The Influence of Music Training on Motoric Inhibition in German Preschool Children

2020 ◽  
pp. 102986492093843
Franziska Degé ◽  
Hanne Patscheke ◽  
Gudrun Schwarzer

The aim of our experiment was to investigate the effect of a music training program on motoric inhibition in German preschoolers. Studies have shown that in children, music lessons and inhibition are associated, and that music training might have the potential to improve inhibition. Improving executive functions is particularly useful in young children as they are highly relevant for success in school. We conducted an intervention study to investigate the potential impact of music training on motoric inhibition, establish causality, and demonstrate the usefulness of music training to enhance motoric inhibition. In particular, we compared the effects of two interventions, one involving music and the other sport, on motoric inhibition. In total, 25 preschoolers (15 girls, 10 boys) were randomly assigned to the two training programs. Preschoolers were trained three times per week for 20 minutes over a period of 14 weeks. Inhibition was assessed before and after the 14-week intervention period. We used the “statue” subtest of the NEPSY II, a developmental neuropsychological assessment for children, to measure inhibition. Analysis of variance with repeated measures revealed a significant interaction between intervention type (music vs. sport) and time (pre- vs. post-test). The music training, but not the sports training program, led to improved inhibition. Our findings suggest that a music training program can enhance inhibition in preschoolers.

2022 ◽  
pp. 026461962110673
Yousof Moghadas Tabrizi ◽  
Mohammad Hani Mansori ◽  
Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani

The aim of this study was to compare the effect and durability of perturbation and vestibular exercises on balance and the risk of falling in people with visual impairment (VI). Thirty-six men with VI were divided into three groups, including a control and two experimental (perturbation and vestibular) groups. The experimental groups performed perturbation and vestibular exercises for 4 weeks and three sessions per week. Biodex balance system was used to assess balance and falling risk before and after training interventions. To evaluate the effects within and between groups at three levels of measurement: pre-test, post-test, and durability effect between three groups, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and one-way ANOVA were used. Repeated measures ANOVA test showed that both experimental groups showed significant improvements in static balance, dynamic balance, and falling risk. In comparison between the groups, the results showed that in the post-test and durability stages, there was a significant difference between the groups and the perturbation exercise group had a greater effect on the dependent variables. Due to the effectiveness of exercises, it is recommended that people with VI pay attention to balance-based perturbation exercises to strengthen the somatosensory system and vestibular exercises to strengthen the vestibular system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 547-552 ◽  
William J Gordon ◽  
Adam Wright ◽  
Robert J Glynn ◽  
Jigar Kadakia ◽  
Christina Mazzone ◽  

Abstract Objective The study sought to understand the impact of a phishing training program on phishing click rates for employees at a single, anonymous US healthcare institution. Materials and Methods We stratified our population into 2 groups: offenders and nonoffenders. Offenders were defined as those that had clicked on at least 5 simulated phishing emails and nonoffenders were those that had not. We calculated click rates for offenders and nonoffenders, before and after a mandatory training program for offenders was implemented. Results A total of 5416 unique employees received all 20 campaigns during the intervention period; 772 clicked on at least 5 emails and were labeled offenders. Only 975 (17.9%) of our set clicked on 0 phishing emails over the course of the 20 campaigns; 3565 (65.3%) clicked on at least 2 emails. There was a decrease in click rates for each group over the 20 campaigns. The mandatory training program, initiated after campaign 15, did not have a substantial impact on click rates, and the offenders remained more likely to click on a phishing simulation. Discussion Phishing is a common threat vector against hospital employees and an important cybersecurity risk to healthcare systems. Our work suggests that, under simulation, employee click rates decrease with repeated simulation, but a mandatory training program targeted at high-risk employees did not meaningfully decrease the click rates of this population. Conclusions Employee phishing click rates decrease over time, but a mandatory training program for the highest-risk employees did not decrease click rates when compared with lower-risk employees.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.34) ◽  
pp. 636
Seong Won Kim ◽  
Youngjun Lee

Background/Objectives: This study examined the effects of introducing programming as a technological tool for teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) development.Methods/Statistical Analysis: Thirty-two teachers were divided into two groups, completing different types of TPACK educational programs. The control group’s TPACK training program was based on information and communication technology (ICT), while that of the experimental group was based on programming. To verify the effectiveness of the TPACK training program, tests were administered before and after the educational program. A statistical analysis of questionnaire results also investigated changes resulting from TPACK.Findings: Both the control and experimental groups showed statistically significant improvements in the post-test compared with the pre-test. However, in the detailed areas of TPACK by group, the improvements in the two groups differed. Unlike the control group, the experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement in the knowledge related to technology. This result illustrated that programming is effective in solving the problem of integrating technology into the classroom. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the post-test, as this was applied in the short term. However, programming has been shown to affect Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK), Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), and TPACK. In summary, the results showed that a TPACK educational program based on programming is effective for teachers’ TPACK development. Keywords: TPACK, In-service teacher, Programming, TPACK-P, Educational program

Aula Abierta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 73 ◽  
Amaya Cepa Serrano ◽  
Davinia Heras Sevilla ◽  
María Fernández-Hawrylak

RESUMENEsta investigación está enmarcada dentro del ámbito de la Educación Emocional en edades tempranas. El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la eficacia del Programa EMO-ACCIÓN de educación emocional, valorando su impacto en niños de 4 a 5 años con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. Para este trabajo se ha seleccionado un grupo de 22 alumnos/as de Educación Infantil con estas necesidades, de una muestra de 123 alumnos/as matriculados en un colegio ordinario preferente en limitaciones físicas. Se utiliza un diseño de medidas repetidas pre-test/post-test con grupos experimental (12 alumnos) y control (10 alumnos). Para ello, se administra antes y después de la intervención educativa la escala RRER para la medición de competencias emocionales. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos que participaron en el programa educativo incrementan de forma significativa sus competencias emocionales, encontrándose una clara mejora en las cinco dimensiones que se evalúan en la escala. El programa favorece el desarrollo de las competencias emocionales, tanto para alumnado que presenta o no dificultades educativas.Palabras Clave: competencias emocionales, educación infantil, alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, educación inclusiva, educación emocional.ABSTRACTThis research is framed within the emotional education at early childhood. The aim of this study is to test the efficiency of the EMO-ACCIÓN Program of emotional education, assessing its impact in 4-5 years old children with special educational needs. We selected 22 children within a sample of 123 schooled in a preferred ordinary center in physical limitations. A repeated measures design pretest/posttest was used, with experimental (12 children) and control (10 children) groups. In order to measure the emotional competences, the Recognition, Regulation, Empathy and Problem Solving Scale (RRER) was administered before and after the educational intervention. The outcomes show that the children who participated in the educational program increase their emotional competences significantly, with a clear improvement in the five dimensions that the scale evaluate. The program stimulates the development of emotional competences, both in the children with or without educational needs.Keywords: emotional competences, child education, students with special, educational needs, inclusive education, emotional education.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Johan Satria ◽  
Ratih Arruum Listiyandini ◽  
Rina Rahmatika ◽  
Melok Roro Kinanthi

Training of gratitude is expected to grow these factors. Being grateful can lead to positive emotions that may create acceptance the conditions of self and positive social relationships. This training program was conducted for a full day, including induction and release of negative emotions, lesson about gratitude, mutual influence, contemplation, and pouring a sense of gratitude in writing. Training is given to 37 students of class X at SMKN 31 Jakarta. Pre and post test was conducted before and after training, using VAS (Visual Analog Scale) and PANAS (Positive affect-negative affect schedule). The effect of the training was analyzed by counting the change of mean from pre to post test score for each scale. The result showed that there are an increased of positive emotion score means after the training, from 6.92 to 7.41 for VAS and from 3.53 to 3.81 for PANAS score. Then it may concluded that the gratitude training program improve the positive emotion of the students.

Dyno Aryo Christanto ◽  
N. Adiputra ◽  
S. Indra Lesmana ◽  
Dw P. Sutjana ◽  
Made Muliarta ◽  

Introduction: Generally, core stability exercise as a training program is needed in almost kind of sport including paddle, analysis of movement in any kind of paddle sport such as kayak, canoe, or even rowing have been showed that the activity of core stability muscles are really needed. Purpose: purpose of this research is to know the effectivity of core stability exercise replenishment to increase sculling speed in paddle training program. Methods: This research is experimental with treatment by subject design project, involving 15 paddle athletes which divided into two groups and consists of II periods which are, Period I and Period II. In the 1st period, the athletes were given extra core stability exercise along with their normal paddling routine mean while in the 2nd period, the athletes only doing their normal paddling routine. Each period do the trial in 6 weeks, so this reseach took 12 weeks. In 1st period, the subjects were given extra core stability training 3 times a week along with their normal paddling routine where as subjects in period II only do their normal paddling routine. Results: The used of parametric paired t test is to know the difference of sculling speed before and after the trials were given. To period I pre test value is 3.80 ± 0.26 meters/second while the post test value is 4.06 ± 0.41 meters/second and the value 0.001 (p<0.05)mean while the 2nd period use Wilcoxon signed rank test to know the difference of sculling speed between before and after the trial were given resulting pre test value 3.80 ± 0.22 meters/second and post test value 3.91 ± 0.27 meters/second while the p value is 0.004 (p<0.05). After 12 weeks of sculling speed test between both period using Wilcoxon signed rank test and resulting obvions with period I value 0.26 ± 0.20 meters/second and period II value is 0.11 ± 0.12 meters/second along with p value 0.001 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Therefore, based on the result of my research test, we can concluded that the addition of core stability exercise in paddle training program is more effective to increase sculling speed.

2019 ◽  
Zhilong Xie ◽  
Wendi Zhou ◽  
Fen Zhou

<p>The current study adopted a longitudinal design to investigate 105 EFL teachers’ belief change after a three-month teaching practicum. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires were administered before and after the practicum. Repeated measures and t-test data analyses were used to examine differences across different aspects of beliefs, and differences of teachers’ beliefs before and after the practicum. Further content analyses of interview and reflective journals were conducted to find out the change and its potential factors. </p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 239
Ricvan Dana Nindrea

<em>Basic Health Research Data years 2010-2013 showed an increased prevalence of nutritional status (BMI for Age) with a category of thin 7,6%, while in 2013 increased to 11,2%. Total of 16 provinces have prevalence thin School Age Children above the national prevalence, one of the province are the West Sumatra Province. One of the causes of the incident is school age children's food consumption is not good. This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition counseling to behavior change of breakfast in elementary school students. This type of research with pre experimental study. The research approach using a design one group pre and post test design. The study was conducted in 05 Elementary Schools of South Solok District. The research was conducted from November 2015 to May 2016. The population in this study all students in fourth and fifth grade 05 Elementary School South Solok District. These samples included 58 people with the sampling technique stratified random sampling. Data analysis was performed using mutivariat General Linear Model (GLM) Repeated Measures analysis. The survey results revealed an increase in the average behavior before and after counseling 3 times. Average behavior before the counseling 18 ± 4,2, post test I increased to 25 ± 4,4, post test II increased to 30 ± 2,2 and post test III increased 37 ± 3,5. Based on the analysis of the GLM Repeated Measures according breakfast behavior known that increasing breakfast behavior has occurred in the post test I (p = 0,000), as well as post test II and III (p = 0,000).</em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Michael B. La Monica ◽  
David H. Fukuda ◽  
Tyler W.D. Muddle ◽  
Kyle S. Beyer ◽  
Ran Wang ◽  

Introduction. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 10-week introductory Judo class on force-time characteristics during an explosive isometric gripping task. Material and methods. Twenty-two healthy men and women (age: 21.8±3.2yr; height: 169.6±7.4cm; body mass: 75.4±13.2 kg), 10 in an introductory judo class and 12 age-matched controls, were recruited for this study. All participants performed three five-second maximal voluntary contractions with their right hand on a handgrip dynamometer in a neutral stance before and after the 10-week intervention. The variables measured were: peak force (PF), average force (AVGF), average force to 90%PF (AVG90), rate of force development (PRFD), time to PF (TPF), force at PRFD (F@PRFD), and impulse [area under the curve for the first second (AUC1) and the first two seconds (AUC2)]. Repeated measures analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) was used to determine differences in all variables between groups (judo vs. control) prior to and following the intervention period. Results. No differences were observed between groups within any variable. Conclusions. A 10-week introductory judo class did not have an effect on force-time characteristics during an explosive isometric gripping task. Future studies should examine longer/more intense interventions or examine novice versus experienced judoka.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nessrin El-Nimr ◽  
Iman Wahdan

Background: Surveillance is important in schools. We assessed the effect of a training program on the knowledge of school physicians regarding surveillance. Methods: Seventy school physicians were included. Assessment of their baseline surveillance knowledge was done (pretest). An intervention program was prepared. Assessment of the training program was done using the same data collection tool (post test). Results: Significant difference in the mean knowledge score before and after the intervention was detected. In a multiple linear regression model, the total knowledge score before the intervention and the age of the physician were the only two factors found to be significantly affecting the school physicians' knowledge score after the intervention. Conclusion: Training of school physicians on disease surveillance has an effect on their level of knowledge regarding surveillance.

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