scholarly journals Physico-Chemical Analysis of artisanal and industrialized Minas Frescal cheese commercialized in Londrina-PR

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Naiara Ramos Ricardo ◽  
Marly Sayuri Katsuda ◽  
Luciana Fulaneto Maia ◽  
Lorena Fernandes Abrantes ◽  
Leila Matsunaga Oshiro

<p>The artisan cheese production is an important income source for family farmers, however the lack of standardization and negligence in the preparation of the product generates a low quality cheese. The production of cheese of good quality finds some obstacles, because milk does not contribute in many ways to ensure the characteristics of the product. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical characteristics of 20 Minas Frescal cheeses, of which 10 samples were artisanal and 10 have industrial production. The handmade cheeses were sold in street markets and all the samples had no labeling and sanitary inspection seal. The industrialized were obtained in supermarkets, all the 20 samples were acquired in Londrina-PR. The analyses performed were &nbsp;moisture, fat (d.b.), pH and acidity. The fat analysis showed that 50% of samples from artisanal cheeses and 40% of industrialized ones violate the current laws. The pH of artisanal cheese samples ranged between 5.2 and 6.7 and the acidity ranged between 0.06 and 2.41%. The variation in acidity showed that the cheeses are made without standard and quality control of raw material. In industrialized cheeses the pH ranged between 5.3 and 6.5 and acidity between 0.2 and 1.4%. With this work we concluded that the small producers and industries do not pay attention to physico-chemical parameters essential to the quality of the cheese.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>DOI:</p>

A. V. Zhebo ◽  
E. E. Kotovskaya

The quality of 6 samples of brine cheese was examined, as a result of which deviations in organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters were established.


Определены физико-химические показатели 12 образцов сухих и полусладких белых и красных столовых вин, выработанных одним предприятием и разлитых в стеклобутылку (СБ), бутылку из полиэтилентерефталата и упаковку «пакет в коробке» (ПВК) в феврале 2018 г. холодным и горячим способами, с целью установления влияния упаковки на изменение органолептического состава и физико-химических показателей столовых вин. Физико-химический анализ и дегустация представленных образцов столовых вин проведены в марте 2018 г. с использованием общепринятых методик. Установлено, что через месяц после розлива в упаковку все опытные образцы соответствовали требованиям действующей нормативной документации на данный вид продукции и обладали оптимальными физико-химическими показателями, кроме образца полусладкого красного вина в СБ, который на момент анализа был подвержен микробиологическому воздействию. Во всех исследованных образцах столовых вин обнаружен 1,2-пропиленгликоль, но его содержание не превышало допустимых норм. По итогам дегустации для сухих столовых вин рекомендован розлив в СБ, поскольку холодный розлив, применяемый при этом виде упаковки, практически не влияет на изменение органолептических характеристик продукта. Для полусладких вин рекомендуется горячий розлив, поскольку он препятствует забраживанию и задушке вина, а розлив в упаковку ПВК позволяет сохранять качество вина. Physico-chemical parameters of 12 samples of dry and semi-sweet white and red table wines produced by one enterprise and poured into a glass bottle (GB), a bottle of polyethylene terephthalate and a bag-in-box in February 2018 by cold and hot methods were determined in order to establish the influence of packaging on the change in the organoleptic composition and physico-chemical characteristics of table wines. Physical and chemical analysis and tasting of the presented samples of table wines were carried out in March 2018 using generally accepted methods. It was found that a month after filling in the package, all prototypes met the requirements of the current regulatory documentation for this type of product and had optimal physico-chemical parameters, except for the sample of semi-sweet red wine in the GB, which at the time of analysis was exposed to microbiological effects. In all the studied samples of table wines 1,2-propylene glycol was found, but its content did not exceed the permissible norms. Following the results of the tasting, bottling in the GB is recommended for dry table wines, since the cold bottling used in this type of packaging practically does not affect the change in the organoleptic characteristics of the product. For sweet wines it is recommended that hot-filling because it prevents fermenting and suffocating wine and bottling in bag-in-box allows to preserve the quality of the wine.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Kalawana OTMRKSB ◽  
Harisha C R ◽  
Patel K S ◽  
Kori V K ◽  
Rajagopala S

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems having its own strong scientific concepts. Most herbal, Animal and mineral products are used to make Ayurvedic formulations and ancient Ayurvedic Aachaaryas have mentioned various methods to quality control and to standardization those formulations. And also it has been developed different techniques to evaluate the quality of medicines by modern science. So there is a current need of analyze Ayurvedic products also according to modern scientific pharmaceutical and pharmacognostical parameters for the global acceptance of Ayurveda. Hence the present study was carried out to pharmacognosticaly analyze the ingredients and finished product of Gandhakadi Yoga Vati and to analyze the Physico-chemical parameters of the same. Gandhakadi Yoga Vati is an Ayurvedic formulation used as an adjuvant in the management of Thalassemia Major. Pharmacognostical characteristics of Gandhakadi Yoga Vati  under the microscope showed that oil globules, stone cells & oleoresin contents, of Vidanga (Embelia robusta Burm.f.), fibers and oil globules of Agastya Pathra (S. grandiflora Linn.), warty trichome with base of Bhringaraja (E.alba L.) and crystaline depositions of Gandhaka. In the pharmaceutical study, it was observed that Loss on drying was 3.5 %w/w, pH was 6.5, Alcohol soluble extractive was 8.9 % w/w and water soluble extractive was 5.5 % w/w.  HPTLC study showed 06 peaks at 254 nm and 03 peaks at 366 nm wave lengths.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-33
Samara Pereira Dias ◽  
Jamir Rauta ◽  
César Augustus Winck

The storage process, in some way, has a direct influence on the production and status of the derived final product. It was possible to verify in this case study that the storage system of the company is deficient, needing improvements, especially when entering the raw material for production. Such problems, such as impurities, broken and burned grains, are generated in the warehouse itself, due to lack of prudence and coordination. Findings that contradict the objective of storage that is the conservation of the particularities of the grains and that may detract from the attributes of the end product in terms of taste, physical and chemical characteristics and visual conditions. Among the possible causes of the disturbances are the lack of maintenance of the machines, inefficient aeration and thermometry gauging. As a suggestion, besides the improvements on the mentioned problems, the implantation of management and strategy of inventories, of programs and quality control, development of the producing agents, planning and methods of solution of problems. The decline in the quality of the raw material, corn, can result in chain effect, damaging the final product, thus damaging the financial results of the organization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Chove Lucy Mlipano ◽  
Mongi Richard ◽  
Chenge Lawrence

A study to examine the effect of depth and distance of the boreholes from the septic tank on physico-chemical parameters of the borehole water consumed in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania was conducted. Samples were collected from 48 boreholes in Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke districts and subjected to pH, B.O.D (Biological Oxygen Demand), total hardness, copper and lead analyses in relation to safety and quality levels set by WHO and TBS. Analysis by R-statistics indicated that pH and B.O.D significantly (p<0.05) decreased as the depth of borehole increased, whereas total hardness was significantly (p<0.05) higher in very deep boreholes than the other heights. Total hardness and pH were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by distance between septic tank and borehole and the B.O.D levels were significantly higher in the borehole water situated near the septic tank than those which were far. Based on the physico-chemical characteristics of water, 25% of the samples did not comply with WHO and TBS specification limits while 75% complied, most of which had shallow depths and were situated near the septic tank. It may thus be concluded that both the distance and the depth between septic tank and borehole influenced physico-chemical characteristics of water.

Carmen Pop ◽  
Cristina Anamaria Semeniuc ◽  
Sorin Apostu ◽  
Ancuţa Mihaela Rotar

The aim of this study is the assessmentof the quality control of raw milk and traditional burduf cheese obtained fromcow milk mixed with 10% sheep milk. Appreciation of the integrity and freshness assessmentof milk (cow and sheep) was tested by physico-chemical analysis.On theshelf-live were determined the physico-chemical parameters in cheese samples. Theantibiotics residues were tested of the milk samples with portable analyser,model Rosa Charm Reader. Theresults of physico-chemical determinations for the milk and cheese samples werewithin the maximum permissible by data legislation. Regardingthe content of antibiotics, the results were negative both for cow milk and forsheep milk. The sensorycharacteristics of burduf cheese are influenced by the different types of milk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 777 (12) ◽  
pp. 37-42

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-453
Elna Lucilia Santos Corrêa ◽  
Karina Suzana Feitosa Pinheiro ◽  
Cláudio José Da Silva de Sousa ◽  
Luiz Jorge Bezerra da Silva Dias

O Brasil apresenta grande disponibilidade de água doce em seus mananciais. Fazendo parte desse recurso encontra-se, o rio Paciência, localizado na Ilha do Maranhão destacado pela sua importância local, principalmente por contribuir com suas águas para recarga dos mananciais subterrâneos, fonte de abastecimento público de vários bairros de São Luís, capital do estado. No entanto, este rio vem sofrendo comprometimento da qualidade de suas águas, consequência do processo de uso e ocupação dos espaços em sua bacia. Destacando-se como um dos principais problemas relacionados a qualidade de ambientes fluviais,  a eutrofização, que consiste no processo em que o corpo d’água adquire elevados níveis de nutrientes (fosfatos e nitratos), é um indicador determinante da qualidade da água. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a qualidade da água e do estado trófico na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paciência atráves dos parâmetros fisico-químico evidenciando os trechos mais comprometidos conforme os valores alcançados nas análises. Os resultados das análises foram comparados com a CONAMA No. 357/05 que indicaram uma situação preocupante quanto à qualidade da água no local de estudo.Palavras-chave: Qualidade de água; Eutrofização; Ilha do Maranhão. ABSTRACTThe Brazil has great availability of fresh water in its springs. Within these contexts, the Paciência River, located on the Island of Maranhão stands out for its local importance, mainly for contributing its waters to the recharge of the underground springs, source of public supply of several districts of São Luís, capital of the state. However, this river has been compromising the quality of its waters, a consequence of the process of use and occupation of the spaces in its basin. Highlighting as one of the main problems related to the quality of fluvial environments, eutrophication, which consists of the process in which the body of water acquires high levels of nutrients (phosphates and nitrates), is a determinant indicator of water quality. In this sense, the objective of this work was to characterize the water quality and trophic status in the Paciência river basin through the physico-chemical parameters, showing the most compromised stretches according to the values reached in the analyzes. The results of the analyzes were compared with CONAMA No. 357/05 which indicated a worrying situation regarding the quality of the water at the place of study.Keywords: Water quality; Eutrophication; Island of Maranhão. RESUMENBrasil tiene gran disponibilidad de agua dulce en sus manantiales. Parte de este recurso es el río Paciencia, ubicado en la isla de Maranhão, que destaca por su importancia local, principalmente porque contribuye con sus aguas a recargar las fuentes subterráneas, fuente de suministro público de varios barrios de São Luís, capital del estado. Sin embargo, este río se ha visto afectado por la calidad de sus aguas, como consecuencia del proceso de uso y ocupación de los espacios en su cuenca. Destacando como uno de los principales problemas relacionados con la calidad de los ambientes fluviales, la eutrofización, que consiste en el proceso en el que el cuerpo de agua adquiere altos niveles de nutrientes (fosfatos y nitratos), es un indicador determinante de la calidad del agua. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la calidad del agua y el estado trófico en la cuenca del río Paciência a través de los parámetros fisicoquímicos, mostrando las secciones más comprometidas de acuerdo con los valores alcanzados en los análisis. Los resultados de los análisis se compararon con CONAMA N°. 357/05, que indicó una situación preocupante con respecto a la calidad del agua en el sitio de estudio.Palabras clave: Calidad del agua; Eutrofización, Isla Maranhão.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Asma Ghorab ◽  
María Shantal Rodríguez-Flores ◽  
Rifka Nakib ◽  
Olga Escuredo ◽  
Latifa Haderbache ◽  

This study aimed to characterize the honeys of Babors Kabylia through sensory, melissopalynological and physico-chemical parameters. Thirty samples of honey produced in this region were collected over a period of two years and analyzed. All the samples presented physico-chemical parameters in conformity with legislation on honey quality, with few exceptions, linked mainly to beekeeping management. The pollen spectrum revealed a great diversity with 96 pollen types. The main pollen types were spontaneous species as Fabaceae (Hedysarum, Trifolium, Genisteae plants), Asteraceae plants, Ericaceae (Erica arborea L.) or Myrtus and Pistacia. The sensory properties of samples showed a high tendency to crystallization, the colors were from white to brown, but most of them had gold color. Smell and odor corresponded mainly to vegetal and fruity families and in taste perceptions besides sweetness highlighted sourness and saltiness notes. Seventeen samples were polyfloral, one was from honeydew and twelve were monofloral from heather, genista plants, sulla, blackberry or Asteraceae. Heather and the honeydew samples showed the darkest color, the highest electrical conductivity and phenol and flavonoid content. A statistical analysis based on the most representative pollen types, sensory properties and some physico-chemical components allowed the differentiation of honey samples in terms of botanical origin.

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-115 ◽  
Nada Babovic ◽  
Dejan Markovic ◽  
Vojkan Dimitrijevic ◽  
Dragan Markovic

This paper shows the results obtained in field analysis performed at the Tamis River, starting from the settlement Jasa Tomic - border between Serbia and Romania to Pancevo - confluence of Tamis into the Danube. The Tamis is a 359 km long river rising in the southern Carpathian Mountains. It flows through the Banat region and flows into the Danube near Pancevo. During the years the water quality of the river has severely deteriorated and badly affected the environment and the river ecosystem. In situ measurements enabled determination of physico-chemical parameters of water quality of the Tamis River on every 400 m of the watercourse, such as: water temperature, pH value, electrical conductivity, contents of dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation. The main reason of higher pollution of Tamis is seen in connection to DTD hydro system. Sampling was performed at 7 points with regard to color, turbidity, total hardness, alkalinity, concentration of ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, iron, chlorides and sulphates in samples. The aim of the present work was to evaluate water quality in the Tamis River taking into account significant pollution, which originates from settlements, industry and agriculture, and to suggest appropriate preventive measures to further pollution decreasing of the river's water.

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