2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Галина Абрамова ◽  
Galina Abramova ◽  
Рагат Миникаев ◽  
Ragat Minikaev ◽  
Анна Шаламова ◽  

Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caeruleae Rehd.) is of great interest for the industrial and amateur gardening of the Republic of Tatarstan, as a culture with annual fruiting and early ripening of fruits. The article presents research data for the period from 2012 to 2015 in the training garden of Kazan State Agrarian University on the honeysuckle productivity: the study of the fruits’ mass, its taste, productivity of the studied varieties. The productivity of honeysuckle varieties ranged from 0.76 to 0.82 kg per bush, the average weight of berries was in the range from 0.74 to 0.88 gramm of 2008 year of planting. The productivity of Lazurnaya and Sinyaa ptitsa varieties of 2010 year planting was 0.41 and 0.33 kg, fruit weight - 0.79 g and 0.71 g, respectively. Over the years of research, the most productive varieties of honeysuckle have been identified: Nimfa, Dlinnoplodnaya, Volkhova (0.80-0.82 kg per bush). The studied varieties of honeysuckle are characterized by large-fruited, taste and quality of fruits. The largest berries have such varieties as Dlinnoplodnaya (0.89 g) and Nimfa (0.81 g). The longest fruit of Nimfa variety was - 2.9 cm, Dlinnoplodnaya and Goluboe vereteno varieties - 2.6 cm. Such varities, as Volkhova, Nimfa and Lazurnaya had high fruit qualities up to 5 points, the varities of Dlinnoplodnaya, Bakcharskaya - 4.8 – 4.7 points respectively. The results indicate that the tested varieties of honeysuckle can be recommended for cultivation in farms and amateur gardening in the conditions of Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

María del Pilar Marín Cortez ◽  
Neymar Camposeco Montejo

Aims: The objective was to evaluate six indeterminate saladette tomato hybrids in Southeast, Coahuila, Mexico. Under shade house covered with anti-aphid mesh, to determine their performance, commercial quality and adaptability. Study Design: The experimental design used in each test was completely randomized model with six treatments and three repetitions each. The treatments were hybrids Lubino were Lubino F1, Zopilote F1, Sahariana F1, Raptor F1, Quetzal F1 and RTF-713172 F1. Place and Duration of Study: The site was Parras Valley Tomatoes in Parras, Coahuila, México. During april to November 2017. Methodology: The distance between the lines were 1.80 m, between the plantpots 36 cm and two plants per plantpots, with approximately 30,000 plants per hectare calculated. The genotypes used were Lubino F1, Zopilote F1, Sahariana F1, Raptor F1, Quetzal F1 and RTF-713172 F1. The following agronomic characteristics  were evaluates: yield, total number of fruits, average fruit weight, number of fruits per bunch, length between clusters, length of internodes, main stem thickness and commercial quality of fruit. Results: The results indicate that the highest yielding hybrid was Zopilote with 4.3 kg plant-1, followed by Saharan, the average weight of the product obtained best in Saharan and Quetzal with 122.33 and 118.33 g respectively, the most compact variety was Zopilote due to the shorter distance between bunches, contrary to what was demonstrated by Lubino. Conclusion: The best variety for the Southeast of Coahuila is Zopilote F1, due to its higher yield and for being a compact plant.

Evgeny Nikolaevich Lobachev ◽  
Ruslan Magomedovich Barkhalov ◽  
Nukhkadi Ibragimovich Rabazanov ◽  
Umshanat Dzhamaldinovna Zurkhaeva

The article has, for the first time in 20 years, presented the data on weight growth of the rainbow trout, grown in cag-es, in the territory of the Republic of Daghestan. The experiment has been conducted on the 5000 fries of the rainbow trout with an average weight of 41 gr. throughout the spring period. Tested was the original feed of the simplified rec-ipes and the minimal equipment costs for its production. As a result, it was proved that in the territory of the Sulak canyon there are all opportunities for growing commercial fish in cages. The results of the study showed that by the end of the experiment, the average weight of rainbow trout fry had reached 80 gr., the feed coefficient was 0,57–0,60%, while the loss of the fry was not observed. That indicates good quality of the food and favorable natural conditions for growing fish.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 02034
M.S. Sidakova ◽  
E.N. Didanova ◽  
A.Yu. Kishev ◽  
R.Z. Abdulkhalikov

Horticulture is a highly intensive industry that requires significant costs in the establishment and maintenance of plantations. The profitability of horticulture, which in the republic can reach up to 150%, depends on the use of a rational fertilization system, taking into account the biological characteristics of fruit and berry crops, the age of the garden, the phase of plant development, soil and weather conditions. Particularly high nutritional requirements are imposed by intensive early ripening varieties of fruit crops on tall rootstocks. In this work, we studied the effect of liquid chelated fertilizers Organomix when processing trees on the yield, commercial qualities of the fruit of the Florina apple tree in the conditions of the forest fruit zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The most noticeable effect on increasing the yield of trees (27.4 t / ha) was exerted by the combined use of the preparations Organomix fruit and berry (0.5 l / ha), Organomix Bor (0.5 l / ha), Organostim (0.6 l / ha) ha) in the walnut phase. The use of the preparations contributed to an increase in the productivity of the apple tree by 16.9-32.4%. Treatment of apple trees with Organomix preparations gives high economic efficiency due to the increase in the commercial quality of the fruits.

HortScience ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (7) ◽  
pp. 1565-1570 ◽  
Brian A. Kahn ◽  
Daniel I. Leskovar

Single- and double-row arrangements of a fixed population (one plant every 0.285 m2) were compared in factorial combination with two (2002) or five (2003) cultivars for effects on yield and fruit quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Arrangements for 2002 were S30, single rows 0.95 m apart, plants within rows 30 cm apart; D30, 1.9 m between centers of double-row beds, double rows 30 cm apart on beds, plants within rows 30 cm apart; S37.5, single rows 0.76 m apart, plants within rows 37.5 cm apart; and D37.5, 1.52 m between centers of double-row beds, double rows 24 cm apart on beds, plants within rows 37.5 cm apart. Only the S30 and D30 arrangements were used in 2003 after 2002 results showed almost no differences between S30 and S37.5 or between D30 and D37.5. Choice of cultivar was more critical in Texas, where `X3R Wizard' consistently outperformed `King Arthur', than in Oklahoma. Single rows resulted in more full-season total marketable fruit weight than double rows in three experiments out of four, primarily as a result of an increased weight of U.S. No. 1 fruit with single rows. Average weight per marketable fruit was consistently unaffected by plant arrangement. Single rows also resulted in a greater full-season weight of sunburned fruit than double rows in two experiments out of four. Cultivar × plant arrangement interactions were not evident in Oklahoma and never involved full-season marketable fruit weights at either location in either year. Given the tested population, a single-row arrangement is likely to result in increased full-season production of U.S. No. 1 bell pepper fruit compared with a double-row arrangement, despite an increased potential for sunburned fruit with single rows.

Nikola Saraginovski ◽  
Marjan Kiprijanovski

The aim of our research was to determine the effect of short pruning on the productive and vegetative characteristics of peach trees. The research was conducted on two cultivars, ‘Redhaven’ and ‘Fayette’. Three short pruning treatments were applied, with heading of the bearing branches at 20, 30, and 40 cm in length and a control, without heading. The following characteristics were evaluated: the growth of the TCSA, the number of thinned fruitlets, the number of fruit and yield per tree, the average weight of the fruits and the diameter of the fruits. Based on our research, we made several observations: the pruning method did not affect the growth of the TCSA; the number of thinned fruitlets decreased with a reduction in the length of the bearing branches; the number of fruits and yield per tree decreased with a reduction in the length of the bearing branches. A higher average fruit weight and percentage of fruits with a bigger diameter were calculated from the trees with the short pruning, but with a different share depending on the cultivar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 739-752 ◽  
R.M. Sadykov

Subject. This article deals with the issues of social justice and a high quality of life, creating favorable economic and social conditions. Objectives. The article aims to assess the rate and changes in poverty in Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan and develop complementary measures to reduce it. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of logical, comparative, economic and statistical analyses, the results of sociological studies, and official statistics. Results. The article highlights additional measures to reduce poverty in the region, including the establishment of a minimum social standard of living in each particular region that determines the poverty rate. Conclusions. Various factors, such as economic sanctions, economic slowdowns, territorial and regional imbalances, lead to living standards decline and poverty rise.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Alomatxon Abdullayeva ◽  

The article examines the legal basis, application and rates of taxes, customs duties and levies, such as excise and VAT, applied in the foreign economic activity of Uzbekistan.The study found that an increase in taxes, duties and levies on imported goods could also lead to a decline in the quality of domestic products

2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 211-217 ◽  
P. N. Pulatov

Current geopolitical and economic conditions for the functioning of railway transport in most post-Soviet states are such that it is extremely difficult to provide required quality of transport services and break-even operations at high expenses for maintaining the railway infrastructure and rolling stock. Dynamics of transportation of the Tajik Railway (TSR) is shown, which displays that most of its sections are classified as low-intensity ones. The paper proposes methodical principles, setting and qualitative analysis of the task of rationalization of operational work and organization of car flows for international transportation, taking into account the specifics of the Tajik Railway. There is a problem of complex maintenance of the efficiency of operational work in modern conditions based on the synthesis of the tasks of self-management (rational internal operational technology of the Tajik Railway) and coordination tasks (technological interaction with railway administrations of other states). Author substantiated the necessity of solving this problem. Proposed classification of technological restrictions and controlled variables in the performance of transport takes into account methods for changing external conditions for the functioning of the railway landfill and methods for increasing internal efficiency of its operation. The search for the solution of the problem involves direct search of variants along its ordered set with clipping of groups of variants that do not correspond to constraints, with the subsequent finding of compromise control over a set of effective alternatives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 924 (6) ◽  
pp. 2-5
V.N. Puchkov ◽  
R.S. Musalimov ◽  
D.S. Zavarnov

In this work the analysis on description of rural settlements boundaries of the Republic of Bashkortostan, based on the experience of other sub-federal units of Russian Federation was made. A range of weak points in collected input data was defined. In total, of 54 municipal districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan (818 rural settlements), 44 districts showed nonconformity of feed data details to regulatory requirements. And the main reason for this is a low quality of input materials such as base maps at scale 1

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