scholarly journals Interactive television? A retrospective analysis of why red button content failed

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-215 ◽  
Andy Fox

Interactive television was intended to provide the viewers with an enhanced experience of television. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, both public service and subscription-based television broadcasters provided the audience with a variety of ‘interactive’ applications. By 2012, most of the interactive applications had been either reduced in scale and ambition or withdrawn completely. This article is an overview of why the interactive television experiment failed. The methodological framework is a content analysis undertaken in the summer of 2012 which found a small amount of red button content supporting traditional broadcasts. The little found was either pre-existing content or entailed the button’s use as, effectively, the portal to a supplementary television channel. Moving forward, the article provides a discussion on why the optimism that television could be an interactive experience in the early 2000s dissolved in a relatively short period of time. The conclusion is that interactive television did not fit the political economy of the media landscape.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Aid Mršić ◽  
Larisa Softić-Gasal ◽  

The public service, which should be the guardian of the identity of national minorities, fell under the political pressure. In this way, it came out of the scope of its actions. Leading people in independent media believe that the role of the public service is crucial in protecting national minorities.But the media can not do it alone. First of all, the state must regulate, and respect what it has brought. With strong strategies and the inclusion of national minorities in all social trends, it is possible to achieve, not fully, but partially, the equality of all those who liveon the territory of BiH.On the other hand, the public service must respect what the state says. The Communications Regulatory Agency is obliged to impose rules in an adequate manner and at the same time to monitor how much the media (public service) meets its obligations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 217
José Manuel Rivera Otero ◽  
Nieves Lagares Díez ◽  
María Pereira López ◽  
Paulo Carlos López-López

Over the last few years, European public broadcasters have promoted the concept of public service media as one of their main values. To this end, transparency policies have been implemented as a mechanism of corporate projection by strengthening their role as an essential service. The objective of this article is to ascertain the existence of this type of policies among European public broadcasters. To this end, a nominal group was made with 24 experts who were surveyed, thus generating new indicators of transparency and accountability strategies around sustainability and digitalization. The contents of the websites of RTVE (Spain), RTP (Portugal), France TV (France), RAI (Italy), BBC (UK), RTÉ (Ireland), ZDF (Germany), VRT (Belgium), and SVT (Sweden) were also analyzed, paying attention to such indicators and strategies. The main results include the identification of differences on the basis of the ideal models described by Hallin and Mancini; a commitment to credibility (fact-checking) to the detriment of diversity of opinions; and a connection between the political system and the media system, which, preliminarily, determines the level of transparency of these public entities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-26
Maiju Kannisto ◽  
Paavo Oinonen

”Vallankumous kuvaruudussa”: Kasettitelevisio ja keskustelu teknologisesta uutuudesta 1970-luvun alussaArtikkeli käsittelee videon varhaishistoriaa 1970-luvun alussa, jolloin suomalaislehdistössä käytiin keskustelua kasettitelevisiosta. Tuolloin mediateollisuuden toimijat esittelivät vielä tuotekehittelyssä olleita tallennuslaitteita ja kasetteja suomalaiskuluttajille television seuraavana vaiheena. Artikkelin aineistona on suomalaisen sanoma- ja aikakauslehdistön kasettitelevisiota käsitteleviä juttuja 1970-luvun alusta, jolloin keskustelu aktivoitui ja oli huomattavan laajaa. Olemme analysoineet media-aineistoa laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Juttujen uudelleen luennassa merkitykselliset teemat nousevat analyysimme ja kontekstoinnin kohteiksi.Artikkeli kytkeytyy teknologian kulttuuriseen ja kulttuurihistorialliseen tutkimusotteeseen. Mediateknologiasta käydyn keskustelun analyysissä hyödynnetään toimijamaailman käsitettä. Se kuvaa mediateollisuuden toimijoiden uudelle teknologialle ennakoimaa käyttöä ja kontekstia. Teknologinen innovaatio rakentui kulttuurisesti ennen todentumistaan kulutustavarana.Ulkomailta Suomeen välittynyt kirjoittelu aktivoi kotimaisen joukkoviestinnän kentän. Keskustelussa olivat mukana laitevalmistajat, insinöörit, yhteiskuntatutkijat ja mediayritykset. Alan ensimmäiset liiketoiminnalliset aloitteet sähköistivät ja puoluepolitisoivat keskustelun. Ajalle tyypillisesti puolueiden viestintäpoliittiset kannat jakaantuivat oikeisto-vasemmisto-akselin mukaan. Oikeisto kannatti uusien teknologioiden myötä audiovisuaalisen viestinnän mahdollisimman vapaata markkinataloudellista kilpailua, kun taas vasemmisto toivoi valtionohjausta. Artikkeli osoittaa, että teknologioiden varhaisvaiheiden tutkimus antaa ymmärrystä siitä, miten mediateolliset ratkaisut ovat seurausta eri toimijoiden ja ideoiden kamppailusta. “A Revolution on the TV Screen”: Cassette television and discussion about technological innovation in the early 1970sThe article explores the early history of video technology in the beginning of the 1970s. There was a short period of time during which the Finnish press talked intensively about cassette television. The discussion included, in equal proportion, actual and imagined recording devices and cassettes. At the time, active development of the equipment was ongoing and its future use was introduced to Finnish consumers as the next stage of television.Research material of this article consists of the stories of the Finnish press and periodical press which process the cassette television since the beginning of the 1970s. Methodologically, the research material is analyzed from a cultural historical point of view, using qualitative content analysis. Moreover, the analysis uses the concept of actor–network theory (acteur réseau) to describe how actors of the media industries anticipated the use and the contexts of the new technology. It is evident that the technological novelty, cassette television, was culturally constructed before it existed as a material product available for consumers.Technological news concerning cassette television came from international sources and activated Finnish media. The debate on cassette television involved equipment manufacturers, engineers, social scientists, and policy-makers of the Finnish media companies. As early as 1971 there was the first initiative to form cassette technology to businesses. When this became known to the public, the discussion turned into party politics. At the time, Finnish parties were active in communication policy, which was strictly divided into the sides of the political right and left. Concerning new audiovisual communication technologies, the political right advocated for free competition on the media market, while the left wanted strict control by the state. Through the examination of the cassette television debate, the article demonstrates how an analysis of the early stages of a certain technology can help in understanding how choices and solutions made by media industries are typically results of activities of, and struggles between, several actors.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 418-439 ◽  
Gabriele Bock ◽  
Siegfried Zielinski

This article, which first appeared in Media Perspektiven 1 (1987), is published here for the first time in English. It offers an enlightening contemporary perspective, from the then German Federal Republic, on the innovation in European broadcasting which Channel 4 represented. It outlines the policy context which gave rise to the UK's fourth television channel and describes its unique, hybrid character as a commercial station funded by advertising revenue with a public service remit. It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of Channel 4's commissioning structure and identifies significant examples of its innovative programming, paying particular attention to its support for independent film. That emphasis is noteworthy since it was West German television's film-funding mechanism that provided the model on which Film on Four was based. The article recognises Channel 4's commitment to catering for minority audiences, to enabling broader access to programme-making and to commissioning work that was experimental in form and content. It is generous in suggesting that such a risk-taking cultural enterprise was only possible within the UK's mature and highly developed broadcasting ecology, but it remains cautious (perhaps presciently) of its sustainability in the expanding commercial marketplace of multi-channel television.

Mohd. Shuhaimi Ishak

 Abstract Generally speaking, media is extensively used as the means to disseminate news and information pertaining to business, social, political and religious concerns. A portion of the time and space of media has now become an important device to generate economic and social activities that include advertising, marketing, recreation and entertainment. The Government regards them as an essential form of relaying news and information to its citizens and at the same time utilizes them as a powerful public relations’ mechanism. The effects of media are many and diverse, which can either be short or long term depending on the news and information. The effects of media can be found on various fronts, ranging from the political, economic and social, to even religious spheres. Some of the negative effects arising from the media are cultural and social influences, crimes and violence, sexual obscenities and pornography as well as liberalistic and extreme ideologies. This paper sheds light on these issues and draws principles from Islam to overcome them. Islam as revealed to humanity contains the necessary guidelines to nurture and mould the personality of individuals and shape them into good servants. Key Words: Media, Negative Effects, Means, Islam and Principles. Abstrak Secara umum, media secara meluas digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menyebarkan berita dan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan perniagaan, kemasyarakatan, pertimbangan politik dan agama. Sebahagian dari ruang dan masa media kini telah menjadi peranti penting untuk menghasilkan kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial yang meliputi pengiklanan, pemasaran, rekreasi dan hiburan. Kerajaan menganggap sarana-sarana ini sebagai wadah penting untuk menyampaikan berita dan maklumat kepada warganya dan pada masa yang sama juga menggunakannya sebagai mekanisme perhubungan awam yang berpengaruh. Pengaruh media sangat banyak dan pelbagai, samada berbentuk jangka pendek atau panjang bergantung kepada berita dan maklumat yang brekenaan. Kesan dari media boleh didapati mempengaruhi pelbagai aspek, bermula dari bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial bahkan juga agama. Beberapa kesan negatif yang timbul dari media ialah pengaruhnya terhadap budaya dan sosial, jenayah dan keganasan, kelucahan seksual dan pornografi serta ideologi yang liberal dan ekstrim. Kertas ini menyoroti isu-isu ini dan cuba mengambil prinsip-prinsip dari ajaran Islam untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan Islam itu sendiri diturunkan kepada umat manusia ialah untuk menjadi pedoman yang diperlukan untuk membina dan membentuk keperibadian individu dan menjadikan manusia hamba yang taat kepada Tuhannya. Kata Kunci: Media, Kesan Negatif, Cara-cara, Islam dan Prinsip-prinsip.

K.E. Goldschmitt

Bossa Mundo chronicles how Brazilian music has been central to Brazil’s national brand in the United States and the United Kingdom since the late 1950s. Scholarly texts on Brazilian popular music generally focus on questions of music and national identity, and when they discuss the music’s international popularity, they keep the artists, recordings, and live performances as the focus, ignoring the process of transnational mediation. This book fills a major gap in Brazilian music studies by analyzing the consequences of moments when Brazilian music was popular in Anglophone markets, with a focus on the media industries. With subject matter as varied as jazz, film music, dance fads, DJ/remix culture, and new models of musical distribution, the book demonstrates how the mediation of Brazilian music in an increasingly crowded transnational marketplace has had lasting consequences for the creative output celebrated by Brazil as part of its national brand. Through a discussion of the political meaning of mass-mediated music in chronologically organized chapters, the book shifts the scholarly focus on the music’s transnational popularity from the scholarly framework of representing Otherness to broader considerations of a media environment where listeners and intermediaries often have differing priorities. The book provides a new model for studying music from culturally rich countries in the Global South where local governments often leverage stereotypes in their national branding project.

Multilingua ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 561-586
Agurtzane Elordui

AbstractVernaculars are increasingly used in media. They are considered to be stylistic resources to attract audiences and to construct media identities. That increase seems to be particularly significant in the case of youth media, which is also the case of Gaztea, a youth webradio station within the Basque public EITB group that we analyse in this work. Gaztea was created in the 90’s and, at that time, its whole production was in Standard Basque. In fact, promoting the newly created Standard Basque was considered to be Gaztea’s principal public service remit. Nowadays, however, the hegemony of that standard in Gaztea has been challenged by a more heteroglossic model in which vernacular speech is strategically used to empathize with the young Basque audience and to construct media identities. At the same time, though, the dominance of Standard Basque persists in Gaztea’s general stylistic design and practice: Vernaculars are excluded from writing, as well as from informative genres and serious and leading voices. Those are some of the conclusions of the research we have carried out on the distribution of vernaculars and Standard Basque across modes, genres and voices in Gaztea, and also from the information we have drawn from interviews with the managers of the media in question. Results from both data sources are important to understand the current ideological views Gaztea shares with young Basque people, as well as how Gaztea positions itself as a stylizer in the language ideological world of Basque youth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026732312110121
Stephen Cushion

Public service media face an existential crisis. Many governments are cutting their budgets, while questioning the role and value of public service broadcasting because many citizens now have access to a wide range of media. This raises the question – do public service media supply a distinctive and informative news service compared to market-led media? Drawing on the concept of political information environment, this study makes an intervention into debates by carrying out a comparative content analysis of news produced by UK public service broadcasters and market-driven media across television, radio and online outlets (N = 1065) and interviewing senior editors about the routine selection of news. It found that almost all BBC news and commercial public service media platforms reported more news about politics, public affairs and international issues than entirely market-driven outlets. Online BBC news reported more informative topics than market-based media, which featured more entertainment and celebrity stories. The value of public service media was demonstrated on the United Kingdom’s nightly television news bulletins, which shone a light on the world not often reported, especially BBC News at Ten. Most market-driven media reported through a UK prism, excluding many countries and international issues. Overall, it is argued that the influence of public service media in the United Kingdom helps shape an information environment with informative news. The focus of the study is on UK media, but the conceptual application of intepreting a political information environment is designed to be relevant for scholars internationally. While communication studies have sought to advance more cross-national studies in recent years, this can limit how relevant studies are for debates in national political information environments. This study concludes by recommending more scholarly attention should be paid to theorising national policy dynamics that shape the political information environments of media systems within nations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026327642110120
Alessandro Jedlowski

On the basis of the results of an ongoing research project on the activities of the Chinese media company StarTimes in Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire, this paper analyses the fluid and fragmentary dimension of the engagements between Chinese media and African publics, while equally emphasizing the power dynamics that underlie them. Focusing on a variety of ethnographic sources, it argues for an approach to the study of Chinese media expansion in Africa able to take into account, simultaneously, the macro-political and macro-economic factors which condition the nature of China–Africa media interactions, the political intentions behind them (as, for example, the Chinese soft power policies and their translation into specific media contents), and the micro dimension of the practices and uses of the media made by the actors (producers and consumers of media) in the field.

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