scholarly journals Applying the Lesson Study Model in Developing Teaching Capability for Young Teachers in Vietnam

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 1755-1768
Le Thi ◽  
Nguyen Thi ◽  
Nguyen Thi ◽  
Nguyen Mau

<p style="text-align: justify;">The initial period of young teachers' careers is always significant in developing their professional capability. This is when teachers start coming into contact with practical teaching, which is more diversified than the theoretical training at the University. In this research, the authors propose a process of combining the Lesson Study model with the micro-lesson teaching method. This process helps young teachers, especially those working in the Northern of Vietnam, improve their planning and implementation of a lesson plan following the Lesson Study model. It has four steps: (1). Plan a Lesson Study; (2). Organize demo teaching and attend lessons; (3): Self-evaluate and discuss lessons; (4): Apply for practical teaching. The methodology research is carried out on 62 young teachers in Vietnam to measure the pre-impact and post-impact results. The results reveal that the researched group has made significant progress on their teaching performances (the average points for their capability of planning lessons have increased from 2.54 to 3.28 and the average points for their capability of implementing lesson plans have increased from 2.48 to 3.18). This development can be considered as an excellent experience to bring the Lesson Study model into Vietnamese schools to improve teaching sustainably.</p>

Vidya Karya ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Elli Kusumawati

Abstract. Teaching practice (PPL) is one of the compulsory subjects weighing four credits held for three months at school. In the last two years, mathematics education department of FKIP ULM implement Lesson Study based PPL in six Junior High Schools in Banjarmasin. At this moment, Lesson Study is implemented in schools by teachers in order to foster and develop educator profession. The purpose of implementation of Lesson study based PPL Study is to give student teachers teaching skills and applying them in the classroom. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection used observation, interviews and Forum Group Discusssion. The research sample consisted of 4 mathematics education department students which are taking PPL program . The study was classified as action research-based Lesson Study. Data analysis refers to analysis of notes including lesson plans, observation and reflection. The results showed that the implementation of Lesson Study of four students started from Plan namely planning of lesson plans), Do namely implementation of lesson plan, observations results taking place during learning activities and the results of the reflection which was completed with suggestions for improvement of learning. Keywords: Lesson Study, PPL, plan-do-see Abstrak. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah salah satu mata kuliah wajib berbobot empat sks yang dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan di sekolah. Pada dua tahun terakhir program studi pendidikan matematika melaksanakan PPL berbasis Lesson Study di enam SMP Negeri di Banjarmasin. Selama ini Lesson Study dilaksanakan di sekolah oleh guru dalam rangka membina dan mengembangkan profesi pendidik. Tujuan diterapkannya PPL berbasis lesson Study salah satunya membekali mahasiswa sebagai calon guru untuk berlatih menerapkannya di kelas. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data berupa pengamatan, wawancara dan Forum Group Discusssion. Sampel penelitian terdiri atas 4 orang mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika yang sedang melaksanakan PPL.  Ditinjau dari pelaksanaan penelitian, maka penelitian ini digolongkan dalam penelitian tindakan berbasis Lesson Study. Teknik analisis data penelitian kualitatif mengacu pada hasil catatan lapangan meliputi RPP dan catatan hasil observasi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan Lesson Studi empat orang mahasiswa mulai dari Plan yaitu perencanaan membuat RPP, Do yaitu pelaksanaan pembelajaran berupa hasil observasi di kelas selama pembelajaran berlangsung (tahap pembelajaran yaitu kegiatan awal, inti dan kegiatan akhir) dan hasil refleksi dilengkapi dengan saran perbaikan pembelajaran.  Kata Kunci: Lesson Study, PPL, plan-do-see

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Herry Agus Susanto ◽  
Erika Laras Astutiningtyas ◽  
Dewi Susilowati

<p class="Els-keywords">The purpose of this study is to improve skills in developing Lesson Plans and teaching skills for students. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were 11 students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. The research was conducted on Microteaching Courses which were conducted based on Lesson Study. Recovery is carried out in a network using several platforms, namely: YouTube, the Learning System in the Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Network with the Moodle, Zoom, and WhatsApp application platforms. The method of data collection is carried out by the method of observation. The instruments used in this study were: Teaching skills assessment sheet and lesson plan assessment sheet. The two instruments are carried out to assess teaching skills and the Learning Implementation Plan in Open Lesson I, II, and III. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the change in the average score of 11 students who practiced their skills in developing Lesson Plans starting from 76.636; 84,182; 88,364. For teaching skills, the changes are as follows: 76,818; 83,909; 87,182. So the result of this research is that the implementation of Microteaching in a network based on Lesson Study can improve students' abilities in compiling Lesson Plans and student teaching skills.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Achmad Supriyanto ◽  
Wasih DS ◽  
Roni Herdianto

<pre><strong>Abstrack:</strong> This School Action Research aims to uncover and describe teacher competencies in developing Lesson Plans, and implementing lesson studies. This SAR was designed with the Mc Taggart's classroom action research design in two action cycles. The research subjects were 11 elementary school teachers. The research instrument was developed by researchers in the form of work tables 1-5 to collect teacher competency data designing 10 components of lesson plans, and field notes to record the implementation of lesson study. The data collected was reduced to two main data, analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the mean and percentage techniques. The results of SAR cycle 1 showed that the competence to design the components of the lesson plan with a C value was 50%, a competence with a B value was, and the rest of 10% need further guidance. The results of SAR cycle 2 showed that 100% of teacher could achieve B value in designing lesson plans. Thus, it is proven that lesson study can improve teacher competence in developing lesson plans. </pre><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah ini bertujuan mengungkap dan mendeskripsikan kompetensi guru mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dan pelaksanaan <em>lesson study</em>. Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah ini dirancang dengan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas model Mc.Taggart dalam dua siklus tindakan. Subjek penelitian 11 orang guru SD. Instrumen penelitian dikembangkan oleh peneliti berupa tabel kerja 1-5, untuk menghimpun data kompetensi guru merancang 10 komponen RPP, dan catatan lapangan untuk mencatat pelaksanaan lesson study. Data yang terkumpul direduksi menjadi dua data utama, dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik rerata dan persentase. Hasil PTS siklus I menunjukkan 50% kompetensi merancang komponen RPP dengan nilai C, 40 % nilai B, 10% nilai dengan predikat perlu bimbingan. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah siklus II 100% kompetensi merancang komponen RPP dengan nilai B. Jadi, terbukti <em>lesson study</em> dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru mengembangkan RPP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-199
Gökhan Orhan ◽  
Ömer Beyhan

The aim of the study is to identify and explain preparation activities of three English teachers in lesson study process. The English teachers dealt with activities such as setting objectives, building content, organizing classroom practices and identifying success criteria for learning objectives and reflection in three different lesson study cycles based on social constructivism for about 5 months. In this study, the single case study design was adopted. Criterion sampling method was used to determine the participants. The group-based activities of teachers were repeated in each research lesson at different subjects and different grades. Instead of preparing a new format of the existing lesson plan in each research lesson, the participants prepared new lesson plans for each research lesson. The data were obtained by class observation, camera recordings, interview, and document examination of the lesson plans. It was observed that the teachers made more qualified decisions in planning teaching tasks and there were positive changes in their planning skills and teaching practices in the process in lesson study cycle.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Ida Kurnia L

The background of this research is the incapacity of teachers in developing syllabi and lesson plan (RPP). This research is a classroom action research (CAR) at SMP 21 Ambon which aims to improve the competence of teachers in developing the syllabus through professional development with cooperative approach. The study was conducted in two cycles involving collaborators. These results indicated that the ability of teachers/participants in understand-ing of the syllabus and lesson plan (RPP) increased, from an average of 65.31% to 78.75%. The activity teacher/participants also increased which is marked by the increasing boldness of teachers in asking questions and raising such issues and increased cooperation of teachers in developing learning tools, especially for teachers in one subject cluster.Keywords : learning syllabus, lesson plans, Classroom Action Research (CAR).

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Atika Atika ◽  
I Made Sudana ◽  
Basyirun Basyirun

Tujuan penelitian, diantaranya menguraikan bagaimana pelaksanaan standar proses, menganalisis seberapa tingkat kesenjangannya dan merancang bagaimana solusi permasalahan terkait kesenjangan pelaksanan standar proses. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Aspek dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) perencanaan pembelajaran; (b) pelaksanaan pembelajaran; (c) penilaian hasil belajar; (d) pengawasan oleh kepala sekolah. Teknik pengumpulaan data, yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal perencanaan pembelajaran diperoleh kriteria tidak senjang, artinya pada kegiatan perencanaan tidak banyak guru yang mengabaikan standar yang ditetapkan oleh Permendikbud No. 65 tahun 2013. Hasil analisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran diperoleh kriteria cukup senjang, artinya standar proses yang ditetapkan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada kegiatan penilaian masih diperoleh hasil cukup senjang, artinya masih terdapat ketentuan yang belum diterapkan. Hasil analisis pada komponen pengawasan memberikan kesimpulan jika masih terdapat kepala sekolah yang tidak menjalankan fungsinya sebagai pengawas internal.Therefore, the aims of study are to investigate the implementation of the standard process, analyze the discrepancy rate and design the solution toward the issue of discrepancy. This research uses the quantitative descriptive approach. There are several aspects investigated; (a) lesson plan, (b) learning process, (c) evaluation of learning result, and (d) headmasters control. To collect the data, the methods of observation, interview, and documentation are used. The result is explained in form of criteria. It is no discrepancy for lesson plans, means that most of the lesson plans are in accord with the Basic Principles issued by Ministry of Education and Culture Number 65 in 2013. The learning process has a quite discrepancy rate, means the standard process is incompletely applied; so does the evaluation which ignores several principles to apply. It is also noted that some headmasters ignore their function as an internal supervisor. To sum up, the discrepancy issue needs further concrete solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1835 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
Yupaporn Horasirt ◽  
Peter Charles Taylor ◽  
Chokchai Yuenyong

Stefanie Schallert ◽  
Zsolt Lavicza ◽  
Ellen Vandervieren

AbstractThe effectiveness of flipped classroom approaches can be improved by combining it with other pedagogical models such as inquiry-based learning. Implementing inquiry-based learning in flipped classroom scenarios requires teachers to plan arrangements for in- and out-of-class activities carefully. In this study, a design heuristic based on the 5E inquiry model was developed to support teachers’ practice of planning inquiry-based flipped classroom lessons. Following a design-based research approach, the design heuristic progressed through two cycles within 2 years. The design heuristic was implemented in both cycles in an online professional development course for secondary mathematics teachers. In the first cycle, 18 lesson plans were collected and analysed using the 5E lesson plan scoring instrument. Results showed that the design heuristic helped teachers to set up lesson plans for flipped classroom scenarios which were mostly in line with the 5E model. However, the evaluation phase was insufficiently addressed. Revision decisions were made at the end of the first cycle, and the design heuristic was revised and re-implemented in a second cycle. Results of the second cycle showed another 19 participating teachers who also struggled in choosing appropriate assessment techniques, an issue which could not be resolved with the proposed design heuristic. This paper describes the development of the design heuristic as well as relevant design principles for inquiry-based flipped classroom scenarios. The proposed design heuristic is not domain specific. Hence, further research could examine its use in other subjects or interdisciplinary as inquiry-based flipped classroom approaches are one of the emerging pedagogies.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
James Calleja ◽  
Patrick Camilleri

PurposeThe research reported in this paper brings forth the experiences of three teachers working in different schools. These teachers learned about lesson study through a course offered at the University of Malta while, at the same time, leading a lesson study with colleagues at their school. With the COVID-19 outbreak, these teachers had, out of necessity, to adopt and accommodate for their lesson study to an exclusive online approach. This paper, hence, focuses on teachers' learning as they shifted their lesson study online.Design/methodology/approachThis paper presents a case study that delves into the experiences and perceptual insights that these teachers manifested in shifting to an exclusive online lesson study situation. Data collection is derived from a focus group discussion, teacher reflective entries and detailed reports documenting the lesson study process and experiences. Employing technological frames as the theoretical lens, a description-analysis-interpretation approach was employed to analyse and interpret reflections and grounded experiential perceptions that the respondents disclosed during their lesson study journey.FindingsNotwithstanding their initial discerned sense of loss and unpreparedness of being constrained to migrate lesson study to exclusive online means, teachers eventually recognised that digitally mediated collaborative practices enhanced self-reflection about the lesson study process. Therefore, the extraordinary situation that the teachers in this study experienced not only disrupted their modus operandi but also allowed them to discern new opportunities for learning about digital technology use in lesson study.Practical implicationsDisruption, brought about by unforeseen circumstances, takes teachers and professional development facilitators out of their comfort zones, invariably helping them grow out of their limitations and rethink lesson study practices.Originality/valueIntentionally driven disruptions prompt teachers to resolve their dissatisfactory situations by thinking out of the box, eventually helping them to improve their professional practices.

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