfaction. Collaborative learning is one method of teaching, which has been demonstrated to improve student learning outcomes.

Diyan Pertiwi

This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes in subjects PPKn sixth grade students of SDN 002 Ukui Dua. This research is motivated by the low activity and low teacher and student learning outcomes in subjects PPKn. The problem of this study is whether the implementation of a strategy to answer alternately patterned circle round robin can improve student learning outcomes in subjects PPKn in the sixth grade SDN 002 Ukui Dua? This PPKn was conducted over two cycles. Data collection techniques in this research using collection observation techniques, achievement test, and documentation. Techniques of analysis in this study is an analysis of the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes in subjects PPKn sixth grade students SDN 02 Ukui Dua Kecamatant Ukui. The result showed that the activity of teachers has increased. At the first meeting of the first cycle of 41% was obtained with Simply Perfect category and the second meeting reached 55% with the category Fairly Perfect. In the second cycle 3 meeting to reach 75% by the Perfect category and the 4th meeting of the second cycle reaches 85% with the Perfect category. While the activity of students has increased. At the first meeting of the first cycle reaches 51% with the category Fairly Perfect and the second meeting with the percentage of 66% to the category Perfect. After the second cycle of the third meeting with a percentage of 75% with the Perfect category while in attendance for-4 with the percentage of 94% to the category of Most Perfect. Learning outcomes of students also increased from the previous students who achieve KKM only 8 votes with a percentage (45%) after the first cycle an increase in students worth over KKM which reached 14 people with a percentage of 70%. Cycle II students who achieve KKM 17 (85%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 301
Sajarotunnur '

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the method VII.2 classassignment sheet giving students conducted in March and April 2016. Subjects were seventhgrade students of SMP Negeri 2 Dumai totaling 26 students. The parameters in this study isthe absorption and mastery learning as well as student activities and teacher activities assupporting data. The research instrument used is the study and data collection instruments.The device consists of a learning syllabus, lesson plan, test, observation of student activitysheets, activity sheets teacher observation. The survey results revealed absorption of studentsin the first cycle is 70% with moderate category and second cycle increased to 78% in thehigh category. Mastery learning of students in the first cycle is 88.46% and 88.50% in thesecond cycle students completed. Activities of students in the first cycle an average of80.76%% (very good) and the second cycle is an increase of 97.5% (excellent). It can beconcluded that the method of administration of the student assignment sheet can improvestudent learning outcomes in the classroom ecosystem VII 2 material SMP Negeri 2 Dumai.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 248
Nursian Nursian

This study aims to improve their learning achievement after using the adaptation of the learning model to make a match and talking stick in a Social Sciences subject at SMP Negeri 15 Dumai. This research is collaborative classroom action research with stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Dumai with research subjects of class VIII students with a total of 26 students. The results showed that the adaptation of the learning model make a match and talking stick was able to increase the average student learning, indicated by the fact that in the first cycle the implementation of learning reached 78.08 and in Cycle II it was achieved. 87.31 increase student learning activeness, indicated by the fact that in Cycle I 60.23%, and in cycle II 94.32% and improve student learning achievement, indicated by the fact that in the pre-cycle the percentage of students who attained mastery level was 34, 62% (9 students) and students who did not reach the mastery level were 65.38% (17 students); in the first cycle the percentage of students who reached the mastery level was 73.08% (19 students) and students who did not reach the mastery level were 26.92% (7 students); in Cycle II the percentage of students who reached the mastery level was 88.46% (23 students) and students who did not reach the mastery level were 11.54% (3 students). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the adaptation of the learning model make a match and talking stick is able to improve the learning achievement of social subjects in class VIII students at SMP Negeri 15 Dumai.

Erna Pebriana ◽  
Bela Mustika Sari ◽  
Yasa Abdurrahman

This writing aims to make students more active and disciplined in the learning process and can also increase creativity and learning outcomes. The low mathematics learning outcomes are not only due to difficult mathematics, but are caused by several factors which include students themselves, teachers, learning approaches, and learning environments that are interconnected with each other. To improve the ability and results of learning it is necessary to make modifications to the task learning strategy and force. Quantum learning is a tip, a guide, a strategy and an entire learning process that can sharpen understanding and memory, and make learning a pleasant and useful process. Task and Forced Learning Strategies are strategies that focus on giving assignments and a little coercion so that students complete their tasks on time so that the learning process can run effectively. Therefore, the writer modifies the model of quantum learning with task and forced learning strategies, the results of this modification show that learning with quantum learning models with forced and task strategies can improve the learning process so that students become more disciplined in doing tasks, can motivate student learning, and can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Yetri Ningsih

This research conducted caused by students' score at class X MIPA 4 very low in the vector material. The avarage of score of the daily test obtained by students was 60,5 and it had not yet reached mastery learning. One of the efforts to improve learning outcomes was to use powerpoint as a learning media. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in activity and mathematics learning outcomes on vector material in learning using PowerPoint.This research design used the classroom action research. The research subjects were 36 students of class X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau in the 2019/2020 academic year. Data collected by using tests and observations.The test used to obtain student learning outcomes in each cycle, while observation used to determine the learning process in each cycle. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average score of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 62.2 and 77.3 in the second cycle. The percentage of student learning completeness in the first cycle was 52.8%, in the second cycle it was 80.6%. The percentage of improvement in student learning outcomes after being given action was 15.29%. So it can be concluded that learning mathematics by using powerpoint media can improve student learning outcomes in class X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau in the 2019/2020 academic year.

Tria Yowanda Putri

The purpose of this study was to describe and increase in student learning process in social studies learning by using the Make a Match model in the fifth grade of elementary school. Types of this research was classroom action research with qualitative and quantitative approach. The research subject was 24 grade V students. The research procedure consistend of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The result of the study showed and increase in aspects: (a) RPP cycle I with an average of 76,77% and cycle II 92,85%, (b) implementation on the aspect of the teacher cycle I with an average of 82,81% and the second cycle 87,50%, (c) implementation on the aspect of the students of the first cycle with an average 79,68% and cycle II 87,50%,. The conclusions from the result of the research conducted are using the Make a Match model can improve student learning process in social studies learning in class V SD Negeri 21 PPA Solok.

Jeffrey Ward

Educational accountability has become an increasingly influential factor in higher education. This chapter examines various government oversight and accreditation standards in Central and South America, Europe, and the United States and how student learning in higher education in music can be improved through meeting these standards. The author specifically describes music accreditation procedures of the National Association of Schools of Music and the American Music Therapy Association in the United States. Using accreditation standards as a guideline for program improvement, the author offers a variety of assessment best practices to engage higher education faculty in the assessment process, to improve instruction, to guide curricular development, and to ultimately improve student learning.

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