scholarly journals Czego Zenon Klemensiewicz nie napisał o języku polskim w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, czyli dlaczego potrzebne jest nowe opracowanie dziejów polszczyzny w latach 1918–1939

LingVaria ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (28) ◽  
Ewa Woźniak

What Zenon Klemensiewicz Did Not Write About the Polish Language in the Interwar Period, or Why Is There a Need for a New Synthesis of the History of Polish Between 1918 and 1939 The article formulates a postulate of a new synthesis of the history of the Polish language in the years 1918–1939, and presents reasons that justify this need. The interwar period has been described in the third volume of Z. Klemensiewicz’s History of the Polish Language (Pol. Historia języka polskiego) as the closing phase of the New Polish period. Such classification of this brief period in the history of Polish might be the reason why it has attracted little interest from historians studying the language, and why the centre of gravity of linguistic research has shifted to the period after 1945 which Klemensiewicz presented as the time of great changes in the Polish language. Klemensiewicz’s work, whose third volume was published in 1974, ignores numerous important issues which characterize the sociopolitical background of the development of Polish and the attitude towards the language. These are primarily issues connected to multinationality and multilingualism, including the problem of bilingual education with the language of instruction being a minority language, and the question of language policy. A wider range of sources needs to be included in historical and linguistic research into the interwar period, as the existing literature is mainly only familiar with the topics popularized by contemporary language correctness journals such as Poradnik Językowy or Język Polski.

2011 ◽  
pp. 143-147
L. G. Naumova ◽  
V. B. Martynenko ◽  
S. M. Yamalov

Date of «birth» of phytosociology (phytocenology) is considered to be 1910, when at the third International Botanical Congress in Brussels adopted the definition of plant association in the wording Including Flaó and K. Schröter (Flahault, Schröter, 1910; Alexandrov, 1969). The centenary of this momentous event in the history of phytocenology devoted to the 46th edition of the Yearbook «Braun-Blanquetia», which began to emerge in 1984 in Camerino (Italy) and it has a task to publish large geobotanical works. During the years of the publication of the Yearbook on its pages were published twice work of the Russian scientists — «The steppes of Mongolia» (Z. V. Karamysheva, V. N. Khramtsov. Vol. 17. 1995), and «Classification of continental hemiboreal forests of Northern Asia» (N. B. Ermakov in collaboration with English colleagues and J. Dring, J. Rodwell. Vol. 28. 2000).

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 72-88
Jarosław Dybek ◽  

The topic of the article is one of the German SS regiments stationed in occupied Poland and its role in The German occupation policy. While the history of the SS formation is very well known in both academic and popular science literature, its cavalry has not been elaborated in great detail thus far. Although this topic seems interesting, it has not yet been discussed in any book in the Polish language. Most of the literature related to this topic was published in German and English. The 1st SS Death’s Head Cavalry Regiment operated primarily in the General Government and was under the Higher SS and Police Command. Some of its squadrons also operated in areas annexed to the Reich, i.e. the Warta Voievodship (Reichsgau Wartheland). From this article we will learn about the formation of the SS Death’s Head cavalry and its gradual inclusion in the brutal occupation policy of the Third Reich in Poland. In the case of its formation, we are dealing with tasks such as combating the early partisan units, searching for weapons, participating in the creation of ghettos, or helping to eliminate Polish levels of the intelligentsia. Noteworthy is the participation of this unit in the production of the propaganda film “Kampfgeschwader Lützow”, in which Polish cavalrymen were presented attacking German tanks with sabres. This false image was reproduced after the war in some movies or books, and contributed to the distorted presentation of Polish soldiers in the defensive battles of 1939.

2017 ◽  
Anna Landau-Czajka

In Between. Two Home Countries in the Polish Language Press for Jewish Children in the Second Polish RepublicIn the interwar period in Poland the big Polish-language Jewish journals (Chwila, Nowy Dziennik and Nasz Przegląd) published supplements for children. Two of them (Chwilka and Dzienniczek dla Dzieci i Młodzieży [Diary for children and young people]) were typical magazines for children. The third, the Mały Przegląd [Little review], led initially by Janusz Korczak, became the tribune of its youngest readers. Its content was composed of letters, reports and interviews by young correspondents. All these magazines were directed to children of the accultured Jews, readers of Polish-language Zionist press. It would seem, therefore, that their educational ideals should be similar.How were the patriotic values shown to the Jewish children from the acculturated Zionist families, familiar with Polish culture better than average Jewish children, but raised in cult of Palestine and the return to Eretz? What should be told to the children, if they were to be educated as good patriots? And patriots of what country? How to explain Palestinian patriotism to children who have never seen their country, lived in Poland and spoke Polish? And at the same time – how to explain the Polish patriotism to children who live in a country with a constantly growing anti-Semitism, of which they are only the marginalized, second-class citizens. As a result, the two dailies, almost identical in their views, have supplements presenting a surprisingly different approach to patriotism. The article was based on an analysis of all vintages of Dzienniczek and Mały Przegląd. Pomiędzy. Dwie ojczyzny w pismach dla polskojęzycznych dzieci żydowskich w II RzeczypospolitejW okresie międzywojennym wielkie polskojęzyczne dzienniki żydowskie – „Chwila”, „Nowy Dziennik” i „Nasz Przegląd” wydawały dodatki dla dzieci. Dwa pierwsze, „Chwilka” i „Dzienniczek dla Dzieci i Młodzieży”, były to zwykłe, konwencjonalne pisemka dla dzieci, „Mały Przegląd” kierowany początkowo przez Janusza Korczaka, stał się trybuną swoich najmłodszych czytelników, a jego treść złożona była z listów, reportaży i wywiadów młodych korespondentów. Wszystkie pisemka kierowane były do dzieci akulturowanych Żydów, czytelników polskojęzycznej syjonistycznej prasy. Wydawało by się zatem, że ideały wychowawcze powinny być zbliżone.Jak dzieciom żydowskich z rodzin akulturowanych i syjonistycznych – a więc zarazem znających polską kulturę lepiej niż przeciętne żydowskie dzieci, ale wychowywanych w kulcie Palestyny i powrotu do Erec, ukazywano wartości patriotyczne? Cóż zatem należało mówić dzieciom, jeśli chciało się je wychować na dobrych patriotów? I jakiego kraju patriotów? Jak wytłumaczyć palestyński patriotyzm dzieciom, które nigdy swojego kraju nie widziały, żyły w Polsce, mówiły po polsku? I jednocześnie – jak wytłumaczyć polski patriotyzm dzieciom, które mieszkają w kraju o stale rosnącym antysemityzmie, którego są obywatelami, ale obywatelami drugiej kategorii, spychanymi na margines? W rezultacie dwa pisma wyrastające z dwóch niemal identycznych w poglądach dzienników prezentowały zaskakująco różne podejście do patriotyzmu. Artykuł oparty został na analizie wszystkich roczników „Dzienniczka” i „Małego Przeglądu”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 147 (3) ◽  
pp. 569-596
Janusz Kaliński

Communication airports in Poland after 1918 The history of communication airports coincides with the century-long existence of the reborn Polish State, because it was only after 1918 that the first airports adapted to passenger traffic were established in the country. Two periods of their development deserve particular attention: the interwar period, in which the communication aviation was born, and the time after 2004, when its rapid expansion was noted. The establishment and development of the communication aviation of the Second Polish Republic was strongly associated with the statist policy aimed at modernizing the state. This is evidenced by the construction of airports in Warsaw, Gdynia, Katowice, Łódź and Vilnius, whose activities have helped to integrate the country after the years of partitions. In People’s Poland, civilian communication was based on a network of military airports, which was supplemented with a new airport in Gdańsk-Rębiechów. Large areas of the north-eastern voivodeships were excluded from air connections and timid attempts to overcome these disproportions only appeared in the Third Republic of Poland in the form of airports in Lublin and Radom. The fourfold increase in the number of passengers served by Polish airports in 2004–2016 was an unquestionable phenomenon influenced by the Open Sky policy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 41-51
Elżbieta Koniusz

Co-existence of languages in the area of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the light of the works of Jan KarłowiczThe article discusses the issues of the co-existence of languages in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the consequences of the phenomenon as documented in the works of Jan Karłowicz – the outstanding scholar of the second half of the nineteenth century, an expert and researcher of the “Lithuanian” version of Polish language. The article emphasizes the fact that the research on languages in the area of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and results of their co-existence goes back to the second half of the nineteenth century and Jan Karłowicz was the pioneer of this research. He was the first to observe the following phenomena of their co-existence: interference; bilingualism and multilingualism; prioritization of co-existing languages with the unique role of the Polish language in focusing various functions in the history of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; the diversity of Polish with sociolinguistic classification of its provincia­lisms and their division in the view of their origin; and the dangers to the Polish language in the period of Russification. Karłowicz struggled with the lack of terminology to describe the linguistic phenomena characteristic for the area. The article focuses on the classification of provincial qualities of the “Lithuanian” Polish language executed by Karłowicz in the social and ethnolinguistic area; and on the presentation of the phenomenon of linguistic interference visible in the provincial vocabulary in The Grand Duchy of Lithuania collected in “Dictionary of Polish dialects” by Karłowicz. Сосуществование языков на территории бывшего Великого княжества Литовского в свете произведений Яна КарловичаЦель данной статьи – показать сосуществование языков на землях бывшего Великого княжества Литовского (ВКЛ) и последствий этого явления, засвидетельствованных в работах Яна Карловича, видного ученого второй половины девятнадцатого века, знатока и исследователя „литовского” польского языка. Автор статьи указывает на то, что изучение языков в Великом княжестве Литовском, последствиям их сосуществования относятся ко второй половине девятнадцатого века, а их первым исследователем был Карлович. Им впервые были отмечены такие проявления этого сосуществования, как языковая интерференция, билингвизм и многоязычие, иерархия сосуществующих языков и диалектов. Выделена особая роль польского языка, объединившего целый ряд функций в истории ВКЛ, дифференциация внутри польского языка, социолингвистическая классификация его диалектизмов и их деление по происхождению, угрозы для польского языка в период сильной русификации. Особое внимание автор статьи сосредоточил на классификации провинциальных особенностей „литовского” польского языка, осуществлённой Карловичем в социальном и этнолингвистическом плане, а также на проявлениях интерференции в провинциальной лексике, ведущей своё происхождение из Великого княжества Литовского, собранной в „Словаре польских диалектов” Карловича.

LingVaria ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (28) ◽  
Bogusław Dunaj

Zenon Klemensiewicz’s "Historia języka polskiego" (‘History of the Polish Language’), and the Need of a New Synthesis Prof. Zenon Klemensiewicz authored handbooks of contemporary Polish grammar, historical Polish grammar, syntax, and history of the Polish language. The latter constitutes his crowning achievement, and remains to this day the most important synthesis of Polish linguistic history. Half a century has passed since its publication. In this time, many monographies have been published which present the evolution of the language in various epochs; moreover, multiple monographies have been devoted to vocabulary and word-formation. These works justify the need to prepare a new synthesis. Such a synthesis is also needed for another reason: it must make use of new methodological concepts. For example, the description needs to pay attention to the communicative aspect. A new, multi-volume synthesis ought to be a collective work, developed by a team of the most distinguished historians of the Polish language.

This chapter examines the nature of truth. It provides a classification of the main motives which are represented by the principal recent theories regarding the nature of truth. First, there is the motive especially suggested by the study of the history of institutions, by people's whole interest in what are called “evolutionary processes,” and by a large part of people's recent psychological investigation. This is the motive which leads many to describe human life altogether as a more or less progressive adjustment to a natural environment. The second motive is the same as that which, in ethics, is responsible for so many sorts of recent Individualism. It is the longing to be self-possessed and inwardly free, the determination to submit to no merely external authority. Meanwhile, the third motive has led to the discovery of what are novel truths regarding the fundamental relations upon which all of human thought and human activity rest.

In this communication an attempt is made to describe the minute structures of the rugose coral skeleton and to revise the classification of the Zoantharia on that basis. The paper falls into three main sections. In the first, the various structures observed in the skeleton are described and suggestions made concerning the relationships between the soft and hard parts. The conclusions arrived at are based on the investigation of a large number of thin sections in various museums and other geological institutions in Great Britain and on my own material collected in China. The second part comprises an analysis of these features, an attempted evaluation of their systematic significance, and a résumé of the evolutionary history of the rugose corals. This résumé is mainly based on a direct study of accessible material and partly on reinterpretation of the literature in the light of new observations. The third part deals with classification and the diagnoses of the suborders, families, subfamilies and genera. For each genus recognized, the genotype is cited and a diagnosis given, together with geological range and, if any, subgenera and synonyms. Only those references not contained in the Index of Palaeozoic Coral Genera are listed in the bibliography.

Teosofia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-274
Mokhamad Rohma Rozikin

As one of disciplines, Sufism has undergone the stages of scientific development. It is difficult to reach an agreement related to the classification of Sufism schools from the first time it appeared until today. However, by taking the characteristics of each thought into account, Sufism can be classified into several schools, namely Rajā 'wa khauf Sufism, Maḥabbah Sufism, Happy Sufism, Al-Ḥallāj Sufism, Al-Gazzālī Sufism, Philosophical Sufism, and Ibn Taimiyyah Sufism. Sufism that grew in the early days, in the first and second centuries of Hegira, such as Maḥabbah and Rajā' wa khauf Sufism, was in general undisputed because it was still far from the influence of foreign elements and had strong attachments to Al-Qur'an and Sunah. Sufism in the third and fourth centuries of Hijra, although from the scientific side is more established, systematic, and structured, the symptoms of conflict with Fiqh began to grow which reached its peak in the time of Al-Hallāj. Sufism in the fifth century, at the time of Al-Gazzālī, was the most beautiful period in the history of Sufism because Sufism and Fiqh could be integrated. Sufism in the next period began to had another conflict because of the influence of philosophy until the time of Ibn Taimiyyah who wanted to return Sufism to its origin. This paper conducted a literature review on the history of Sufism to capture the schools that have emerged since its inception. In the final section, a critical analysis of the Sufism schools was carried out and it was closed with a few ideas on how to eclectically adapt the results of this critical analysis for the Islamic Education learning.

Shadia Abdel Rahman Al - Balawi

Mecca has received the sanctity and place in the hearts of Muslims a lot of different writings that covered various political and cultural aspects of its history through different ages, yet we note through our study that Mecca, despite its great importance, but the sources of Islamic history were keen on The history of Mecca since the time of the Prophet peace be upon him until the middle of the second century AH, on the day of Mecca was the center of political activity and scientific alike, and then began to diminish this concern, especially since the beginning of the third century AH, these sources are no longer provide us only a little Nazer focused primarily On The history of religious Mecca, such as the pilgrimage to people and so on, rarely refer to the aspects of political life, economic and civilization of this country, but this little information with the written historian Makkah Azraqi and Fakhi in the third century, provides the researcher important information about the history of Mecca during the first three centuries, Historians Azraqi in the year 250 AH and Fakhi in the year 280 AH entered the history of Mecca in the almost forgotten, and surrounded by the mystery, which lasted for five centuries, that the rule of God has a historian of its children in the eighth century AH is Taqi al-Din Fassi Fassi felt the vacuum experienced by historians Mecca m A drive on the classification of books bosses (precious decade) and (healing gram), two of the most important books that relied upon in my study of the neighboring Mecca, and given the importance of this layer (Majaoron) in Mecca society and its substantial role in which it has signed an optional on this subject to search.

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