scholarly journals Analyzing The Stress Levels of A Patient Using Heart Beat and Pulse Rate Sensor by Arduino Interface with CRO

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.27) ◽  
pp. 15
K Arunamanjusha ◽  
T Kalyani ◽  
B Naresh ◽  
N Nagaraju

With the advancements in medical field, it is easy to treat numerous diseases and study various micro organisms and produce life saving drugs that did not exist few decades back. However, we do not have enough apparatus that is simple and user-friendly to analyze or make assessments to determine the psychological conditions of a patient. The treatment given to the patient is affected by the person’s psychological state of mind in terms of stress or emotional levels. A person’s stress levels are basically determined by the emotional response and in turn the electrical impulses generated through the exchange of sodium and potassium ions at the cell wall of the human body which is generally maintained at -70mV. The electrical impulses can be captured at the heart or brain or both in order to analyze the state of the patients receiving any particular treatment. In this paper the register pulse rate using heart beat sensor and graph it at certain intervals of time.  The slope joining the peaks of consecutive readings indicates the increase /decrease of the patients stress and responsiveness to the treatment  

According to recent surveys child missing, child kidnapping cases are rapidly increasing in India [1]. Child’s safety in school buses and outside school premises is one of main concern for the parents today. The proposed system tries to provide security features to the children using new methodologies that are added to the existing safety system for better protection. The proposed system consists of portable unit, cloud system and android application. The portable unit consists of raspberry pi 2 model B, GPS receiver with antenna and pulse rate sensor. This unit will track the position of the child in the form of latitude longitude and altitude using GPS receiver and sense the pulse rate values using heart beat sensor. These data are sending to raspberry pi module which is then injected into elasticsearch with the help of internet connectivity. In cloud system elastic search which is served by amazon cloud service provides a URL which extracts the indexed values from the data injected by raspberry pi device. The android application in a user interface that shows the location of the child in map, path in which the child travelled and the speed in which child moves. The pulse rate of the child is also monitored in application real-time. The URL produced by the elasticsearch is used to retrieve values to the application.

e-CliniC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Jessica F. Rorrong ◽  
John J. E. Wantania ◽  
Anastasi M. Lumentut

Abstract: Nausea and vomiting are common problems in early pregnancy. Symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women that persist and get worse are called hyperemesis gravidarum. The causes of hyperemesis gravidarum are not exactly known, but it is supposed that they could be caused inter alia by psychological factors. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the psychological state of pregnant women and the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum. This was a literature review study by using three databases, namely Google Scholar, ClinicalKey, and Pubmed. The keywords used were psychological AND hyperemesis gravidarum. The result showed that the psychological conditions assessed in most literatures were anxiety disorders, depression, and stress. Pregnant women who suffered from anxiety and stress could trigger or worsen the depression. The higher level of anxiety would increase the chance of suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Therefore, pregnant women need additional psychological support during treatment and as a follow-up for pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum. In conclusion, the psychological state of pregnant women is related to the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum.Keywords: psychological, hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea and vomiting Abstrak: Mual dan muntah merupakan masalah yang biasa terjadi pada awal kehamilan. Gejala mual dan muntah pada ibu hamil yang menetap dan bahkan bertambah berat disebut hiperemesis gravidarum. Faktor pemicu terjadinya hiperemesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil belum diketahui secara pasti, tetapi diperkirakan antara lain oleh faktor psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan keadaan psikologis ibu hamil dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review dengan pencarian data menggunakan tiga database yaitu Google Scholar, ClinicalKey, dan Pubmed. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu psikologis /psychological AND hiperemesis gravidarum/hyperemesis gravidarum. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa kondisi psikologis yang dinilai pada sebagian besar literatur yang dikaji ialah mengenai gangguan kecemasan, depresi, dan stres. Ibu hamil yang mengalami cemas dan stres dapat memicu atau memperburuk terjadinya depresi. Tingkat kecemasan yang semakin tinggi akan meningkatkan peluang untuk mengalami hiperemesis gravidarum sehingga diperlukan dukungan psikologis tambahan selama perawatan dan sebagai tindak lanjut ibu hamil dengan hiperemesis gravidarum. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah keadaan psikologis ibu hamil berhubungan dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum. Kata kunci: psikologis, hiperemesis gravidarum, mual dan muntah

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 339-342
А.М. Жукембаева ◽  
А. Есенханкызы ◽  
З.Т. Жумалиева ◽  
Д.Ж. Данабекова ◽  
К.А. Исаханова ◽  

Жалпы медициналық факультетінің 1 -курс 50 студентінің психологиялық жағдайы мен гемодинамикалық көрсеткіштерінің динамикасы зерттелді. Барлық қатысушылар жеке деректерді зерттеу және құпиялық бағдарламасына қатысуға ақпараттандырылған келісімге қол қойды. Талдау критерийлері САН тестінің нәтижелері ( көңіл - күй,белсенділік, сезімталдық). Импульсің жиілігі мен қан қысымы болды. Оқу жылының басында денсаулық, белсенділік және көңіл - күй шкаласы бойынша бағалар едәуір көп екендігі, ал жүрек соғу жиілігі мен қан қысымының көрсеткіштері емтихан қарсаңындағыдан аз екендігі анықталды. Алынған нәтижелер емтихан стрессінің әсерінен эмоциональды шиеленістің қарқындылығының артуы аясында психологиялық жағдайдың ғана емес, сонымен қатар соматикалық жағдайдың, атап айтқанда гемодинамикалық көрсеткіштердің теріс өзгерісі байқалғанын көрсетті. Бұл болашақта жүрек-қан тамыр ауруларының дамуына ықпал ететін фактор болуы мүмкін. The dynamics of the psychological state and hemodynamic indicators of 50 first-year students of the general medical faculty was studied. All participants signed informed consent to participate in the research and confidentiality of personal data. The criteria for the analysis were the results of the WAM test (well-being, activity, mood), pulse rate and blood pressure at the beginning of the school year and, directly, on the eve of the exam. It was found that at the beginning of the school year, the scores on the scales of health, activity and mood were significantly higher, and the indicators of pulse rate and blood pressure were significantly lower than on the eve of the exam. The results indicated that, amid increase in the intensity of emotional tension under the influence of examination stress, there was a negative change not only in the psychological state, but also in the somatic state, in particular, hemodynamic parameters, which may be a predisposing factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases in the future.

Richard Foley

The term ‘justification’ belongs to a cluster of normative terms that also includes ‘rational’, ‘reasonable’ and ‘warranted’. All these are commonly used in epistemology, but there is no generally agreed way of understanding them, nor is there even agreement as to whether they are synonymous. Some epistemologists employ them interchangeably; others distinguish among them. It is generally assumed, however, that belief is the target psychological state of these terms; epistemologists are concerned with what it takes for a belief to be justified, rational, reasonable or warranted. Propositions, statements, claims, hypotheses and theories are also said to be justified, but these uses are best understood as derivative; to say, for example, that a theory is justified for an individual is to say that were that individual to believe the theory (perhaps for the right reasons), the belief would be justified. Historically, the two most important accounts of epistemic justification are foundationalism and coherentism. Foundationalists say that justification has a tiered structure; some beliefs are self-justifying, and other beliefs are justified in so far as they are supported by these basic beliefs. Coherentists deny that any beliefs are self-justifying and propose instead that beliefs are justified in so far as they belong to a system of beliefs that are mutually supportive. Most foundationalists and coherentists are internalists; they claim that the conditions that determine whether or not a belief is justified are primarily internal psychological conditions (for example, what beliefs and experiences one has). In the last quarter of the twentieth century, externalism emerged as an important alternative to internalism. Externalists argue that one cannot determine whether a belief is justified without looking at the believer’s external environment. The most influential form of externalism is reliabilism. Another challenge to traditional foundationalism and coherentism comes from probabilists, who argue that belief should not be treated as an all-or-nothing phenomenon: belief comes in degrees. Moreover, one’s degrees of beliefs, construed as subjective probabilities, are justified only if they do not violate any of the axioms of the probability calculus. Another approach is proposed by those who advocate a naturalization of epistemology. They fault foundationalists, coherentists and probabilists for an overemphasis on a priori theorizing and a corresponding lack of concern with the practices and findings of science. The most radical naturalized epistemologists recommend that the traditional questions of epistemology be recast into forms that can be answered by science. An important question to ask with respect to any approach to epistemology is, ‘what implications does it have for scepticism?’ Some accounts of epistemic justification preclude, while others do not preclude, one’s beliefs being justified but mostly false. Another issue is the degree to which the beliefs of other people affect what an individual is justified in believing. All theories of epistemic justification must find a way of acknowledging that much of what each of us knows derives from what others have told us. However, some epistemologists insist that the bulk of the history of epistemology is overly individualistic and that social conditions enter into questions of justification in a more fundamental way than standard accounts acknowledge.

2011 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-264
Stuart Squires

AbstractContra Academicos is not one of Augustine's masterpieces and, as such, modern scholarship has largely ignored this text in favour of examining Augustine's more mature works. Scholars do, however, attempt to use it as a way of interpreting Augustine's psychological state of mind at the time of his conversion because this is his first extant text. I argue that this attempt at reading Contra Academicos as autobiography is dangerous because Augustine was deliberately offering a self-representation to a pagan-philosophical audience and, therefore, scholars should not attempt to interpret this dialogue as if it offered neutral insight into Augustine's state of mind around 386. This article will first review the history of the scholarship which has attempted to read Contra Academicos as autobiography to prove that Augustine was only a Neoplatonist at the time of his conversion, or to disprove this theory. In either case, the authors of both positions have relied on Contra Academicos to support their claims. Then, I will make three arguments why reading Contra Academicos as autobiography is dubious. First, I will argue that the literary genre of the dialogue shows that Augustine's intended audience was for pagan-philosophers. Second, I will argue that the dedication of the text shows that Augustine's audience is a pagan-philosophical audience. Augustine's dedicatee plays a larger role in this text than do most dedicatees of texts in late antiquity. Third, I will show that the specific content demonstrates that Augustine's text was focused on a pagan-philosophical audience. Augustine never quotes scripture but goes to great pains to demonstrate his knowledge of Vergil and Cicero.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 619
H. A. Saeed ◽  
M. H. Mazlan ◽  
A. H. Ibrahim ◽  
H. E. Hamzah ◽  
H. H. Qasim ◽  

Healthcare monitoring is a field that caught many researchers from the computer science community in the last decade. In the literature, various levels of people have been considered when proposing a health monitoring system. However, some aspects are still not adequately tackled such as monitoring workers’ health status within confined space where workers would be located in underground environment with less oxygen and a lot of dust. This paper proposes an IoT health monitor system for worker in confined places. The proposed system utilizes four types of microcontroller sensors including LM35 for measuring body temperature, heart beat rate sensor, blood pressure sensor and LPG gas sensor. All the aforementioned sensors are being connected via a GPS module in order to transmit the readings into a smartphone application. A simulation has been conducted to test the proposed sensors where competitive commercial measures have been used as a benchmark. Result of simulation showed that the sensors have fair accuracy that is near-identical to the benchmark. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1485-1490
Haritha Murali ◽  
P. Lakshmi Prabha ◽  
Aishwarya Nair ◽  
Vishal R. Nair

People belonging to different age groups who suffered fractures, temporary limb paralysis, paraplegia and monoplegia and various stages of hypertension (High BP) need to carry out physiotherapy to regain motor control in the limb(s). So this limb flexion extension counter can assist the subject to exercise properly and independently recover with ease. This device will help to monitor parameters such as heart rate, temperature and limb flexion-extension counts. Using GSM module the readings will be transmitted directly via SMS to the subject’s phone thus helping the individual to keep a record of their workout. The microcontroller used is ARDUINO MEGA 2560 which interfaces the temperature sensor LM35, IR Proximity Sensor for limb flexion-extension count and the pulse rate sensor SEN-11574 along with the GSM Module. A goniometer is used for measuring the angle made between the limbs. The pressure is applied on the arm using an inflatable cuff which acts as the load or stress for doing the exercise. On bending the forelimb, the IR sensor glows thus showing as a count. The pulse rate sensor shows the varying pulse rates during exercise. The cuff pressure is maintained between 30-50 mm of Hg. The conclusion is that pulse rate and temperature are directly proportional to each other from preliminary tests and using wireless recording it is easier for the subject to store and maintain record of his/her progress.

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 124-130 ◽  
Xi Chen ◽  
Isao Takahashi ◽  
Yoshimitsu Okita ◽  
Hisashi Hirata ◽  
Toshifumi Sugiura

Evaluation of psychological stress or state of mind remains an important problem. The anterior asymmetry and emotion model (AAE model) is a conventional and widely used method to sort baseline affective styles (approach or withdrawal) based on asymmetry of the activity in prefrontal cortices. Another method is to use alpha wave fluctuations at the frontal poles, as proposed by Yoshida. This method estimates state of mind as one point on a comfort level surface with pleasant-unpleasant and excited-calm axes that are normal to each other. The aim of this paper is to investigate the validity of the Yoshida method through the psychological responses to sound stimuli. Twenty-two healthy graduate students listened to two kinds of sound clips (scary and soothing) to induce negative and positive emotional states. The results showed that there are significant differences between the responses to scary and soothing sound stimuli in both unpleasant and excited mood states. Compared with baseline, increases in unpleasant and excited mood states were found in response to scary stimuli. However, no significant changes from the baseline state were observed in response to the soothing sound stimulus. These results suggest that the fluctuation of alpha waves recorded at both frontal poles is a valid index for the evaluation of psychological state of mind, especially for negative stimulation. Future study plans include investigating a possible relationship between the AAE model and the Yoshida method.

O. Valenzuela ◽  
I. Rojas ◽  
F. Rojas ◽  
A. Guillen ◽  
L. J. Herrera ◽  

This chapter is focused on the analysis and classification of arrhythmias. An arrhythmia is any cardiac pace that is not the typical sinusoidal one due to alterations in the formation and/or transportation of the impulses. In pathological conditions, the depolarization process can be initiated outside the sinoatrial (SA) node and several kinds of extra-systolic or ectopic beatings can appear. Besides, electrical impulses can be blocked, accelerated, deviated by alternate trajectories and can change its origin from one heart beat to the other, thus originating several types of blockings and anomalous connections. In both situations, changes in the signal morphology or in the duration of its waves and intervals can be produced on the ECG, as well as a lack of one of the waves. This work is focused on the development of intelligent classifiers in the area of biomedicine, focusing on the problem of diagnosing cardiac diseases based on the electrocardiogram (ECG), or more precisely on the differentiation of the types of atrial fibrillations. First of all we will study the ECG, and the treatment of the ECG in order to work with it, with this specific pathology. In order to achieve this we will study different ways of elimination, in the best possible way, of any activity that is not caused by the auriculars. We will study and imitate the ECG treatment methodologies and the characteristics extracted from the electrocardiograms that were used by the researchers that obtained the best results in the Physionet Challenge, where the classification of ECG recordings according to the type of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) that they showed, was realised. We will extract a great amount of characteristics, partly those used by these researchers and additional characteristics that we consider to be important for the distinction mentioned before. A new method based on evolutionary algorithms will be used to realise a selection of the most relevant characteristics and to obtain a classifier that will be capable of distinguishing the different types of this pathology.

1932 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-358

1. Records taken of the heart beat of the hen's egg during incubation, which were made without injury to the embryo, confirm the results obtained by Cohn. 2. The heart rate of the chick rises sharply during and immediately after hatching, but thereafter appears to remain nearly constant throughout life. 3. There is no obvious relation between the variations of the pulse rate and of the metabolic rate which are observed during the development of the hen. 4. No difference was found in the average heart frequencies of the two sexes, either during incubation or after hatching. 5. The newly hatched chick shows a remarkable accelerator action of the sympathetic. No evidence of vagal control has been found in the chick, but such control exists in the duckling. 6. Very slight alterations in temperature have a marked effect on the heart rate of the embryo and of the newly hatched chick.

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