scholarly journals Importance of establishment of corporate culture in libraries in the development of information services

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 844-856
Mustafa Bayter

Institutions carry the reflections of the culture in which they are formed. Therefore, each institution is influenced by its cultural structure in order to create its own culture. This corporate culture consists of values, beliefs and norms that hold the members of the institution together. Libraries are the institutions with the most important sources of information. The longer the corporate culture is established within this organization, the more effective the access to information and communication with the user will be. In this context, the subject of our study, the definition and history of corporate culture, the formation of corporate culture, the place and importance of culture in the institution, the elements of corporate culture, corporate culture and corporate change, corporate culture and management, the effect of managers in the formation of corporate culture, corporate culture and human resources, corporate culture culture and institutional commitment, the formation of institutional culture in the library institution, library and institutional behavior, library and institutional culture, the effect of the library on the formation of corporate culture. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Kurumlar, içinde oluştukları kültürün yansımalarını taşırlar. Bu yüzden her kurum kendi kültürünü oluşturabilmek için içinde bulunduğu kültür yapısından etkilenmektedir. Kurumsal kültür, kurum üyelerini bir arada tutan değerler, inanç, normlardan meydana gelmektedir. Kütüphaneler bilgi aktarımını sağlayan en önemli bilgi kaynaklarına sahip kurumlardır. Kütüphane kurumu içerisinde kurum kültürü ne kadar iyi oluşursa bilgiye ulaşım ve kullanıcı ile olan iletişim o kadar etkili olacaktır. Bu  çalışmada bilgi hizmetlerinin gelişmesinde kütüphanelerde kurum kültürünün oluşmasının önemi, kurum kültürünün tanımı ve tarihçesi, kurumsal kültürün oluşması, kültürün kurumdaki yeri ve önemi, kurum kültürünü oluşturan unsurlar,  kurum kültürü ve kurumsal değişim, kurum kültürü ve yönetim, kurum kültürünün oluşmasında yöneticilerin etkisi, kurum kültürü ve insan kaynakları, kurum kültürü ve kurumsal bağlılık, kütüphane kurumunda kurumsal kültürün oluşumu, kütüphane ve kurumsal davranış, kütüphane ve kurum kültürü, kütüphanenin kurum kültürü oluşturmasındaki etkisi başlıkları altında incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.

Jan Uhde

CZECH FILM IN EXILE (ČESKÝ FILM V EXILU). Jiří Voráč. Brno, Host 2004. 192pp, stills, index, English summary. ISBN: 8072941399.In Czech Film In Exile, Jiří Voráč turns to a topic painfully relevant for the cultural history of his country, yet ignored by his compatriot researchers for years. In the stifling times of the pre-1989 Communist dictatorship, the subject of the exile culture was strictly taboo. More surprising was that it continued to be neglected for almost fifteen years after the "velvet revolution" and subsequent democratization. Among the reasons may have been the geographic fragmentation, linguistic diversity and disorganization of the sources which had to be researched in countries on several continents. Another factor may have been a sort of ideological inertia among some of the Czech academic community, which did not seem to consider its own film exile a worthwhile academic subject.For Voráč, a film historian at Brno's Masaryk University,...

1917 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 47-71
Henry Elias Dosker

The subject is not of my own choosing. It was assigned to me by our Secretary, when he invited me last summer to write a paper for this meeting of the Society. The raeson for this request lies in the fact that, for the last dozen years, much of my spare time has been spent in special work on this engrossing subject, which is shrouded in much mystery. But we all know something about the great Anabaptist movement, which paralleled the history of the Reformation. We have all touched these Anabaptists in their life and labors, in the sixteenth century, in all Europe, but especially in Switzerland, upper Germany, and Holland. Crushed and practically wiped out everywhere else, they rooted themselves deeply in the soil of northeastern Germany and above all in the Low Countries. And thence, whenever persecution overwhelmed them, they crossed the channel and moved to England, where their history is closely interwoven with that of the Nonconformists in general and especially with the nascent history of the English Baptists.

1931 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 11-14

The following interview with Professor Matthew B. Hammond of the Department of Economics of Ohio State University may indicate how collections of old business manuscripts are used and what may be their value. Professor Hammond has made the history of the cotton textile industry his particular study for much of a lifetime, with the result that he has become an authority on the subject. Throughout all of his study he has found manuscript material one of his best sources of information.

Retos ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 748-754
Juan Francisco Cabrera Ramos

En las dos últimas décadas, la literatura ha aportado argumentos de forma sistemática sobre la utilidad de la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la Educación Física. El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir el comportamiento de la producción científica en el área de las TIC y la Educación Física en el período de 1995 a 2017. El estudio se basa en el análisis bibliométrico de publicaciones recopiladas en diversos repositorios de publicaciones científicas. Se recolectó un total de n=521 contribuciones, que incluyen artículos científicos, presentaciones en eventos científicos, tesis, libros y capítulos de libros. Se determinan los autores más productivos, las principales fuentes de información, las principales líneas de investigación y las contribuciones más influyentes. Se encuentra un alto grado de colaboración nacional, un bajo nivel de colaboración internacional y un limitado número de autores con más de una publicación en el tema. En el análisis sobre la madurez del dominio se considera que estamos ante un dominio de conocimientos en fase de crecimiento. Abstract. In recent decades, scientific literature has provided arguments about the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Physical Education in a systematic way. The objective of this research is to describe the trend of scientific production in the area of ICT and Physical Education in the period from 1995 to 2017. The study is based on the bibliometric analysis of publications collected in various databases of scientific publications. A total of n = 521 contributions were collected, including scientific articles, presentations at scientific events, theses, books, and book chapters. The most productive authors, the main sources of information, the main areas of research, and the most influential contributions were determined. There is a high degree of national collaborations but a low level of international ones, and a low number of authors with more than one publication on the subject. In the domain maturity analysis, we can consider this topic as in a growth phase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 05 (08) ◽  
pp. 01-10
Abderahim AMAM

The study focuses on the efficacy of Economic and Strategic Intelligence (ESI) and its impact on the performance of organizations. The main objective is to try to give a complete overview on the problem of measuring this efficacy which is an indispensable tool for the performance of organizations. Economists, management researchers, and information and communication scientists, analyzed, compared, and evaluated improvements in this area of ​​organizational performance. Our research problem will focus on the following question: How can we measure the efficacy of Economic and Strategic Intelligence (ESI) and its impact on the performance of organizations? In order to achieve this goal, and on the basis of a corpus of articles on this subject published in periodicals between 1982 and 2015, supplemented by the main works, papers and research reports on the subject, we propose a synthetic and critical reading which traces the contrasting history of those works, particularly about the efficacy of the ESI and its impact on the performance of organizations. The study distinguishes between different measures partial and general exposed by the authors. It exposes the governance as the instrument of complementary measure to other instruments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Tamara Halytska-Didukh

The article examines the components and importance of forming one of the key competences “initiative and entrepreneurship” in the context of reforming modern secondary education; possibilities of its introduction in school historical education are determined on the basis of development of historical competence of students. The components of historical competence by integrating the economic dimension into the content of the tasks are highlighted. The subject “History of Ukraine” is focused on the formation of competence “initiative and entrepreneurship” through integration of inter-curriculum relations at the lesson of History of Ukraine, creative and activity approaches to the educational process. It is important not the accumulation of knowledge, but the ability to identify and analyze problems (including specific economic situations), to seek ways of their rational solution, to be able to think critically and to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and expertise to solve new problems. This is largely facilitated by active teaching methods that encourage students to be initiative, sociable, personally responsible; forms skills and abilities of non-standard problem-solving, independent choice of effective life strategies. The project method, which involves the ability to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations to solve various educational problems, should be noted separately; ability to find the necessary information independently; to work with different sources of information; develop group collaboration skills; ability to argue their own opinion, discuss other topics. An example is the subject of 10th grade projects that shape a given competence. Thus, forming the initiative and entrepreneurship competences at the lessons of History of Ukraine will contribute to the improvement of the students' overall vital competences, form in them the ability to creatively apply the acquired knowledge, skills and expertise to solve social problems, improve their well-being in non-standard life situations and conditions in general.

1988 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 351-362 ◽  
John K. Thornton

Historians of Nigeria have been curious for many years about the relationship between the various states of the southern zone since the sixteenth century. The fact that the area has produced a rich art, has a fairly elaborate set of traditional histories, and has been the subject of some systematic archeological work means that the modern scholar has somewhat more to go on in reconstructing the region's history than just the fairly sparse and disappointing contemporary texts that came out of the early Portuguese contacts and subsequent European trade and navigation. But contemporary documentation for southern Nigeria remains much weaker than that for other African areas, such as the central African zone, Gold Coast, or the western Atlantic coast.Nevertheless, documents have raised problems in understanding the history of the area that cannot be fully solved by recourse to the other sources of information, in spite of the comparative richness of non-documentary sources. One of these documentary problems is the issue of the Ife-Benin relationship as documentated in archeology, contemporary texts, and art history. The problems raised by the relationship between these two southern Nigerian cities ultimately reflects on a much larger set of questions concerning the relationship of all the early states south of the Niger, at a period quite near the origin of the state system that would predominate the rest of the pre-colonial period.

1876 ◽  
Vol 19 (05) ◽  
pp. 328-351
Cornelius Walford

In connexion with a series of articles I have recently prepared for theInsurance Cyclopædia, bearing upon the history and practice of Fire Insurance, the subject of the Finance of Fire Insurance Offices has been very forcibly brought under my consideration. It is no part of the main design of that work, as I believe is very generally understood, to propound new theories in regard to the conduct of insurance companies. Its humbler purpose is to give a faithful record of the past history of insurance, to examine the foundations on which the different branches of the business are based, and to criticise, upon occasion, the data which has been relied on in their establishment; as also to supplement this data by reference to the new and ever increasing sources of information. In all this it has been my aim to present the views of others, rather than my own.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1038-1050
Ahmet Feyzi ◽  
Hasan Tahsin Sümbüllü

This research focuses on art patronage and artist patronage in Turkish music culture in general and tries to provide an overview of Ottoman archival documents on the subject of patronage applied both to public and non-public musicians throughout the history of Turkish music. The subject of patronage, which is of great importance in the development of the art of music in Turkish history, has been handled within the scope of the research and archive documents regarding the reflection of the patronage practice in the history of music have been gathered together. Based on these documents; firstly, it has been tried to clarify which practices are made within the scope of patronage in the history of Turkish music. In addition, the musicians people or groups who undertook the benefit of this application, what kind of benefit from this phenomenon of the artist benefiting from the patronage of this phenomenon, the patronage-artist relationship in the name of these practices made on behalf of the patronage of musicians practices in the process of professionalization of the process of professionalization and how it affected socioeconomic aspects of the related musicians thanks to the practices made, how the practices related to the patronage of musicians made during the Ottoman period were transferred to the Republican period, and to what extent the patronage was reflected in the Ottoman written literature. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Bu araştırma, genel anlamda Türk müzik kültüründe sanat hamiliği ve sanatçı patronajı üzerine odaklanmakta ve özelde ise Türk müziği tarihi içerisindeki gerek kamusal anlamda gerekse kamusal alan dışından musikişinaslar için uygulanan himaye konusu ile ilgili Osmanlı arşiv evraklarının genel bir değerlendirmesini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Türk tarihi içerisinde müzik sanatının gelişiminde büyük öneme haiz olan patronaj konusu araştırma kapsamında ele alınmış ve patronaj uygulamasının müzik tarihi içerisindeki yansıması ile ilgili arşiv evrakları bir araya toparlanmıştır. Bu evraklar esas alınarak; öncelikli olarak Türk müziği tarihi içerisindeki patronaj kapsamında hangi uygulamaların yapıldığı konusu aydınlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca musikişinas hamiliği üstlenen kişi veya gurupların bu uygulamadan ne türlü bir fayda sağladığı, patronaj olgusundan faydalanan sanatçının bu olgudan hangi yönlü maddi veya manevi kazanım elde ettiği, hamilik adına yapılan bu uygulamalarda hami-sanatçı ilişkisinin ne şekilde yürüdüğü, musikişinas hamiliği kapsamında yapılan uygulamaların meslekleşme sürecini ne şekilde etkilediği, yapılan uygulamalar sayesinde ilgili musikişinasların sosyoekonomik yönden nasıl etkilediği, Osmanlı döneminde yapılan musikişinas patronajına ilişkin uygulamaların Cumhuriyet dönemine ne şekilde aktarıldığı, patronaj konusunun Osmanlı yazılı yayın literatürüne ne derecede yansıdığı konuları hakkında ise genel bir durum değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 245-248
Marina Grubor ◽  
Miodrag Šmelcerović

Innovation in education technology, under the influence of the modern information and communication complex, has allowed the development, modernization and rationalization of education, thus creating completely new paradigms in the field of knowledge transfer. New technologies provide efficient, diversified and autonomous access to knowledge, and this significantly changes the organization of the teaching or educational process as a whole. In addition, the complexity and multidimensionality of modern communication transmits the educational process into a simulated environment. By the way, the condition in such a way of simulated - virtual reality is interaction. Contemporary educational processes require new studies, as well as teaching and upbringing through modern means of communication and modern expression, which become an integral part of a specific and autonomous field of knowledge process in pedagogical theory and practice. The use of information and communication technologies in education is the future, which all speaks in favor of Serbian enlightenment and how they want new knowledge and discussion about how the future of the future will look. And exactly in this virtual space, outside the classroom, and actually in the classroom, the biggest changes are taking place. Because of the enormous amount of information from modern media (TV, radio, computer networks), the teacher of the future becomes more and more difficult to teach young people why it is important to be able to read, write. Indeed, the media, TV, radio, and computers were created by people with literacy skills, not people from the media. In order to filter the enormous amount of information that students will encounter inside and outside the school, using multimedia computer networks, the teacher of the future must act as a measure, perspective of the provider. The simplest way to provide this perspective in the context of a curriculum is to learn from where information came from: History of technology, history of science, history of mathematics, history of language, art history, history of history (including the history of the "future"!). In other words, regardless of the subject to be taught, the teacher will in the future have to give the students a sense of evolution of the subject in order to provide a reason for thinking in the continuous flow of information, not in parts. " The School of the Future will be moved from classrooms to parks and museums, students will learn to meditate, and the main assistant teachers will be artificial intelligence. It is time for pedagogy to catch up with technology. Since recently, computer networks are paradise literacy, the textual state is rapidly passing, and computer network research quickly moves to multimedia This means that digital images (moving images, audio, graphics) will become the biggest influence on these networks.

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