Familial Pfeiffer Syndrome: Variable Manifestations and Role of Multidisciplinary Team Care

2021 ◽  
pp. 105566562110285
Sarut Chaisrisawadisuk ◽  
Mark H Moore

Pfeiffer syndrome is one of the autosomal dominant craniofacial syndromes. Classical clinical manifestations are coronal suture synostosis causing brachycephaly, midface retrusion, airway compromise, broad thumbs, and toes. Pfeiffer syndrome type I (classic type) is associated with FGFR1 mutation. However, wide range of clinical manifestations, with and without craniosynostosis, have been reported. Here, we present a family of Pfeiffer syndrome across 3 generations with identical FGFR1: c.755C>G (p.Pro252Arg) mutation. Where the members of the youngest generation have no cranial involvement. Lastly, we propose a guideline management for familial Pfeiffer syndrome management.

Zhi-yang Hu ◽  
Sheng Mou Lin ◽  
Meng-jie Zhu ◽  
Cindy Ka-Yee CHEUNG ◽  
Tao Liu ◽  

Pfeiffer syndrome (PS) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by craniosynostosis, broad thumbs / toes. Here we report a case of PS type 2 with increased nuchal translucency at early trimester.

А.Р. Зарипова ◽  
Л.Р. Нургалиева ◽  
А.В. Тюрин ◽  
И.Р. Минниахметов ◽  
Р.И. Хусаинова

Проведено исследование гена интерферон индуцированного трансмембранного белка 5 (IFITM5) у 99 пациентов с несовершенным остеогенезом (НО) из 86 неродственных семей. НО - клинически и генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание соединительной ткани, основное клиническое проявление которого - множественные переломы, начиная с неонатального периода жизни, зачастую приводящие к инвалидизации с детского возраста. К основным клиническим признакам НО относятся голубые склеры, потеря слуха, аномалия дентина, повышенная ломкость костей, нарушения роста и осанки с развитием характерных инвалидизирующих деформаций костей и сопутствующих проблем, включающих дыхательные, неврологические, сердечные, почечные нарушения. НО встречается как у мужчин, так и у женщин. До сих пор не определена степень генетической гетерогенности заболевания. На сегодняшний день известно 20 генов, вовлеченных в патогенез НО, и исследователи разных стран продолжают искать новые гены. В последнее десятилетие стало известно, что аутосомно-рецессивные, аутосомно-доминантные и Х-сцепленные мутации в широком спектре генов, кодирующих белки, которые участвуют в синтезе коллагена I типа, его процессинге, секреции и посттрансляционной модификации, а также в белках, которые регулируют дифференцировку и активность костеобразующих клеток, вызывают НО. Мутации в гене IFITM5, также называемом BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), участвующем в формировании остеобластов, приводят к развитию НО типа V. До 5% пациентов имеют НО типа V, который характеризуется образованием гиперпластического каллуса после переломов, кальцификацией межкостной мембраны предплечья и сетчатым рисунком ламелирования, наблюдаемого при гистологическом исследовании кости. В 2012 г. гетерозиготная мутация (c.-14C> T) в 5’-нетранслируемой области (UTR) гена IFITM5 была идентифицирована как основная причина НО V типа. В представленной работе проведен анализ гена IFITM5 и идентифицирована мутация c.-14C>T, возникшая de novo, у одного пациента с НО, которому впоследствии был установлен V тип заболевания. Также выявлены три известных полиморфных варианта: rs57285449; c.80G>C (p.Gly27Ala) и rs2293745; c.187-45C>T и rs755971385 c.279G>A (p.Thr93=) и один ранее не описанный вариант: c.128G>A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC>AAC (S/D), которые не являются патогенными. В статье уделяется внимание особенностям клинических проявлений НО V типа и рекомендуется определение мутации c.-14C>T в гене IFITM5 при подозрении на данную форму заболевания. A study was made of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 gene (IFITM5) in 99 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) from 86 unrelated families and a search for pathogenic gene variants involved in the formation of the disease phenotype. OI is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease of the connective tissue, the main clinical manifestation of which is multiple fractures, starting from the natal period of life, often leading to disability from childhood. The main clinical signs of OI include blue sclera, hearing loss, anomaly of dentin, increased fragility of bones, impaired growth and posture, with the development of characteristic disabling bone deformities and associated problems, including respiratory, neurological, cardiac, and renal disorders. OI occurs in both men and women. The degree of genetic heterogeneity of the disease has not yet been determined. To date, 20 genes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of OI, and researchers from different countries continue to search for new genes. In the last decade, it has become known that autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations in a wide range of genes encoding proteins that are involved in the synthesis of type I collagen, its processing, secretion and post-translational modification, as well as in proteins that regulate the differentiation and activity of bone-forming cells cause OI. Mutations in the IFITM5 gene, also called BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), involved in the formation of osteoblasts, lead to the development of OI type V. Up to 5% of patients have OI type V, which is characterized by the formation of a hyperplastic callus after fractures, calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, and a mesh lamellar pattern observed during histological examination of the bone. In 2012, a heterozygous mutation (c.-14C> T) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) of the IFITM5 gene was identified as the main cause of OI type V. In the present work, the IFITM5 gene was analyzed and the de novo c.-14C> T mutation was identified in one patient with OI who was subsequently diagnosed with type V of the disease. Three known polymorphic variants were also identified: rs57285449; c.80G> C (p.Gly27Ala) and rs2293745; c.187-45C> T and rs755971385 c.279G> A (p.Thr93 =) and one previously undescribed variant: c.128G> A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC> AAC (S / D), which were not pathogenic. The article focuses on the features of the clinical manifestations of OI type V, and it is recommended to determine the c.-14C> T mutation in the IFITM5 gene if this form of the disease is suspected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 1074-1092 ◽  
Rammohan R.Y. Bheemanaboina

Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are a family of ubiquitously distributed lipid kinases that control a wide variety of intracellular signaling pathways. Over the years, PI3K has emerged as an attractive target for the development of novel pharmaceuticals to treat cancer and various other diseases. In the last five years, four of the PI3K inhibitors viz. Idelalisib, Copanlisib, Duvelisib, and Alpelisib were approved by the FDA for the treatment of different types of cancer and several other PI3K inhibitors are currently under active clinical development. So far clinical candidates are non-selective kinase inhibitors with various off-target liabilities due to cross-reactivities. Hence, there is a need for the discovery of isoform-selective inhibitors with improved efficacy and fewer side-effects. The development of isoform-selective inhibitors is essential to reveal the unique functions of each isoform and its corresponding therapeutic potential. Although the clinical effect and relative benefit of pan and isoformselective inhibition will ultimately be determined, with the development of drug resistance and the demand for next-generation inhibitors, it will continue to be of great significance to understand the potential mechanism of isoform-selectivity. Because of the important role of type I PI3K family members in various pathophysiological processes, isoform-selective PI3K inhibitors may ultimately have considerable efficacy in a wide range of human diseases. This review summarizes the progress of isoformselective PI3K inhibitors in preclinical and early clinical studies for anticancer and other various diseases.

Genes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Tatyana Markova ◽  
Vladimir Kenis ◽  
Evgeniy Melchenko ◽  
Darya Osipova ◽  
Tatyana Nagornova ◽  

The significant variability in the clinical manifestations of COL2A1-associated skeletal dysplasias makes it necessary to conduct a clinical and genetic analysis of individual nosological variants, which will contribute to improving our understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms and prognosis. We presented the clinical and genetic characteristics of 60 Russian pediatric patients with type II collagenopathies caused by previously described and newly identified variants in the COL2A1 gene. Diagnosis confirmation was carried out by new generation sequencing of the target panel with subsequent validation of the identified variants using automated Sanger sequencing. It has been shown that clinical forms of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasias predominate in childhood, both with more severe clinical manifestations (58%) and with unusual phenotypes of mild forms with normal growth (25%). However, Stickler syndrome, type I was less common (17%). In the COL2A1 gene, 28 novel variants were identified, and a total of 63% of the variants were found in the triple helix region resulted in glycine substitution in Gly-XY repeats, which were identified in patients with clinical manifestations of congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia with varying severity, and were not found in Stickler syndrome, type I and Kniest dysplasia. In the C-propeptide region, five novel variants leading to the development of unusual phenotypes of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia have been identified.

2018 ◽  
pp. 307-350
Jürgen W. Spranger ◽  
Paula W. Brill ◽  
Christine Hall ◽  
Gen Nishimura ◽  
Andrea Superti-Furga ◽  

This chapter discusses filamin-associated dysplasias/dysostoses and related disorders and includes discussion on otopalatodigital syndrome type 1, otopalatodigital syndrome type II, Melnick-Needles osteodysplasty, frontometaphyseal dysplasia, boomerang dysplasia/atelosteogenesis type I, atelosteogenesis type III, Larsen syndrome (autosomal dominant), spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome, and Frank-ter Haar syndrome. Each discussion includes major radiographic features, major clinical findings, genetics, major differential diagnoses, and a bibliography.

Cells ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1380 ◽  
Swayam Prakash Srivastava ◽  
Julie E. Goodwin

The available evidence suggests a complex relationship between diabetes and cancer. Epidemiological data suggest a positive correlation, however, in certain types of cancer, a more complex picture emerges, such as in some site-specific cancers being specific to type I diabetes but not to type II diabetes. Reports share common and differential mechanisms which affect the relationship between diabetes and cancer. We discuss the use of antidiabetic drugs in a wide range of cancer therapy and cancer therapeutics in the development of hyperglycemia, especially antineoplastic drugs which often induce hyperglycemia by targeting insulin/IGF-1 signaling. Similarly, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4), a well-known target in type II diabetes mellitus, has differential effects on cancer types. Past studies suggest a protective role of DPP-4 inhibitors, but recent studies show that DPP-4 inhibition induces cancer metastasis. Moreover, molecular pathological mechanisms of cancer in diabetes are currently largely unclear. The cancer-causing mechanisms in diabetes have been shown to be complex, including excessive ROS-formation, destruction of essential biomolecules, chronic inflammation, and impaired healing phenomena, collectively leading to carcinogenesis in diabetic conditions. Diabetes-associated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) contribute to cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF) formation in tumors, allowing the epithelium and endothelium to enable tumor cell extravasation. In this review, we discuss the risk of cancer associated with anti-diabetic therapies, including DPP-4 inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors, and the role of catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT), AMPK, and cell-specific glucocorticoid receptors in cancer biology. We explore possible mechanistic links between diabetes and cancer biology and discuss new therapeutic approaches.

1994 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-175 ◽  
M. Andersson ◽  
L. Greiff ◽  
C. Svensson

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is the most common atopic condition encountered in clinical practice. Analysis of the pathogenesis of this condition permits identification of optimal therapeutic targets. The increased knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology suggests that multiple inflammatory mediators are involved in the pathogenesis of the allergic reaction in the ocular and nasal mucosa. However, despite the presence of a wide range of different mediators, it would appear that histamine plays a key role. Experimental allergen challenge studies have demonstrated that histamine is the only mediator which produces the full spectrum of clinical manifestations of the acute allergic reaction when applied to the mucosal surface. While both H1- and H2-receptors are present in the nasal and ocular mucosa, only H1-receptor antagonists are capable of inhibiting histamine-induced symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Furthermore, although the exact role of histamine in the immediate and prolonged allergic reaction has not yet been fully elucidated, these findings do not exclude the possibility that histamine is involved in these processes. The available evidence therefore supports current clinical practice for use of H1-receptor antagonist as a first-line therapy in patients with this atopic condition.

2018 ◽  
Vol 92 (17) ◽  
Bin Xu ◽  
Qinghua Pan ◽  
Chen Liang

ABSTRACTType I interferon inhibits viruses through inducing the expression of antiviral proteins, including the myxovirus resistance (Mx) proteins. Compared to the human MxA protein, which inhibits a wide range of viruses, the MxB protein has been reported to specifically inhibit primate lentiviruses, including HIV-1, and herpesviruses. Further, the role of endogenous MxB in alpha interferon-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 infection was questioned by a recent study showing that MxB knockout did not increase the level of infection by HIV-1 which carried the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), allowing infection of CD4-negative HT1080 cells. In order to further examine the anti-HIV-1 activity of endogenous MxB, we have used CRISPR/Cas9 to deplete MxB in different cell lines and observed a substantial restoration of HIV-1 infection in the presence of alpha interferon treatment. However, this rescue effect of MxB knockout became much less pronounced when infection was performed with HIV-1 carrying the VSV G protein. Interestingly, a CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screen of alpha interferon-stimulated genes in U87-MG cells revealed that the genes for interferon-induced transmembrane protein 2 (IFITM2) and IFITM3 inhibited VSV G-pseudotyped HIV-1 much more strongly than the rest of the genes tested, including the gene for MxB. Therefore, our results demonstrate the importance of MxB in alpha interferon-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 infection, which, however, can be underestimated if infection is performed with VSV G protein-pseudotyped HIV-1, due to the high sensitivity of VSV G-mediated infection to inhibition by IFITM proteins.IMPORTANCEThe results of this study reconcile the controversial reports regarding the anti-HIV-1 function of alpha interferon-induced MxB protein. In addition to the different cell types that may have contributed to the different observations, our data also suggest that VSV G protein-pseudotyped HIV-1 is much less inhibited by alpha interferon-induced MxB than HIV-1 itself is. Our results clearly demonstrate an important contribution of MxB to alpha interferon-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 in CD4+T cells, which calls for using HIV-1 target cells and wild-type virus to test the relevance of the anti-HIV-1 activity of endogenous MxB and other restriction factors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Vladimir V Borisov

The clinical lecture is devoted to the systematization of the knowledge of a wide range of physicians and urologists about the importance of the problem of uncomplicated urinary tract infections, their prevalence in our country and the world, the causes and frequency of occurrence in children and adults, diagnostic features based on clinical manifestations of the disease, laboratory data taking into account the formation of biofilms, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. A special place is given to the problem of recurrences of cystitis due to the anatomical features of the female urethra, the need and the possibilities for their correction. An important place in the lecture is devoted to the role of general practitioners, district therapists, nephrologists, urologists, gynecologists in outpatient examination and treatment of these patients. (For citation: Borisov VV. Diagnosis and theraphy of urinary infections. What should always remember (clinical lecture). Part 1. Urologicheskie vedomosti. 2017;7(3):52-59. doi: 10.17816/uroved7352-59).

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