scholarly journals Μεταξύ Αττίλα και Βαϊανού. Το Βυζάντιο και οι νομαδικοί λαοί από το 453 έως το 558

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 67

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2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81 ◽  
Grant Armstrong

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 25.15pt; margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-left: 1.0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;; mso-fareast-font-family: &quot;MS 明朝&quot;; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-fareast; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;" lang="EN-GB">This paper investigates the structure of transitive sentences that contain a non-doubling reflexive clitic such as <em>Juan <strong>se </strong>lav&oacute; todos los platos</em> and <em>Mar&iacute;a <strong>se</strong> ley&oacute; un libro</em>. Though these are traditionally labelled unselected (non-core) agreeing datives or aspectual datives, I argue that this label obscures a relevant difference between two classes of constructions. <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">agentive reflexive clitic</span> (= ARC) constructions are characterized by a uniform set of effects on the external argument (= it must be an agent) and the aspectual interpretation of the VP (= it must be an accomplishment). On the other hand, <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">transitive se clitic</span> (= TSC) constructions do not impose any type of uniform restrictions on the kind of external argument they take or on the aspectual interpretation of the VP. I propose that the difference between these two constructions may be captured by treating <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">se </span>in the ARC construction as the realization of a special <em>v</em><sub>DO</sub> head, based on an idea in Folli &amp; Harley (2005), while <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">se</span> in the TSC construction is generated in the complement position of the verb and incorporates into V, forming a complex predicate, following work by De Cuyper (2006), MacDonald (2004, 2008) and MacDonald &amp; Huidobro (2010). It is shown that many of the empirical and theoretical disagreements that plague the literature on the role of non-doubling <span style="font-variant: small-caps;">se</span> in transitive sentences have a simple solution given the new division established here</span></p>

1973 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 769-774 ◽  
Akira Yokoyama ◽  
Hiroshi Tomogane ◽  
Katuaki Ôta

ABSTRACT A non-steroidal oestrogen antagonist, MER-25, was administered to cycling rats for elucidating the role of oestrogen in the surge of prolactin observed on the afternoon of pro-oestrus (POe). In animals injected with 20 mg of MER-25 intramuscularly on the afternoon (16.30 h) of the first day of dioestrus (D-1), the surge of prolactin was blocked while the level of prolactin on the afternoon of POe of these animals was significantly higher than that of the corresponding controls injected with oil. Ovulation was also blocked in these animals treated with the drug on the afternoon of D-l. On the other hand, treatment on the morning (10.30 h) of the 2nd day of dioestrus failed to prevent not only the surge of prolactin but also ovulation. These observations provide strong evidence for the view that oestrogen is responsible for the surge of prolactin on the afternoon of POe, and that the surge is accompanied by that of LH.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Tarare Toshida ◽  
Chaple Jagruti

The covid-19 resulted in broad range of spread throughout the world in which India has also became a prey of it and in this situation the means of media is extensively inϑluencing the mentality of the people. Media always played a role of loop between society and sources of information. In this epidemic also media is playing a vital role in shaping the reaction in ϑirst place for both good and ill by providing important facts regarding symptoms of Corona virus, preventive measures against the virus and also how to deal with any suspect of disease to overcome covid-19. On the other hand, there are endless people who spread endless rumours overs social media and are adversely affecting life of people but we always count on media because they provide us with valuable answers to our questions, facts and everything in need. Media always remains on top of the line when it comes to stop the out spread of rumours which are surely dangerous kind of information for society. So on our side we should react fairly and maturely to handle the situation to keep it in the favour of humanity and help government not only to ϑight this pandemic but also the info emic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 2232-2235
Marius Moga ◽  
Mark Edward Pogarasteanu ◽  
Antoine Edu

The role of arthroscopy in incipient and mild arthrosis, even combined with proximal tibial ostetomy, is well known and well documented. On the other hand, its role in the treatment of advanced arthrosis of the large joints, especially the knee, is a subject of controversy. The proponents of the use of arthroscopy in advanced arthrosis claim that meniscectomy, synovectomy, ostophytectomy, chondral lesion stabilization, arthroscopic release, plica and loose body removal greatly improve the quality of life for most patients, especially if followed by the use of viscoelastic injection, by diminishing pain and improving joint range of motion. The opponents claim that, even though the advantages are clear in the cases that refuse arthroplasty, in all the other cases the surgical indication should be total knee arthroplasty, as the clinical relief is temporary, but with all the risks of a surgical intervention. We have conducted an overview of the recent literature, in order to find objective evidence to sustain either point of view. We focused on articles published that included an objective measurement of before and after clinical status through clinical scores and objective measurements. We also focused on the follow-up period and on the evolution of the pathology after arthroscopy.

1990 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 880-884 ◽  
G. L. Jones ◽  
C. G. Lane ◽  
P. M. O'Byrne

Airway hyperresponsiveness after inhaled ozone in dogs may occur as a result of thromboxane release in the airway. In this study, two thromboxane receptor antagonists, L-655,240 and L-670,596, were used in doses that inhibit the response to an inhaled thromboxane mimetic, U-46619, to determine further the role of thromboxane in ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. Dogs were studied on 2 days separated by 1 wk. On each day, the dogs inhaled ozone (3 ppm) for 30 min. On one randomly assigned day, 10 dogs received an infusion of L-655,240 (5 and 5 dogs received an infusion of L-670,596 (1; on the other day dogs received a control infusion. Airway responses to doubling doses of acetylcholine were measured before and after inhalation of ozone and were expressed as the concentration of acetylcholine giving a rise in resistance of 5 cmH2O.l-1.s from baseline (acetylcholine provocation concentration). The development of airway hyperresponsiveness after ozone was not inhibited by the thromboxane antagonists. The mean log difference in the acetylcholine provocative concentration before and after ozone on the L-655,240 treatment day was 0.62 +/- 0.12 (SE) and on the control day was 0.71 +/- 0.12 (P = 0.48); on the L-670,596 treatment day the mean log difference was 0.68 +/- 0.15 (SE) and on the control day it was 0.75 +/- 0.19 (P = 0.45). These results do not support an important role for thromboxane in causing ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness.

1992 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-67
D.S. Nava

The EEC Treaty contains no specific provisions for the control of concentrations. Only the competition rules. Articles 85 and 86 EEC, could be considered as possible legal instruments for regulating concentrations. The Commission has had to examine whether and to what extent these provisions could be used to this end.The Commission's view has been that Article 85 does not apply to operations resulting in structural change, as is the case of concentrations and concentrative joint ventures. Cooperative operations, such as cooperative joint ventures, on the other hand fall to be assessed under Article 85. The Philip Morris case has made this position uncertain. According to the extensive interpretation of this judgement Article 85 is now applicable to certain concentrations and thus to concentrative joint ventures.There is no such uncertainty regarding the role of Article 86 in controlling concentrative joint ventures, for the Court has established in the Continental Can case that concentrations can be caught by Article 86.With the adoption in 1989 of the Regulation on concentration control the Commission finally has a legal instrument specifically designed to regulate concentrations. However, only concentrations and concentrative joint ventures which comply with certain turnover thresholds (the so-called concentrations or concentrative joint ventures with a Community dimension) can be assessed by the Commission under the Regulation. This means that the provisions of the Regulation can not be applied to concentrative joint ventures beneath the threshold.Because of the difficulty in distinguishing concentrative operations from cooperative ones, the Commission published the Notice regarding the concentrative and cooperative operations under the Regulation on the control of concentrations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 108 (2) ◽  
pp. iii-ix

We introduce this issue with a thought. There has been much made of the need for our discipline to be “policy relevant,” and much ridicule has been directed at the Review recently that comments how little the Review offers that is relevant for decision makers. But what does it mean to be policy relevant? Generally, scholarly journals publish the best in basic research, which hopefully can be used by those in positions of authority to good effect. This often means that there are no catchy titles, nor opinion-editorial pieces that are so often portrayed as the model of policy relevant work. In our view, the role of the Review is to expand knowledge on important scholarly questions, not only to publish work that is currently popular or somehow ordained as useful by pundits. There is certainly a place for such work, but not in the pages of the Review. On the other hand, we as the editors of the Review understand the need to make the Review accessible to as broad an audience as possible, and we have made great efforts to do just that.

2009 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 805-810
Baoshan Zhang ◽  
Jun-Yan Zhao ◽  
Guoliang Yu

An examination was carried out of the influences of concealing academic achievement on self-esteem in an academically relevant social interaction based on the assumption that concealing socially devalued characteristics should influence individuals' self-esteem during social interactions. An interview paradigm called for school-aged adolescents who either were or were not low (academic) achievers to play the role of students who were or were not low achievers while answering academically relevant questions. The data suggest that the performance self-esteem of low achievers who played the role of good students was more positive than that of low achievers who played the role of low achievers. On the other hand, participants who played the role of good students had more positive performance self-esteem than did participants who played the role of low achievers.

Sukini Sukini ◽  
Hilma Pami Putri

This research was designed to find out and analyze of the collaborative learning application in reading material at ninth grade of SMPN 7 Kinali Pasaman Barat. This research conducted due to several problems found in the field which were students make a fuss when working in groups, students do not listen to given the assignment by the teacher. It can be seen that there were students who work on group assignments that care and others were just busy talking with others. This research was done in order to answer the research question “What were the role of student and what were the role of teacher in collaborative learning at the ninth grade of SMPN 7 Kinali Pasaman Barat?” This research was a qualitative research using collaborative learning strategy. The purpose of this research was to find out and analyze the collaborative learning applicationin reading material at the ninth grade of SMPN 7 KinaliPasaman Barat by analyzing the teacher’s and students’ role in the collaborative learning. The researcher used interview and observation as the instrument of the research. The interview was directed to both students and teacher, which for the students contained 12 questions and for the teacher contained 7 questions. The researcher took 2 classes namely IX1 and IX2 as the observation object.                    Based on the finding from interview and observation of the collaborative learning in SMPN 7 Kinali Pasaman Barat, it was found that the teacher already fulfilled her role in the collaborative learning effectively, in the other hand the students still lack of the role as the cheer leader. They still laughed at their friends mistake. Besides that, the other roles that the students supposed to have were already done effectively. As the conclusion, the collaborative learning in SMPN 7 Kinali Pasaman Barat was good since the students and the teacher were doing their role effectively

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