scholarly journals The Atmospheric Pathway of the Cloud-Radiative Impact on the Circulation Response to Global Warming: Important and Uncertain

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (10) ◽  
pp. 3051-3067 ◽  
Aiko Voigt ◽  
Nicole Albern ◽  
Georgios Papavasileiou

Abstract Previous work showed that the poleward expansion of the annual-mean zonal-mean atmospheric circulation in response to global warming is strongly modulated by changes in clouds and their radiative heating of the surface and atmosphere. Here, a hierarchy and an ensemble of global climate models are used to study the circulation impact of changes in atmospheric cloud-radiative heating in the absence of changes in sea surface temperature (SST), which is referred to as the atmospheric pathway of the cloud-radiative impact. For the MPI-ESM model, the atmospheric pathway is responsible for about half of the total cloud-radiative impact, and in fact half of the total circulation response. Changes in atmospheric cloud-radiative heating are substantial in both the lower and upper troposphere. However, because SST is prescribed the atmospheric pathway is dominated by changes in upper-tropospheric cloud-radiative heating, which in large part results from the upward shift of high-level clouds. The poleward circulation expansion via the atmospheric pathway and changes in upper-tropospheric cloud-radiative heating are qualitatively robust across three global models, yet their magnitudes vary by a factor of 3. A substantial part of these magnitude differences are related to the upper-tropospheric radiative heating by high-level clouds in the present-day climate. A comparison with observations highlights the model deficits in representing the radiative heating by high-level clouds and indicates that reducing these deficits can contribute to improved predictions of regional climate change.

2009 ◽  
Vol 106 (21) ◽  
pp. 8441-8446 ◽  
D. W. Pierce ◽  
T. P. Barnett ◽  
B. D. Santer ◽  
P. J. Gleckler

2020 ◽  
Lianyi Guo

<p>Four bias-correction methods, i.e. Gamma Cumulative Distribution Function (GamCDF), Quantile-Quantile Adjustment (QQadj), Equidistant CDF Matching (EDCDF) and Transform CDF (CDF-t), were applied to five daily precipitation datasets over China produced by LMDZ4-regional that was nested into five global climate models (GCMs), BCC-CSM1-1m, CNRM-CM5, FGOALS-g2, IPSL-CM5A-MR and MPI-ESM-MR, respectively. A unified mathematical framework can be used to define the four methods, which helps understanding their nature and essence in identifying the most reliable probability distributions of projected climate. CDF-t is shown to be the best bias-correction algorithm based on a comprehensive evaluation of different rainfall indices. Future precipitation projections corresponds to the global warming levels of 1.5°C and 2°C under RCP8.5 were obtained using the bias correction methods. The multi-algorithm and multi-model ensemble characteristics allow to explore the spreading of results, considered as a surrogate of climate projection uncertainty, and to attribute such uncertainties to different sources. It was found that the spread among bias-correction methods is smaller than that among dynamical downscaling simulations. The four bias-correction methods with CDF-t at the top all reduce the spread among the downscaled results. Future projection using CDF-t is thus considered having higher credibility.</p>

2020 ◽  
Jeong-Bae Kim ◽  
Deg-Hyo Bae

Abstract. The changes in hydroclimatic extremes are assessed over the Asia monsoon region under 1.5 and 2.0 °C warming targets of global mean temperature above preindustrial levels based on a representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 scenario. The subregions in this domain are defined by the Köppen climate classification method to identify regional climate characteristics. The change patterns of long-term hydroclimatic mean and hydroclimatic extreme among subregions are compared based on the multimodel ensemble (MME) of selected five global climate models (GCMs). Each GCM is bias corrected and then used as a meteorological forcing for a hydrological model. To simulate how the hydrologic system responds to 1.5 and 2.0 °C global warming targets, we select the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model. The results of temperature extremes show significant change patterns over all climate zones. As the globe warms, the increasing warm extremes and the decreasing cold extremes with a high robustness occur more frequently over Asia. Meanwhile, changes in precipitation and runoff averages (and low runoff extremes) show large spatial variations in change patterns with little robustness based on intermodel agreement. Global warming is expected to significantly intensify maximum precipitation extremes in all climate zones. Regardless of regional climate characteristics, this behavior is expected to be enhanced under 2.0 °C compare to 1.5 °C warming scenario and cause the likelihood of flood risk. The spatial extent and magnitude of change patterns in runoff are modulated by those of change patterns in precipitation. More importantly, an extra 0.5 °C of global warming also leads to amplified change signals and more robust change patterns in hydroclimatic extremes, especially in cold (and polar) climate zones. The results of this study demonstrate that the clear changes in regional hydroclimatic extremes under warmer conditions over Asia, and hydroclimatic sensitivities differ based on regional climate characteristics.

Water ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1516 ◽  
Zhijie Ta ◽  
Yang Yu ◽  
Lingxiao Sun ◽  
Xi Chen ◽  
Guijin Mu ◽  

The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) provides data, which is widely used to assess global and regional climate change. In this study, we evaluated the ability of 37 global climate models (GCMs) of CMIP5 to simulate historical precipitation in Central Asia (CA). The relative root mean square error (RRMSE), spatial correlation coefficient, and Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) were used as criteria for evaluation. The precipitation simulation results of GCMs were compared with the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) precipitation in 1986–2005. Most models show a variety of precipitation simulation capabilities both spatially and temporally, whereas the top six models were identified as having good performance in CA, including HadCM3, MIROC5, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-P, CMCC-CM, and CMCC-CMS. As the GCMs have large uncertainties in the prediction of future precipitation, it is difficult to find the best model to predict future precipitation in CA. Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) results can give a good simulation of precipitation, and are superior to individual models.

2013 ◽  
Vol 26 (22) ◽  
pp. 8868-8879 ◽  
Yasuhiro Ishizaki ◽  
Hideo Shiogama ◽  
Seita Emori ◽  
Tokuta Yokohata ◽  
Toru Nozawa ◽  

Abstract Pattern scaling is an efficient way to generate projections of regional climate change for various emission scenarios. This approach assumes that the spatial pattern of changes per degree of global warming (scaling pattern) is the same among emission scenarios. The hypothesis was tested for the scaling pattern of precipitation by focusing on the scenario dependence of aerosol scaling patterns. The scenario dependence of aerosol scaling patterns induced the scenario dependence of the surface shortwave radiation scaling pattern. The scenario dependence of the surface shortwave radiation scaling pattern over the ocean tended to induce the scenario dependence of evaporation scaling patterns. The scenario dependence of evaporation scaling patterns led to the scenario dependence of precipitation scaling patterns locally and downwind. Contrariwise, when the scenario dependence of aerosol scaling patterns occurred over land, the scenario dependence of surface shortwave radiation scaling patterns induced the scenario dependence of the scaling patterns of evaporation, surface longwave radiation, and sensible heat. Consequently, the scenario dependence of evaporation scaling patterns was smaller over land, and the scenario dependence of precipitation scaling patterns tended to be insignificant. Moreover, the scenario dependence of the southern annular mode and polar amplification caused some of the scenario dependence of precipitation scaling patterns. In this study, only one global climate mode was analyzed. In addition, sensitivity experiments that remove aerosol emissions from some regions or some kinds of aerosols are ideal to separate the impacts of aerosols. Thus, an analysis of the dependencies of precipitation scaling pattern among global climate models and the sensitivity experiments are required in future work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Lennart Quante ◽  
Sven N. Willner ◽  
Robin Middelanis ◽  
Anders Levermann

AbstractDue to climate change the frequency and character of precipitation are changing as the hydrological cycle intensifies. With regards to snowfall, global warming has two opposing influences; increasing humidity enables intense snowfall, whereas higher temperatures decrease the likelihood of snowfall. Here we show an intensification of extreme snowfall across large areas of the Northern Hemisphere under future warming. This is robust across an ensemble of global climate models when they are bias-corrected with observational data. While mean daily snowfall decreases, both the 99th and the 99.9th percentiles of daily snowfall increase in many regions in the next decades, especially for Northern America and Asia. Additionally, the average intensity of snowfall events exceeding these percentiles as experienced historically increases in many regions. This is likely to pose a challenge to municipalities in mid to high latitudes. Overall, extreme snowfall events are likely to become an increasingly important impact of climate change in the next decades, even if they will become rarer, but not necessarily less intense, in the second half of the century.

2020 ◽  
Anja Katzenberger ◽  
Jacob Schewe ◽  
Julia Pongratz ◽  
Anders Levermann

Abstract. The Indian summer monsoon is an integral part of the global climate system. As its seasonal rainfall plays a crucial role in India's agriculture and shapes many other aspects of life, it affects the livelihood of a fifth of the world's population. It is therefore highly relevant to assess its change under potential future climate change. Global climate models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP-5) indicated a consistent increase in monsoon rainfall and its variability under global warming. Since the range of the results of CMIP-5 was still large and the confidence in the models was limited due to partly poor representation of observed rainfall, the updates within the latest generation of climate models in CMIP-6 are of interest. Here, we analyse 32 models of the latest CMIP-6 exercise with regard to their annual mean monsoon rainfall and its variability. All of these models show a substantial increase in June-to-September (JJAS) mean rainfall under unabated climate change (SSP5-8.5) and most do also for the other three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways analyzed (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0). Moreover, the simulation ensemble indicates a linear dependence of rainfall on global mean temperature with high agreement between the models and independent of the SSP; the multi-model mean for JJAS projects an increase of 0.33 mm/day and 5.3 % per degree of global warming. This is significantly higher than in the CMIP-5 projections. Most models project that the increase will contribute to the precipitation especially in the Himalaya region and to the northeast of the Bay of Bengal, as well as the west coast of India. Interannual variability is found to be increasing in the higher-warming scenarios by almost all models. The CMIP-6 simulations largely confirm the findings from CMIP-5 models, but show an increased robustness across models with reduced uncertainties and updated magnitudes towards a stronger increase in monsoon rainfall.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-387 ◽  
Nguyen Thi Tuyet ◽  
Ngo Duc Thanh ◽  
Phan Van Tan

The study examined the performance of six regional climate experiments conducted under the framework of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling/Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment-Southeast Asia (SEACLID/CORDEX-SEA) project and their ensemble product (ENS) in simulating temperature at 2 m (T2m) and rainfall (R) in seven climatic sub-regions of Vietnam. The six experiments were named following the names of their driving Global Climate Models (GCMs), i.e., CNRM, CSIRO, ECEA, GFDL, HADG and MPI. The observation data for the period 1986–2005 from 66 stations in Vietnam were used to compare with the model outputs. Results showed that cold biases were prominent among the experiments and ENS well reproduced the seasonal cycle of temperature in the Northeast, Red River Delta, North Central and Central Highlands regions. For rainfall, all the experiments showed wet biases and CSIRO exhibited the best. A scoring system was elaborated to objectively rank the performance of the experiments and the ENS experiment was reported to be the best.

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (15) ◽  
pp. 6249-6266 ◽  
Christian Kerkhoff ◽  
Hans R. Künsch ◽  
Christoph Schär

Abstract A Bayesian hierarchical model for heterogeneous multimodel ensembles of global and regional climate models is presented. By applying the methodology herein to regional and seasonal temperature averages from the ENSEMBLES project, probabilistic projections of future climate are derived. Intermodel correlations that are particularly strong between regional climate models and their driving global climate models are explicitly accounted for. Instead of working with time slices, a data archive is investigated in a transient setting. This enables a coherent treatment of internal variability on multidecadal time scales. Results are presented for four European regions to highlight the feasibility of the approach. In particular, the methodology is able to objectively identify patterns of variability changes, in ways that previously required subjective expert knowledge. Furthermore, this study underlines that assumptions about bias changes have an effect on the projected warming. It is also shown that validating the out-of-sample predictive performance is possible on short-term prediction horizons and that the hierarchical model herein is competitive. Additionally, the findings indicate that instead of running a large suite of regional climate models all forced by the same driver, priority should be given to a rich diversity of global climate models that force a number of regional climate models in the experimental design of future multimodel ensembles.

2016 ◽  
Vol 155 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-420 ◽  
R. S. SILVA ◽  
L. KUMAR ◽  

SUMMARYTomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important vegetable crops globally and an important agricultural sector for generating employment. Open field cultivation of tomatoes exposes the crop to climatic conditions, whereas greenhouse production is protected. Hence, global warming will have a greater impact on open field cultivation of tomatoes rather than the controlled greenhouse environment. Although the scale of potential impacts is uncertain, there are techniques that can be implemented to predict these impacts. Global climate models (GCMs) are useful tools for the analysis of possible impacts on a species. The current study aims to determine the impacts of climate change and the major factors of abiotic stress that limit the open field cultivation of tomatoes in both the present and future, based on predicted global climate change using CLIMatic indEX and the A2 emissions scenario, together with the GCM Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)-Mk3·0 (CS), for the years 2050 and 2100. The results indicate that large areas that currently have an optimum climate will become climatically marginal or unsuitable for open field cultivation of tomatoes due to progressively increasing heat and dry stress in the future. Conversely, large areas now marginal and unsuitable for open field cultivation of tomatoes will become suitable or optimal due to a decrease in cold stress. The current model may be useful for plant geneticists and horticulturalists who could develop new regional stress-resilient tomato cultivars based on needs related to these modelling projections.

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