2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Harin Nadindra Kirti

AbstractRemuneration is the most vulnerable and the most important in the relationship between labor and employers also have differences and even frequent conflicts, especially if it is associated with the perception or interpretation that is not the same on the interests of each party that basically does have differences, so that study of the legal protection of the labor mendapatk paid below the regional minimum wage needs to be analyzed properly in order to achieve the welfare of workers. Issues examined in this research is how the legal protection for workers who are not in wages in accordance with the provisions of the minimum wage cities / districts in the city, as well as how the dispute resolution to resume the work force of less than 10 people, who do not earn the minimum wage. The method used in this research is the empirical juridical approach. The results of this study finally provides an answer that the legal protection for workers who are not in wages in accordance with the provisions of the minimum wage city / county in the city of Semarang is to make a complaint to the All Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI) Semarang to be pursued advocacy and admonition to the employer the conflict in order to realize the protection and welfare of workers, related to the settlement of disputes to the CV workforce of less than 10 people who do not get the minimum wage is that it can be done by utilizing a system of Pancasila Industrial Relations with the aim to advise the order to resolve the issue amicably and consensus by Entrepreneur with workers so that outcomes could satisfy both sides.   AbstrakPengupahan merupakan bagian yang paling rawan dan paling penting di dalam hubungan antara tenaga kerja dan pengusaha yang sering kali menimbulkan konflik. Hal ini membuat kajian tentang perlindungan hukum terhadap tenaga kerja yang  dibayar dibawah ketentuan upah minimum regional perlu dianalisis dengan baik, demi terwujudnya kesejahteraan bagi tenaga kerja. Masalah dalam  penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah perlindungan hukum terhadap tenaga kerja yang tidak di upah sesuai dengan ketentuan upah minimum kota/kabupaten di Kota Semarang, serta bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa terhadap CV yang tenaga kerjanya kurang dari 10 orang, yang tidak mendapatkan upah sesuai UMR. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlindungan hukum terhadap tenaga kerja yang dibayar di bawah ketentuan upah minimum kota/kabupaten di Kota Semarang adalah dengan melakukan pengaduan kepada Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) Kota Semarang untuk diupayakan advokasi hingga peneguran kepada pihak pengusaha yang terlibat konflik, terkait penyelesaian sengketa terhadap CV yang tenaga kerjanya kurang dari 10 orang yang tidak mendapatkan upah sesuai UMR adalah dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Hubungan Industrial Pancasila dengan tujuan untuk menyarankan kepada para pihak, baik pengusaha maupun tenaga kerja, agar menyelesaikan persoalan secara musyawarah dan mufakat sehingga hasil yang dicapai dapat memuaskan kedua belah pihak.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Udi Iswadi ◽  
Mahfudoh Haerani

Abstrak - Hubungan merupakan tindakan yang saling mempengaruhi antar pihak, saling memberi manfaat guna mencapai tujuan, hubungan dapat dikatakan pula sebuah representasi kegiatan yang dilandasi keinginan untuk saling memberi dan memenuhi keperluan masing-masing pihak. Keselarasan akan timbal balik pada sebuah hubungan yang sesuai menghasilkan kedekatan dan kenyamanan antar pihak. Konsep sebuah hubungan didasari oleh faktor internal dan eksternal organisasi atau perusahaan. Sedangkan hubungan yang terjadi dalam perusahaan yaitu hubungan Industrial, dimaknai sebuah metode dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang timbul di antara pengusaha dan pekerjanya. Hal yang diselesaikan sudah barang tentu adalah perselisihan. Pelaksanaan metode penelitian dalam pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Jumlah populasi yang digunakan yaitu 35 serikat pekerja atau dengan jumlah pekerja sebanyak 5.860 pekerja sebagai populasi dari serikat pekerja sektoral yang tergabung dengan Federasi Serikat Pekerja Sektoral Kimia di kota Cilegon. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode hubungan Industrial yang efektif dipakai maka harus ditentukan jenis perselisihannya terlebih dahulu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan perselisihan kepentingan kecenderungannya akan diselesaikan ditingkat hubungan Industrial bipatride. Adapun perselisihan yang banyak diselesaikan peneliti melihat waktu kejadiannya seperti perselisihan upah maka akan banyak muncul di awal tahun. Sedangkan untuk melihat seberapa kuat korelasi yang didapat antara Variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan, maka hasil perhitungan Uji Korelasi Product Moment r hitung 0,920, dapat dikatakan bahwa pengaruhnya Sangat Kuat. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial mempengaruhi variabel Penyelesaian Perselisihan sebesar 84,6% sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lainnya. Nilai Sig. 0,000 < 0,05, diartikan bahwa pengaruh Variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial (X) terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan (Y) signifikan. Dari perhitungan ttabel diperoleh nilai 1,987. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian hipotesis terhadap nol (Ho), yaitu Ho ditolak jika thitung > ttabel. Diperoleh thitung  5,458 > ttabel 1,987 maka Hipotesis nol (Ho) di tolak, dan menerima Hipotesis alternatif (Ha). Dalam penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa “Terdapat Pengaruh Metode Hubungan Industrial terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan di Serikat Pekerja Sektoral Kimia Kota Cilegon Tahun 2019”. Dengan regresi sebagai berikut : Ÿ = 20,710 + 1,010 X.      Abstract - Relationship is an act of mutual influence between parties, mutually beneficial to achieve goals, the relationship can also be said to be a representation of activities based on the desire to give and meet the needs of each party. Alignment of reciprocity in an appropriate relationship results in closeness and comfort between parties. The concept of a relationship is based on internal and external factors of the organization or company. While the relationships that occur within a company that is industrial relations, is interpreted as a method of solving problems that arise between employers and their workers. The matter that was resolved was naturally a dispute. The implementation of research methods in collecting data in the form of a questionnaire. The population used is 35 trade unions or with a total of 5,860 workers as a population of sectoral trade unions that are members of the Federation of Chemical Sector Trade Unions in the city of Cilegon. For know, how effective industrial relations methods are used, the type of dispute must be determined first. In this study, it was found that disputes over the interests of fraud will be resolved at the bipartite industrial relations level. As for the disputes that many researchers have resolved, seeing when it occurs, such as wage disputes, many will appear at the beginning of the year. To see how strong the correlation obtained between the Industrial Relations Method Variables on Dispute Resolution, the results of the Product Moment Correlation Test r count of 0.920, it can be said that the effect is very Strong. This shows that the Industrial Relations Method variable affected 84.6% Dispute Resolution while the rest was influenced by other factors. The Sig. 0,000 <0.05, which means that the effect of the Industrial Relations Method Variable (X) on Dispute Settlement (Y) is significant. From the ttable calculation, the value is 1.987. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria for zero (Ho), i.e. Ho is rejected if tcount> ttable. Obtained tcount 5.458> t table 1.987 then the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and accepted the alternative hypothesis (Ha). In this study, it can be concluded that "There is an Effect of the Industrial Relations Method on the Settlement of Disputes in the Chemical Sectoral Trade Unions of Cilegon City in 2019". With the regression as follows: Ÿ = 20,710 + 1,010 X.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 434-443
Vony Febryan

The problems discussed:How are consumers protection for service losses and increased indihome costs in padang city? How are Dispute resolution of consumer in service losses and increased of indihome costs?This research is Descriptive analytical, normative juridical and empirical juridical approach conducted in Padang city By using interview consumers, and manager of customer care (PT) Telecommunications Indonesia Regional of Padang. The results of this researchConsumer protection for the loss of service and an increase in the cost of Indihome in the city of Padang that the consumer has not fully obtained legal protection, because PT. Telkom only cancel Internet content Catchplay service To prevent future charges from appearing, An Indihome service fee increases that the charge is still charged to the consumer. In the absence of compensation from PT. Telkom, consumers are Highly harmed.Dispute resolution of consumer Loss of service and increase of indihome costs is the consumer only signed a statement letter containing the release of PT. Telkom City of Padang demands,PT.TELKOM does not conduct deliberations in accordance with the provisions Indihome Contract subscription regarding the settlement of disputes between PT. Kota Padang Telkom with the customer must be resolved by means of deliberation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Agus Pramono

<p>This article discusses the settlement of industrial relations disputes and termination of employment according to the applicable laws. Industrial relations disputes can be divided into two types: disputes over rights and disputes over interests. The relationship between workers and employers is a relationship that needs each other; workers need wages, employers benefit. However, in practice there are problems, so employers give Warning Letters I and II which are followed by Termination of Employment (PHK). The process of resolving this problem can be carried out through Bipartite, Mediation, or to the Industrial Relations Court. This paper is written with a normative juridical approach. The results show that the labor-employer problem is getting more complicated since the existence of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, one of which contains the elimination of the city / district minimum wage (UMK) and replaced with the provincial minimum wage (UMP). The elimination of MSEs results in lower wages for workers. In fact, in the Manpower Act Number 13 of 2003, no worker may receive a wage below the minimum wage, because the determination of wages is based on the calculation of Living Needs.</p><p align="center">[]</p><p><em>Artikel ini membahas mengenai penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dan pemutusan hubungan kerja menurut perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Perselisihan hubungan industrial menurut jenisnya dapat dibagi menjadi dua: perselisihan hak dan perselisihan kepentingan. Hubungan pekerja dan pengusaha merupakan hubungan yang saling membutuhkan; buruh memerlukan upah, pengusaha mendapatkan keuntungan. Namun, dalam prakteknya terjadi permasalahan, sehingga pengusaha memberikan Surat Peringatan I dan II yang diikuti dengan Pemutusan Hubugan Kerja (PHK). Proses penyelesaian persoalan ini dapat dilakukan melalui Bipartit, Mediasi, atau ke Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial. Tulisan ini ditulis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan buruh-pengusaha semakin pelik seja hadirnya Undang-Undang Omnibus Law Cipta Lapangan Kerja yang salah satu isinya penghapusan upah minimum kota/kabupaten (UMK) dan diganti dengan upah minimum provinsi (UMP). Penghapusan UMK membuat upah pekerja lebih rendah. Padahal, dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tak boleh ada pekerja yang mendapat upah di bawah upah minimum, karena penetapan upah didasarkan atas perhitungan Kebutuhan Layak Hidup.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Kadek Januarsa Adi Sudharma ◽  
Ida Ayu Ketut Artami ◽  
Baby Rachella

<p><em>Regulations regarding the right to menstrual leave for female workers in Indonesia are regulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. This law is the basis for the making of work agreements by every company in Indonesia, both a Fixed Time Work Agreement and an Indefinite Time Work Agreement. The work agreement is the basic principle of the relationship between workers and the company in relation to the type of work, wages, position and termination of employment. Legal protection for female workers in relation to the right to menstrual leave is implemented in article 81 paragraph (1) of Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, usually in the form of requiring female workers to come to company clinics and have their conditions checked, if the conditions are declared unable to continue their work on that day, the female workers are given permission to rest at home. If at any time there is a dispute between workers and the company regarding menstrual leave, the dispute Resolution can be done in several ways. First, it can be resolved through negotiation by both parties or what is known as bipartite. If the bipartite settlement does not get satisfactory results for both parties, the case / dispute can be submitted to be resolved in an Industrial Relations Court.</em></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Dispute Resolution, Female Workers, Legal Protection, Menstrual leave rights</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 0143831X2095971
Pengxin Xie ◽  
Lian Zhou

Drawing on job embeddedness theory, this study investigates how and when the industrial relations climate influences employees’ preference for particular labour dispute resolution procedures. Analyses of multisource and multilevel data from China show that organizational embeddedness mediates the relationship between the industrial relations climate and preference for internal dispute resolution (IDR) and this indirect effect is stronger in organizations with a high level of turbulence. These findings provide novel theoretical explanation of the linkage between the industrial relations climate and employees’ preference for IDR and highlight the interactions between the industrial relations climate and organizational turbulence. Practical implications are also offered to facilitate employees’ preferences for IDR by improving the quality of the industrial relations climate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Cornelia Junita Welerubun

Unalienated land dispute resolution in a way that is custom done by indigenous chiefs to resolve the dispute relating to customs. To resolve the disputes of indigenous chiefs hold a customary or sitting often known as judicial customs. The judicial nature of the Customs mediation, there is King as a mediator in it. The important role of indigenous chiefs of in dispute resolution is needed, this is because Community law is very respectful of indigenous chiefs. Legal protection must be viewed stages namely legal protection was born from a provision of the law and the rule of law given by a society that basically is the community's agreement to regulate the relationship between the behavior members of the society and between the individuals with the Government deemed to represent the interests of the community. Legal protection is not a true picture of the work function of the law itself that its purpose is not to provide other guarantees of fairness, expediency and also legal certainty. Legal protection will be more evident in the ownership of land rights is supported by the presence of certificate of land rights, as a means of proof of land ownership rights.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Usak .

Industrial labor disputes between workers or workers and employers often occur as a result of mismatches of opinion and / or actions of both. Both disputes are usually preceded by violations of law and may occur not for violation of the law. For the right institution to resolve industrial relations disputes, if based on the principle of balance thinking is a deliberation to seek dispute resolution, the right institution is a non-litigation institution outside the court, without having to be brought to the Industrial Relations Court. To further ensure the creation of a balance principle for the parties in disputes in industrial relations disputes, according to Law no. 2 of 2004 on Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement, dispute settlement takes priority through negotiation to seek deliberation outside the consensus of the courts, this will create a balance principle for the position of the parties while providing legal protection for workers/laborers. In accordance with the legal matter, the purpose of this study is to examine alternative forms of realization of industrial relations dispute settlement outside the court as a reflection of the principle of equilibrium.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 (235) ◽  
Daniel Elmiger

AbstractThe city of Biel/Bienne is often cited as a model of a non-conflicting cohabitation between two language groups with a similar status: German (i.e. in a diglossic situation: Standard German and Swiss German dialects) and French both benefit from explicit political promotion and legal protection. In a qualitative study conducted in the city of Biel/Bienne, most of the 40 interviewees talking about their lives in this bilingual city confirm this consensual view of linguistic cohabitation. However, the apparent balance between both communities is challenged on different levels, including the relationship between language communities according to their respective minority and majority status, the status and the visibility of both languages in the public sphere, the conflicting loyalties of bilingual citizens, the use or avoidance of a language in certain contexts or the choice of a common language in (potentially) bilingual interactions. The results of the analysis reveal divergent – and potentially conflicting – perceptions regarding urban bilingualism: although most of the interviewees appreciate the linguistic cohabitation in Biel/Bienne, many of them refer to various zones of language conflict which they suffer from or which they allot to the other speech community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 59 (5) ◽  
pp. 652-669 ◽  
Joseph McIvor ◽  
Raymond Markey

The issue of weekend penalty rates has been an important area of contention in Australian industrial relations in recent times, with employers seeking reductions in penalty rates or their elimination altogether. In its recent review of Modern Awards, the Fair Work Commission decided to reduce Sunday penalty rates in a number of awards. The decision was in part informed by a recent review by the Productivity Commission, which had gone so far as to recommend that penalty rates on Sundays be made equivalent to Saturdays. In this article, we examine two of the main justifications for reductions in Sunday penalty rates. We begin by examining the question of whether Sundays are still ‘special’ in a sense likely to warrant penalty rates additional to those on a Saturday. We find that Sundays remain the least preferred day to work, are most valued by employees, and occupy a particular role in time shared with family. We also examine the key claim by the Productivity Commission – accepted by the Fair Work Commission – that a reduction in penalty rates would necessarily result in increased employment in the industries considered. We find that there is little direct empirical evidence for this, and that minimum wage studies have been largely unable to find a net employment effect. The relationship among wages, policy and unemployment is complex in a way that defies simple predictions. There is a need for more direct evidence of the effects of penalty rates on employment.

Jonathan Diesselhorst

This article discusses the struggles of urban social movements for a de-neoliberalisation of housing policies in Poulantzian terms as a “condensation of the relationship of forces”. Drawing on an empirical analysis of the “Berliner Mietenvolksentscheid” (Berlin rent referendum), which was partially successful in forcing the city government of Berlin to adopt a more progressive housing policy, the article argues that urban social movements have the capacity to challenge neoliberal housing regimes. However, the specific materiality of the state apparatus and its strategic selectivity both limit the scope of intervention for social movements aiming at empowerment and non-hierarchical decision-making.

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