scholarly journals C. C. Martindale (1879–1963), the History of Religions, and the Theological Imagination of David Jones (1895–1974)

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-584
Anna Svendsen

Abstract Although the work of his Jesuit contemporaries Ronald Knox and Martin D’Arcy is perhaps better known today, C. C. [Cyril Charlie] Martindale’s (1879–1963) thinking about “the relationship between paganism and Christianity” in the early twentieth-century theological debates surrounding the field of “History of Religions” would have a profound effect on the unique intersection of theological thinking and artistic form in the work of the British Catholic poet and painter David Jones (1895–1974). Jones’s reading of Martindale’s short story collection The Goddess of Ghosts (1915) in 1919 would help to resolve a “religious crisis” Jones experienced in his exposure to the arguments of the skeptical scholar of “History of Religions,” James Frazer. Martindale’s presentation of his ideas in a literary form not only provided Jones with a hermeneutic (derived from the church fathers) for thinking about the relationship between paganism and Christianity, but also suggested an artistic model for exploring theological ideas with literary language.

Peter Linehan

This book springs from its author’s continuing interest in the history of Spain and Portugal—on this occasion in the first half of the fourteenth century between the recovery of each kingdom from widespread anarchy and civil war and the onset of the Black Death. Focussing on ecclesiastical aspects of the period in that region (Galicia in particular) and secular attitudes to the privatization of the Church, it raises inter alios the question why developments there did not lead to a permanent sundering of the relationship with Rome (or Avignon) two centuries ahead of that outcome elsewhere in the West. In addressing such issues, as well as of neglected material in Spanish and Portuguese archives, use is made of the also unpublished so-called ‘secret’ registers of the popes of the period. The issues it raises concern not only Spanish and Portuguese society in general but also the developing relationship further afield of the components of the eternal quadrilateral (pope, king, episcopate, and secular nobility) in late medieval Europe, as well as of the activity in that period of those caterpillars of the commonwealth, the secular-minded sapientes. In this context, attention is given to the hitherto neglected attempt of Afonso IV of Portugal to appropriate the privileges of the primatial church of his kingdom and to advance the glorification of his Castilian son-in-law, Alfonso XI, as God’s vicegerent in his.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Arin Nafiana ◽  
Johan Mahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Khairussibyan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk interaksi sosial dalam ketujuh cerpen pada kumpulan cerpen Jendela Cinta karya Fahri Asiza dkk. dan (2) mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Jendela Cinta sebagai pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dokumentasi. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif analitis yang meliputi pengidentifikasian, pengklasifikasian, dan penyimpulan pada data-data yang terkumpul dari kumpulan cerpen Jendela Cinta karya Fahri Asiza dkk. dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra, yakni teori interaksi sosial Georg Simmel. Bentuk interaksi sosial dalam teori ini berupa superordinasi dan subordinasi, pertukaran, konflik, prostitusi, dan sosiabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 37 data dengan rincian data 8 bukti data superordinasi dan subordinasi, 6 bukti data pertukaran, 11 bukti data konflik, 3 bukti data prostitusi, dan 9bukti data sosiabilitas. Pada bentuk interaksi superordinasi dan subordinasi satu di antaranya tergambar dalam hubungan antara tokoh majikan dan tokoh pembantu pada cerpen berjudul “Dia!”, bentuk pertukaran salah satunya tampak melalui tokoh Ratna dan ketiga adiknya pada cerpen “Malam Biru” saat bertukar informasi, bentuk konflik ditemukan satu di antaranya dalam perselisihan antara GAM dan TNI di Aceh yang diceritakan dalam cerpen “Terapung” dan “Bidadari Kecilku”, bentuk prostitusi ditemukan dalam cerpen “Bulan Mengapung” melalui tokoh Parjo dan teman-temannya, dan bentuk sosiabilitas satu di antaranya tergambar melalui keramahan tokoh Aminah dalam cerpen “Jendela Cinta”. Abstract: This research aims to (1) describe the forms of social interactions in the seven short stories called Jendela Cinta by Fahri Asiza et al. and (2) describe the use of short stories in the collection of Jendela Cinta short story as literary learning in senior high school. The method use is descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique is documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using descriptive analitytical techniques which include identifying, classifying, and inferring data collected from the short story collection of Jendela Cinta by Fahri Asiza et al. with a sociological approach to literature, based on Georg Simmel’s theory of social interaction. The form of social interaction in this theory is in the form of superordination and subordination, exchange, conflict, prostitution, and sociability. The result of this research indicate that found 37 data with 8 data details of superordination and subordination data, 6 evidence of exchange data, 11 evidence of conflict data, 3 evidence of prostitution data, and 9 evidence of sociability data. In the form interaction of superordination and subordination, one of them is illustrated in the relationship between the employer and the maid in the short story “Dia!”, one form of exchange was seen through the character Ratna and her three younger siblings in the short story “Malam Biru” when exchanging information, one form of conflict was seen in a dispute between GAM and TNI in Aceh which was told in the short stories “Terapung” and “Bidadari Kecilku”, a form of prostitution found in the short story “Bulan Mengapung” through Parjo figures and friends, and one form of sociability was seen through Aminah figures in the short story “Jendela Cinta”.

Buana Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Fithroh Wahidah

This study aimed to describe the social and political conflicts contained in the collection of short stories Drama Tells Too far work of Puthut EA and to describe thecorrelation between the short story collection The play was a story Too far work of PuthutEA with reality night history of Indonesian society. Sources of data in this study is the textcontained in the collection of short stories Drama Tells Too far work of Puthut EA. Whilethe research data is an excerpt sentence, description, dialogue, and other important mattersin the collection of short stories Drama Tells Too far work of Puthut EA. Data obtained byreading and writing techniques. Data were analyzed with the approach of sociology ofliterature and descriptive analysis techniques. The validity of the data obtained byconducting triangulation is triangualasi methods, sources of data and theory. These resultsindicate the existence of social and political conflict are contained in the collection of shortstories Drama Tells Too Far work of Puthut EA, containing social conflicts, among others:(1) gender conflict, namely: the oppression of women, (2) racial conflict, namely:discrimination of race Chinese, (3) inter-religious conflicts, namely: distrust ofcommunism, (4) conflict of interest, namely: the imposition of a leader, (5) interpersonal conflicts, namely: distrust of others, (6) the conflict between social classes, namely: socialinequality. Containing the political conflict, among others: (1) the weapons of battle and (2)the strategy politik. Correlation between the short story collection That play was a storyToo Far of Puthut EA works with historical reality of Indonesian society, among others: (1)The 1998 riots (2) The increase in fuel (3) Ethnic Discrimination (4) Dispute people of thesame religion (5) arrest Without Accompanied Official Letter (6) Violations of humanrights and (7) Poverty.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-241

This article presents a close reading of the Romani characters and their actions in five stories by Viennese Romani writer and activist Samuel Mago and in two stories by his brother, Hungarian award-winning journalist Károly Mágó, in their bilingual Romani and German collection glücksmacher - e baxt romani. Brief biographies and an outline of the history of Roma and antiziganism in Austria provide background to textual analysis that focuses on how characters in the stories engender baxt/“Glück,” which means both happiness and luck. This dual meaning has inspired philosophical, psychological, economic, and anthropological studies, but literary scholars have rarely examined the concept in texts by Roma. For the protagonists in the brothers’ stories, happiness and luck become based less on monetary fortunes than on other means to live and survive in dark times of persecution and discrimination. The characters’ decisions unveil perceptions of baxt that rely largely on acquiring food, preserving and passing down family heirlooms, receiving an education, and freeing oneself and one’s family from persecution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Oktavia Kristika Sari

When the Church recognizes the quantity of books as part of God's Word, it uses various standards for book collection. The Tewahedo Orthodox Church, which has 81 books, is one of the churches that got so many. The question of why this Church accepts so many books in its canon and how this Church interprets these books adds to the intricacy of the problem of the number of books in the Tewahedo Orthodox Church tradition. This research employs a content analysis to conduct a literature review. This research demonstrates the Tewahedo Orthodox Church's devotion to the works in its canon. Both in terms of apostles' and Church Fathers' traditions, the lengthy history of Social Culture, Councils and Synods, and the impact of ancient literature in Ethiopia.Although it is well known that writings outside the Hebrew protocanon are employed for ceremonial theology and people's education rather than construction, the Orthodox Tewahedo also believes these works to be vital as books worth reading and historical bridges. Abstrak indonesia  Standar pengumpulan kitab yang digunakan oleh Gereja ketika menerima jumlah kitab-kitab sebagai bagian dari Alkitab yang dipegang menggunakan standar yang berbeda-beda. Salah satu gereja yang menerima begitu banyak kitab adalah Gereja Tewahedo Orthodox yang memiliki 81 kitab. Kompleksnya masalah jumlah kitab di dalam tradisi Gereja Tewahedo Orthodox ini, menjadi pertanyaan apa yang menyebabkan Gereja ini menerima begitu banyak kitab dalam kanonnya dan bagaimana Gereja ini memandang kitab-kitab tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Kajian Kepustakaan berupa kajian isi. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan kompleksitas penerimaan Gereja Tewahedo Orthodox terhadap kitab-kitab dalam kanonnya. Baik karena pengaruh tradisi rasul-rasul dan Bapa Gereja, sejarah panjang dalam Social Budaya dan Konsili serta Sinode, maupun juga pengaruh dari Literatur kuno di Ethiopia. Dan diketahui bahwa kitab-kitab diluar protokanon Ibrani tidak digunakan dalam membangun doktrin namun digunakan untuk ritual-ritual dan pengajaran umat, Tewahedo Orthodox juga meganggap penting kitab-kitab ini sebagai kitab-kitab yang layak dibaca dan digunakan sebagai jembatan sejarah.

2021 ◽  
pp. 132-173
Megan Faragher

As contributors to Mass-Observation, Naomi Mitchison and Celia Fremlin emphasize the important, and often undervalued, role of qualitative analysis in the assessment of public opinion throughout their fiction. While the British Institute for Public Opinion often excluded women as both researchers and research subjects, Mass-Observation’s (M-O) structure was more open to input from women as both observers and subjects of observation. After she touted the political value of mathematics in her Greek-inspired short story collection The Delicate Fire, Mitchison uses her novel We Have Been Warned to imbue more skepticism about the egalitarian value of statistical analysis; the protagonist, Dione Galton, learns only too late that her own instincts about the rise of fascism in England, ventriloquized through the ghost Green Jean, were far more accurate than the polling cards she used to predict her husband’s eventual electoral defeat. Likewise, Celia Fremlin’s postwar novel, The Hours Before Dawn, validates the supposedly irrational fears of her protagonist, Louise Henderson, who must contend with patronizing experts in her effort to thwart the violent impulses of her new tenant Vera Brandon. Both novels, influenced by the authors’ experiences working for M-O, contend that quantitative analysis alone is insufficient to capture the complexity of women’s wartime experiences. This chapter argues that the contributions of M-O researchers and novelists like Fremlin and Mitchison present the possibility of a road untrodden in the history of social psychology research, as the fetishizaton of data over experience eventually drowned out the possibilities of more holistic and qualitative methods.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
Paul R. McCuistion ◽  
Colin Warner ◽  
Francois P. Viljoen

This article maintained that the historicity of Jesus’ baptism was intended to flesh out the righteousness of God that was well-documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Furthermore, the historical event initiated the ontological emphasis on the relationship of baptism to righteousness. To support this proposal, this article focused on Matthew’s fulfilment statement in Matthew 3:15. Looking specifically at this verse within its context, the article examines what Matthew may have intended for his community to grasp regarding the Christian tradition of righteousness. The article is divided into four sections that are intended to examine Matthew’s intentions. Firstly, the immediate context is examined, showing the influences and setting for the fulfilment statement. The following section explores the fulfilment statement within this context. The third section uncovers some of the theological traditions in Paul and the church fathers. Finally, the baptismal statement of Matthew 3:15 will be tied directly to the relationship of the law and righteousness in Matthew’s ἦλθον statement of Matthew 5:17. Hierdie artikel betoog dat die historiese waarheid van Jesus se doop bedoel was om die geregtigheid van God, wat volledig uiteengesit is in die Hebreeuse Bybel, te versterk. Verder het die historiese gebeurtenis die ontologiese klem op die verhouding van die doop tot geregtigheid geïnisieer. Om hierdie voorstel te ondersteun, fokus hierdie artikel op Matteus se verklaring van verwesenliking (Mat 3:15). Deur spesifiek na hierdie vers binne sy konteks te kyk, ondersoek die artikel wat Matteus moontlik beplan het sodat sy gemeenskap die Christelike tradisie van geregtigheid kon begryp. Die artikel is in vier afdelings verdeel om sodoende Matteus se bedoelings te ondersoek. Eerstens word die onmiddellike konteks ondersoek wat die invloede en agtergrond van die verklaring van die verwesenliking uitwys. In die volgende afdeling word die verklaring van die verwesenliking in hierdie konteks verken. In die derde afdeling word ’n paar van die teologiese tradisies van Paulus en die kerkvaders aan die lig gebring. Ten slotte is die doopverklaring van Matteus 3:15 regstreeks aan die verhouding van reg en geregtigheid in Mattheus se ἦλθον verklaring van Matteus 5:17 gekoppel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-154
Erica Stevens

Abstract Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s The Goodness of St. Rocque, and Other Stories (1899) plays with the diminutive description of “charming” often given to local-color writers in order to imagine alternative social relations in an era determined by modes of difference and exclusion. Charm—an aesthetic category most generally understood to be manipulative, feminine, and a distracting accessory to beauty—becomes the method supporting this collection’s challenge to the contemporary discourse of “social equality.” In the late nineteenth century, social equality was a distorted idea meant to accuse those pushing for civil rights of also seeking to eliminate individual choice from the social world and the public sphere or, at the most extreme, of advocating intermarriage of the races. In her short story collection, Dunbar-Nelson responds to the issue of social equality not directly but through her unique understanding of how literary form and character could charm readers into attachments beyond intersubjective desire or assured knowledge. Throughout The Goodness of St. Rocque, and Other Stories, her narrators mystify the reader’s search for knowledge and turn characters into resistant objects. Building on critical conversations about Dunbar-Nelson’s challenges to racial categorization, this essay explores the connections between aesthetics and politics in the early work of this writer, a writer who otherwise expressed a desire to maintain a distinction between those two goals for her fiction.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-49 ◽  
Vicki L. Brennan

Bringing together historical and ethnographic materials, this article analyses how members of the Cherubim and Seraphim churches of Nigeria engage with and remember the history of the church through singing hymns, which thus serves as a mode of historical consciousness. In their performance of hymns church members articulate a conception of the relationship between musical practice and spiritual healing in Cherubim and Seraphim worship that draws on a particular conception of the past in order to legitimate certain worship practices. In doing so church members are able to attract God's power and to localise it in a particular space. Because of this hymns continue to be an important spiritual healing practice for church members.

Sabornost ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 215-223
Marina Stojanović

The unity of the Church, as has long been established, is expressed through its synodality. This notion, present and explained throughout the history of Christianity, seems to have lived more through councils and liturgical communion than has become a transparent, defined and quite clear theological notion. Whenever, in the spirit of Western rationalism, an attempt was made to explain the concepts of council and synodality, there was a contradiction between the metaphysical concepts formed in antiquity, one and many. Expressed in theological terminology, it is about the relationship between the council and the primacy in the Church, which should be preserved so that it does not fall into crises on the local and universal level as we are witnessing today. The council of the Church, as an expression of the fullness and harmony of all its members (limbs), cannot be treated as an institution of hierarchy that implies subordination or as a collective of socially organized individuals. The present paper briefly discusses the issue of the synodality and the primacy in the light of current problems in Orthodoxy, and emphasizes the patristic and traditional approach to this topic, built on the interpretation of the existence of the Trinity.

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