scholarly journals The Effect of Foot Massage with Lavender Essential Oil on The Sleep Quality of The Elderly in Banjar Gelumpang, Sukawati Village

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-51
Ni Luh Putu Dewi Puspawati ◽  
Ni Kadek Ari Santi ◽  
Ni Luh Gede Intan Saraswati

Aging process in the elderly will cause health problems such as immobilization, incontinence, depression, malnutrition, decreased immune system, and sleep quality disorders. The puspose of this study was to determine the effect of foot massage with lavender essential oil on the sleep quality of the elderly. This research design used a pre-experimental with one group pre-test post-test design without a control group. The number of samples used was 20 respondents selected by purposive sampling and data collection using the pitsburgh sleep quality index questionnaire with the test result analyzed with Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. The result showed that in pretest all respondents experienced poor sleep quality, and posttest data obtained that 13 respondents (65%) experienced good sleep quality. The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon Sign rank test showed that the p-value = 0,000 <a (0,05) which means that there is an effect of foot massage with lavender essential oil on the sleep quality of the elderly in Banjar Gelumpang Sukawati village. Emphasis on certain points and the aroma of lavender will make the elderly feel relaxed so that the quality of sleep improved. It is suggests that the elderly and families to perform foot massage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Kanthi Suratih ◽  
Rofiah Setyadien ◽  
Mulyaningsih Mulyaningsih ◽  
Erindra Budi Cahyanto

AIDS (Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrom) adalah kumpulan gejala atau penyakit yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya kekebalan tubuh akibat infeksi oleh virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Penderita HIV/AIDS mempunyai berbagai masalah yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satunya adalah gangguan tidur, berdasarkan data yang didapat 2 dari 3 pasien HIV/ AIDS di RSUD Dr. Moewardi mengalami gangguan tidur, dengan nilai PSQI >5. Tujuan; Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian aromatherapy terhadap kualitas tidur pasien HIV/AIDS di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Metode;Jenis penelitian kuantitatif pra-eksperimen dengan rancangan One Group Pretest Posttest tanpa kontrol, Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling Populasi penelitian sebanyak 32 orang dan sampel sebanyak 13 responden.. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test pada taraf signifikansi 95%. Hasil; Hasil uji bivariate membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian aromatherapy terhadap kualitas tidur pasien HIV/AIDS di RSUD Dr. Moewardi dengan angka signifikan (ρ= 0,028 < 0,05). Kesimpulan; Pemberian aromatherapy dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur pendeita HIV /AIDS. Kata Kunci: aromatherapy; kualitas tidur; HIV/AIDS  AROMATHERAPY TO IMPROVE SLEEP QUALITY IN PATIENTS WITH HIV / AIDSAT REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL OF Dr. MOEWARDI  ABSTRACT AIDS (AquiredImmuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of symptoms or diseases caused by decreased immunity from infection by the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV / AIDS sufferers have various problems that need to be considered, one of them is sleep disorder, based on data obtained 2 of 3 patients HIV / AIDS in Dr. Moewardi Hospital suffered sleep disturbance, with the value of PSQI> 5. This study was to know the effect of giving aromatherapy to sleep quality of HIV / AIDS patient in Dr. Moewardi Hospital. This research was pre-experimental quantitative research with the design of One Group Pretest Posttest, without control,Research population of this study was 32 people and a sample of 13 respondents. Sampling technique used purposive sampling. The research instrument used questionnaire. Data analysis used Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test at 95% significance level. The result of bivariate test proves that there is an effect of giving aromatherapy to sleep quality of HIV / AIDS patients in Dr. Moewardi Hospital with significant numbers (ρ = 0.028 <0.05). Lavender aromatherapy improves the quality of sleep of HIV patients. Keywords: aromatherapy; sleep quality; HIV/AIDS 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Anita Rahmawati Rahmawati

Keluhan demam sering terjadi pada banyak penyakit mulai kondisi ringan hingga penyakit yang membutuhkan perawatan segera seperti Deman berdarah dengue (DBD) namun masyarakat sering kurang menyadari sehingga berakibat fatal akhirnya menyebabkan kematian.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode edukasi ceramah dan diskusi terhadap kemampuan kader kesehatan dalam deteksi dini DBD. Desain penelitian menggunakan pretest postest  without control group. Total populasi diambil menjadi sampel yaitu 30 kader kesehatan di desa suruhwadang kecamatan kademangan kabupaten Blitar. Kemampuan kader kesehatan meliputi pemahaman pengertian, mengenali tanda gejala, penyebab, penatalaksanaan, pencegahan, siklus/fase DBD dan tanda sindrom syok dengue yang diukur dengan kuesioner. Analisis data dengan Wilcoxon sign rank test. 53 % Kader kesehatan mempunyai kemampuan baik saat pretest menjadi 83% saat posttest. Analisa data menunjukkan ada perbedaan kemampuan kader kesehatan antara pretest dan postest (p=0,001). Perpaduan metode edukasi ceramah dan diskusi menjadi metode yang tepat karena peserta edukasi tidak hanya pasif mendengarkan edukator tetapi dapat menjadi lebih aktif untuk menyampaikan pendapat, membuat kesimpulan atau memecahkan masalah sesuai materi yang dipelajari. Diharapkan petugas kesehatan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kader kesehatan dalam deteksi dini DBD untuk mencegah akibat fatal dari penyakit ini.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-223
Khamida Khamida ◽  
Abdul Muhith ◽  
Rohmadi Yuda Diharja ◽  
Ririn Probowati

ABSTRACTAging is something that can cause health problems, both physical and mental health for the elderly. Anxiety is one of mental health experienced in the elderly. If it continues to ignored, it will have an impact to the memories or nightmares experienced by the elderly will recur, therefore the quality of the elderly's sleep will diminish. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Tai Chi Gymnastics on Elderly Anxiety.The study design used the One Group Pre-Post Test Design, the sample was elderly at the Posyandu Perintis Ngagel Rejo Surabaya.32 subject taken by Simple Random Sampling technique. The Independent Variable is Tai Chi Gymnastics, the dependent variable is Anxiety. Anxiety instruments were measured using the HRS-A questionnaire. Data were analyzed by the Wilcoxon test with significance ? = 0.05. The results of the study before being given Tai Chi Gymnastics were mostly (59.4%) respondents had mild anxiety. After being given Tai Chi Gymnastics most (59.4%) respondents were not experiencing anxiety (normal). Analysis of the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test obtained p = 0,000 <? = 0.05, meaning that there is an effect of Tai Chi Gymnastics on decreasing anxiety. Conclusions from this study that Tai Chi exercise can reduce anxiety in the elderly. It is expected that nurses can provide Tai Chi gymnastics as a nurse's independent nursing intervention in the management of decreased anxiety.Keywords: Anxiety, Elderly, Tai Chi Gymnastics.ABSTRAKMenua merupakan hal yang dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan baik kesehatan umum maupun kesehatan jiwa bagi lansia.Kesehatan jiwa yang dialami pada lansia yaitu salah satunya adalah kecemasan. Apabila terus menerus dibiarkan, akan berdampak yaitu ingatan atau mimpi buruk yang dialami lansia akan terulang kembali dan kualitas tidur lansia menjadi berkurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Senam Tai Chi Terhadap Kecemasan Lansia.Desain penelitian menggunakan One Group Pre- Post Test Design, sampel adalah lansia di Posyandu Perintis Ngagel Rejo Surabaya sebesar 32 Orang yang diambil dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Variabel Independen adalah Senam Tai Chi, variabel dependen adalah Kecemasan.Instrumen Kecemasan diukur menggunakan kuesioner HRS-A. Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon dengan kemaknaan?= 0,05.Hasil penelitian sebelum diberikan Senam Tai Chi sebagian besar (59,4 %) responden mempunyai kecemasan ringan. Setelah diberikan Senam Tai Chi sebagian besar (59,4 %) responden tidak cemas (normal). Analisa uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test didapatkan p=0,000< ? =0,05, artinya ada pengaruh Senam Tai Chi terhadap penurunan kecemasan.Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa senam Tai Chi dapat menurunkan kecemasan pada lansia.Diharapkan perawat dapat memberikan senam Tai Chi sebagai intervensi keperawatan mandiri perawat dalam penatalaksanaan penurunan kecemasan.Kata Kunci :Kecemasan, Lansia, Senam Tai Chi.

Rizky Asta pramesti Rini

Anxiety is one of the psychological factors that influence hypertension. One of the non-pharmacological treatments that can be given to hypertensive patients is a combination of lavender aromatherapy and hand massage. This study aims to analyze the effect of a combination of lavender aromatherapy and hand massage on changes in anxiety, blood pressure and cortisol levels. Method: This study used a pretest-posttest with control group design. The research was conducted at the Sugio Health Center and Kedungpring Health Center, with a sample size of 34 respondents selected by purposive sampling technique, then divided into intervention groups (n = 17) and control groups (n = 17). Data on anxiety levels were collected through the filling of the HARS questionnaire, blood pressure was measured using a digital tensimeter and venous blood was taken for examination of cortisol levels. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon sign rank test and paired-sample t-test. For differences in anxiety, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, MAP, and cortisol levels, the p-values were 0.004, 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, and 0.04 respectively. With all these variables being different between before and after giving a combination of lavender aromatherapy and hand massage. It can be concluded that the combination of lavender aromatherapy and hand massage can reduce the level of anxiety, blood pressure and cortisol levels in hypertensive patients. Keywords: lavender aromatherapy; hand massage; anxiety; blood pressure ABSTRAK Kecemasan merupakan salah satu faktor psikologis yang mempengaruhi hipertensi. Salah satu penatalaksanaan non farmakologis yang dapat diberikan pada pasien hipertensi adalah kombinasi aromaterapi lavender dan hand massage. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kombinasi aromaterapi lavender dan hand massage terhadap perubahan kecemasan, tekanan darah dan kadar kortisol. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pretest-posttest with control group design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Sugio dan Puskesmas Kedungpring, dengan ukuran sampel 34 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling, selanjutnya dibagi menjadi kelompok intervensi (n=17) dan kelompok kontrol (n=17). Data tingkat kecemasan dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner HARS, tekanan darah diukur menggunakan tensimeter digital dan darah vena diambil untuk pemeriksaan kadar kortisol. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Wilcoxon sign rank test dan paired-sample t-test. Untuk perbedaan kecemasan, tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik, MAP, dan kadar kortisol didapatkan p-value masing-masing adalah 0,004, 0,002, 0,004, 0,006 dan 0,04. Dengan dengan ada perbedaan seluruh variabel tersebut antara sebelum dan sesudah pemberian kombinasi aromaterapi lavender dan hand massage. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi aromaterapi lavender dan hand massage dapat menurunkan tingkat kecemasan, tekanan darah dan kadar kortisol pasien hipertensi. Kata kunci: aromaterapi lavender; hand massage; kecemasan; tekanan darah

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1474-1480
Yoyok Febrijanto ◽  
Erva Elli Kristanti ◽  
Dian Taviyanda

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of life review on the level of independence of the elderly at Panti Wredha St. Joseph Kediri. The design used in this study was a pre-experimental one group pre-post test design. The study population was the elderly at Wredha St. Yoseph Kediri who met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the level of independence before life review therapy with mild dependence was 11 respondents (68.8%) and after being given life review therapy with mild dependence was 10 (62.5%). Based on the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test statistical test, it was obtained p 0.35 with a significance value of α <0.05. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is an influence of life review therapy with the independence of the elderly at Panti Wredha St. Yoseph Kediri.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Ari Damayanti Wahyuningrum

Gangguan jiwa merupakan penyakit multi kausal bervariasi. Klien gangguan jiwa banyak mengalami distorsi kognitif yang akhirnya mengarah ke gangguan perilaku. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh kesalahan logika, kekeliruan penggunaan alasan atau pandangan individu yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan, tidak merasa memiliki perilaku menyimpang, tidak bisa membina hubungan relasi dengan orang lain. Gangguan halusinasi mengarah pada perilaku membahayakan orang lain, klien sendiri dan lingkungan sekitar. Halusinasi merupakan gangguan persepsi dimana klien mempersepsikan sesuatu yang lain yang sebenarnya tidak terjadi. Terapi perilaku bersifat reedukasi yang memodifikasi perilaku klien dengan perilaku lain yang lebih menguntungkan didasarkan pada sistematik reinforcement positif pada target perilaku. Token-token dapat ditukar untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang diinginkan dan dinikmati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis penerapan terapi perilaku: token ekonomi pada klien dengan gangguan sensori persepsi: halusinasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dr.Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pre dan Post Test tanpa Control Group yang melibatkan 40 responden dengan metode pengambilan consecutive sampling. Variabel penelitian meliputi terapi perilaku: token ekonomi dan kemampuan mengendalikan halusinasi. Sedangkan alat ukur yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dengan hasil ρ=0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya ada perbedaan kategori halusinasi yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pemberian perlakuan terapi perilaku: token ekonomi dengan pendekatan teori Health Belief Model dapat mengubah perilaku klien ke arah adaptif sehingga klien dapat mengontrol halusinasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disaran kepada para perawat utuk dapat mengaplikasikan terapi perilaku : token ekonomi pada kasus selain halusinasi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Happy Karlina Marjo ◽  
Michiko Mamesah ◽  
Siti Nurjanah

Penelitian Quasi eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh layanan bimbingan kelompok terhadap body image siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Jakarta. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MAN 3 Jakarta sebanyak 9 siswa pada kelompok treatment dan 9 siswa pada kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Sampling Purposive. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen, dengan desain Quasi experimental Design dan bentuk desain nonequivalent Control Group Design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner MBSRQ dan dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai sig.= 0.018 pada kelompok treatment yang berarti nilai probabilitas lebih kecil dari nilai signifikansi α = 0.05, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hasil analisis dapat diartikan bahwa layanan bimbingan kelompok berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan body image siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Jakarta.

Indah - Lestari

Nausea and vomiting often appear with  under various conditions, includ being a common side effect of using anti-neoplastic drugs. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is a major problem that can often alter the quality of life (QoL) and patient adherence to treatment if left untreated. Aromatherapy peppermint is one form of improvised non pharmacological handling of CINV. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of giving peppermint aromatherapy in reducing CINV in chemotherapy patients.This study was a quasy experiment with a Non Equivalent with Control Group design, with total sample groups of 285 respondents with consecutive technique. Parameters in this study used Rhodes Index Nausea Vomiting and Reching (RINVR). The data were analyzed using Wilcoxon sign rank test as a test of change of nausea scale of pre and post vomiting in experimental group using peppermint aromatherapy and control group. The results of the differences from both groups were tested with mann whitney-u test. Wilcoxon sign rank test analysis, showing differences in the incidence of nausea and vomiting in the control group and intervention group. The result of change of decrease in experimental group value ρ = 0,001 is more significant than control group with value ρ = 0,020. The difference is tested with mann whitney-u test with the result value ρ = 0.002. Aromatherapy works in one’s body by triggering the release of neurotransmitter like enkephalin and endorphin which have analgesic effect and increase the feeling of comfortable and relax. Through inhalation, the fragrance of aromatherapy is transmitted through two ways, first is through limbic system into hypothalamus until pituitary. Second is transmitted through olfactory cortex, into thalamus and then head to neocortex. Through these two ways aromatherapy shall be processed until it creates individual perception   Keywords       : CINV, Chemotherapy, Peppermint aromatherapy

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-187
Chilyatiz Zahroh ◽  
Kartika Faiza

Abstact : Uric acid is a condition of the end result of purine metabolism that can cause pain symptoms unbearable, swelling and hot feeling in the joints. This makes the elderly experience a decrease in ability to perform daily activities. so that warm compress are needed on the elderly. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of giving warm compress to reduce uric acid pain. This study used Pre-Experiment with One-group approach of pre-post test design. The population was all elderly people with uric acid disease in Paguyuban Budi Luhur Surabaya as 30 elderly. The sample was 30 respondents. The independent variable was warm compress and the dependent variable was pain. The instruments to measured pain used pain scale. The results showed 30 respondents, mostly (70%) after warm compresses had moderate pain scale and nearly half (30%) had mild pain. The test results by wilcoxon sign rank test with significance value α = 0.05. Obtained value ρ = 0.000, which meant ρ <α then H0 rejected meant there was an effect of warm compress to the reduction of pain in people with uric acid disease in Paguyuban Lansia Budi Luhur Surabaya. The conclusion of this study was  the warm compresses could affect the reduction of pain in someone suffering from uric acid disease, so it is expected to Paguyuban Lansia can apply and improve the provision of warm compresses to elderly people with gout disease.Keywords: Gout Arthritis, uric acid, Warm Compress, Pain ReductionAbstrak: Asam urat merupakan kondisi hasil metabolisme akhir purin yang dapat menyebabkan gejala nyeri tidak tertahankan,  pembengkakkan dan rasa panas di persendian. Hal tersebut membuat lansia mengalami penurunan kemampuan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari sehingga pemberian kompres hangat diperlukan terhadap lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompres hangat terhadap penurunan nyeri asam urat. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Pra-Experimen dengan pendekatan One-group pra-post test design. Populasinya adalah seluruh lansia penderita penyakit asam urat di Paguyuban Budi Luhur Surabaya sebesar 30 lansia, besar sampel 30 lansia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Total Sampling. Variabel  independen kompres hangat dan variabel dependen nyeri. Instrumen menggunakan Pre-Post pemberian kompres hangat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 30 responden, sebagian besar (70%) setelah dilakukan kompres hangat skala nyeri sedang dan hampir setengahnya (30%) nyeri ringan. Hasil uji wilcoxon sign rank test dengan  nilai  kemaknaan α = 0,05. Didapatkan nilai ρ = 0,000 yang berarti ρ < α maka H0 ditolak artinya ada pengaruh kompres hangat terhadap penurunan nyeri pada penderita penyakit asam urat di Paguyuban Lansia Budi Luhur Surabaya. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian kompres hangat dapat mempengaruhi penurunan nyeri pada seseorang yang menderita penyakit asam urat, sehingga diharapkan Paguyuban Lansia dapat menerapkan serta meningkatkan pemberian kompres hangat terhadap lansia penderita penyakit asam urat.Kata Kunci : Artritis Gout, asan urat, Kompres Hangat, Penurunan Nyeri

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Dewi Taurisiawati Rahayu ◽  
Nur Hardianti Hastuti

Sleep disturbances experienced by most pregnant women, how to overcome this is by doing regular and safe pregnancy exercises. This study aims to determine whether there is influence of pregnant gymnastics on sleep quality in pregnant women in the third trimester.This study used a pre-experimental method with the design of one group pre-test post-test. Total population of 15 third trimester pregnant women in Gedangsewu village on April 15 to May 14 2018 and the sample in this study were 13 respondents, using simple random sampling technique. Independent variables are pregnant gymnastics and the dependent variable is sleep quality. The instrument in the study was the PSQI questionnaire. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test statistical test.Using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test statistical test, it was found that p = 0.000 or p <0.01 means that there was a significant difference in sleep quality in the pre-test with post-test III trimester pregnant women.Pregnant gymnastics has several benefits including eliminating complaints during pregnancy including sleep patterns. Pregnant women who regularly do pregnancy exercise, the muscles of the abdominal wall will be stronger so that the elasticity of the muscles of the abdominal wall can also be maintained so that it can adapt to changes during pregnancy.

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