scholarly journals Η εμπειρική μελέτη της ξενοφοβίας στην Ελλάδα σήμερα: Κοινωνικο-δημογραφικοί και κοινωνιο-ψυχολογικοί προσδιοριστικοί παράγοντες

Αναστασία Ζήση ◽  
Σωτήρης Χτουρής ◽  
Γιώργος Σταλίδης ◽  
Κώστας Ρόντος

In this article, we present research evidence of a national survey on xenophobia (N = 1.838) and host-immigrant relations carried out in the contemporary society of Greece facing a deep and severe economic crisis. The theoretical and research design of the study draws on the integrated threat theory (Stephan & Stephan, 2000) and the right-wingauthoritarian theory (Altemeyer, 1981) that have been extensively used in the research area of social psychology of prejudice and inter-group discrimination. The Principal Correspondence Analysis shows thatthe overall negative attitude towards the immigrants and political xenophobia are related to sociodemographic characteristics such as low education level, low income and negative change someone’s economic position. The overall negative attitude towards the immigrants and political xenophobia are also related to socio-psychological processes such as perceived threats and strong ideological beliefs of socialconformity and conservatism. Our results support the existence of varieties of xenophobia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1879
Ana Dorcas De Melo Inagaki ◽  
Renata Julie Leite Lopes ◽  
Nadyege Pereira Cardoso ◽  
Luana Meneses Feitosa ◽  
Ana Cristina Freire Abud ◽  

RESUMOObjetivo: identificar fatores associados à humanização da assistência durante o trabalho de parto, parto e nascimento. Método: estudo quanti-qualitativo, transversal, descritivo, realizado em uma maternidade pública. Foi utilizado formulário para a coleta de dados. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística simples e testes de associação e pela técnica de Análise de conteúdo.  Resultados: participaram do estudo 373 puérperas com idade média de 26 anos, pardas, com baixa escolaridade e baixa renda. Houve associação significante entre a presença do acompanhante e liberdade para fazer perguntas; baixa escolaridade e menor informação; parto vaginal e desrespeito por parte dos profissionais; mulheres brancas e presença do acompanhante com maior satisfação. Quanto à percepção para melhoria da assistência, emergiram as categorias: ambiência, privacidade, informação, respeito, garantia do acompanhante e desejo pela cirurgia cesariana. Conclusão: a adequada estrutura física e dimensionamento de pessoal qualificado são necessários para garantir a assistência baseada em evidências, centrada na mulher, visando à garantia dos seus direitos. Descritores: Satisfação do Paciente; Assistência à Saúde; Humanização da Assistência; Maternidades; Parto; Enfermagem Obstétrica.ABSTRACT Objective: To identify factors associated with the humanization of care during labor, delivery and birth. Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study carried out in a public maternity hospital. A form for data collection was used. Data were analyzed using simple statistics and association tests and by the Content Analysis technique. Results: there were 373 postpartum women with a mean age of 26 years old, with low educational level and low income participating in the study. There was a significant association between the presence of the companion and the freedom to ask questions; low education level and less information; vaginal delivery and disrespect by the professionals; white women and presence of the companion with greater satisfaction. Concerning the perception for better care, the following categories emerged: ambience, privacy, information, respect, the right of a companion, and desire for cesarean surgery. Conclusion: Adequate physical structure and skilled staffing are needed to ensure evidence-based, women-centered assistance to ensure their rights. Descriptors: Patient Satisfaction; Delivery of Health Care; Humanization of assistance; Hospitals, Maternity; Parturition; Obstetric Nursing.RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar factores asociados a la humanización de la asistencia durante el trabajo de parto, parto y nacimiento. Método: estudio cuanti-cualitativo, transversal, descriptivo, realizado en una maternidad pública. Fue utilizado um formulario para la recolección de datos. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de estadística simple y tests de asociación y por la técnica de Análisis de contenido.  Resultados: participaron del estudio 373 puérperas con edad media 26 años, pardas, con baja escolaridad y baja renta. Hubo asociación significante entre la presencia del acompañante y libertad para hacer preguntas; baja escolaridad y menor información; parto vaginal y falta de respeto por parte de los profesionales; mujeres blancas y presencia del acompañante con mayor satisfacción. Sobre la percepción para mejoría de la asistencia, surgieron las categorías: ambiente, privacidad, información, respeto, garantía del acompañante y deseo por la cirugía de cesária. Conclusión: la adecuada estructura física y dimensionamiento de personal calificado son necesarios para garantizar la asistencia basada en evidencias, centrada en la mujer, visando la garantía de sus derechos. Descriptores: Satisfacción del Paciente; Prestación de Atención de Salud; Humanización de la Atención; Maternidades; Parto; Enfermería Obstétrica.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. e048020
Yinjie Zhu ◽  
Ming-Jie Duan ◽  
Hermien H. Dijk ◽  
Roel D. Freriks ◽  
Louise H. Dekker ◽  

ObjectivesStudies in clinical settings showed a potential relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and lifestyle factors with COVID-19, but it is still unknown whether this holds in the general population. In this study, we investigated the associations of SES with self-reported, tested and diagnosed COVID-19 status in the general population.Design, setting, participants and outcome measuresParticipants were 49 474 men and women (46±12 years) residing in the Northern Netherlands from the Lifelines cohort study. SES indicators and lifestyle factors (i.e., smoking status, physical activity, alcohol intake, diet quality, sleep time and TV watching time) were assessed by questionnaire from the Lifelines Biobank. Self-reported, tested and diagnosed COVID-19 status was obtained from the Lifelines COVID-19 questionnaire.ResultsThere were 4711 participants who self-reported having had a COVID-19 infection, 2883 participants tested for COVID-19, and 123 positive cases were diagnosed in this study population. After adjustment for age, sex, lifestyle factors, body mass index and ethnicity, we found that participants with low education or low income were less likely to self-report a COVID-19 infection (OR [95% CI]: low education 0.78 [0.71 to 0.86]; low income 0.86 [0.79 to 0.93]) and be tested for COVID-19 (OR [95% CI]: low education 0.58 [0.52 to 0.66]; low income 0.86 [0.78 to 0.95]) compared with high education or high income groups, respectively.ConclusionOur findings suggest that the low SES group was the most vulnerable population to self-reported and tested COVID-19 status in the general population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (04) ◽  
pp. 708-724

Abstract:The microbiome is proving to be increasingly important for human brain functioning. A series of recent studies have shown that the microbiome influences the central nervous system in various ways, and consequently acts on the psychological well-being of the individual by mediating, among others, the reactions of stress and anxiety. From a specifically neuroethical point of view, according to some scholars, the particular composition of the microbiome—qua microbial community—can have consequences on the traditional idea of human individuality. Another neuroethical aspect concerns the reception of this new knowledge in relation to clinical applications. In fact, attention to the balance of the microbiome—which includes eating behavior, the use of psychobiotics and, in the treatment of certain diseases, the use of fecal microbiota transplantation—may be limited or even prevented by a biased negative attitude. This attitude derives from a prejudice related to everything that has to do with the organic processing of food and, in general, with the human stomach and intestine: the latter have traditionally been regarded as low, dirty, contaminated and opposed to what belongs to the mind and the brain. This biased attitude can lead one to fail to adequately consider the new anthropological conceptions related to the microbiome, resulting in a state of health, both physical and psychological, inferior to what one might have by paying the right attention to the knowledge available today. Shifting from the ubiquitous high-low metaphor (which is synonymous with superior-inferior) to an inside-outside metaphor can thus be a neuroethical strategy to achieve a new and unbiased reception of the discoveries related to the microbiome.

1944 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
pp. 10-20 ◽  
F. W. Walbank

In one of the most popular anthology passages in Latin, Servius Sulpicius, writing to console Cicero for his daughter's death, describes how, as he reached Greek waters, sailing from Asia, he began to look about him at the ruins of Greece. ‘Behind me was Aegina, in front of me Megara, on the right the Piraeus, on the left Corinth, cities which had once been prosperous, but now lay shattered ruins before my sight.’ Oppidum cadavera he goes on to call them—corpses of cities! The picture, it will probably be objected, is overdrawn; certainly the ruin of Greece was, by Cicero's time, already a rhetorical commonplace, to be echoed by Horace, Ovid and Seneca in turn. But it was based upon an essential truth. The Saronic Gulf, once the centre of the world, was now, for all that Greece meant, a dead lake lapping about the foundations of dead cities. In that tragic decay—which was not confined to mainland Greece—we are confronted with one of the most urgent problems of ancient history, and one with a special significance for our generation, who were already living in an age of economic, political and spiritual upheaval, even before the bombs began to turn our own cities into shattered ruins.This, then, is my reason for reopening a subject on which there is scope for such diverse opinion: adeo maxima quaeque ambigua sunt. If any further justification is required, then I will only add that the recent publication of Professor Michael Rostovtzeff's classic study of the social and economic life of the Hellenistic Age is at once an invitation and a challenge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
H. Knaggs ◽  
G. Tabor ◽  
J.M. Williams

The equine transeva technique (ETT), is a novel electrotherapy, which utilises pulsating current electrotherapy to target sensory and motor neurons. The technique may facilitate increased circulation and correction of musculoskeletal issues and injuries, such as tendon and ligament tears and muscle atrophy. Despite the importance of understanding the impact of ETT on horses, no current scientific research exists in this area. This preliminary study investigated the effects of ETT on the musculoskeletal system of the horse, specifically within the Gluteus superficialis (GS). Using surface electromyography, muscle workload was measured in 11 sound and healthy horses of varying breeds and disciplines within the inclusion criteria. Integrated electromyography (iEMG) calculated the percentage change in maximal contractions before and after ETT treatment during one minute trials at 30 s intervals. An ANCOVA determined if these constituted significant changes (Bonferroni adjusted alpha: P≤0.02). Significant differences in muscle workload were found on the left side between pre- and post-treatment readings across trials (P≤0.02), however no significant changes occurred for the right side. The majority of horses (82%; n=9) experienced bilateral changes, with 78% of these (n=7) exhibiting a negative change in muscle workload recorded from the pretreatment condition, which may indicate muscular relaxation. The results suggest ETT may have some effect on muscle workload in the athletic horse, however further research is needed to confirm the effects observed. Future studies should include randomising the side which is treated first, a larger sample size, expansion of temporal variables and consideration of a longitudinal study to determine if these trends accrue over multiple maintenance-purposed treatments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-43
J. C. Kavitha Latha ◽  
R. Varalakshmi

Adolescents are dened as the young people between the age groups of 10 and 19 years as per the WHO records. Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adult life as it is regarded as the intermediate period between the childhood age and the adult age. Menstruation occurs every month periodically except during pregnancy. The maintenance of menstrual hygienic methods is a very challenging task to the adolescent girls. Social prohibitions and traditional beliefs blocked the access to get the right kind of information to adolescent girls that led to poor hygiene practices. Menstruation has often been dealt with secrecy in many cultures. Aim: Attitude towards myths and misconceptions among adolescent girls during the menstruation. To assess the attitude regarding myths Objective: and misconceptions among adolescent girls during the menstruation. To examine the level of attitude of adolescent girls towards Myths and Misconceptions Tool: The Tool used for the present study was self structured questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. Results: Many of number of adolescent girls is having low attitude i.e., having many myths and misconceptions towards menstruation and very few sample is having high attitude which is indicating that minimal sample is not having negative attitude towards the myths and misconceptions. Sample: Sample of the present study consists of 300 adolescent girls from government vocational colleges in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh State. There are signicant differences between age, religion, educational quali Conclusion: cations of mother's, type of family and mode of communication among adolescent girls with regard to their attitude towards myths and misconceptions during the menstruation. There is low level of attitude towards the myths and misconceptions among adolescent girls during the menstruation

2021 ◽  
Ypermachia Dimitriou ◽  
Penelope Papadopoulou ◽  
Maria Kolendrianou ◽  
Maria Tsoni ◽  
George Iliopoulos

<p>The genus Cyprideis is one of the most widespread ostracod representative of the Pleistocene brackish palaeoenvironments. Especially <em>Cyprideis torosa </em>is often found in great numbers and even in monospecific taphocoenoses and for this reason its study is very useful for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  The identification of different species of Cyprideis is often complicated and needs careful morphology inspection. This becomes even more difficult in the case of endemic species which present significant similarities with each other.  In this work, we have studied and analyzed several  Cyprideis species (<em>C.torosa, C. frydaci, C.dictyoti, C. pannonica, C. elisabeta, C. seminulum, C. heterostigma</em>) deriving from brackish palaeoenvironments of a Lower Pleistocene marl sequence in Sousaki Basin (Northeastern Corinth Graben, Greece). More specifically size measurements and geometric morphometrics (lateral valve outline of both right and left valves as well as females and males) were used in order to attest the similarities and dissimilarities between the different species and draw conclusions about their origin.  According to the valve outline and the multivariate analysis a close relationship between the valve shape of all Cyprideis species can be noticed. <em>C. torosa</em> is commonly grouped with <em>C. pannonica</em> except in the male right valve where the two species show some differences.  The endemic species <em>C. frydaci</em> and <em>C. dictyoti</em> can be identified by the differences in the right valve of the male and female respectively.  The other species could not be substantially differentiated using just the outline analysis which possibly denotes their common genetic origin.  The valve outline has proved to be a very useful character for recognizing the different species especially when the two valves of both females and males are considered. More analyses of representative species of Miocene and Pliocene Cyprideis are needed in order to establish their phylogenetic relationships and draw conclusions about their common ancestor.</p>

Leandro Benmergui

As the number of favelas and poor residents of Rio de Janeiro grew quickly by the mid-20th century, they became the object of policymaking, social science research, real estate speculation, and grassroots mobilization. After a decade in which local authorities recognized the de facto presence of favelas but without legally ascertaining the right of permanence, the 1960s and early 1970s witnessed the era of mass eradication. Seemingly contradictory—but complementary—policies also included the development of massive low-income housing complexes and innovative community development and favela urbanization experiences empowered by community organizations with the assistance of experts committed to improving the lives of poor Cariocas (residents of Rio). Favelas in Rio were at the crossroads of a particular interplay of forces: the urgent need to modernize Rio’s obsolete and inadequate urban infrastructure; the new administrative status of the city after the inauguration of Brasilia; and the redefinition of the balance of power between local, municipal, and federal forces in a time of radical politics and authoritarian and technocratic military regimes, Cold War diplomacy, and the transnational flows of expertise and capital.

2013 ◽  
Vol 333-335 ◽  
pp. 805-810 ◽  
Rong Bao Chen ◽  
Ning Li ◽  
Hua Feng Xiao ◽  
Wei Hou

With the development of economy, there are an increasing number of cars as well as traffic accidents, thus intensifying the need to take measures to reduce traffic accidents and protect the safety of life and property. Vehicle distance is one of the most important indexes of traffic safety. The measurement of safety vehicle distance has become an increasingly hot research area of intelligent transportation. Through analyzing the basic principle of stereo vision and calibrating the parameters of the CCD sensors both inside and outside, this paper comes up with a method to measure the former vehicle distance based on stereo vision and DSP. Once the vehicle speed and distance form a non-security association, it will give a warning, and upload data or force speed-limiting. According to the different coordinates of the obtained images of the target vehicle from the left and the right sensor, this method can identify feature points, calculate distance to the target vehicle, and analyze the security of vehicle distance. The experimental results show that this method has wide measurement range, high measurement accuracy, and fast operation rate, thus it can meet the actual needs of the measurement of safe vehicle distance in intelligent transportation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Nina Sakinah ◽  
Eka Purwanti ◽  
Siti Jamilah

Indonesia is an agrarian country. Many Indonesians work as farmers. The agricultural sector has a great function in maintaining national food security, especially in maintaining the welfare of farmers. Interim data in 2013 show that the agricultural sector is in second position in contributing to GDP. With the existing data then the farmers should be able to live prosperous. But in reality farmers in Indonesia have problems that cause their quality of life is still far from the word worthy, such as low income and productivity, difficulties in credit applications, low education and irrigation systems that have not been optimal. Judging from the existing problems it is necessary to establish a management system that can overcome them. The purpose of this research is to optimize the potential of agricultural sector in Indonesia by using Sharia Agraria Management Organization (SAMO) by synergizing Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) with Local Government and Central Government. This research was conducted by Meta Analysis method, based on observation and literature study, the authors conclude that with the existence of SAMO, farmers can improve their standard of living, increased productivity, and easy in the application of farming credit. It is expected that with this system can maintain the quality of the community environment and achieve the implementation of sustainable development.

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