Death of the passive subject

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-121 ◽  
Artur Ribeiro

In recent years some archaeological commentators have suggested moving away from an exclusively anthropocentric view of social reality. These ideas endorse elevating objects to the same ontological level as humans – thus creating a symmetrical view of reality. However, this symmetry threatens to force us to abandon the human subject and theories of meaning. This article defends a different idea. It is argued here that an archaeology of the social, based on human intentionality, is possible, while maintaining an ontology that does not involve dualistic conceptions of reality. Building upon the philosophical work of Vincent Descombes, it is contended that humans are intentional actors and society is predicated on triadic relations that involve humans, objects and meanings. These relations can only be understood holistically, given that these relations are merely parts of a meta-narrative. These meta-narratives contain specific historical and social settings, and it is only within these settings that social relations are intelligible.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-175
Wécio Pinheiro Araújo

Resumo: Em O Capital, Marx nos alertou que a mercadoria tem um caráter misterioso que carrega “sutilezas metafísicas e argúcias teológicas”. Este artigo tenta decifrar um pouco desse mistério buscando decodifica-lo naquilo que denominamos como a estranha objetividade do valor. Para isso, analisamos a relação entre a ideologia e o valor a partir da crítica marxiana à mercadoria, consignada à lógica de Hegel. Vemos que o valor se constitui como razão ontológica da mercadoria enquanto produto do processo de trabalho que carrega uma racionalidade imanente, isto é, um espírito socialmente produzido que se objetiva à medida que é vivenciado pelos indivíduos como uma lógica social que rege as relações nesta sociedade. Isso se dá por meio de “sutilezas metafísicas” na formação da realidade social marcada por contradições estabelecidas entre, de um lado, o conteúdo objetivo das relações sociais, e de outro, a forma como essas relações são vivenciadas pela consciência na sociedade capitalista. Nesta relação entre conteúdo e forma, encontramos determinações de profundidade ontológica entre o valor e a ideologia, enquanto forma social que opera harmonizando as contradições constituintes da realidade social, a exemplo do que acontece no trabalho assalariado. A mediação ideológica se põe como uma progressão imanente à materialização da vivência concreta da relação entre capital e trabalho no salário, de maneira a naturalizar a exploração que se esconde na estranha objetividade do valor que se realiza na troca de mercadorias. Concluímos que a conexão ontológica entre o ser social e a mercadoria é socialmente ubíqua, precisamente por conta do seu caráter ideológico na formação da sociabilidade a partir do processo de trabalho subjugado ao capital.  Palavras-chave: Valor. Ideologia. Trabalho, Capital. Salário.  Abstract: In Capital, Marx warned us that the commodity has a mysterious character bearing "metaphysical subtleties and theological insights." This article attempts to decipher a little of this mystery by decoding it into what we call the strange objectivity of value. For this, we analyze the relation between ideology and value from the Marxian critique of the commodity, consigned to the Hegelian logic. We see that value is constituted as the ontological reason of the commodity as the product of the labor process that carries an immanent rationality, that is, a socially produced spirit that is objectified as it is experienced by the individuals as a social logic that governs the relations in this society. This is done through "metaphysical subtleties" in the formation of social reality marked by contradictions established between, on the one hand, the objective content of social relations, and on the other, the way in which these relations are experienced by consciousness in capitalist society. In this relationship between content and form, we find determinations of ontological depth between value and ideology, as a social form that operates by harmonizing the constituent contradictions of social reality, as in wage labor. Ideological mediation is seen as an immanent progression to the materialization of the concrete experience of the relation between capital and labor in wage, in order to naturalize the exploitation that is hidden in the strange objectivity of the value that is realized in the exchange of commodities. We conclude that the ontological connection between the social being and the commodity is socially ubiquitous precisely because of its ideological character in the formation of sociability from the labor process subjugated to capital.  Keywords: Value. Labor. Ideology. Capital. Wage.  REFERÊNCIAS  ADORNO, Theodor W. Teoria Estética. [Asthetische Theorie]. Tradução de Artur Morão. – São Paulo : Livraria Martins Fontes, 1988.  ADORNO, Theodor W. 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Tradução, apresentação e comentários Alexandre Costa. – São Paulo : Odysseus Editora, 2012.  HEGEL, G. W. F. Fenomenologia do Espírito [Phänomenologie des Geistes]. Tradução de Paulo Meneses; com a colaboração de Karl-Heinz Efken, e José Nogueira Machado. – 5. ed. – Petrópolis, RJ : Vozes : Bragança Paulista, Editora Universitária São Francisco, 2008.  MARX, Karl. Das Kapital: Der Produktionprozess des Kapitals. Erster Band, Erstes Buch (Kapitel XVI-LII). Hamburg, Nikol Verlag., 2016.  MARX, Karl. Grundrisse: manuscritos econômicos de 1857-1858 : esboços da crítica da economia política. – supervisão editorial Mario Duayer; tradução Mario Duayer, Nélio Schneider (colaboração de Alice Helga Werner e Rudiger Hoffman). – São Paulo : Boitempo; Rio de Janeiro: Ed. UFRJ, 2011.  MARX, Karl. Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos. [Ökonomie-philosophische Manuskripte] Tradução, apresentação e notas de Jesus Ranieri. - 2. reimp. - São Paulo : Boitempo Editorial, 2008.  MARX, Karl. O Capital – Crítica da Economia Política. Livro 1 – O Processo de Produção do Capital. Vol. I – 10 ª. Edição, Tradução de Reginaldo Sant’ Anna. Do original em alemão: DAS KAPITAL – Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Buch I: Der Produktionsprozes des Kapitals, Quarta edição, 1890). São Paulo : DIFEL, 1985.  MARX, Karl. O Capital – Crítica da Economia Política. Livro 1 – O processo de produção do capital. Do original em alemão: DAS KAPITAL – Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (Buch 1: Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals.  – São Paulo: Boitempo, 2013.   NICHOLS, Bill. Ideology and the Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and Other Media. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.

J. K. Swindler

We are social animals in the sense that we spontaneously invent and continuously re-invent the social realm. But, not unlike other artifacts, once real, social relations, practices, institutions, etc., obey prior laws, some of which are moral laws. Hence, with regard to social reality, we ought to be ontological constructivists and moral realists. This is the view sketched here, taking as points of departure Searle's recent work on social ontology and May's on group morality. Moral and social selves are distinguished to acknowledge that social reality is constructed but social morality is not. It is shown how and why moral law requiring respect for the dignity and well being of agents governs a social world comprising roles that are real only because of their occupants' social intentions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-177
Ágnes Gagyi ◽  
Márton Szarvas ◽  
András Vígvári

Our paper aims to contribute to the understanding of civil society in Hungary by looking beyond the struggles around open society and international NGOs, a topic that has dominated public debates on civil organizations in Hungary for the last decade. Our starting point follows the literature that has broadened the understanding of NGOs in the post-socialist space with the perspective of their insertion in global hierarchies in terms of unequal knowledge and resource transfer, material dependencies and the effects in local social settings. More attention recently has been given to the social positions of domestic civil organizations and the political and material dependencies they operate within. The analysis of organizations which represent and defend different interests within different social strata is crucial to understanding civil society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Following this thread of discussions, we look at three segments of civil society which were previously understudied, to expand on how social relations structure civil society in contemporary CEE: 1) nationalist but anti-governmental organizations, for example in the field of housing; 2) urban and rural informal self-organization in order to cope with material hardships collectively has been significantly growing in the recent years; 3) rural civil organizations aligned with local elites, embedded in material dependencies, which have been present since 1990, but occupy a more and more significant role after the illiberal turn. We think that adding these segments to the study of civil society in CEE can help to broaden the analysis beyond the discursively and ideologically thematized struggles around NGOs, and contribute to a better understanding of illiberal regimes and the counter-movements they produce.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 593-605 ◽  
Stephen Reicher

In this paper, I argue that the study of crowds provides important lessons for social psychology in four key areas. First, it reveals the political influences which shaped and continue to shape the questions we ask and the answers we provide. Second, it demonstrates the importance of a methodological strategy which attends to real-world phenomena and the ability of theory to make sense of them. Third, it generates new theoretical insights and conceptual paradigms which have relevance to social psychology in general. Fourth, it provides new insights into the way that the social relations which constitute everyday social reality are created, consolidated, and changed. In sum, I suggest that the crowd is uniquely fertile ground in which to investigate the subject matter of social psychology.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-172
I.Yu. Suvorova

We discuss the question of the relationship of man’s place in the social system and his perception of social reality. Awareness of the place in the system of social relations implies acceptance of its norms and values, which provides a systematic perception of social reality and the ability to plan the future. If the inclusion into the system of social relations is limited, this leads to difficulty of the world systematization and future plans making. We present the study of the perceptual image of the future profession as part of the social reality of the students and schoolchildren. Both the first and second are on pre-working stage of socialization, but with similar nature of the interaction with the social reality, students and schoolchildren have different status, and therefore different positions in the system of social relations. We found that students are increasingly incorporated into the social system, and it affects their positive perception of social reality.

2020 ◽  
pp. 74-82
Oleg Sorokin ◽  

The article analyzes the social and cultural foundations in modern society, which stimulate the embedding of examples of deviant behavior in the process of regulating social interactions in the youth environment. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the main provisions of the structural-functional school (Durkheim, Merton) is presented, the problems of functional integration of cultural elements (Sorokin), the contradictions between culture and social relations (Lapin), the interaction of cultural and social in the process of social development (Ahiezer). Special attention was paid to the correlation of social and cultural tools for regulating individual behavior (Alexander), and the consistency of social and cultural in society (Kravchenko). The author's analysis allowed to determine the main theoretical contradictions of the social mechanism of transformations of social institutions (Zaslavskaya), describe the role of macro-institutions in society (Dimans, Levicheva), and identify the impact of social uncertainty (Chuprov) and social deformations (Kudryavtsev) on society. Conclusions are made about the influence of socio-cultural conditions on the formation of deviant behavior patterns in conditions of uncertainty and the discontinuity of social interactions among young people. Social and cultural grounds determine the nature and direction of regulation of social interactions in society and the predominance of patterns of acceptable, normative or deviating from generally accepted norms of behavior in the mechanism of regulation. The mismatch of cultural and social grounds, as one of the key causes of this phenomenon, is studied from the positions of classical and modern sociological concepts. This discrepancy leads to an increase in illegal practices among young people. The above-mentioned processes of mismatch are accompanied by: dysfunction of macroinstitutions; deformation of the mechanism of normative regulation; reinterpretation of normative patterns in the social reality of young people; giving them a new, deviant meaning. The consequence of these processes is the formation of hybrid forms of regulation of social interactions in the youth environment, when normative patterns coexist with patterns of deviant behavior in the social reality of youth.

A. S. Malmyhin

The scientific article presents sociological indicators that allow, first, to reveal the laws of the genesis, existence and influence of a social event on sociodynamics and the direction of social development, and secondly, to demark the social event among other phenomena of social reality. Three interrelated groups of its objective and subjective sociological indicators are distinguished on the basis of the sociological definition of the social event: genesis and determination; Social being; Social consequences. Sociological indicators of genesis and determination reflect the sources of a social event: the prerequisites, factors and reasons that cause the emergence of a social event. Sociological indicators of social life record the manifestation of the essential properties of a social event, as well as the existence in the social reality of the main structural components of a social event. Sociological indicators of the consequences of the influence of a social event on social development record changes in the leading structures and processes of society: in social institutions, in social relations, in the way of life and worldview of social actors. These indicators, in their unity and interrelationship, constitute an integral set of social markers that allow, at an empirical level, to carry out a sociological measurement of the influence of a social event on the socio-dynamics of society and the emergence of a qualitatively new social reality.

2019 ◽  
pp. 37-40
V.V. Kuzmin

The article discusses the main approaches to the study of advertising communication, expressed in the works of philosophical schools of the XX century. The purpose of the work is to analyze advertising communication in the discourse of neo-Marxists, structuralists and post-structuralists. The analysis of socio-philosophical criticism in relation to advertising and its impact on social reality. The similarities and differences in the approaches to the study of advertising in neo-Marxism, structuralism and post-structuralism are revealed. It is concluded that the concepts presented have certain areas of contact in matters of advertising, especially in the field of social and communicative aspects. The considered philosophical schools see in advertising a social institution, with its mechanism of influence on society, which takes part in all social relations concerning the formation of the social coordinates of a person and his values. However, the study also revealed certain differences in the approaches to the study of the language of advertising and the qualitative nature of its impact on society.

Sociologija ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-480
Branko Banovic

Multiculturalism demands essentialisation of ?cultural differences?, thus ?traditional? gender relations can be recognized as ?differentia specifica? of a particular community. Special quality of traditional Montenegrin gender relations is that today we can only know characteristics of a traditional model of gender relations (not characteristics of real gender relations in the past). The practical implication in the contemporary politics of identity can be unrecognizing (or recognizing with silence) culturally generated disparities within gender relations recognized as the ?specific? ones. The justification ?it is their culture/tradition? will necessarily imply the justification for pleasant life of some people, agony of some other or even justification for the jeopardised physical integrity of some people. If anthropologists want to intervene in the social reality, they must manoeuvre within strictly determinated coordinates: about ?traditional? Montenegrin gender relations we can only know based on ?written? notions; in the politics of identity only those ?written? notions can be recognized; traditional notions determine contemporary social relations; they perpetuate culturally generated disparities; in the multucultural politics of identity answer of society could be simple - ?it is their culture/tradition?. For such a manoeuvring, within this kind of limited space of social reality, it is necessary in same way to harmonize post-cultural theoretical heritage of contemporary anthropology with essentialisation of cultural differences (contemporary anthropology have originated against this kind of essentialisation) - which is one of the most important challenges to contemporary anthropology.

2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 216-225 ◽  
William L. Cook

Abstract. In family systems, it is possible for one to put oneself at risk by eliciting aversive, high-risk behaviors from others ( Cook, Kenny, & Goldstein, 1991 ). Consequently, it is desirable that family assessments should clarify the direction of effects when evaluating family dynamics. In this paper a new method of family assessment will be presented that identifies bidirectional influence processes in family relationships. Based on the Social Relations Model (SRM: Kenny & La Voie, 1984 ), the SRM Family Assessment provides information about the give and take of family dynamics at three levels of analysis: group, individual, and dyad. The method will be briefly illustrated by the assessment of a family from the PIER Program, a randomized clinical trial of an intervention to prevent the onset of psychosis in high-risk young people.

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