Modern Russian language: Morphemics. Word-formation

2019 ◽  
Андрей Пантелеев ◽  
Andrey Panteleev ◽  
Инна Ковтуненко ◽  
Inna Kovtunenko

The textbook contains theoretical information on morphemics and word formation of the modern Russian language; Glossary of terms, plans of practical classes, tasks and exercises for them; tasks for self-control, options for tests and tests; schemes and samples of analysis of language units, a list of scientific and educational literature; questions for the exam. Prepared in accordance with the Federal state educational standard of higher education in directions of preparation "Pedagogical education", "Philology", in accordance with the approximate program of the course "Modern Russian language" and is intended for students enrolled in the profile "Russian language and literature, Russian language and foreign language", "national Philology", for students of the specialist degree, students majoring in "Russian language and literature", master of Philology, as well as for foreign students studying Russian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 346-360
Oksana L. Abrosimova ◽  
Liliana V. Voronova

The study is devoted to the relevant topic - the search for the most optimal ways to prepare students for the Writing subtest (TORFL-I) based on the principles, forming in the examinee a complex of knowledge, skills and expertise, embedded in the state educational standard in the Russian language as a foreign language of the appropriate level. The purpose of the research is to present, summarize and demonstrate on the example of the developed test tasks the principles of preparing foreigners for the Writing subtest in the system of International State Examination in the Russian Language (TORFL-I). The research materials include tasks, texts, test materials of a training nature in writing. The authors used methods of theoretical research: axiomatic, hypothetical, analytical, systemic. Empirical methods of observation, description, comparison were used when fixing the specific features of the components in the system of preparation for linguodidactic testing in Russian as a foreign language, which is carried out at Transbaikal State University at the Local Center for Testing Foreign Citizens (Chita, Russia). The results of the study show that preparation for testing should be based on certain principles - integrity, continuity, unity of control and self-control. The article emphasizes the principle of integrity as fundamental. Integrity in preparation for test in writing has several manifestations and implies the development of linguistic, communicative, sociocultural, discursive competencies among students; development of knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of writing with simultaneous development of writing techniques; considering the lexical minimum and requirements of the State Educational Standards for the first level of general proficiency in Russian as a foreign language. We also consider the principle of continuity to be important, which implies consistency in preparation for the Writing subtest - making skills and expertise automatic by repeating, looping; considering the material learned at previous levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language - elementary and basic. The principle of unity of control and self-control is considered in the content-functional aspect: a system of test tasks has been developed and presented, which allows to increase the effectiveness of the control and self-control process and the effectiveness of forming the competencies - linguistic, communicative, sociocultural and discursive. The methodology, based on these principles, allows foreign students to quickly adapt to passing tests and the necessary material in full.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-339
Olga Viktorovna Filippova

The paper deals with the role of the discipline Professiogram of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language (variable part of Curriculum 45.03.01 Philology, major - Teaching Russian as a foreign language) for the development of foreign philological students pedagogical competences. The demand for Russian philological education among foreign students is largely due to the desire to continue teaching. Federal state educational standard of higher education for Curriculum 45.03.01 Philology involves the development of a number of pedagogical competencies that are important for prospective teachers of Russian. To develop necessary competencies and to become a successful specialist it is necessary to get a set of knowledge and skills, culture and experience, which is the professiogram of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language. The paper also deals with the specifics of the academic discipline Professiogram of a Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language and defines the conceptual content, principles and form of practical work. The basis of pedagogical competencies development is a complex of knowledge about requirements for professional activity and personality of the teacher, pedagogical abilities as well as components of pedagogical skills. The specificity of the discipline Professiogram of a Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language is that it develops communicative personality of a prospective teacher. The paper contains examples of practice-oriented tasks.

Yuliya Vayrakh ◽  
A. Kazorina

The article presents the experience of implementing the metasubject approach in the research activities of students. The authors believe that it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of research activities in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The research method is aimed at developing the thinking of students, and research work in the field of philology has its own specifics. The article describes the features of different types of research activities of students in the field of philology, gives recommendations for organizing the educational process and involving students in research work.

Владимир Сигов ◽  
Vladimir Sigov ◽  
Елена Иванова ◽  
YElyena Ivanova ◽  
Татьяна Колядич ◽  

This textbook is fully consistent with the content and methodological requirements of the approximate program of General educational discipline "Russian language and literature" for professional educational organizations and contains a sufficient amount of topics and materials to master the knowledge and skills in literature within the Federal state educational standard of General (complete) secondary education, to organize preparation for the exam and writing The textbook is intended for students of secondary vocational schools, regardless of the profile of the basic educational program for which they are trained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 282-286
Irina V. Odaryuk ◽  
Artem S. Gampartsumov

This paper examines the peculiarities of teaching German as a second foreign language in a railway university. The analysis emphasizes the inefficiency of traditional methods and the success of the bilingual approach, which consists in a harmonious combination of methodological principles of teaching the first and second foreign languages. The authors carry out a theoretical analysis of the fundamental principles of teaching a second foreign language: a comparative approach, the principle of reliance on the first foreign and native languages, an autonomous approach, a cognitive principle. The paper deals with the issues related to interference and transfer in teaching a second foreign language. Project methods (simulation, presentation speech, Lapbook-technology) tested by the author in the learning process are offered as learning technologies, the use of which facilitates effective mastering of foreign language skills and abilities. The syllabus of the course A Second Foreign language developed by teachers of the Rostov State Transport University in accordance with the new edition of the Federal State Educational Standard is analyzed. The conclusion is made that this syllabus satisfies the requirements put forward by methodologists to the process of teaching a second foreign language. The analysis of the organization of the educational process with the use of textbooks and a fund of assessment tools prepared for the course is expected to be the subject of our further research.

Ye. V Abramenko

The article arguesin favor of the formation of communicative competence in students of technical universities. In the competitive struggle for jobs, the candidate who hasthe skills of business communicationskills, professional self-presentation,and confident self-control, wins. Consequently, it is an important task of any technical university to form communicative competence in students while teaching humanities. This study treats communicative competenceas an indispensable skill and, therefore, holds the problem of teaching it urgent. Communicative competence is considered as the ability to effectively interact in a work team, to take into account personal psychological traits and cultural background of the partner in communication, to use business etiquette, conflict management and fruitful interaction in the framework of cooperation. The development of all these skills is placed into the educational process of technical universities as communicative competence is required by in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The participants of this communicative competencestudy wereemploying companies fromVolgograd, Russia (AlterStroy LLC, Alternativa LLC, Elast Plus LLC, PartnerService LLC, Artemis Don LLC, Etalon MK LLC, Beton LLC, Business ResheniyeLLC) and senior students of the Volgograd State Technical University. The total number of survey participants was 109. Master's Degree students of the Volgograd State Technical University V.Bondareva and I.Diulina developed and statistically processed the questionnaire. It was found that both the employers and the students consider the communicative skills, the ability to accurately and clearly express ideas, good manners, and the knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication pave the path to success in the professional sphere.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Кузнецова ◽  
Marina Kuznetsova

The article considers different approaches to the formation of orthographical correctness of younger schoolchildren. The conditions of effective development of correct writing by younger schoolchildren and its transformation into orthographical correctness are analyzed. In terms of realization of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education the author proposed the working practices that allow the educator to achieve the high level of orthographical correctness of the primary school students in the process of systematic studying of Russian language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Марина Кузнецова ◽  
Marina Kuznetsova ◽  
В. Романова ◽  
V. Romanova

The article deals with the concept of “language literacy of younger schoolchildren”, analyzes the conditions for its effective development, which directly meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of primary general education. The authors offer examples of tasks that allow the teacher to strengthen work on language literacy in the process of studying by younger schoolchildren a systematic course of the Russian language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Я. Соловьев ◽  
Ya. Solov'ev ◽  
Л. Сысуева ◽  
L. Sysueva

The article discusses the idea of integrating children with disabilities into traditional education classes. The main mechanisms for designing a lesson in an inclusive education are considered. Concrete methodological developments of inclusive lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, and the World-Around-Us lessons for pupils of first, second and third grades are given that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for Students with Disabilities. Recommendations are given to teachers working with children who have a mental retardation.

Svetlana A. Smirnova

The article deals with the question of teaching a foreign language in high school according to the requirements of the new federal state educational standard 3++ according to which the emphasis in training is on business and professional communication. The potential of using a foreign language as a means of forming universal competences declared by the Federal educational standard of the new generation is also studied. The article describes the methods of teaching a foreign language and the likely area of knowledge and skills obtained as a result of training. It is mentioned the importance of international cooperation and special attention to the development of skills and abilities of oral speech, as well as the task of taking into account intercultural differences in the process of communication with representatives of other cultures. In order to simulate academic and professional communication in the classroom the article offers a wide range of exercises for training, which stimulate authentic intercultural business communication study, which is designed to help graduates in their professional activities.

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