environmental protection agency
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Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Subraham Singh ◽  
Ilias G. Kavouras

The spatiotemporal patterns of ground level ozone (O3) concentrations in the New York City (NYC) metropolitan region for the 2007–2017 period were examined conjointly with local emissions of O3 precursors and the frequency of wildfires. Daily 8-h and 1-h O3 and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations were retrieved from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Data. Annual emission inventories for 2008 and 2017 were acquired from EPA National Emissions Inventory (NEI). The number and area burnt by natural and human-ignited wildfires were acquired from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). The highest daily 8-h max O3 concentrations varied from 90 to 111 parts per billion volume (ppbv) with the highest concentrations measured perimetrically to NYC urban agglomeration. The monthly 8-h max O3 levels have been declining for most of the peri-urban sites but increasing (from +0.18 to +1.39 ppbv/year) for sites within the urban agglomeration. Slightly higher O3 concentrations were measured during weekend than those measured during the weekdays in urban sites probably due to reduced O3 titration by NO. Significant reductions of locally emitted anthropogenic nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may have triggered the transition from VOC-limited to NOX-limited conditions, with downwind VOCs sources being critically important. Strong correlations between the monthly 8-h max O3 concentrations and wildfires in Eastern US were computed. More and destructive wildfires in the region were ignited by lightning for years with moderate and strong La Niña conditions. These findings indicate that climate change may counterbalance current and future gains on O3 precursor’s reductions by amending the VOCs-to-NOx balance.

Land ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Marcelino Antonio Zúñiga-Estrada ◽  
Liliana Lizárraga-Mendiola ◽  
Carlos Alfredo Bigurra-Alzati ◽  
Sergio Esteban Aldana-Alonso ◽  
Jorge Santiago Ramírez-Núñez ◽  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stormwater management model was applied to a semi-arid urban micro watershed. The sub-catchment’s current features were modeled as scenario A, while the insertion of a set of LID technologies (rain barrels, bioretention cells, permeable pavement, and infiltration trenches) was represented as scenario B. A third scenario (C), considering only the most feasible LID technologies, was also modeled. All the scenarios were evaluated under two representative storm events (30 and 9 mm in two consecutive days, and 39 mm of rainfall in one day) occurred during the sampling performed in this study. Water quality was also simulated for a 30-mm storm event and compared against field assessment results after a real 30-mm storm event. Through the model, the inefficiency of current evacuation methods after 30- and 39-mm storm events was demonstrated. Simulation of scenario B showed that LID technologies could satisfactorily diminish peak flows generated by the selected storm events as well as runoff-conveyed pollution, while the realistic scenario allowed a lower but satisfactory hydrological performance and almost the same runoff quality than scenario B. This preliminary study could contribute to spread awareness about the benefits of LID technologies in semi-arid urban areas of the developing world.

2022 ◽  
Puthiyavalappil Rasin ◽  
Merlin Mary Mathew ◽  
Vipin Manakkadan ◽  
Vishnunarayanan Namboothiri Vadakkedathu Palakkeezhillam ◽  
Sreekanth Anandaram

Abstract In this work, we introduce a highly selective and sensitive fluorescent sensor based on pyrene derivative for Fe(III) ion sensing in DMSO/water media. 2-(pyrene-2-yl)-1-(pyrene-2-ylmethyl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole (PEBD) receptor was synthesized via simple condensation reaction and confirmed by spectroscopic techniques. The receptor exhibits fluorescence quenching in the presence of Fe(III) ions at 440 nm. ESI-MS and Job’s method were used to confirm the 1:1 molar binding ratio of the receptor PEBD to Fe(III) ions. Using the Benesi-Hildebrand equation the binding constant value was determined as 8.485×103 M-1. Furthermore, the limit of detection (LOD, 3σ/K) value was found to be 1.81µM in DMSO/water (95/5, v/v) media. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States, it is lower than the acceptable value of Fe3+ in drinking water (0.3 mg/L). The presence of 14 other metal ions such Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Hg2+, Pb2+, K+, Ni2+, Mg2+, Cd2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Al3+, and Zn2+ did not interfere with the detection of Fe(III) ions. Computational studies of the receptor PEBD were carried out with density functional theory (DFT) using B3LYP/ 6-311G (d, p), LANL2DZ level of theory. Finally, molecular docking studies have been performed to investigate the Cytochrome P450 1A1(CYP1A1) protein inhibitory action of the receptor PEBD.

Insects ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Molly Darlington ◽  
Jordan D. Reinders ◽  
Amit Sethi ◽  
Albert L. Lu ◽  
Partha Ramaseshadri ◽  

The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, is considered one of the most economically important pests of maize (Zea mays L.) in the United States (U.S.) Corn Belt with costs of management and yield losses exceeding USD ~1–2 billion annually. WCR management has proven challenging given the ability of this insect to evolve resistance to multiple management strategies including synthetic insecticides, cultural practices, and plant-incorporated protectants, generating a constant need to develop new management tools. One of the most recent developments is maize expressing double-stranded hairpin RNA structures targeting housekeeping genes, which triggers an RNA interference (RNAi) response and eventually leads to insect death. Following the first description of in planta RNAi in 2007, traits targeting multiple genes have been explored. In June 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved the first in planta RNAi product against insects for commercial use. This product expresses a dsRNA targeting the WCR snf7 gene in combination with Bt proteins (Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1) to improve trait durability and will be introduced for commercial use in 2022.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Joseph Gyea Nuripuoh ◽  
Abudu Ballu Duwiejuah ◽  
Noel Bakobie

AbstractWaste picking is a pivotal in achieving sustainable waste management, environment health and economic development in the era of sustainable development. The study assessed the practices, knowledge, perception and health risk protection behaviours of waste scavengers in the Gbalahi landfill site. A total of 60 scavengers were conveniently sampled and interviewed. The study revealed that 93% of the waste scavengers sort waste using hooks and their bare hands. The study also showed 62% of the respondents have ever been physically abused by other scavengers. A good number of scavengers believed they have been fortified against “dirt diseases” during their childhood and have developed natural immunity against diseases. The knowledge of scavengers was skewed towards economic benefits as they viewed waste picking as a survival strategy. Discrimination and physical abuse posed a seemingly significant psychological health risk to majority of them. Safety and protection practices are limited to the use of pieces of clothes to cover the nose, wearing of multiple clothes and worn-out boots recovered from the landfill. Most of the respondents risk being exposed to the virus and pathogens. It is recommended that education and increased sensitisation should be encouraged and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana Health Service and other allied institutions in order to regularise and ensure the health and safety of waste scavengers.

SS Keykhosravi ◽  
F Nejadkoorki ◽  
Amin Toosi

Introduction: Nowadays, the cement industry is regarded as one of the most important air pollution industries globally. This study aimed to simulate the emission of NOx, CO, SO2, and PM pollutants caused by the Sabzevar Cement Factory chimney by SCREEN3 software.  Materials and Methods: In this study, the SCREEN3 software was employed for the distribution of NOx, CO, SO2, and PM pollutants. The inputs of the model include the concentration and emission of pollutant gases, physical factors associated with the cement factory chimney, wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, and stability classes.  Results: The results of this study indicated that the maximum concentrations of NOx, CO, SO2, and PM by the SCREEN3 software occurred in unstable weather conditions (B) and wind speed of 5 m.s. The highest concentrations of NOx, CO, and PM (use of gas) were at a distance of 1400 meters from the factory chimney with the rates of 0.9, 0.32, 6.2 μg.m³, respectively. Moreover, the highest concentrations of NOx, CO, SO2, and PM (using fuel oil) were predicted at a distance of 1100 m from the factory chimney with 19.5, 360, 9, and 7.9 μg.m³, respectively. A comparison of the obtained results with the standard of the Environmental Protection Agency of Iran (EPA) revealed that the concentrations of NOx, CO, SO2, and PM were not higher than the standards.  Conclusion: The comparison of results with EPA standard and Iranian clean air standard showed that NOX, CO, SO2, and PM concentrations were not higher than standards during the sampling period.

2022 ◽  
Vol 112 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-134
Marianne Sullivan ◽  
Leif Fredrickson ◽  
Chris Sellers

Children’s environmental health (CEH) has a 25-year history at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), during which the agency has advanced CEH through research, policy, and programs that address children’s special vulnerability to environmental harm. However, the Trump administration took many actions that weakened efforts to improve CEH. The actions included downgrading or ignoring CEH concerns in decision-making, defunding research, sidelining the Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee, and rescinding regulations that were written in part to protect children. To improve CEH, federal environmental statutes should be reviewed to ensure they are sufficiently protective. The administrator should ensure the EPA’s children’s health agenda encompasses the most important current challenges and that there is accountability for improvement. Guidance documents should be reviewed and updated to be protective of CEH and the federal lead strategy refocused on primary prevention. The Office of Children’s Health Protection’s historically low funding and staffing should be remedied. Finally, the EPA should update CEH data systems, reinvigorate the role of the Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee, and restore funding for CEH research that is aligned with environmental justice and regulatory decision-making needs. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(1):124–134. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306537 )

Pau Lian Peng ◽  
Lee Hoon Lim

AbstractThe monitoring of food contaminants is of interests to both food regulatory bodies and the consumers. This literature review covers polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with regard to their background, sources of exposures, and occurrence in food and environment as well as health hazards. Furthermore, analytical methods focusing on the analysis of PAHs in tea, coffee, milk, and alcoholic samples for the last 16 years are presented. Numerous experimental methods have been developed aiming to obtain better limits of detections (LODs) and percent recoveries as well as to reduce solvent consumption and laborious work. These include information such as the selected PAHs analyzed, food matrix of PAHs, methods of extraction, cleanup procedure, LOD, limits of quantitation (LOQ), and percent recovery. For the analysis of tea, coffee, milk, and alcoholic samples, a majority of the research papers focused on the 16 US Environmental Protection Agency PAHs, while PAH4, PAH8, and methylated PAHs were also of interests. Extraction methods range from the classic Soxhlet extraction and liquid–liquid extraction to newer methods such as QuEChERS, dispersive solid-phase microextraction, and magnetic solid-phase extraction. The cleanup methods involved mainly the use of column chromatography and SPE filled with either silica or Florisil adsorbents. Gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry or fluorescence detectors are the main analytical instruments used. A majority of the selected combined methods used are able to achieve LODs and percent recoveries in the ranges of 0.01–5 ug/kg and 70–110%, respectively, for the analysis of tea, coffee, milk, and alcoholic samples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
D.M. Dauda ◽  
M.C. Emere ◽  
Y. Umar ◽  
A.M. Umar

The effects of effluent discharged from Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Corporations (KRPC) on the Phytoplankton species distribution and abundance was studied along river Rido for a period of twelve months from February 2013 to January 2014. A total of Ninety-three (93) species of phytoplankton distributed in five divisions were recorded from four different study stations (A, B, C and D) along the river. Random sequential sampling was employed for selecting a sampling station. Physicochemical parameters were determined in accordance with the standard procedure for wastewater assessment guidelines of American Public Health Association (APHA). Phytoplankton identification was done using appropriate reference materials. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Bacillariophyta9 constituting 78.98% with 41 species, followed by Chlorophyta (6.67%) having 25 species, and then Cyanophyta (6.46%) having 12 species, while 10 species of Dinophyta and 5 species of Euglenophyta constituting 5.42% and 2.49% respectively were observed. The results from the study revealed low density of phytoplankton in station B, while high density of phytoplankton was observed in stations A and D. The physicochemical parameters showed both seasonal and spatial variations. Values of some parameters studied were observed to be above Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) limits at station B. Thus, effluent from KRPC is a source of contamination of water quality and adversely affects phytoplankton community along river Rido. Therefore, effluent retention facility should be established for long term treatment of effluent before discharge into the river

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 585-593
Tae-Han Kim ◽  
Boo-Hun Choi ◽  
Joongjin Kook

Background and objective: Illegal open-air incineration, which is criticized as a leading source of air pollutants among agricultural activities, currently requires constant effort and attention. Countries around the world have been undertaking studies on the emission of heavy metal substances in fine dust discharged during the incineration process. A precise analytical method is required to examine the harmful effects of particulate pollutants on the human body.Methods: In order to simulate open-air incineration, the infrastructure needed for incineration tests complying with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 5G was built, and a large-area analysis was conducted on particulate pollutants through automated scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). For the test specimen, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) waste collected by the DangJin Office located in Choongcheongnam-do was used. To increase the identifiability of the analyzed particles, the incineration experiment was conducted in an incinerator three times after dividing the film waste into 200 g specimens.Results: Among the metal particulate matters detected in the HDPE waste incineration test, transition metals included C (20.8-37.1 wt%) and O (33.7-37.9 wt%). As for other chemical matters, the analysis showed that metal particulate matters such as metalloids, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and transition metals reacted to C and C-O. Si, a representative metalloid, was detected at 14.8-20.8 wt%, showing the highest weight ratio except for C and O.Conclusion: In this study, the detection of metal chemicals in incinerated particulate matters was effectively confirmed through SEM-EDS. The results of this study verified that HDPE waste adsorbs metal chemicals originating from soil due to its own properties and deterioration, and that when incinerated, it emits particulate matters containing transition metals and other metals that contribute to the excessive production and reduction of reactive oxygen species.

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