Kajian Status Mutu Air dan Identifikasi Sumber Pencemaran Sungai Cidurian Segmen Hilir Menggunakan Metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP)

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Novianti Novianti ◽  
Badrus Zaman ◽  
Anik Sarminingsih

Sungai Cidurian adalah salah satu sungai yang mengalir di Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Serang yang melintasi 17 (tujuh belas) kecamatan dan 2 (dua) kabupaten dengan panjang 67,5 Km. Kajian dilakukan untuk menganalisis status kualitas air Sungai Cidurian pada segmen hilir agar dapat mengetahui kondisi dan tingkat status mutu airnya sehingga dapat mengambil kebijakan pengelolaan dan pengendalian pencemaran dengan tepat. Penelitian dilakukan pada saat musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Nilai status mutu air dianalisis dengan Metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) yang perhitungannya mengacu pada KepMen LH No. 115 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Penentuan Status Mutu Air.  Hasilnya menunjukan pada 4 (empat) lokasi titik sampling memperlihatkan rata-rata nilai Indeks Pencemaran (IP) pada hilir sungai dalam kondisi baik dan cemar ringan berdasarkan Baku Mutu Kelas II PP 22/2021, untuk nilai Indeks Pencemaran (IP) terendah sebesar 0,66 dan tertinggi sebesar 1,56. ABSTRACTThe Cidurian River is one of the rivers that flows in Tangerang Regency and Serang Regency which crosses 17 (seventeen) sub-districts and 2 (two) districts with a length of 67.5 Km. The study was carried out to analyze the water quality status of the Cidurian River in the downstream segment in order to know the condition and level of the water quality status so that it could take appropriate pollution management and control policies. The research was conducted during the dry season and the rainy season. The value of water quality status was analyzed by using the Pollution Index Method (IP), the calculation refers to the Minister of Environment Decree No. 115 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for Determining Water Quality Status. The results show that at 4 (four) sampling point locations, the average Pollution Index (IP) value in the downstream river is in good condition and lightly polluted based on the Class II PP 22/2021 Quality Standard, for the lowest Pollution Index (IP) value of 0, 66 and the highest of 1.56.

Bambang Suharto ◽  
Liliya Dewi ◽  
Aulia Nur Mustaqiman ◽  
Tyas Roro Anggraini Kyai Marjo

<strong>Aim:</strong> The purpose of this study was to determine the status of water quality in a river by using the Pollution Index method as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 115/2003 regarding Guidelines for Determining the Status of Water Quality and to determine the effect of quality status on development efforts towards ecotourism. <strong>Methodology and Results:</strong> The measurement of water quality was carried out at two points, namely T1 (upstream) and T2 (downstream) points. The parameters included BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Temperature, pH, Zn, S, P, No3, and No2. From the test results for class I, II, and III criteria, almost all parameters exceeded the quality standard. The status of the river water quality, according to the Pollution Index, has increased from moderate polluted upstream and heavily polluted to certain parameters downstream. <strong>Conclusion, significance and impact study: </strong>The quality standards that are met for the river are criteria for class IV. The increase in pollution is indicated by human activity around the river which is characterized by increasing population and land use in agriculture and plantations. The increasing pollution reduces the quality of the river if it is developed into an ecotourism area due to its low water quality status.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 200-218

The Dendeng River is vital for economic sustainability and viability for the community, industry and commerce around the flood plain of the river as well as raw water sources of the Kupang PDAM. However, increased domestic and industrial waste disposal along the river has caused severe pollution. One way to maintain the quality of the river is by continuously monitoring the pollutants and applying technology control as well as controlling strategy. The aim of the research mainly is to establish the water quality status of Dendeng River by water pollution Index method based on parameter physics and chemistry, i.e. pH,  DO, COD, BOD, TSS, TDS, NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, and PO4-P. The research was carried out based on field survey and sample examined in situ and in laboratory. The removal of water sample from Dendeng River conducted based on composite sampling as many as six point locations of Dendeng River as representative of upstream up to downstream zone. The quality status of Dendeng River is in good condition to lightly polluted with a pollution index value of 0.6 to 1.52. Value of the DO, BOD, COD, and phosphate content were higher than the allowable class 1 standard.  The Water Quality Index value of Dendeng River was 86.67, which is included in the good water quality class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Marita Wulandari ◽  
Muhammad Ma’arij Harfadli ◽  
Rahmania Rahmania

Balikpapan bay has an important and strategic role, such as a buffer for sustainability of the estuary function as the Balikpapan seaport. In Balikpapan esuary watershed there are large and small rivers, including Somber River. Settlements and industries around the river banks have caused a decrease of river water quality, especially activities that place pollutant loads (waste) on the river bodies. This research is focused on physical and chemical parameters, including Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), temperature, pH, and DO (Dissolved Oxygen).Water quality research was conducted by dividing the river into 7 measurment points. The distribution of measurement points was based on water quality considerations that represent upstream, middle, and downstream water quality, as well as considering easy access. Water samples at each mesurment point ware collected at three different depths (vertically). Concentrations of several parameters that have been obtained were then analyzed using the Pollution Index method (Pollution Index) which is used to determine relative pollutant levels to the allowed water quality parameters. The testing procedure by pollution index refers to procedure poured in the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment No. 115 in 2003 concerning of Determining Guidelines of Water Quality Status. Based on the field measurments, an average value for temperatures obtained ranging from 30.0 - 32.1 ° C, TDS values ​​4270 mg / L - 10000 mg / L, DO ranges between 1.8 mg / L - 3.1 mg / L, and pH values ​​between 6.6 - 7.1. From the calculation and data analisys of physical and chemical parameters, the research can be concluded that the location of measurement point 1 shows water quality status being lightly polluted, while point 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 shows water quality status being moderately polluted. Keywords: Water quality, estuary, Somber river, pollution index

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yushi Rahayu ◽  
Iwan Juwana ◽  
Dyah Marganingrum

ABSTRAKSungai Cikapundung merupakan anak sungai DAS Citarum Hulu yang digunakan untuk sumber air baku air minum, irigasi dan perikanan di Kota Bandung. Sungai Cikapundung yang melewati Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kota Bandung dan Kabupaten Bandung berpotensi tercemar oleh limbah dari sektor domestik. Namun saat ini belum ada informasi mengenai beban pencemar terhadap Sungai Cikapundung dari sektor domestik. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengukur tingkat pencemaran di Sungai Cikapundung dengan menghitung, status mutu air, potensi beban pencemaran sektor domestik. Status mutu air ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode indeks pencemar dan potensi beban pencemaran Sungai Cikapundung dihitung menggunakan pendekatan faktor emisi limbah domestik. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menunjukan bahwa Sungai Cikapundung pada tahun 2016 memiliki kriteria mutu air cemar sedang pada bulan kering dan cemar ringan di bulan basah. Sungai Cikapundung telahtercemar limbah domestik berdasarkan hasil perhitungan beban pencemar mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2021 oleh 25.383,89 Kg/ hari TSS, 17.537,96 kg/hari BOD, 18.461,01 kg/hari COD, 889,97 kg/hari N-Total dan 96,92 Kg/hari P-Total.Kata kunci: Beban Pencemar, Domestik Cikapundung, Kualitas AirABSTRACTCikapundung river is the sub river of upper Citarum River which was used by the people in Bandung city as a raw water for drinking water, irrigation and fishery. Cikapundung river that passes through many districts of Bandung have a great potential of being polluted by from domestic waste. This condition will affects the water quality of Cikapundung water. Having this condition, the urgency of conducting the research for measure the polution level at Cikapundung river was reasonable, with calculating the water quality status, the potential polutions domestic sector. Water quality status is determined by using pollution index method and potential pollution load of Cikapundung River using domestic polution emission factor approach. Result of pollutant index calculation Cikapundung River at 2016 in dry months has severe polluted water quality. Cikapundung watershed contaminated with domestic waste in the calculation of polluted pollutant potency in 2016 by 25.383,89 Kg / day TSS, 17,537.96 kg / day BOD, 18.461.01 kg / day COD, 889.97 kg / day N-Total and 96.92 Kg / day P-Total.Keywords: Pollution Load, Cikapundung Domestic, Water.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 275-282
Hayu Asmawati ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono

Sungai Siangker merupakan sungai yang terletak di Semarang Barat. Terdapat berbagai aktivitas di sepanjang aliran sungai tersebut, diantaranya pemukiman penduduk, perkotaan, dan pertambakan dimana buangan limbah masuk ke dalam badan sungai. Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi nitrat, fosfat, BOD, dan COD, mengetahui status mutu air berdasarkan nilai indeks kualitas air (IKA), dan rasio BOD/COD Sungai Siangker. Penelitian  dilaksanakan bulan April 2019. Pegambilan sampel terdiri dari 3 stasiun yang masing-masing dilakukan 3 kali pengulangan. Stasiun I berada di kawasan pemukiman namun masih jauh dari pipa pembuangan limbah domestik, stasiun II berada setelah kawasan pemukiman dan di kawasan pertambakan, serta stasiun III berada di hilir Sungai Siangker. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, konsentrasi rata-rata nitrat di Sungai Siangker sebesar 0,52 mg/l, konsentrasi rata-rata fosfat di Sungai Siangker sebesar 0,054 mg/l, konsentrasi rata-rata BOD di Sungai Siangker sebesar 28 mg/l, dan konsentrasi rata-rata COD di Sungai Siangker sebesar 113 mg/l. Konsentrasi  nitrat, fosfat, BOD, dan COD di beberapa titik telah melebihi baku mutu, baik baku mutu PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 kelas III untuk perikanan maupun baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut KepMenLH No. 51 Tahun 2004. Berdasarkan nilai IKA, kualitas air Sungai Siangker (IKA: 1,48 - 29,72) termasuk kategori tercemar ringan - tercemar sangat berat (kotor). Hasil rasio BOD/COD pada stasiun I (0,23), stasiun II (0,30), dan stasiun III (0,38) menunjukan bahwa bahan-bahan pencemar yang berada pada stasiun I, II, dan III bersifat biodegradable. ABSTRACT Siangker River is a river that located in West Semarang. There are various activities along the river flow, including the existence of settlements, restaurants, and aquaculture where waste effluents enter the river. It causes a decrease in water quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of nitrate, phosphate, BOD, and COD, also to determine water quality status based on Water Quality Index (WQI). The study was conducted on April, 2019. Samples of water from Siangker were taken from the upstream, midstream, and downstream. The sampling point was consisted of 3 points with 3 repetitions. Station I is located in a residential area but still far away from the domestic sewage pipe, station II is after the residential area and near a fishpond area, and station III is downstream of Siangker River. Based on the result, the average concentration of nitrate was 0.52 mg/l, the average concentration of phospate was 0.054 mg/l, the average concentration of BOD was 28 mg/l, and the average concentration of COD was 113 mg/l. The concentration of nitrate, phosphate, BOD, COD, and DO at some point has exceeded the quality, both quality standard PP No. 82 of 2001 class III and KepMenLH No. 51 of 2004 seawater quality standard for marine biota. Based on IKA, water quality of Siangker River (WQI: 1.48 – 29.72) included in the slightly polluted category - the very heavily polluted category. The BOD/COD ratio at station I (0.23), station II (0.30), and station III (0.38) shows that pollutants at stations I, II, and III are biodegradable. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ratu Siti Aliah

An evaluation of the water quality at the hatchery of Tanjung Riau was conducted to understand the water quality status at the several place of the hatchery unit such as brood stock tanks, larva rearing tank, water storage tank, fi ngerling tank as well as the source of the water supply. The water quality status of Tanjung Riau generally is in a good condition to support the hatchery activities, but for turbidity and salinity were in the exceed and below the normal status and its infl uence on the spawning activity. To overcome the problem on the spawning of the brood stock, the improving of water supply with higher salinity and low turbidity should be set up to ensure the succeeded of the spawning.Key words : Water quality, grouper brood stock, hatchery,Tanjung Riau Batam

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 04009 ◽  
Ihya Sulthonuddin ◽  
Djoko Mulyo Hartono ◽  
Suyud Warno Utomo

Cimanuk river is one of the seven rivers in West Java. Cimanuk river pollution is indicated to have suffered as a result of the activity of domestic waste, industrial and agricultural uncontrolled in the riparian area of Cimanuk river. This research aims to analize water quality of Cimanuk river based on water quality standard on Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia (IDN), Regulation of the Governor of West Java (WJ), World Health Organization (WHO), Enviromental Standard of United Kingdom (UK), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Enviromental Quality Standard (EQS), and Department of Environment (DOE). This research used pollution index method. The result is water quality of Cimanuk river not meet water quality standard where the TSS (94.85±84,60 mg/L), BOD (9.61±3.16 mg/L), COD (37.69±14.01 mg/L), DO (5.12±1.22 mg/L), NH3N (0.25±0.24 mg/L). Degradation of water quality of Cimanuk river from upstream to downstream marked by increased pollution index value annually. Pollution index of Cimanuk river ranging from 1.25 to 20.31. Water quality status of Cimanuk river has been from lightly polluted to heavilypolluted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 325 ◽  
pp. 03003
Wiwik Widyaningrum ◽  
Margaretha Widyastuti

Continued entries of liquid wastes generated by tofu industries into nearby rivers might deteriorate the water quality if disposed of without prior treatments. The research objectives were to determine the liquid waste quality from tofu productions near Parangan River (Magelang, Indonesia), assess the river water quality and investigate the effects of the liquid waste on pollution load and water quality status. With this information, the research can help determine pollutant load allocation in the river and provide the basis for formulating water quality management policies if it is not contaminated or pollution controls if otherwise. This research employed purposive sampling, direct measurements in the field, laboratory tests, descriptive-comparative analysis, mass balance and pollution index method. The results showed that the pH, temperature, COD, BOD, TSS and ammonia levels of the liquid wastes had surpassed their maximum permissible levels. Similarly, the river’s COD, BOD and ammonia contents did not meet the water quality standards. With BOD, a pollution load indicator, exceeding the total maximum daily load, the water quality statuses at monitoring points S2, S3 and S4 were categorised into slightly polluted. It means that the liquid waste generated by the tofu industries has detrimental effects on the water quality of the Parangan River.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Siti Umi Kalsum ◽  
Lailal Gusri ◽  
Junardi Junardi

Batang Asam River as a source of raw water for Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM) and daily needs. On May 19, 2015 there was pollution in the Batang Asam River due to the spillage of palm oil wastewater from one of the palm oil companies around the Batang Asam River. The water river becomes smelly and black and many fish die. The initial testing  showed that BOD parameter = 10 mg / l), COD = 50 mg / l, TSS = 16 mg / l, N-Total = 3.86 mg / l, pH = 6.02, Oil and fat = 2.8 mg / l, where almost all parameters above the quality standard. The purpose of this study was to analyze status of water and water quality of Batang Asam River Using Pollution Index Method as a result of spilling palm oil wastewater.  Water sampling of the Batang Asam River was carried out in 4 (four) locations, namely the upstream area of Lubuk Bernai Village, the Central area of Lubuk Lawas Village and Tanjung Bojo Village and the downstream of Kampung Baru Village (Pengabuan River Estuary). Parameters tested were pH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Fe, Oil and fat based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning Water Pollution Control and Water Quality Management For Class II. Analysis of water quality status using the Pollution Index method based on the Minister of Environment Regulation Number 115 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for Determining the Status of Water Quality.  The results showed that the analysis of the average waterquality of Batang Asam River from four locations tested were parameters pH 6,8, TDS parameters 79,5 mg / l, TSS parameters 15,25 mg / l, DO parameters 3,025 mg / l, BOD parameters 2,935 mg/l, COD parameters 14,5 mg / l, Fe 0,645 mg / l and parameters of oil and fat 1 mg /l satisfy the class II water quality standard (PP No. 82 of 2001). The status of Batang Asam River shows that the status of water quality is mildly polluted with a pollution index value of 1,0 ≤ IP ≤ 5,0 which is 1,96.

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