polemica ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 01-22
Ivonaldo Leite

Resumo: Este trabalho decorre de uma pesquisa de pós-doutorado mais ampla. Ele tem como objetivo desenvolver uma análise no sentido de apresentar uma perspectiva de abordagem sobre as drogas a partir da Educação Popular. Para atingir este propósito, metodologicamente, apoia-se em dois pressupostos: 1) uma revisão da literatura em língua portuguesa, espanhola, francesa e inglesa; 2) um estudo empírico realizado no Uruguai, em Montevidéu, no contexto da implementação da política de descriminalização e venda legal de cannabis, focando, entre outros aspectos, a dimensão educativa da política. Alguns dos seus resultados são, por exemplo: 1) a abordagem da Educação Popular sobre as drogas requer um escrutínio sócio-histórico delas no contexto da relação sociedade e desvio social; 2) a Educação Popular demanda uma mudança discursiva na forma de se referir às pessoas que usam drogas, na perspectiva de superar a linguagem estigmatizada; 3) o trabalho socioeducativo no âmbito das ações de redução de danos, sob a Educação Popular, implica conhecimentos interdisciplinares. Dentre as conclusões, afirma-se que o estudo das drogas necessita ser situado analiticamente no plano social, e não na esfera dos fatores individuais, que tendem a definir o seu uso como uma patologia estritamente pessoal. Palavras-chave: Educação Popular. Drogas. Políticas. Sociedade.Abstract: This paper is the result of a larger postdoctoral research. It aims to develop an analysis in the sense of presenting a perspective of approach on the drugs according to Popular Education. In this way, methodologically, it is based on two methodological assumptions: 1) a review of literature in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English; 2) an empirical study carried out in Uruguay, in Montevideo, in the context of implementation of the decriminalization and sale policy of cannabis, focusing, among other aspects, on its educational dimension. Some of its results are, for example: 1) Popular Education’s approach about drugs must carry out a socio-historical scrutiny of them in the context of the relationship society and social deviance; 2) Popular Education requires a discursive change in the way of referring to people who use drugs, to overcome the stigmatized language; 3) Socio-educational work in the field of the harm reduction actions, according to Popular Education, demands interdisciplinary knowledge. Among the conclusions, it is affirmed that the study of the drugs must be analytically situated in the social plane, instead of being in the sphere of individual factors, which tend to define its use as a strictly personal pathology. Keywords: Popular Education. Drugs. Policies. Society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 227
Omar David Moreno Cárdenas ◽  
Andréa Máris Campos Guerra

Resumo: Este artigo explora consequências epistemológicas e políticas de se realizar pesquisa de fenômenos sociais com um olhar psicanalítico dentro da universidade, tanto para a psicanálise, o campo social e a própria universidade. No início estabelecemos a relação entre ciência e psicanálise, o que nos permite refletir sobre a participação da psicanálise na universidade e as tensões clássicas desse intercambio. Em seguida, apresentamos o impasse de se pesquisar fenômenos sociais com a psicanálise face à indissociabilidade de teoria, método e clínica. Nossa chave de leitura é a teoria dos discursos da psicanálise lacaniana, indicando o potencial político dessa modalidade de pesquisa ao causar subversões nas formas de poder e dominação discursiva na universidade, nas instituições de psicanálise e no campo social.Palavras-chave: Fenômenos sociais; Pesquisa psicanalítica; Teoria dos discursos; Psicanálise; Subversão. Psychoanalytic research on social phenomena in university: political potentiality within subversion of discoursesAbstract: This paper explores the epistemological and political consequences of conducting research on social phenomena from a psychoanalytic perspective within the university, for the psychoanalysis, the social field and the university. In the beginning, we established the relationship between science and psychoanalysis, which allows us to reflect on the psychoanalysis participation in the university and the classic tensions of this exchange. Next, we present the impasse of researching social phenomena from the psychoanalysis taking in account the indissociability between theory, method and clinic. Our theoretical perspective is the discourses theory of Lacanian psychoanalysis, indicating the political potential of this research modality by causing subversions in the forms of power and discursive domination in the university, in the institutions of psychoanalysis and in the social field.Keywords: Social phenomena; Psychoanalytical research; Discourses theory; Psychoanalysis; Subversion. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Arlete De Jesus Brito ◽  
Marlucia Menezes de Paiva ◽  
Márcia Maria Alves de Assis

Na década de 1940, a constatação, pela Arquidiocese de Natal, dos problemas sociais vividos pelos migrantes rurais, no meio urbano, fez com que parcela do clero empreendesse ações que visavam um amplo trabalho educativo junto às populações rurais. Esse trabalho tomou formas diversas: desde a criação de Centros Sociais e Missões Rurais ambulantes, até ações mais permanentes, como a criação da Missão Rural de Educação do Agreste e das Escolas Radiofônicas. O Movimento de Educação de Base-MEB foi desenvolvido nesse contexto. Esse Movimento possuía objetivos e currículo voltados às necessidades daquelas populações rurais e tais objetivos refletiam-se no ensino de Matemática. Naquela época, no Brasil, o ensino de Matemática estava sendo modificado sob a orientação de movimentos internacionais, como o da Matemática Moderna - MMM. O MMM foi divulgado, em nosso país, principalmente por projetos apoiados pelos acordos MEC/USAID, que priorizaram a formação de professores. Porém, no MEB, a Matemática continuou a ser ensinada a partir das necessidades provindas das situações de trabalho vivenciadas pelos alunos. Essas diferentes formas de ensinar a Matemática existiram simultaneamente em atividades educacionais desenvolvidas no Rio Grande do Norte. Este artigo realiza um estudo histórico comparativo entre essas duas ações educativas, identificando aspectos mais próximos à educação popular, no ensino do MEB, e aspectos salvacionistas da educação na forma mais tradicional do ensino.THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN THE RN: between the MEB and  the USAID (1950-1960)Abstract: In the 1940s, the confirmation by the Archdiocese of Natal of the social problems experienced by rural migrants in urban areas. So, some members of the clergy took actions that aimed educational work  the rural populations. This work took the form of the most diverse, since the creation of Social Centers and Rural Missions, until more permanent actions, such as the creation of Missão Rural de Educação do Agreste and Schools   Radiofônicas.  The basic education movement-MEB was developed in this context. This movement had goals and curriculum geared from the needy of those rural populations and these goals was reflected in the teaching of mathematics. At that times, in Brazil, the teaching of mathematics has been modified under the guidance of international movements, such as the New Mathematics - MMM. The MMM was discloved, in our country, by agreements between MEC and USAID that prioritized the formation of teachers.  However, in the MEB, the teaching of mathematics has taught from the needy of student’s working situations. These different ways of teaching mathematics existed simultaneously in educational activities developed in the RN. This article conducts a  historical comparative study between these two educational actions, identifying aspects closer to popular education, in teaching of the MEB, and aspects salvationist of education  in form more traditional teaching.Keywords: MEB/USAID Agreements.  Basic Education. Natal Movement. Schools  Radiofônicas. Mathematics Teaching.LA ENSEÑANZA DE LAS MATEMÁTICAS EN RN: entre el MEB y la USAID (1950-1960)Resumen: En la década de 1940, la Arquidiócesis de Natal de los problemas sociales vividos por los migrantes rurales, en el entorno urbano hizo con que parte del clero emprendiera acciones que visaba un amplio trabajo educativo junto a las poblaciones rurales. Este trabajo tomó formas diversas, desde la creación de centros sociales y las Misiones Rurales y acciones más permanentes, como la creación de la Missão Rural de Educação do Agreste e das Escolas Radiofônicas.  El movimiento de la educación básica- MEB se desarrolló en este contexto. Ese movimiento tenía objetivos y currículo orientados a las necesidades de las poblaciones rurales y estos objetivos se reflejan en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. En aquel momento, en Brasil, la enseñanza de las matemáticas se modificó bajo la orientación de los movimientos internacionales, como el Matemáticas Modernas -MMM. El MMM se lanzó, en nuestro país, especialmente por medio de proyectos apoyados por el MEC y USAID, acuerdos que priorizaban la formación de profesores.  Sin embargo, en el MEB, se la matemática continuó siendo enseñada a partir de problemas emergidos de situaciones de trabajo vivenciadas por los estudiantes. Estas diferentes formas de enseñanza de las matemáticas coexistieron en las actividades educativas desarrolladas en RN. Este artículo realiza un estudio histórico comparativo entre estas dos acciones educativas. Identificando aspectos más cerca de la popular la educación, la enseñanza de la MEB y aspectos de la educación en salvacioncita más tradicional de enseñanza.Palabras clave: Acuerdos de la MEB/ USAID. Educación básica. Movimiento de Natal/RN. Las escuelas de radiodifusión. Enseñanza de las matemáticas.

Renata Falson Cavalca

Resumo: O presente artigo analisa a efetivação da licença-paternidade e sua prorrogação, operada à luz dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade da pessoa humana e da isonomia, e tendo por base a ordem jurídica trabalhista brasileira. Adota-se uma abordagem de natureza constitucional da prerrogativa em questão. O estudo também contempla a questão da igualdade de gênero no mercado de trabalho e a relação dessa igualdade com a necessidade de ampliação da licença-paternidade, no Brasil, a fim de se possibilitar uma melhor repartição dos deveres e direitos de conciliação entre as atividades familiares e o trabalho. Para tanto, são analisados a licença-paternidade, sua regulamentação e a possibilidade de sua prorrogação, buscando, em consonância com o caráter teleológico das normas, possibilitar o convívio familiar e o cuidado com a criança. Também é analisada, em linhas gerais, a legislação que instituiu a licença-paternidade no Brasil, para igualdade efetiva entre mulheres e homens. Todavia, a diferenciação no tocante ao prazo de concessão em equiparação à licença-maternidade ainda se depara com dificuldades de aplicação no cenário contemporâneo, no qual as relações familiares são dinâmicas, o que leva à necessidade do debate quanto à finalidade do instituto, para ensejar a construção de uma legislação efetiva, que atenda aos anseios sociais e constitucionais, no ordenamento justrabalhista brasileiro. Por isso, utilizar-se-á dos posicionamentos doutrinários e jurisprudenciais como forma de se buscar outras alternativas para, além de ressaltar a importância do reconhecimento dos direitos sociais, torná-los efetivos. Dessa forma, o estudo traz reflexões sobre a importância da prorrogação da licença-paternidade, à luz da função promocional do Direito contemporâneo, na seara trabalhista.Abstract: This article analyzes the effectiveness of the paternity leave and its extension, operated in the light of the constitutional principles of human dignity and isonomy, and based on the Brazilian labor legal order. A constitutional approach to the prerogative in question is adopted. The study also addresses the issue of gender equality in the labor market and the relationship between this equality and the need to extend the paternity leave in Brazil in order to allow a better distribution of duties and reconciliation rights between family activities and the work. Therefore, the paternity leave, its regulation and the possibility of its extension are analyzed, seeking, in consonance with the teleological nature of the norms, to enable the family to live together and care for the child. Also analyzed, in general, the legislation that established the paternity leave in Brazil, for effective equality between women and men. However, the differentiation regarding the term of concession in relation to the maternity leave still faces difficulties of application in the contemporary scenario, in which the family relations are dynamic, which leads to the necessity of the debate as to the purpose of the institute, to induce The construction of an effective legislation, which meets the social and constitutional longings, in the Brazilian justrabalhista order. Therefore, it will be used doctrinal and jurisprudential positions as a way to find other alternatives, in addition to emphasizing the importance of recognizing social rights, make them effective. In this way, the study reflects on the importance of extending the paternity leave, in light of the promotional function of contemporary law, in the labor court.

Ruha Benjamin

In this response to Terence Keel and John Hartigan’s debate over the social construction of race, I aim to push the discussion beyond the terrain of epistemology and ideology to examine the contested value of racial science in a broader political economy. I build upon Keel’s concern that even science motivated by progressive aims may reproduce racist thinking and Hartigan’s proposition that a critique of racial science cannot rest on the beliefs and intentions of scientists. In examining the value of racial-ethnic classifications in pharmacogenomics and precision medicine, I propose that analysts should attend to the relationship between prophets of racial science (those who produce forecasts about inherent group differences) and profits of racial science (the material-semiotic benefits of such forecasts). Throughout, I draw upon the idiom of speculation—as a narrative, predictive, and financial practice—to explain how the fiction of race is made factual, again and again. 

Solomon A. Keelson ◽  
Thomas Cudjoe ◽  
Manteaw Joy Tenkoran

The present study investigates diffusion and adoption of corruption and factors that influence the rate of adoption of corruption in Ghana. In the current study, the diffusion and adoption of corruption and the factors that influence the speed with which corruption spreads in society is examined within Ghana as a developing economy. Data from public sector workers in Ghana are used to conduct the study. Our findings based on the results from One Sample T-Test suggest that corruption is perceived to be high in Ghana and diffusion and adoption of corruption has witnessed appreciative increases. Social and institutional factors seem to have a larger influence on the rate of corruption adoption than other factors. These findings indicate the need for theoretical underpinning in policy formulation to face corruption by incorporating the relationship between the social values and institutional failure, as represented by the rate of corruption adoption in developing economies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-133
Marzena Możdżyńska

Abstract In recent decades, we observe a significant disorganization of family life, especially in the sphere of parental functions performed by unprepared for the role emotional, socially and economically young people. Lack of education, difficulties in finding work, and the lack of prospects for positive change are the main causes of their impoverishment and progressive degradation in the social hierarchy. Reaching young people at risk of social exclusion and provide them with comprehensive care, should be a priority of modern social work and educational work. In order to provide help this social group and cope with the adverse event created a lot of programs to support systemically start in life. An example would be presented in the article KARnet 15+ program as a form of complex activities of a person stimulating subjectivity, and allows you to modify support in individual cases

Oleksii Chepov ◽  

The qualitative and clear definition of the legal regime of the capital of Ukraine, the hero city of Kyiv, is influenced by its legislative enshrinement, however, it should be noted that discussions are ongoing and one of the reasons for the unclear legal status of the capital is the ambiguity of current legislation in this area. Separation of the functions of the city of Kyiv, which are carried out to ensure the rights of citizens of Ukraine and the functions that guarantee the rights of the territorial community of the city of Kyiv. In the modern world, in legal doctrine and practice, the capital is understood as the capital of the country, which at the legislative level received this status and, accordingly, is the administrative and political center of the state, which houses the main state bodies and diplomatic missions of other states. It is the identification of the boundaries of the relationship between the competencies of state administrations and local self-government, in practice, often raises questions about their delimitation and ways of regulatory solution. Peculiarities of local self-government in Kyiv city districts are defined in the provisions of the Law on the Capital, which reveal the norms of the Constitution in these legal relations, according to which the issue of organizing district management in cities belongs to city councils. Likewise, it is unregulated by law to lose the particularity of the legal status of the territory of the city. It should be emphasized that the subject of administrative-legal relations is not a certain administrative-territorial entity, but the social group is designated - the territorial community of the city of Kiev, kiyani. Thus, the provisions on the city of Kyiv partially ignore the potential of the territorial community.

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