scholarly journals Cuticular surface damage of Ascaridia galli adult worms treated with Veitchia merrillii betel nuts extract in vitro

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 732-737 ◽  
Ummu Balqis ◽  
Muhammad Hambal ◽  
Rinidar ◽  
Farida Athaillah ◽  
Ismail ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Ummu Balqis ◽  
Darmawi Darmawi ◽  
Maryam Maryam ◽  
Muslina Muslina ◽  
Abdullah Hamzah ◽  

ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui motilitas Ascaridia galli dewasa dalam ekstrak etanol biji Veitchia merrillii. Ekstrak etanol V. merrillii dianalisis fitokimia. Sebanyak 16 ekor cacing A. galli dewasa dibagi kedalam empat kelompok. Cacing pada kelompok pertama adalah kelompok tanpa perlakuan. Cacing pada kelompok kedua diberi 0,6 mg/ml levamisole. Cacing pada masing-masing kelompok ketiga dan keempat diberi 50 dan 100 mg/ml crude ekstrak biji V. merrillii. Motilitas A. galli ditentukan dalam skor persentase setelah 12, 24, 36 jam dengan menggunakan kriteria: 3 (badan bergerak), 2 (hanya sebagian badan bergerak), 1 (tidak bergerak tetapi masih hidup), 0 (mati). Hasil fitokimia V. merrillii mengandung alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids. Ekstrak biji V. merrillii dosis 100 mg/ml secara in vitro dapat mempersingkat selama 12 jam waktu motilitas cacing A. galli dewasa. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan potensi anthelmintik berbasis herbal untuk pengendalian A. galli.  (Motility of Ascaridia galli adult worms in vitro in ethanolic extracts of Nuts Veitchia merrillii) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this research was to know the motility of Ascaridia galli adult worms in aqueous ethanolic extracts of nuts Veitchia merrillii. The ethanolic extract of the V. merrillii was analyzed. Amount of sixteen head A. galli adult worms were divided into four groups. The first group, worms were left as un-treated normal controls. The second group, worms were treated with concentrations of 0,6 mg/ml levamisole. The third and fourth group, worms were treated with crude aqueous ethanolic extract of 50 and 100 mg/ml concentrations nuts of the V. merrillii, respectively. Motility of A. galli were determined after 12, 24, 36 hour by mean of persentage scored using the following criteria: 3 (moving whole body), 2 (moving only parts of the body), 1 (immobile but alive), and 0 (died). The result of phytochemical V. merrillii contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and terpenoids. V. merrillii nuts extract concentrations of 100 mg/ml in vitro can shorten the time motility A. galli adult worms for 12 hours. The study indicated the potential for developing herbal-based anthelmintics to control A. galli.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Noni Zakiah ◽  
Vonna Aulianshah ◽  
T. Maulana Hidayatullah ◽  
Faridah Hanum

Kegunaan labu kuning di Indonesia masih sebatas daging buah yang dapat diolah menjadi panganan seperti kue basah, kolak dan sayur berkuah. Secara empiris, biji labu kuning telah digunakan untuk mengatasi cacingan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui mortalitas cacing gelang (Ascaridia galli) dalam ekstrak etanol biji labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne). Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor Ascaridia galli yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, kelompok I kontrol negatif menggunakan larutan NaCl fisiologis, kelompok II kontrol positif menggunakan larutan pirantel pamoat 0,5 %, kelompok III, IV dan V berturut-turut menggunakan 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml dan 100 mg/ml ekstrak etanol biji labu kuning. Parameter penelitian ini ditentukan dengan melihat persentase nilai skor pasca inkubasi 12 jam, 24 jam, dan 36 jam. Skor 3 diberikan apabila seluruh tubuh Ascaridia galli bergerak, skor 2 diberikan jika hanya sebagian tubuh Ascaridia galli bergerak, skor 1 jika Ascaridia galli diam tetapi masih hidup, dan skor 0 apabila Ascaridia galli mati. Hasil uji in vitro dengan perlakuan 25 mg/ml ekstrak etanol biji labu kuning menyebabkan kematian 3 ekor Ascaridia galli  atau 60% pasca inkubasi 36 jam, sedangkan ekstrak etanol biji labu kuning dengan perlakuan 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml dan kelompok kontrol positif mengakibatkan kematian 4 ekor Ascaridia galli atau 80% pasca inkubasi 36 jam. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol biji labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) dosis 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, dan 100 mg/ml secara in vitro dalam waktu 36 jam mampu mengakibatkan mortalitas Ascaridia galli. The use of yellow pumpkin in Indonesia is still limited to fruit meat that can be processed into snacks such as soggy cakes, porridge and vegetable soup. This research was conducted to determine the mortality of Ascaridia galli in ethanol extract of yellow pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne). This study used 25 Ascaridia galli which were divided into 5 groups, group I was negative control using physiological NaCl solution, group II was positive control using 0.5% pirantel pamoate solution, group III, IV and V respectively used 25 mg / ml, 50 mg/ml and 100 mg/ml ethanol extract of yellow pumpkin seeds. The parameters of this study were determined by looking at the percentage of post-incubation scores 12 hours, 24 hours, and 36 hours. A score of 3 is given if the whole body of Ascaridia galli moves, a score of 2 is given if only part of the body of Ascaridia galli moves, a score of 1 if Ascaridia galli is still but still alive, and a score of 0 if Ascaridia galli dies. In vitro test results with 25 mg/ml ethanol extract of pumpkin seeds caused 3 deaths of Ascaridia galli or 60% after incubation for 36 hours, while ethanol extract of yellow pumpkin seeds treated with 50 mg / ml, 100 mg/ml and positive control group resulting in the death of 4 Ascaridia galli or 80% after 36 hours incubation. From the results of the study concluded that the ethanol extract of yellow pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) doses of 25 mg / ml, 50 mg / ml, and 100 mg / ml in vitro within 36 hours can lead to Ascaridia galli mortality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 711 ◽  
E. BONOS ◽  

Parasites (protozoa, helminthes, arthropods) represent a main threat for poultry worldwide. Among helminthes, nematodes constitute the most important group of parasites of poultry. The nematode Ascaridia galli, the cause of ascaridiosis in poultry, is one of the most important and prevalent parasites, resulting in serious economic losses, associated with the treatment cost, the decreased feed efficiency, and the poor egg and meat production. During the past few decades the indiscriminate use of anthelmintic drugs has generated several cases of resistance in helminthes in poultry, situation which is coupled with the severity of residues in poultry products. For this reason, nowadays attention has been drawn to the use of botanicals in poultry diet, due to their anthelmintic properties. Furthermore, the dietary use eco-friend ly of these plant derived substances compared to conventional synthetic anthelmintic drugs is considered as a natural and ecofriendly approach by the consumers. The focus of the present review is to recapitulate the studies, both in vivo and in vitro, that have demonstrated the anthelmintic efficacy of various dietary botanicals in controlling poultry ascaridiosis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-234 ◽  
Amer R. Abdel Aziz ◽  
Mahmoud R. AbouLaila ◽  
Mohammad Aziz ◽  
Mosaab A. Omar ◽  
Khaled Sultan

Materials ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1833 ◽  
Rafael Delgado-Ruiz ◽  
Ana Nicolas Silvente ◽  
Georgios Romanos

Implant connections must resist surgical and prosthetic procedures without deformation. This study evaluated the deformation of different internal connections (IC) of narrow dental implants (NDI) after their insertion in artificial dense bone. Thirty NDI, with different IC geometries, Group A (internal hexagon), Group B (tri-channeled), and Group C (four-channeled), with the same length and similar narrow diameters, were inserted in type II density bone blocks. Drilling protocols for dense bone from each implant manufacturer were followed. The Insertion torque (IT), connection length, vertex angles, and wall deformations were analyzed before and after the insertion of the implants. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and Tukey post-test were used for statistical comparisons. IT values were higher for Group A, surface damage, and titanium particles were observed in the IC in all the groups. Angle deformations between 5 and 70 degrees were present in all the groups, and the walls of Group B connection were the most affected by deformations (p < 0.05). Within the limitations of this experiment, it can be concluded that narrow diameter implants will suffer deformation of the implant connection and will also experience surface damage and titanium particle release when inserted in type II bone density.

2018 ◽  
pp. 294
Kristina Sartika Sonda ◽  
Samsuri Samsuri ◽  
Ida Bagus Made Oka

Di dalam biji pepaya muda terkandung beberapa zat aktif seperti glikosida, alkaloid karpain, benzyl-isothiocianate (BITC) dan enzim papain yang telah terbukti dapat membunuh cacing dan menghambat daya berembrio telur cacing Ascaridia galli. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui vermisidal dan ovisidal ekstrak methanol biji pepaya muda terhadap cacing Ascaridia galli.  Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni  untuk uji vermisidal terdiri dari 6 perlakuan (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) dan 5 ulangan, sedangkan untuk uji ovisidal dibagi menjadi dua uji, yaitu kontak langsung dan kontak tidak langsung. Perlakuan yang diberikan; Kontrol Negatif (P0) dengan larutan NaCl Fisiologis, Kontrol Positif (P1) dengan larutan Albendazole (Benzamidazole 0,15 ml/kg berat badan), perlakuan II (P2), ekstrak biji pepaya muda konsentrasi 0,07 %, perlakuan III (P3), ekstrak biji pepaya muda konsentrasi 0,14 %, perlakuan IV (P4), ekstrak biji pepaya muda konsentrasi 0,21 %, perlakuan V (P5), ekstrak biji pepaya muda 0,28 %. Untuk uji vermisidal data dianalisis dengan Analisis Probit untuk mengetahui LC100 (Lethal Concentration) dan LT100 (Lethal Time) dari ekstrak biji pepaya muda sedangkan untuk uji ovisidal data dianalisis dengan Sidik Ragam Hasil penelitian vermisidal didapatkan LC100 ekstrak biji pepaya muda adalah 0,371 % dan LT100 34,614 jam. Untuk uji ovisidal kontak langsung dan kontak tidak langsung didapatkan bahwa ekstrak biji pepaya muda berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,05) terhadap daya berembrio telur cacing Ascaridia galli. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak biji pepaya muda efektif sebagai vermisidal dan ovisidal kontak langsung terhadap cacing Ascaridia galli secara in-vitro.

1963 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-48 ◽  
N.F. Weatherly ◽  
M.F. Hansen ◽  
H.C. Moser

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Vanna Lidya Kharisma ◽  
Setiawan Koesdarto ◽  
Koesnoto Supriandono ◽  
Lucia Tri Suwanti ◽  
Sri Agus Sudjarwo ◽  

The aims of this research are to determine concentration, exposure time, interaction between concentration and exposure time of ethanol extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. Leaves to cause death toward Ascaridia galli in vitro, and the value of LC50 and LC90 ethanol extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. Leaves. Research design that has been used in the research was completely randomized design. This research used 200 samples of Ascaridia galli with length 7-11 cm without differentiating their sex. The concentration ethanol extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaves were 1.25%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%. The control was using CMC-Na 0.5%. Each treatment then being replicated four times. The observation and recording of dead worm were done at 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. Ascaridia galli were declared dead if there was no movement while disturbed by anatomy tweezers and dipped in slightly warm water (50ºC). The obtained data was analyzed using Anova Factorial and continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test by SPSS for Windows 22. The result were 10% concentration and exposure time for 24 hours caused the most mortality toward Ascaridia galli. Interaction between concentration and exposure time resulted 10% concentration ethanol extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaves in 24 hours caused the most mortality towards Ascaridia galli. Probit analysis was used to calculate the LC50 and LC90 of Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaves. The results were LC50 ethanol extract of Ocimum sanctum Linn. leaves at 6 hours was 14.8%, at 12 hours was 4.8% and at 24 hours was 3.0% and the LC90 at 24 hours was 9.1%.

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